Kings @ Jazz Game Thread

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Hall of Famer

Simple as that. Kings need one more to secure the 6th seed. Wheather that is a good thing or a bad thing - remains to be seen but for now it certainly looks better than 7. For a 5th seed - we need a help from Houston and I am not sure that it is realistic to expect it. Also we are currently 20-20 on the road. 21-20 sounds much better. Additionally - one away from 50.
Well, it is official - timberpuppies join lakers on a early fishing trip. We have to "congratulate" them an early summer and recomand TNT/ABC/BSPN as a medium to keep them close to PO. In words of Kevin Garnett - "yeah motherf..." Wolves are a unique collection of comic figures anyways. Where else can you find Golumn, Pippi 1 & 2 ,Kandiman, Mayor, Wally etc... Now, they have enough time to go to Disneyland - where they belong anyways. Additionally, Pippi 1 can look for a second job because it is hard to feed a family on a 12 mil $ salary. Wendy's is hiring - or so I heard. :rolleyes:
Looks like we will play Sonics in the 1st round. Not 100% yet but it will be tomorow. We will not beat them unless we have at least 2/3 "finleyed" players back. At the moment there is obvious lack of talent in Kings lockerroom. It is extremely unfair and unrealistic to expect Mike Bibby to do it alone. In case that miracle happenes and we get our guys back at certain level - bring them on. My early prognosis - if 2/3 players arew still out Sonics in 5. If we have them back Kings in 5 or 6 depending on whereabouts of Violet Palmer.
Last night was awful. We just did not have it. Not enough fire power to compeate with the best team in the league. They are better team at the moment. You can not replace talent with anything. A team without 2 all stars and a former "6th man" has to play perfect to compeate on that level. Nothing went right. We will not win many (if any) games in which Eddy House is our best scorer. No disrespect here because Eddy played well but it is just a fact. I can live with the loss. Still - DAMN YOU FINLEY !
Jazz will not give it to us. They will not resist too hard either. If we keep them in the game too long - they might hurt us. Their team suffers from "Finley" as much as we do. They will play hard and borderline dirthy. Hopefully there will be no Finleys on our side tomorow. We really need that one. I hope that our players understan that as much as we do because last night we looked like Lakers usually did this season :eek:
Mike - too bad he can not play Lakers every night. Clearly "lost " to Nash last night. He did score more but ... Tomorow all I want from Mike is to stay away from Finley.
Mobley - it can only get better and Cat will show up tomorow at least in the second half.
Evans - should not be starting under any circumstances. At least not for a PO team.
Skinner - his level has droped off lately.
Thomas - needs to shut up and play, or at least shut up. If You have something to say to a teammate do it in discretion of a time out or a lockeroom. I don't care if he were the best player on the planet. Kings just do not do things like that. It might have worked in Houston or Philadelphia or wherever the hell he played.
Darius - shot a lot - did not hit much but at least stayed out of foule trouble. Downside - 48 pts in the paint for the Suns
House - he was the man last night - He was not a reason we lost but he is also not the player that can decide a game outcome. Not in our favor anyways.
Tag - Gerg showed up. Somebody must have told him that ther is a free buffet.
Williamson - instead to "abuse" Suns in the post - he ...
Martin - very solid.
Daniels - I remember the times where one had to have certain level of skills to wear the Kings uniform. What the hell happened to that.

Pedja, Brad and Bobby - damn you Finley
RA - at least nobody had a Finley last night. Sometimes I am wondering... He wanted a team to cut the lead to 4 and it went up to 26 :rolleyes: . Nobody is paying attention anymore.
Jazz - please just no Finley tomorow night !
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Whatever we did last night just don't do it tomorrow. I didn't see the game but it sounded very ugly. Come on guys lets get your s*** together playoffs are coming.
GO KINGS!!!! Let's make the Jazz play the blues.
piksi said:
Thomas - needs to shut up and play, or at least shut up. If You have something to say to a teammate do it in discretion of a time out or a lockeroom. I don't care if he were the best player on the planet. Kings just do not do things like that. It might have worked in Houston or Philadelphia or wherever the hell he played.
I must have missed something. What did he say?


