San Antonio vs. Detroit - NBA Finals

Who wins NBA Championship?

  • Pistons

    Votes: 34 34.7%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 64 65.3%

  • Total voters
1st time in 11 years there has been a game 7 in finals and 2nd time in 17 years.

Cmon PISTONS!!! Had Rasheed not given up that 3 to Horry they would be NBA champs. Backs are still against the wall. You beat Miami in Miami, its time to beat SA in SA!!!! GO PISTONS!!!
wow i can't believe what a no show the spurs were. HELLO clinching game at home and they laid an egg.

i have big time doubts about them winning game 7. if they couldn't show up for game 6 with a chance to clinch at home in front of their fans after that miracle win in detroit, how the hell are they going to get modivated to win game 7???

that was embarassing.
I say they give it to Ben. Now if you take away either of them you dont win many games but Wallace sets the tone on defense and hustles nonstop up and down doing everything he can to score, pass and defend. Not to say Billups doesnt but for a Big man it is just amazing the size of his heart.
Both were huge in this series. I also think Ben sets the tone. On the other hand with the exception of game 2, Billups had at most 1 TO in each game, which is not bad for a point guard, not to mention his scoring.
I want Ben to get it. He really needs the props. But in all honesty, if the Pistons win, Bips gets MVPotF again. He is just as solid as a rock. Ben kinda disqualified himself those 1st 2 games.

If the Spurs win, it seems the MVP will be Manu.


it should be over already with the "pistons", not the spurs, having a parade on thursday if it wasnt for rasheeds mistake on sunday.
if the spurs get their heads out of their ...... well, you know what i mean...... if they do pull it off duncan will probably will MVP as he has averaged the best numbers. if manu has a huge game 7, he might win it.

it will be the biggest no brainer for billups to win MVP is the pistons win. the spurs have no answer for him

speaking of billups, what a brilliant idea it was to have duncan gaurding him at times tonight.......... how about BOWEN maybe?!?!?!?!? parker, for as quick as he is, is doing just a gawd awful job on him.

i'm still ticked off about the game, even though it's not the kings. no heart at all ( sounds familiar.....)
I think I saw this posted on spursreport, but someone mentioned that Billups probably deserves MVP of the Finals no matter which team wins the actual title, and there's probably a pretty good argument there, especially after his game 5 performance where he was clearly the best player on the court for the first 48 minutes.

I'm just happy that there is one more game left in the NBA season, and if these two teams can put on a show like either game 5 or game 6, I'll be pretty happy Thursday night.
wow rasheed looks like a total moron carrying that stupid cheap looking belt from last year EVERYWHERE he goes.

if they lose thursday, i think there should be a ceremony where the pistons have to hand over their belts to the spurs. that would be hilarious!
Evenstar said:
wow rasheed looks like a total moron carrying that stupid cheap looking belt from last year EVERYWHERE he goes.

if they lose thursday, i think there should be a ceremony where the pistons have to hand over their belts to the spurs. that would be hilarious!

ha ha I thought boxers got belts and bball players got rings??;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm not going to begrudge him a thing...

at least not until the Kings have rings, or belts, or trophy replicas in Arco.

Eldon Cambell to a Spurs Fan-You better think about cancelling that parade.

Another great game. Teyshaun!!!! Good to see you!! Tey, needs to keep that same intensity for Thursday's game. Rip was present and not accounted for. Billups, well, what can you say. The man gets the job done. He is so strong. Sheed-REDEMPTION!!
He played smart ball at the end and came through big.

I don't think the Spurs are going to back down in any way. Manu and Parker WILL have better games on Thurs. I think the Pistons need to come out with even more if they want to win game 7. It will be a good one.



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Bibby_Is_Clutch said:
Who wins game 7?


They've done it before, its just one more game as an underdog.
If someone on the Spurs other than Robert Horry doesn't step up and show some heart, the Pistons may do just that. And that would be very interesting for the Spurs. The fact, often plastered over, is that the Spurs have been a shaky team under pressure through the entire Tim Duncan era, and rings or no, they have repeatedly collapsed under pressure and given every reason to seriously question how much they had beating under the left side of their chest. Was the reason I always thought we could take them in our prime. We at least went down swinging. If the Spurs were actually to add this collapse to the one in 2004 and 2001, have to wonder how it would effect them mentally, both as players, and as a franchise.

They are the more talented team. They SHOULD win, and with their youth they should have the chance to continue winning for years to come. But if they do not, if they find a way to choke of 4 of 5 to lose in historic fashion, (and really without Horry (who is a playoff entity unto himself) they have already been swept out again)...ouch. They NEED this game badly, and not just because its the Finals.
Duncan really has to step it up tonite. He has not been playing to his capabilities and in order to win he's got to put it in fifth gear and play like we know he can.
Bricklayer said:
If someone on the Spurs other than Robert Horry doesn't step up and show some heart, the Pistons may do just that. And that would be very interesting for the Spurs. The fact, often plastered over, is that the Spurs have been a shaky team under pressure through the entire Tim Duncan era, and rings or no, they have repeatedly collapsed under pressure and given every reason to seriously question how much they had beating under the left side of their chest. Was the reason I always thought we could take them in our prime. We at least went down swinging. If the Spurs were actually to add this collapse to the one in 2004 and 2001, have to wonder how it would effect them mentally, both as players, and as a franchise.

They are the more talented team. They SHOULD win, and with their youth they should have the chance to continue winning for years to come. But if they do not, if they find a way to choke of 4 of 5 to lose in historic fashion, (and really without Horry (who is a playoff entity unto himself) they have already been swept out again)...ouch. They NEED this game badly, and not just because its the Finals.
I completely agree. If the Spurs go down, it could tarnish whatever they have accomplished so far, along with their aura of invincibilty and love created by the media and label them as chokers. They are a great team, without a doubt, but far too many times they have folded at critical times and if that happens in game 7, we could be seeing a few significant changes to their roster.