Peja needs to go

i donno if someone posted this proposition previously in this thread. but it was just on sportscenter that toronto is looking to ship out donyell marshall and jalen rose in a package. theres hella serbs in toronto right? i think c webb and jalen would have a good time too. but id most like to get pierce


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
jon e said:
i donno if someone posted this proposition previously in this thread. but it was just on sportscenter that toronto is looking to ship out donyell marshall and jalen rose in a package. theres hella serbs in toronto right? i think c webb and jalen would have a good time too. but id most like to get pierce
I think I'd pass on that one. Much as I love my aging malcontents, trading Peja for one is not high on my list. Be a certain irony too to getting one of the few SFs in the league actually WORSE than Pej aon the boards.

Besides, I think Rose has a massive contract, so there's no way you could do that unless you wanted to oh, throw in Bibby too or some such. :eek:
Elektrik said:
Gotta say it. cant hold it in anymore. Peja's got to go. His body language tells the whole story. He doesn't want to be here. His effort is pathetic. you can see that he shys away from every loose ball. He's afraid to foul anyone. His shot is off and it is a crime for a 6'10 forward to rebound like he does. If I were to ever see him dive for a loose ball I might just go into cardiac arrest. His heart is just not in it. I sense his teammates feel it too. i see fewer and fewer passes to him. If he isn't or can't play up to what he is capable of then I say adios. Unfortunatley, he has become the weak link. I have been feeling like this for quite a while but tonight was the straw that broke the camels back. I focused on him tonight and what I saw was not pretty. Rip me if you like but that's how I see it.
I concur with sadness. :eek:
When Peja is shooting well, as he has done in years past, then he doesn't need to rebound. But if he is not hitting his shots then he needs to do something else to help the team, which he is not doing. Right now Peja is a liability. He does not hussle for lose balls, get rebounds and seems genuanally bored out there most of the time. I find it strange that when he is in the game. Mabe I'm over reacting. I just wish he would say what is on his mind. If he wants go, then tell someone that can do something about it. If he is committed to winning and giving 100% then do that. If he is hurt....then go on IL and rehab.


KingsFan54 said:
When Peja is shooting well, as he has done in years past, then he doesn't need to rebound. But if he is not hitting his shots then he needs to do something else to help the team, which he is not doing. Right now Peja is a liability. He does not hussle for lose balls, get rebounds and seems genuanally bored out there most of the time. I find it strange that when he is in the game. Mabe I'm over reacting. I just wish he would say what is on his mind. If he wants go, then tell someone that can do something about it. If he is committed to winning and giving 100% then do that. If he is hurt....then go on IL and rehab.
Good points.

However, even when he is shooting well, I wish he would rebound. It angers me that he doesn't give all-out hustle and dive for loose balls. If my friends and I can do that in a pickup game, why can't Peja do the same in the NBA??
NJKingsFan said:
Good points.

However, even when he is shooting well, I wish he would rebound. It angers me that he doesn't give all-out hustle and dive for loose balls. If my friends and I can do that in a pickup game, why can't Peja do the same in the NBA??
And your not even getting paid. Peja is getting major bucks to walk around the court and be a spectator. I know I'm going a little over-board but you know what I'm getting at. A little more husstle would help quiet some of the talk.
What he's saying is he prefers a guy like Battier or even on our team like Barnes who are hustle guys. We need hustle guys on the court and Peja could be that guy but it look's like he isn't this year for some reason or another.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
bigbadred00 said:
What he's saying is he prefers a guy like Battier or even on our team like Barnes who are hustle guys. We need hustle guys on the court and Peja could be that guy but it look's like he isn't this year for some reason or another.
What who's saying?

And Peja has never hustled -- he's not that guy, never has been, never will be in all liklihood. Its the longstanding giant wart on his game and effort. Just gotten more pronounced this year.

That said, Peja is still an All-Star talent, you aren't going to do any better replacing him with a vastly less talented player who brings you hustle without the skill. have to find a combination of the two to truly upgrade.
Idk. I would take Shane Battier and Stro for Peja + filler in a heart beat. Shane is a great defender, can shoot well and Stro would bring energy off the bench. Problem is Memphis doesn't need another 3 point shooter but I think this trade could really help the team. Problem is Stro will be expensive in the offseason. Battier is probally the next Bowen and gets paid next to nothing for the next 5 years at around 5 a year. Memphis will never trade the guy though unless they get a all-star caliber player like Peja. I guess your right he never hustled but atleast he got alot more boards last year and tried once in a while. The only numbers that are down from last year are his fg%, pts, and rebounds. His assists, steals, blocks, ft % are all about the same. I Don't know what to recommend any more. I know Peja has it in him to do a lot of things, thing is will he do them.
If you think i want to trade Peja I don't. If he played like last year or even 75% of last year I'd be happy as f'. But he isn't. The last thing we need is like a VC type player who is bringing the team down. I don't think Peja is at that level yet but we all know he can bring it. BRING IT PEJA!
I'm with this thread now, he needs to go. Teams have his number and he's toooooo soft. Jeff P. time to show us why you got that contract extension.


Super Moderator Emeritus
B-52 said:
I'm with this thread now, he needs to go. Teams have his number and he's toooooo soft. Jeff P. time to show us why you got that contract extension.
Teams have his number? I hope so, since it's on his jersey and all.

How can you possibly make a statement like that when he hasn't played? Or is that just a detail you don't deem necessary?
Peja is the softest player I've EVER seen play pro basketball. Still, he's got a great shot and plays good man defense when he's inspired. There's something off with his game for sure. I think if he gets traded it will completely have to do with his post season performance.

If the Kings had a physical SF with a decent shot and great rebounding, we'd be a better team.
VF21 said:
Teams have his number? I hope so, since it's on his jersey and all.

How can you possibly make a statement like that when he hasn't played? Or is that just a detail you don't deem necessary?
I have seen every game, while a pure shooter and for the longest time I thought he should stay and it would be a mistake to trade him. But the FACT, (stated by him) he wants to go. So get someone who wants to be here. What I meant by having his number, just follow him around the perimeter. thats whats he's always done. Body up on him now, and his points go down. I dont like it anymore then you.
B-52 said:
I have seen every game, while a pure shooter and for the longest time I thought he should stay and it would be a mistake to trade him. But the FACT, (stated by him) he wants to go. So get someone who wants to be here.
Exactly my feelings
It's a little troubling the way he went home until after the All-star break, but all this speculation will be over soon. It's all up to Petrie now.


Super Moderator Emeritus
So you blame the guy who was sick and on a plane flying home?

I won't even bother addressing in detail the FACT (as you emphasize it) that OVER THE SUMMER (my emphasis) he said he wanted a trade. A lot has happened since then. If you've been at every game, then you've obviously seen the close relationship between him and the rest of the team. They are supporting him as much as possible. It's not Pedja's fault his back gave him fits; it's not his fault his hammy popped and it's certainly not his fault he has the flu.

If Petrie trades him, I will accept it because I know Petrie does what is best for this team. It won't be because of something Pedja said last summer.
KP said:
It's a little troubling the way he went home until after the All-star break, but all this speculation will be over soon. It's all up to Petrie now.

Good call, that's my last "trade peja " post they have 11 other guys who want to be a King. GO KINGS