Homer Fan Since 1985
BibbyForPrez said:
I must have missed something. What did he say?
It is not what he said (cuz we don't know), but how he said it. Apparently Kenny gave MO Evans a dressing down on TV during a game for missing a Defensive Rotation or something. He was obviously upset and yelling at MO. Most people (me included) want Kenny to know that the Kings don't do that to one another in public.
6th said:
It is not what he said (cuz we don't know), but how he said it. Apparently Kenny gave MO Evans a dressing down on TV during a game for missing a Defensive Rotation or something. He was obviously upset and yelling at MO. Most people (me included) want Kenny to know that the Kings don't do that to one another in public.
Aww, that ain't cool. Mo works harder and hustles more than most other players on the court. Yelling at a rookie backup (not to mention a fan-favorite) is not going to make him popular with the rest of the team.


Hall of Famer
Tempers flair and palyer spout off. Kenny is not know for being level headed but he is also not known as a cnacer. He knows Mo is a rook, and he has to see Mo's hustle. I would not be surpised if Kenny took Mo out to Pinecle Petes for a beer when the game was over. Maybe even bought him a steak.
I am pretty dissappointed that there will be no Peja cuz i really wanted to see Peja vs Matt Harpring Part 2...:sigh: oh well...

Like I've been saying one pattern that has been consistent all year long...we get smacked down in one game we give the smackdown in the next game...I think the guys will know exactly whats at stake with this win tomorrow night...not to mention the 50 wins plateau would be nice to get at like piksi said as well with one last road RA has said we have to be better on the road thats where we will be come the start of the POs...the Jazz are a physical team HOPEFULLY Finley won't interfere...Mo still has a nice little lifelong scar on the top of his head as a reminder as to what the Jazz can do...everyone has to be aware of that Kirk Snyder *******..he'll be lurking and seems to make the sports news with some stupid stunt at least once a week these days...Jazz much like the Lakers and the Blazers aren't just gonna roll over just cuz they are out of the POs they still are gonna put up a fight...they did beat the Spurs the other day...though like I've said before it was a pure luck to beat that team by 2 points....also and another thing hopefully the altitude will not be a problem

I really loved Kevin's effort last night and I also really appreciated Eddie and GO's performances (and Darius's effort was there as well) but they can't be the stars of our team for another night...I can't wait to see how effective if at all GO is in his return to Utah..should be interesting...i think

Hopefully Bobby, Brad and Peja are healing quick :/


oh yeah and STOP FINLEY!!!!!


Super Moderator Emeritus
iheartBrad said:
...also and another thing hopefully the altitude will not be a problem
I live at almost the exact same altitude as Salt Lake City. It shouldn't be too much of a problem for them, especially since they flew in Saturday night and were able to have, I believe, at least a light practice today. The altitude is a real killer on the second game of a back-to-back when they have very little opportunity to acclimate themselves.



Hall of Famer
Personaly I hope Tag gets some long min, not just beceause he played well against Pheonix, but like most players he is likely to want to put on a good show against the team that let him go... and it's not like Skinner has been doing much.
This next game is really really really important if we want to secure that 6th spot. The rockets have that 5th spot on lock down so the race is between us and the nuggets. With a win against the jazz... It'll give us good signs because if we ever end up tied towards the end of the season, we have the tie breaker.
We need to start the backups so that way the starters will be the ones that play well. Something happens to those guys when they watch the first quarter from the bench. For the last month our bench has looked more like our starting unit. MUST WIN games start tonight. I hope to see playoff intensity which should lead to a blowout. We need to run these guys out of their own building right from the start. I hope the backups are on the court for the whole 4th quarter again! But this time with a big lead!
6th said:
the Kings don't do that to one another in public.
Why not???

Mo looked lost alot of the game on defense and he was NOT rotating over to help and Kenny let him know that. Mo isn't used to playing the SF position with this team and he just seemed out of it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Ryle said:
Why not???

