Peja needs to go


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bibby_10 said:
As lame as it may sound maybe Petrie should find out if Peja still wants to be traded. If he feels he would be happier on another team then I say trade him. Peja is a great player but I would honestly feel sorry for him if he was staying 'against his will' so to say.
Here's the problem with a message board.

People assume that because THEY don't know the answer, the powers that be don't know either.

I'm pretty sure things were addressed earlier this year. I'm also reasonably sure the parties concerned made a pretty solemn oath NOT to talk to the press about anything, one way or the other.

Why wouldn't they have been? It's not like Pedja is being held captive against his will or anything. It's a business. He's an employee. Not all personnel discussions are subject to public scrunity.

Petrie will do what is best for this team. If Pedja is so unhappy that he is, in Petrie's opinion, a detriment to the team he'll take care of it. If, on the other hand, it was a tempest in a teapot, I'm sure Petrie did whatever needed to be done to soothe Pedja's ruffled feathers.

I still think this is a moot point.
VF21 said:
Here's the problem with a message board.

People assume that because THEY don't know the answer, the powers that be don't know either.

I'm pretty sure things were addressed earlier this year. I'm also reasonably sure the parties concerned made a pretty solemn oath NOT to talk to the press about anything, one way or the other.

Why wouldn't they have been? It's not like Pedja is being held captive against his will or anything. It's a business. He's an employee. Not all personnel discussions are subject to public scrunity.

Petrie will do what is best for this team. If Pedja is so unhappy that he is, in Petrie's opinion, a detriment to the team he'll take care of it. If, on the other hand, it was a tempest in a teapot, I'm sure Petrie did whatever needed to be done to soothe Pedja's ruffled feathers.

I still think this is a moot point.
He may not be held captive, but the fact that they didnt trade him when he wanted to be is what I was referring to. I dont think everything was addressed since Peja is playing like garbage and he doesnt look like he wants to be with the Kings.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
The truth is we don't know what was said. We don't know why Pedja is playing at a level less than his previous norm. You say he doesn't look like he wants to be with the Kings. I disagree.
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He may not be held captive, but the fact that they didnt trade him when he wanted to be is what I was referring to. I dont think everything was addressed since Peja is playing like garbage and he doesnt look like he wants to be with the Kings.
They didn't trade him when he wanted one because it isn't HIS decision to make. Peja is struggling with the back injury, he is playing through it. He's getting less touches lately, but that is to be expected as we have more scorers. With Peja it is a bit more noticable when he isn't scoring as much because, for the most part, that's ALL anyone seems to expect him to do. His defence has actually been better than i've seen on a consistent basis (except for the boards, of course) and that's an effort thing. I go to the games, I see Peja, he isn't standing off in a corner, sucking his thumb and feeling sorry for himself, he is working his butt off to get free, as he has to do.
Elektrik said:
Gotta say it. cant hold it in anymore. Peja's got to go. His body language tells the whole story. He doesn't want to be here. His effort is pathetic. you can see that he shys away from every loose ball. He's afraid to foul anyone. His shot is off and it is a crime for a 6'10 forward to rebound like he does. If I were to ever see him dive for a loose ball I might just go into cardiac arrest. His heart is just not in it. I sense his teammates feel it too. i see fewer and fewer passes to him. If he isn't or can't play up to what he is capable of then I say adios. Unfortunatley, he has become the weak link. I have been feeling like this for quite a while but tonight was the straw that broke the camels back. I focused on him tonight and what I saw was not pretty. Rip me if you like but that's how I see it.
I agree completely. If anyone notices when the plays start to go into motion, Peja just stands around. When he does move he moves like Webber did last year. He is playing lackadaisical like "maybe if I play with just enough to get by, they'll trade me before the trade deadline"
Zyphen said:
If anyone is going to try and make more of Peja's back than there actually is, be prepared to not say one bad word about Webber ever again, unless you like being a hypocrit.
Beautiful quote....I am personally all for keeping Peja on the Kings but I find it so amusing that the some of the people who are defending Peja (not the neutral folks such as VF and KP) are the same people who continually attack Webber. Webber is playing unbelievably despite a potential career ending injury - Peja has had no major problems injury-wise other than the back spasms. If you ask me we should keep them both (webb and peja make up the kings together - neither one is truly more imprtoant)...but when it comes to criticizing C-Webb i just wish people would realize how hard he plays despite his limitations.
bozzwell said:
I am stunned and amazed by your great instincts in defending all of the Kings' players from bashers. It may appeat as if you're being incosistent, but I think it is a sign of true appreciation and being a hard core fan.

