Peja needs to go


Super Moderator Emeritus
NJKingsFan said:
Awwwww; did I hurt Peja's or your own precious feelings? Maybe you and Peja care share some tissues.

I can criticize Peja as much as I want; it's my right. It's like you think he's reading this board and is going to cry himself to sleep if he sees something he doesn't like. It's nice that you don't think he's dogging it, but the Peja I see (I think many others will agree) has shown alot of signs of disinterest this year. His overall FG% has dropped off along with his 3point shooting. Sometimes he's the Peja of old, on other nights he's nowhere to be found. His rebounding has been lackluster at best. The fact that his offense has been very unreliable on top of the fact that he doesn't do other things to make up for it such as hustling is a tremendous cause for concern. It's almost as if he already thinks it's the playoffs.

It doesn't exactly make me feel better that you say he'll "try" his best in the playoffs. Do you or anyone else think that's the best he could do in the playoffs last year?? I expected him to at least resemble himself in some manner, but he couldn't hit a 3 or hardly any shot to save his life.

The bottom line is one way or another, this guy has to start playing better and being more consistent.

You may think I'm not being loyal enough or that I'm being an *** by "personally insulting him" but I simply expect more out of him and the team.
Ah, good. Sarcasm from someone new to the board who apparently wants to earn some stripes. You? Hurt my feelings? You wish.

The bottom line is you've come here and attacked Pedja right from the beginning. You've made personal comments that are NOT allowed on this board. They stop now. You can criticize him all you want but if you make it personal the comment will be edited or deleted.

We expect and require that of all posters here at That's just the way it is and the way our members like it.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
No, we're not going to close the thread because some people think its illegal to discuss trading a King to make the team better.

Yes, we're going to keep things civil.
NJKingsFan said:
Larry Bird was right on the money last year when he said Peja needs to develop a post game and become a better dribbler to take his game to the next level. Bird said he always worked on another aspect of his game over each summer to stay one step ahead of the competition. It's a shame Peja doesn't have that same dedication to improve as a player. The guy is purely a gun who gets his shots off of screens, he needs to be more than that.
Are you kidding? Peja has made huge strides every season. His defense has improved, his inside game has improved. Every year he seems to improve on something. I don't buy the arguement that Peja doesn't have the same dedication.
VF21, you are the definition of a classy Kings fan. I deeply respect your love for your team and the impartiality you display in defending its players.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Vlad said:
VF21, you are the definition of a classy Kings fan. I deeply respect your love for your team and the impartiality you display in defending its players.
And that, dear Vlad, was a classy post, and one with which I totally agree. :)
We need to trade Peja, he is pretty much useless this season. He doesn't want to be on this team anymore, you can sense it. Sorry, if i'm being cruel but that's how i honestly feel...


BigWaxer said:
Are you kidding? Peja has made huge strides every season. His defense has improved, his inside game has improved. Every year he seems to improve on something. I don't buy the arguement that Peja doesn't have the same dedication.
Peja still can't create shots for himself. He depends on screens for his shots and doesn't demand the ball. I hardly ever see him go into the post anymore. As for this supposed constant improvement, how about we see some kind of impact from him in the playoffs.


Hall of Famer
All i ask is that the posters with signatures saying something about the kings record without Webber or the kings record when Peja leads in scoring please put this in your little sig. Kings 1-0 when all the starters play and Peja doesn't. Basically he didn't going 0-2 in 5 min.
Entity said:
All i ask is that the posters with signatures saying something about the kings record without Webber or the kings record when Peja leads in scoring please put this in your little sig. Kings 1-0 when all the starters play and Peja doesn't. Basically he didn't going 0-2 in 5 min.
If it doesn't count as a DNP, then he did play..


Hall of Famer
Entity said:
All i ask is that the posters with signatures saying something about the kings record without Webber or the kings record when Peja leads in scoring please put this in your little sig. Kings 1-0 when all the starters play and Peja doesn't. Basically he didn't going 0-2 in 5 min.
You can make up Your own signature the way You please.

He had 1 rb 1 *** and 1 st in 5 minutes - regardless how marginal it is - it is technically a contribution in a game and a situation - in which every little bit is needed.
I also feel that Peja should be traded, AND he has been my favourite player forever, the fact of the matter is that he dosen't have desire or heart to play for this team,(You can see it out there most of the time) and there is no way that we are going to win a championship with a player that dosen't want to play for us, I'm very sad to say this because Peja is an amazing player, and I would give anything for him to want to play here, but its just not reality, and if we really want to make a run with this squad it has to be soon, and if a trade did happen were not going to be a terrible team because Peja is an All-Star, and Petrie would work crazy magic! I'm sry Peja...:(
NJKingsFan said:
Peja still can't create shots for himself.
He's not a ball handler (1 or 2) or an athletic front court player who can impose himself on the defenders, so yes he does not create his own shots/baskets in the most literal sense of the expression. But, to suggest that...

