Peja needs to go

Pacboy said:
It's not offense that we should be worry about. We have the " you cant stop us offense", but we also have the "FREE LAYUP here" defense. We score well above 100 the last couple games, but so did our opponent. What we need is for them to click defensively, and so far i havnt seen any sign of that.
At the very least, I see this team's defense as average and good enough to win. They will and can get the stops necessary to win (even more so in the playoffs), its just well, what happens afterwords that kills them. It is their inability to grab a freaking rebound that makes them look bad defensively. I heard the other day that they are second to worst in the NBA at giving up O reb. If they were just middle of the road in that department, these games would look a lot better and so would the win-loss record.
shaka zulu said:
In a Team game like Basketball everyone must be held accountable for their actions on the court.Everyone is at fault you cannot focus on one player's mental weakness for being soft and ignore another players mental weakness for missing clutch free throws averaging high numbers of turnovers and not making Good crunch time plays when it counts.Good coaches from the past and into the present make the super star players all the way down to the role players held accountable for their actions and how these actions effect the TEAMS chances at winning and losing.It's cool you have a tight nit bunch and everyone agrees and know one Begs the differ but how many Good TEAMS from the past and future have everyone just agree.You can go down the Basketball archives and you will see most of the Dynasty teams had players and coaches both who didn't really agree on everything but a certain energy a certain skill was valued between the players and coaches respectively.
Ok, just for arguements sake, I am going to say that is all true. But, man, you are point fingers at the wrong people. Chris Webber has been nothing but clutch all season long. The past 3-4 years, he's been #1 or #2 in that area of the game too. Cuttino is a warrior who gives everything he has and has also been playing well for us too.

I don't get it but I feel if you are going to talk about how peja is so buttery and soft you have to look at some of the other players with issues and hang ups.You guy's are tight nit group so I will respect that and just leave like that.PEACE
For the sake of the board, I won't even address that.
I've wanted Peja gone since the moment he made his trade demand. And I haven't backed off that way of thinking.

We need value for him, but, I want someone that wants to be here. I hope something gets done before the trade deadline, but that's unlikely.
Is there anyone that has posted so far that believes Peja will perform at a high level in the playoffs? I'm just curious. Because to me that's what matters. The ebb and flow of the regular season is what it is.

Peja needs to decide if he wants to play hard or not.
I can't believe you even start this thread after last night's game. Pedja had nothing to do with Kings losing the game. So what if he scored only 9-10 (or however many).... He tried to rebound, he was assisting, he actually should have guarder Dirk for most of the night because I still think he plays the best "D" on him......
The guy is just second game back from his lower back injury......
Really am confused as to why you find him to be the week link of this team.
I don't think we need any more trades this year as it will just mess up our chemistry. the Kings have the components for a successful year and perhaps even a title, they just need a chance to jell. I think Pedja will improve as the year goes on and I doubt we could trade for anyone better anyway.
tienchi3x said:
I don't think we need any more trades this year as it will just mess up our chemistry. the Kings have the components for a successful year and perhaps even a title, they just need a chance to jell. I think Pedja will improve as the year goes on and I doubt we could trade for anyone better anyway.
I like the way you said that. I would make a trade if it was a no brainer, like Pierce.
G_M said:
Is there anyone that has posted so far that believes Peja will perform at a high level in the playoffs? I'm just curious. Because to me that's what matters. The ebb and flow of the regular season is what it is.

Peja needs to decide if he wants to play hard or not.
I believe he can. I agree, what really matters is playoff performance & Pedja has not been up to par in the playoffs so far. I think if it was a given that he would disappear in the playoffs that a trade off would make sense, but I hope and believe that this year Pedja can step it up.
TRADE PEJA? wow wat a statement, yeah sure he isnt playing the best ball he can, but we all know wat he can do. Hopefully after the all star break he will bring out the peja from last season, the same peja who was second in the league in scoring, the same peja who shot 93% from the line.
come on now keep the team spirit. it isnt a team without him. we already lost Doug and Vlade, lets not lose Peja


Hall of Famer
TheSerbianQueen said:
I can't believe you even start this thread after last night's game. Pedja had nothing to do with Kings losing the game. So what if he scored only 9-10 (or however many).... He tried to rebound, he was assisting, he actually should have guarder Dirk for most of the night because I still think he plays the best "D" on him......
The guy is just second game back from his lower back injury......
Really am confused as to why you find him to be the week link of this team.
Its funny you mentioned coming off an injury. It seems last year you wouldn't accept Webber having an off game after coming back from major knee surgery after being out for a year. ooooh i get it. Its that double standard that goes on around here with the ppl that are solely player fans and team fans.