I'd just like to say that now I feel a little bit ashamed that I was picking on Webber the other day (or rather picking on what he said).
I really like when a person can actually look at what they said in retrospec and look at things differently with new information. Props...
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I have always defended Peja but over the last 3 weeks, I admit, he DOES need to go. Since we have 4 other starters that can shoot, a rebounding SF that can defend is what we need and if you can't see that, then you're blind. I took the blinders off and I think Geoff has as well. Marion or I hate to say it Artest is what we need at the SF position. Sure Artest is a nutcase but many thought Webber was as well before he joined the Kings. I think the close team would embrace him and Artest would play well and play with conviction to prove the naysayers wrong.
A question for all the people who want to trade Peja. If Peja plays well in the second half and in the playoffs, will it change people's mind about trading him? Or is it past the point that you would want to keep Peja? I ask these questions, because I'm tired of these posts, why don't we wait until the season is over to talk about this topic. We've beaten this topic to death.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
rnmeuy said:
A question for all the people who want to trade Peja. If Peja plays well in the second half and in the playoffs, will it change people's mind about trading him? Or is it past the point that you would want to keep Peja? I ask these questions, because I'm tired of these posts, why don't we wait until the season is over to talk about this topic. We've beaten this topic to death.
I think you're missing the point that this thread was timed with the trading deadline coming up -- the proposal, I think, was that we needed to trade Peja NOW in order to make a run this season. Obviously a risky maneuver that could go either way, but certainly not an untimely or moot topic until after the deadline has passed.

BTW, in answer to your question....maybe. Not that I'm 100% convinced he HAS to go even now. But I do think that in particular the way this team is constructed now, that even Peja playing well but with his normal strengths/weaknesses might not be the right fit. Mobley's obviously onboard as a big offensive upgrade at SG, but Miller and Bibby have both also shown in recent weeks that maybe they are even bigger offensive weapons than we thought they were given enough shots. Makes an offensive specialist who doesn't excel at anything else a bit superflorous at SF. Just comparing us now to where we were last year with an aging low scoring Vlade and Christie as starters, and a 15ppg Miller starting at PF for most of the year, its just not the same team with the same needs. We have a lot more offenseive firepower right now, but lack the same things that Peja lacks even when he's playing well.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Peja4threee said:
I have always defended Peja but over the last 3 weeks, I admit, he DOES need to go. Since we have 4 other starters that can shoot, a rebounding SF that can defend is what we need and if you can't see that, then you're blind. I took the blinders off and I think Geoff has as well. Marion or I hate to say it Artest is what we need at the SF position. Sure Artest is a nutcase but many thought Webber was as well before he joined the Kings. I think the close team would embrace him and Artest would play well and play with conviction to prove the naysayers wrong.
Ron Artest is not coming to the Kings. And ESPECIALLY not in a trade for Pedja.

If Petrie pulls the trigger on a deal it will be because he's as convinced as possible the player he's bringing will be a positive improvement to the Kings. Artest isn't a positive anything right now. He's serving a season suspension and it's not the first time he's shown himself to not really have very good judgment about things. Remember, he also wanted time off DURING THE SEASON to promote his rap album.

If Petrie does decide to move Pedja it will be because he has found someone who will address our needs BUT not be a big question mark mentally.


Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:
Just comparing us now to where we were last year with an aging low scoring Vlade and Christie as starters, and a 15ppg Miller starting at PF for most of the year, its just not the same team with the same needs.
That team played better basketball and had a better record


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
piksi said:
That team played better basketball and had a better record
The team was 100% healthy and beat up on patsies at home for half a season. Terrible defensively and weak on the boards. Familiar story.

But ignoring that, that would actually be an argument FOR doing something. Too many scoring softies on our squad right now, and not enough dirty work tough guys. Right now we have enough offensive firepower to stay with anybody, and might even be partially immune to another Peja playoff flameout because of all the offensive options. But there has never been a championship team that I can recall that has been as weak on the glass and lacked stoppers the way this team does.
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you know a player I love to trade him for is Kirilenko. He is 6' 9" and can play both forward spots. A great shot blocker and defender. Utah stinks right now because they need more scoring punch, who knows maybe they would bite? Peja and Boozer would be a good forward combo for Utah. A good mix of offense and defense, just like a Kirilenko and Webber combo would do for us. It may be a trade that would help both teams. We would have to do a sign in trade to make it happen because Kirilenko makes more then Peja. We may have to throw in a player, BJAX maybe?
Peja4threee said:
you know a player I love to trade him for is Kirilenko. He is 6' 9" and can play both forward spots. A great shot blocker and defender. Utah stinks right now because they need more scoring punch, who knows maybe they would bite? Peja and Boozer would be a good forward combo for Utah. A good mix of offense and defense, just like a Kirilenko and Webber combo would do for us. It may be a trade that would help both teams. We would have to do a sign in trade to make it happen because Kirilenko makes more then Peja. We may have to throw in a player, BJAX maybe?
Hmm, you know thats not such a bad trade actually. His scoring isnt half bad either. About 15ppg.
VF21 said:
Utah isn't going to trade AK-47. Why exactly would they?
because they are 18th in offense and last in their division standings. Peja as the main scorer could average 27-30 a game if he was #1 option.

