[Game] Kings @ Spurs - 3/1/13

Did anyone else laugh during PPs pregame interview where the said the hardest part was learning the offense? So there must be SOME offense they run... He must have not watched enough globetrotters when he was younger or it would be easy for him!
Even Brooks wouldn't pullup for a dumb 3 like that. Rather see Jimmer out there. He worked well off the ball with Reke and Salmons distributing
I used to hate the Spurs when I was younger, always seemed like such a boring team to me. I really like them now though. It's like night and day from the Kings.
Did anyone else laugh during PPs pregame interview where the said the hardest part was learning the offense? So there must be SOME offense they run... He must have not watched enough globetrotters when he was younger or it would be easy for him!
Yep, I posted on it earlier. It was indeed funny.
I used to hate the Spurs when I was younger, always seemed like such a boring team to me. I really like them now though. It's like night and day from the Kings.
Same. Now, they're probably my favorite team to watch. Just beautiful passing and all-around basketball the whole game. They make the game really fun to watch
Why we keep letting IT get killed on defense, just overrun constantly, while not trying Reke on Parker is absolutely ridiculous.
I saw Tyreke on Parker for a bit earlier on in the game, but that might have been before all 5 guys were yanked and fell behind even more lol