Those of you that hate the cats last minute decisions, and Webber taking to many shots, or bibby not playing defense. How do you even watch the team hating 3 of the starting 5.

I love Peja he is a great shooter and has become a terrific defender. But if trading him gets rid of the double standards and the constant bashing of the rest of team for Peja's sake, I say get rid of him because Peja homers will not be happy until Peja has triple doubles every game and get MVP honors. Until then its all the rest of the teams fault for his bad games.


Hall of Famer
I'm not on the "TRADE PEJA" bandwagon, but just to fill some time. Here is my Peja trade idea.

Peja for Tyson Chandler and Eric "The Polish Rifle" Piatkowski.

I dont think losing one scorer would hurt us to bad, it frees shots for everyone else so no problem because we only have good shooters, and when you add defense and rebounds, I think it makes up for it. Eric's contract is up at the end of the year. He'll walk. Free's salary space. After the season we ink Chandler for awhile, and hope he develops as much as his potential allows. Also hope to keep the Cat, and we are set.


I'm a huge Chandler fan...But I think I'll take Peja, at least for the time being.
TheSerbianQueen said:
I can't believe you even start this thread after last night's game. Pedja had nothing to do with Kings losing the game. So what if he scored only 9-10 (or however many).... He tried to rebound, he was assisting, he actually should have guarder Dirk for most of the night because I still think he plays the best "D" on him......
The guy is just second game back from his lower back injury......
Really am confused as to why you find him to be the week link of this team.
Because, quite frankly, if Peja isn't scoring he is pretty much useless to the team.......plain and simple.
As far as trading Peja goes, I don't base my opinion on whether or not he "sucks" right now. I think he needs to be traded because he just doesn't fit with this team needs anymore. With the addition of Cat we dont neccessarily need his shooting like we did before. We need rebounding, scoring (not the big time Peja level scoring), and athleticism out of the 3 spot to make up for the fact that we have less at the 4 and 5 spots. Changing our bench doesn't help our situation because as it has been said by others, they won't be given those "crucial" minutes. So with that said those are my reasons for believing Peja should be traded, not b/c he sucks, b/c he doesn't. Fact is we will not get equal value no matter who we can trade him for, but we can lesson the teams flaws by moving him.

And if you don't agree with that then you don't like NBA basketball!!!
This crap is getting old.

Peja doesn't need to go. Who are you gonna get in return for him with his talent at his salary? Let me guess... Nobody. How can people sit here and say he looks like he doesn't want to be here. It wasn't a few weeks ago he said in the paper or somewhere he is having fun again with this team.

This trade Peja / Trade Webber stuff is getting old
In case anyone is interested I have a trade that works under the cap. Peja and our 1.7 million trade exception goes to Toronto for Donyell Marshall and Eric Williams.

We get a good rebounder and a solid defender. Marshall can also score and can hit the 3.
BigWaxer said:
This crap is getting old.

Peja doesn't need to go. Who are you gonna get in return for him with his talent at his salary? Let me guess... Nobody. How can people sit here and say he looks like he doesn't want to be here. It wasn't a few weeks ago he said in the paper or somewhere he is having fun again with this team.

This trade Peja / Trade Webber stuff is getting old
Who are we going to get? Nobody is right. But I don't think we need a "superstar" to put the team over the top. Look at San Antonio for goodness sakes. They don't have All-stars at every position like the Kings do! We have Miller, Bibby, and Webb. If that can't get it done nothing will. Just get someone that can do the things that will maybe counter act some of the flaws.

There are guys out there. Either way I trust Petrie. Whether he feels its best to make a move or not.

What does everybody think about a trade with Chicago for Deng and Chandler.

If anyone has any trade ideas lets hear em'. I think its fun to see what people think.
Ryle said:
In case anyone is interested I have a trade that works under the cap. Peja and our 1.7 million trade exception goes to Toronto for Donyell Marshall and Eric Williams.