We have so many shooters but need a rebounder/shotblocker type. Both teams have what each team needs.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I'd love to have Kirilenko, but realistically Utah just gave him a max extension to be the cornerstone of their franchise, and he is the ultimate Sloan type guy. Hard to see them moving him for Peja, who is NOT the ultimate Sloan type guy (of course there is always the question of how long Sloan will be there).
VF21 said:
Are you forgetting that since then he's played with the team, spoke frequently about "the team," etc.

What gets REALLY old is the need to continue to delve deep back into the past, relatively speaking, to bring up something to continue to use as a reason to bash one of the Kings.

He requested a trade. His request was denied. He didn't refuse to come play. He has played. He has been a part of the team, he has toed the party line.

Maybe I'm just a little more forgiving, but I see no reason to continue to carry a grudge. It happened over the summer. It is over and done. His actions on the court and his subsequent statements have not been like those pillars of basketball Tracy McGrady and Vince Carter, just to name a couple, who continued to whine until they got their way.

Cut him some slack. People who aren't willing to forgive could just make him feel he has no choice but to continue to demand a trade, although it's not what he or we really want.
Hey if Peja made it known that he changed his mind, was thinking irrationally, or was wrong about requesting a trade then maybe we could forgive him, but NEWS FLASH....

he hasn't. Therefore I stand on what has been said. Not what hasn't.
Zyphen said:
If we make a move, it's not going to be for the same type of player. None of the players I listed plays anything like Peja except for maybe Rashard Lewis (but that's because of the Sonics' system). You have to get out of the mindset that trading for "better" means someone playing Peja's game, but better. There's no one like that for the same amount of money. Plus, who would make that kind of trade anyway? What I'm looking for is a tough, rebounding 3 (preferably with a post game of some kind) who's a scoring threat. I've given up on a sharpshooter for the position.

Maggette and Marshall are at the front of my list because they're the most likely to be traded. I would definitely prefer either Lewis or Pierce but Petrie would have to pull some magic to get them.

Maggette has been struggling with his shot and a shoulder injury. What's impressive about him is that his scoring has actually gone up despite that. This is because he goes to the line, a LOT.... something the Kings aren't too familiar with. He's a slashing, rebounding, take it to them kinda player. I think he's averaging like 8 FT attempts a game.

Marshall, like Brick says, is a rebounding machine. He's lost minutes because the Raptors want to develop some younger talent but his productiveness per minute has not dropped off at all. Plus he averaged 16 pts as a starter so you can't leave him alone on the offense either.

My top pick used to be Lewis before the Sonics suddenly exploded this season. Now, the only way I can see trading for him is if his team fizzles out in the first round. No way we're dealing with a possible rival.

Pierce, like every other superstar on a 1-man team, will of course be accused of being a ballhog. Who's he going to pass to though? An aging Gary Payton? He doesn't even have that hack, Antoine Walker, to lose shots to anymore. Also, I don't understand why he isn't shooting MORE. He's not even averaging 16 shots a game. There's always going to be haters.

In the end, we're gambling on a change in team dynamic. This is not about getting better at what we already do. It's about getting something we lack and trading off something we do well. That's the other big reason why we should do this in the offseason if at all. We need to be sure that what we have doesn't work. Also, Petrie would have more time to jip those other teams out of cash, picks, and whatever else that isn't bolted down in the summer. A rushed trade is usually a bad trade.
SacTownKid said:
Hey if Peja made it known that he changed his mind, was thinking irrationally, or was wrong about requesting a trade then maybe we could forgive him, but NEWS FLASH....

he hasn't. Therefore I stand on what has been said. Not what hasn't.
NEWS FLASH...Peja doesn't NEED to say anything more on the subject, and he'd be stupid to reintroduce this whole mess.

Peja made some comments about "greener pastures" to the press in the pre-season...big whoop. Webber said he wouldn't mind playing in several different NBA cities before re-signed to the max contract with us. Big whoop.

I've seen nothing on the court to indicate that Peja doesn't want to be here. That's all that should matter.

All I can say is that it's a damned good thing that what each and every one of us says on a daily basis, especially when we're upset, is not sliced, diced, rehashed a billion times, and overanalyzed like the quotes from NBA players.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
1kingzfan said:
NEWS FLASH...Peja doesn't NEED to say anything more on the subject, and he'd be stupid to reintroduce this whole mess.

Peja made some comments about "greener pastures" to the press in the pre-season...big whoop. Webber said he wouldn't mind playing in several different NBA cities before re-signed to the max contract with us. Big whoop.