NJKingsFan said:
He depends on screens for his shots and doesn't demand the ball. pure BS. What next, you will say that other four Kings have to not only set the screen and pass him the ball, but they have to carry him around the screen and lift his arms for the shot?

NJKingsFan said:
I hardly ever see him go into the post anymore.
He never posted up in the literal sense (again, you made me repeat myself) he used to make more cutters and finish at the basket. Bricklayer has documented this well thorughout the season (grades threads) and it does appear that Pedja's movement (which generates almost all of his offense) is on again - off again this year.

NJKingsFan said:
As for this supposed constant improvement, how about we see some kind of impact from him in the playoffs.
We're all waiting with abaited breath. I don't think that Kings should hold onto Pedja no matter what. However, trading him now, in any realistic scenario (pick your own) would probably mean abandoning this season and retooling for the next one. With 12 days left before the deadline, shopping Pedja on his first statistically down year and recent back injury is probably not a Petrie thing (that is why he is the greatest GM in hte league). But you seem to have quit on Pedja and that's that. I think that you won't be happy until he's traded.


Super Moderator Emeritus
bozzwell said:
I don't think that Kings should hold onto Pedja no matter what. However, trading him now, in any realistic scenario (pick your own) would probably mean abandoning this season and retooling for the next one. With 12 days left before the deadline, shopping Pedja on his first statistically down year and recent back injury is probably not a Petrie thing (that is why he is the greatest GM in the league). . .
And that pretty much sums up the whole situation, I think.

We'll all know in just 12 more days.

12 looooooooong days.

12 days that will seem longer than the 12 days before Christmas or the birthday when you just know you're going to finally get that car!

12 days that might well be Plutonian in nature.



Super Moderator Emeritus
OptimusRhyme said:
I also feel that Peja should be traded, AND he has been my favourite player forever, the fact of the matter is that he dosen't have desire or heart to play for this team,(You can see it out there most of the time) and there is no way that we are going to win a championship with a player that dosen't want to play for us, I'm very sad to say this because Peja is an amazing player, and I would give anything for him to want to play here, but its just not reality, and if we really want to make a run with this squad it has to be soon, and if a trade did happen were not going to be a terrible team because Peja is an All-Star, and Petrie would work crazy magic! I'm sry Peja...:(
I have to ask, since I know you're in Canada. Upon what are you basing your comment that he doesn't have the heart or desire to play for the Kings?

I have watched EVERY SINGLE GAME this year and I haven't seen a player who is dejected, unhappy, etc. when Pedja has played. The comments he made in the summer AND the article that was posted on B92 nothwithstanding, Pedja has been involved and participating. At the games I've attended in person I've watched very carefully. He isn't sitting alone, away from his teammates and not interacting. He's animated, he's definitely part of the team.

I honestly think people who try and attribute feelings to Pedja about his lack of heart, desire, etc. do him a great disservice. If he still wants a trade, it's something you certainly cannot ascertain from his on-court actions.
I'm basing my opinion on the games I have seen, I've probably only got too watch 30-35 or so, but, in those games which I have watched I have noticed a difference in him, in his movement on the court, in his effort, and i'm not just trying to come back at you, but honestly when you look at him, he isn't the same player as last year, and I don't know if that has to do with Chris Webber getting the ball everytime down the floor or the trade demands, but as far as I can see there is something wrong with Peja this year.
Last edited:


Super Moderator Emeritus
He isn't the same player this year. Vlade is gone and that cannot be overestimated as a big factor in Pedja's game.

We will have to agree to disagree.
NJKingsFan said:
Peja still can't create shots for himself. He depends on screens for his shots and doesn't demand the ball. I hardly ever see him go into the post anymore. As for this supposed constant improvement, how about we see some kind of impact from him in the playoffs.
I don't really disagree with those points. I do disagree with the fact that he hasn't improved every year on some point of his game. I don't expect him to improve every aspect in one off season.

I agree he still cannot create his own shot, I agree at times he doesn't demand the ball and I agree that for the most part he needs to be set up to get his shot. With that said and as I said he has improved every year and worked on certain aspects of his game. IMO its not a 1 year or 3 year project he has shown steady improvement and thats what I am looking at.
VF21 said:
He isn't the same player this year. Vlade is gone and that cannot be overestimated as a big factor in Pedja's game.

We will have to agree to disagree.

I just don't know I want him to "want" to play for this team so bad, I don't know, don't you agree with me though that we can't win a championship without full desire to win with this team? I meen we have to have full heart in every aspect..
I'll Tell You Where Peja Needs To Go ....