We get a good rebounder and a solid defender. Marshall can also score and can hit the 3.
That would work? If it does, I would seriously think about that one!!!

how bout for kobe bryant or allen iverson who just scored 60 hahaha nah jus kiddin.just like somebody said we dont need 20 per we just need a athletic guy who will get u rebounds and score around 14 15 not even that much.besides chandler or marshall anybody got some names.the kings would be stupid to trade him in the west but im seeing the celtics cavs and pacers or heat trying to get him somehow what u guys think
Ryle said:
In case anyone is interested I have a trade that works under the cap. Peja and our 1.7 million trade exception goes to Toronto for Donyell Marshall and Eric Williams.

We get a good rebounder and a solid defender. Marshall can also score and can hit the 3.
I like Marshall but he is 32 yrs. old. Granted Peja is not playing well but Marshall is a sixth man. Hard to trade an all star for a sixth man. Marshall is a good player and I wouldn't mind seeing on the Kings under the right set of circumstances.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Ryle said:
In case anyone is interested I have a trade that works under the cap. Peja and our 1.7 million trade exception goes to Toronto for Donyell Marshall and Eric Williams.

We get a good rebounder and a solid defender. Marshall can also score and can hit the 3.
Just such a huge step down in talent and age that I wouldn't really consider it. That's the sort fo thing Geoff normally does to other teams, not that they do to us. There'd be a parade in downtown Toronto.

Marshall is an interesting player for the Kings because if we could somehow get him as a BACKUP to Peja/Webb, we could have a heck of a talented bench. But replacing Peja with Marshall...well its the same thing as replacing Webb with Kurt Thomas or whatever. Losing a star for an aging middling talent. If it doesn't work the franchise has a very hard time ever recovering from that because you certainly can't move a Donyell Marshall for a new young talent on Peja's level.

And that's the problem with 9 out of 10 possible trades for Peja. There are real questions about whether Peja does the things we need to win a championship, but he's good enough that there are just very few names out there that tickle my interest. Bottomline I have real questions whether Peja is going to show up in the playoffs, whether he's going to grab the big board for us, hit the floor after that loose ball. But would I feel more confident going into the playoffs with Peja as a SF or Marshall as a SF? Take my chances with Peja if that's the choice.
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I've already commented on this and am still holding out for Peja, at least for this season, however 1) becasue I am in favor of any trade that would help the Kings 2) Just to play devils advocate, 3) Just having some fun:

Peja and Tag to the Clippers for Corey Maggette and Chris Kaman. It would work under the cap, BUT, don't really know why the Clipps would want to trade away two-fifths of their starting line up and we, at least for this season already have Cuttino, who is a Corey Maggette type of player.

Ehh...just having fun. :)

Edit: Why do I even try? I am no good at this.
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SacTownKid said:
What does everybody think about a trade with Chicago for Deng and Chandler.
That's a joke/wishfull thinking, right? I am huge Pedja fan/believer (in adition to being a Kings fan first), but I would trade Pedja for Chandler/Deng in a second. Deng is already dropping 30's on his nights on a team that is scoring challenged. He's above average in almost every aspect of the game and such a classy individual. Chandler is a rebounding and blocking monster. Bad hands and no offensive prowess of any kind - yes, but he would be killer sixth man on the Kings by coming in for either Brad or Chris to D-up and energize us.

I don't see it. Last time that Chicago tried to bring in star quality by trading away young talent they traded Brad and Artest for Jalen Rose. If Deng continues to improve and Chandler stays healthy (back problems last 2 seasons) the trade you're proposing would make Jalen Rose trade look like a good deal for the Bulls.


Hall of Famer
Thats why you go with Chandler and Piatkowski for the Bulls to bite.

And if there wasnt some damn "BYC" rule, I would have a good trade.

Peja for Desmond Mason and Dan Gadzurich.

Danny gives us rebounds. Mason is a good defender. An athletic freak. A slasher. Grabs boards.
ok, peja is soft, he is not rebounder and without him and with cat we can score 100+ so let's trade him for:
1. Malik Rose- he's avalaible, good rebounder and solid defender
2. Matt Harpring - see rose + good scorer

"And if you don't agree with that then you don't like NBA basketball!!! "(this is good one)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
starks said:
ok, peja is soft, he is not rebounder and without him and with cat we can score 100+ so let's trade him for:
1. Malik Rose- he's avalaible, good rebounder and solid defender
2. Matt Harpring - see rose + good scorer

"And if you don't agree with that then you don't like NBA basketball!!! "(this is good one)
I can only assume he was being faceitious, although Harpring can playu on my team any day.