I've seen nothing on the court to indicate that Peja doesn't want to be here. That's all that should matter.

All I can say is that it's a damned good thing that what each and every one of us says on a daily basis, especially when we're upset, is not sliced, diced, rehashed a billion times, and overanalyzed like the quotes from NBA players.
Most of us don't contact our agent and make the announcement through the press. :rolleyes: That was hardly a blurted out exclamation that he immediately regretted.

In any case, it does nto particularly bother me EXCEPT that something HAS been off about Peja all year long. Some nights he's there, some nights he most definitely is not. His rebounding has plummeted, his shooting percentages are the lowest since he was a rookie, and this from a player who has been incredibly consistent year in and year out. I do nto know its due to his midset, but SOMETHING has certainly been off.
1kingzfan said:
NEWS FLASH...Peja doesn't NEED to say anything more on the subject, and he'd be stupid to reintroduce this whole mess.

Peja made some comments about "greener pastures" to the press in the pre-season...big whoop. Webber said he wouldn't mind playing in several different NBA cities before re-signed to the max contract with us. Big whoop.

I've seen nothing on the court to indicate that Peja doesn't want to be here. That's all that should matter.

All I can say is that it's a damned good thing that what each and every one of us says on a daily basis, especially when we're upset, is not sliced, diced, rehashed a billion times, and overanalyzed like the quotes from NBA players.
OH! He doesn't need to! thanks for telling me. That clears the whole thing up. I guess everything is alright then.
Bricklayer said:
Most of us don't contact our agent and make the announcement through the press. :rolleyes: That was hardly a blurted out exclamation that he immediately regretted.
I never said it was. It doesn't matter how it evolved or whether his agent helped him express it, it what?

Bricklayer said:
In any case, it does not particularly bother me EXCEPT that something HAS been off about Peja all year long. Some nights he's there, some nights he most definitely is not. His rebounding has plummeted, his shooting percentages are the lowest since he was a rookie, and this from a player who has been incredibly consistent year in and year out. I do not know its due to his midset, but SOMETHING has certainly been off.
To those that try to make the leap of faith to attach Peja's play to his pre-season comments and how he OBVIOUSLY must be feeling now, well, have at it and have fun living in your little dreamland.

Peja's play is definitely off YTD. But why else could fhat be aside from his not wanting to be here? Did not playing ball this summer for the first time in like forever actually hurt him in his season prep? Is his back injury longer lasting than just the last few weeks? Are Peja's teammates (mostly Mike and Chris here) getting him involved enough in the offense as in years past such that he gets his share of open looks? Have defenses adjusted to Peja to lower his volume of higher percentage shots? Is the athleticism of the league catching up and passing Peja? Is Peja just a step slower finally? Does Mobley's presence in the last dozen or so games have a negative impact on Peja's game (I happen to think that it does)?

You see, there are a lot of possibilities to explain what is going on, aside from "check the stats...Peja's heart is just not in it any more...remember what he said in the pre-season?"

None of us has the answer to why we're seeing a more inconsistent Peja. My gut feel says that it is a subset of some of the things mentioned above, and possibly some other things.
What some people in this thread don't seem to understand is that Peja's trade demand, while urking, doesn't make that much of a difference in regards to why he should be traded. The guy used to be my favorite player on the kings but I'd still trade him if he fails to produce in the playoffs again. At his best, he was lacking. The fact that he's in an extended half-season slump, which coincides with the timeline starting from his trade demand is just icing on the cake. But, hey, if he shows up on lucky number 7 (seasons played) then freakin' terrific. If not, he should be gone in the summer.

Also, someone explain a "rebounding slump" to me. I can understand shooting slumps but how can someone be off in their effort to get the ball?
Zyphen said:
What some people in this thread don't seem to understand is that Peja's trade demand, while urking, doesn't make that much of a difference in regards to why he should be traded. The guy used to be my favorite player on the kings but I'd still trade him if he fails to produce in the playoffs again. At his best, he was lacking. The fact that he's in an extended half-season slump, which coincides with the timeline starting from his trade demand is just icing on the cake. But, hey, if he shows up on lucky number 7 (seasons played) then freakin' terrific. If not, he should be gone in the summer.

Also, someone explain a "rebounding slump" to me. I can understand shooting slumps but how can someone be off in their effort to get the ball?
I think everyone is puzzled by "rebounding slump" and incosistency this whole season. If he doesn't fix that (consistency, so at least we get old Pedja back if no other improvements) he should be traded in the off-season. One caveat: We need to see what the new CBA will look like before we can tell if it is best to trade him or let his contract expire.

Right now, there seems to be little to no activity in the league despite the fact that the deadline is only 10 days away. I've heard multiple commentators and read a number of articles that attribute inactivity to "sit and wait for the new CBA" attitude that GM's are taking.