He needs to go crazy from the 3-pt land !!!!
He needs to go BALLISTIC upside our opponents perimiter defense !!!
He needs to go SPLISH-SPLASH ... no holding back !!!
He needs to go DRAININ' & RAININ' 3's the Peja-Vu way !!!

I have no doubts ... PEJA WILL PREVAIL


Super Moderator Emeritus
OptimusRhyme said:
I just don't know I want him to "want" to play for this team so bad, I don't know, don't you agree with me though that we can't win a championship without full desire to win with this team? I meen we have to have full heart in every aspect..
I think he does want to play for the team. Seeing him on the sidelines during the games, he isn't isolated. He's part of the team. He's adjusting to a lot of things, including the loss of Vlade, his back problems, his new son, etc. My personal belief is that people do him a big disservice when they say he's not playing with heart, etc.

Pedja is Pedja. He has his own driving force and it may not be anything the rest of us would recognize as motivation. I agree with those who applaud his tenacity on defense. That is HUGE, especially for a team that has big gaping holes in that respect. If he adapts and becomes more of a defensive presence, we can afford for him not to get as many points as he did before. It's not like we don't have shooters.

For some, the fact he hasn't retracted his trade demand from the off-season means he's still wanting to leave. My take is that as long as he does his best on the court and doesn't whine to the media, he's helping the Kings. That's what is important to me.

If we trade him, it will be because it is best for the Kings. I have the utmost faith in Geoff Petrie to do whatever it takes to keep the players he thinks will help us the most and get rid of those, no matter how painful, he feels can be replaced with others more suited to meet the team's needs. The Cuttino-Doug trade is a prime example of that.

I love this team. I think Pedja does, too. He just may not be able to show it the way some others can because it's not in his nature.



Hall of Famer
BigWaxer said:
HAHA I only post here after a "COUPLE", makes it more entertaining
That would explain some things ;)

This last 10 days made me realize that is is very unhealthy to watch Kings games in sober conditions.
VF21 said:
I think he does want to play for the team. Seeing him on the sidelines during the games, he isn't isolated. He's part of the team. He's adjusting to a lot of things, including the loss of Vlade, his back problems, his new son, etc. My personal belief is that people do him a big disservice when they say he's not playing with heart, etc.

Pedja is Pedja. He has his own driving force and it may not be anything the rest of us would recognize as motivation. I agree with those who applaud his tenacity on defense. That is HUGE, especially for a team that has big gaping holes in that respect. If he adapts and becomes more of a defensive presence, we can afford for him not to get as many points as he did before. It's not like we don't have shooters.

For some, the fact he hasn't retracted his trade demand from the off-season means he's still wanting to leave. My take is that as long as he does his best on the court and doesn't whine to the media, he's helping the Kings. That's what is important to me.

If we trade him, it will be because it is best for the Kings. I have the utmost faith in Geoff Petrie to do whatever it takes to keep the players he thinks will help us the most and get rid of those, no matter how painful, he feels can be replaced with others more suited to meet the team's needs. The Cuttino-Doug trade is a prime example of that.

I love this team. I think Pedja does, too. He just may not be able to show it the way some others can because it's not in his nature.

Yah I do agree that he has had a lot of changes like his son, Vlade and that would affect him alot but I just don't want to see this team fail anymore, I want them to win, I hope Peja does too...
VF21 said:
I think he does want to play for the team. Seeing him on the sidelines during the games, he isn't isolated. He's part of the team. He's adjusting to a lot of things, including the loss of Vlade, his back problems, his new son, etc. My personal belief is that people do him a big disservice when they say he's not playing with heart, etc.

Pedja is Pedja. He has his own driving force and it may not be anything the rest of us would recognize as motivation. I agree with those who applaud his tenacity on defense. That is HUGE, especially for a team that has big gaping holes in that respect. If he adapts and becomes more of a defensive presence, we can afford for him not to get as many points as he did before. It's not like we don't have shooters.

For some, the fact he hasn't retracted his trade demand from the off-season means he's still wanting to leave. My take is that as long as he does his best on the court and doesn't whine to the media, he's helping the Kings. That's what is important to me.

If we trade him, it will be because it is best for the Kings. I have the utmost faith in Geoff Petrie to do whatever it takes to keep the players he thinks will help us the most and get rid of those, no matter how painful, he feels can be replaced with others more suited to meet the team's needs. The Cuttino-Doug trade is a prime example of that.

I love this team. I think Pedja does, too. He just may not be able to show it the way some others can because it's not in his nature.

As lame as it may sound maybe Petrie should find out if Peja still wants to be traded. If he feels he would be happier on another team then I say trade him. Peja is a great player but I would honestly feel sorry for him if he was staying 'against his will' so to say.