Mo looked lost alot of the game on defense and he was NOT rotating over to help and Kenny let him know that. Mo isn't used to playing the SF position with this team and he just seemed out of it.
Kenny let him know it? I don't think it's Kenny Thomas' job. He should be focusing on what HE needs to do. It's not like he's the seasoned veteran on the team or anything.
VF21 said:
Kenny let him know it? I don't think it's Kenny Thomas' job. He should be focusing on what HE needs to do. It's not like he's the seasoned veteran on the team or anything.
Well, it was Kenny's man that Mo was supposed to rotate over to when Kenny went to double Nash and it turned into one of the many easy dunks the Suns had.
I'm loving the 9pm ET start time...its like the perfect time for a game to start for me anyway...

Don't ask why I always feel entitled to comment about the game start time...

any you who 1 hour left!!!!

VF21 said:
Kenny let him know it? I don't think it's Kenny Thomas' job. He should be focusing on what HE needs to do. It's not like he's the seasoned veteran on the team or anything.
i dont think what kenny did was right but i dont blame him as well, his emotions were running high and i guess everyone has different personalities, some ppl let there feelings show some ppl hide it.... i guess it was just the mood kenny was in...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
RaY Z said:
i dont think what kenny did was right but i dont blame him as well, his emotions were running high and i guess everyone has different personalities, some ppl let there feelings show some ppl hide it.... i guess it was just the mood kenny was in...
I didn't see the incident, so I don't know how serious it was. I know I've barked at my fair share of teammates for being lazy on defense (given that its been my primary focus in every sport I've ever played), but there's obviously a line that you shouldn't cross or you end up hurting the team more than helping it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
RaY Z said:
ii guess it was just the mood kenny was in...
You know, I don't want to blow this up out of all proportion but NO athlete deserves to hide their actions behind the "just the mood" excuse. These are grown-up men, making obscene amounts of money to play a game. The least they can do is learn to control their "moods." Blech.
I actually think I remember the possession...and it was enough where I noticed he was yelling at somebody though I didn't really pay attention to who...I remember thinking "hmmf" but not really thinking it was a big deal...Personally I'm not okay with yelling at a teammate when they made a mistake of the court to me its embarrasing and not fair besides you yourself could turn around a make similar mistake and then what...? The fans see it and it spoils there experience. From what I seen on the TV it didn't appear to be a huge deal it obviously was different if you were a Kings fan with a close view to the court (like Sidney had) I'm sure Suns fans didn't notice they were too busy cheering cuz the Suns just got an easy layup in transition...but I don't know if it was really worthy of all this talk
Bricklayer said:
I didn't see the incident, so I don't know how serious it was. I know I've barked at my fair share of teammates for being lazy on defense (given that its been my primary focus in every sport I've ever played), but there's obviously a line that you shouldn't cross or you end up hurting the team more than helping it.
You're a bricklayer, screamer and a defensive stopper? What are you my long lost twin? :)

Next you're gonna tell me that you're 6'4'', 200lb's, with a shorter left leg because of injuries?


Super Moderator Emeritus
iheartBrad said:
...but I don't know if it was really worthy of all this talk
Me, neither. ;)

I guess what bothers me is Kenny Thomas isn't a team captain, he isn't a veteran, he hasn't even been on the team long enough to be instantly recognized by a lot of people. I personally don't think he should be yelling at Evans or anyone else for their failings until and unless he's played pretty perfect ball himself - and he hasn't. He's missed some passes, etc. that people could have yelled about - but they didn't because everyone makes mistakes. The coaches should be the ones pointing out the mistakes, IMHO, not Kenny Thomas.

Now Mike Bibby? IMHO he's earned the right and almost the obligation to yell at the rest of the team any time he sees fit, but he's about the only one.

VF21 said:
Now Mike Bibby? IMHO he's earned the right and almost the obligation to yell at the rest of the team any time he sees fit, but he's about the only one.
I agree with you there. Mike is very level-headed and I think that everyone on that team would respect constructive criticism from him.
Mo is a rookie......he will get yelled at. Next year he can do some yelling of his own. Kenny 's a vet. Somebody needed to say something because last games dunkfest was ridiculous. All I have to say on the subject. Turning focus towards the Jazz game. GO KINGS!
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