Kings @ Dallas Game Thread

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i wish the game could start RIGHT NOW

the worst thing about the game tonight is gonna have to listen to trade analysis OVER AND OVER AGAIN...its gonna be painful...they are going to be talking about it throughtout the game they are gonna be talking about in the studio (EJ Kenny Chuck)

this has been the month from hell
3 hours to go. The minutes are ticking by and no I don't have anything better to do right now then spool up a fishing reel and wait for the game. Maybe a trip to the store for some night-time soda's, just in-case the game gets ugly.

Is Peja out for sure this game?
iheartBrad said:
i wish the game could start RIGHT NOW

the worst thing about the game tonight is gonna have to listen to trade analysis OVER AND OVER AGAIN...its gonna be painful...they are going to be talking about it throughtout the game they are gonna be talking about in the studio (EJ Kenny Chuck)

this has been the month from hell
I used to love watching the TNT show after the game but hearing Barkley continually say that no one but San Antonio will win the NBA championship gets really old.
^Well, I think the players will be emotional...of course. Always happen when you lose a big player in your team. But once Kenny, Corliss and Brian is in, that's when, at least to me, I'll be more interest to see the body language. As a fan, I'm excited to see how the new guys fit in and play. :)

SacKings384 said:
No Peja, No Webber, No Barnes Game... Over...
Webb and Barnes isn't in the Kings anymore. Should be: no Pedja, Kenny, Corliss and Brian.

I trust the Kings players we have now. Cat, Bibby, Brad, Darius, Mo, Pedja tonight, I think. But I believe in them. I don't think the game is over until I see them play and the buzzer goes off. I'm not going having no Webber get me down on these guys. Webb's been out a lot in the past season with the Kings, so I always trust the other guys. They have proven me that they can come I believe in them.

Go Kings!
iheartBrad said:
i wish the game could start RIGHT NOW

the worst thing about the game tonight is gonna have to listen to trade analysis OVER AND OVER AGAIN...its gonna be painful...they are going to be talking about it throughtout the game they are gonna be talking about in the studio (EJ Kenny Chuck)

this has been the month from hell
omg your read my mind.... do you know how my day swings from good mood to bad mood... im a Raiders fan ... so yay Randy Moss... than Chris Webber is traded for nothing.... and its back and forth... just let the game start... please !!
PT Cruiser 9ROC said:
What did they say in the studio in TNT? I totally forgot to tune in. Any interviews with AI or others?
Sir Charles said the Kings knew they werent gonna win the title this year.... he said we never were contenders ... :rolleyes:
PT Cruiser 9ROC said:
What did they say in the studio in TNT? I totally forgot to tune in. Any interviews with AI or others?
yep. reactions from AI, mike, and rick

see: "mike and rick's reaction" thread :) hopefully someone who actually remembered stuff and was not very emotional about it (ie not me) could give a mini-transcript.
Yeah, I saw your thread. If you feel bad about not getting any of it, don't. I would've done the same thing. Thanks for the info though. Hopefully they'll replay it at halftime.

And a little off-topic, but AI looks refreshed and is doing well in the first quarter against the Knicks. What a surprise, eh?
Kings are gonna be upset/down but I think focused and ready to play. I just have a feeling. Hope we have enough fire power/gas in the tank tonight.
PT Cruiser 9ROC said:
What did they say in the studio in TNT? I totally forgot to tune in. Any interviews with AI or others?
Charles said the Kings realized that "CWebb makes a lot money and he got one leg." But then he said that they did him a disservice because he never got the credit and respect he deserved for putting Sacramento on the map and making it a legit city to come to to play bball because they never got over the hump.
Well, in that respect, I hate to do it. But I agree with Chuck for once. He was never given credit around the league, and I'm not even sure a lot of Kings fans gave him that credit until after he was gone.
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ash24 said:
Charles said the Kings realized that "CWebb makes a lot money and he got one leg." But then he said that they did him a disservice because he never got the credit and respect he deserved for putting Sacramento on the map and making it a legit city to come to to play bball because they never got over the hump.
charles was 100% correct. and this is coming from a guy who mutes tnt whenever charles barkley opens his mouth. the kings may have never gotten over the "hump," but they never even knew what "the hump" was before chris came along. he did more for this franchise than any other single player. period. and how much is he worth to the franchise? two words, and they're my new favorites (and defined by bricklayer): "tradeable garbage."
if y'all couldnt tell, i'm very upset by this trade. maybe moreso than a lot of people. not all of it has to do with basketball, however. i believe in the concept of respect, and what is right, and i believe chris webber earned a helluvalot of respect for bringing everything he had for this team, and taking it to new levels of success which the franchise had never seen, and back again several times. he deserved to retire a king, imo. that's probably my biggest argument against the trade, as weak of an argument as it is.
I agree, Padrino. But when it comes to the sports world and the world in general, justice isn't something comes as often as it should. If it did, then Joe Montana would have retired as 49er, Jerry Rice will retire as a 49er, Tim Brown will retire as a Raider, Jordan would have won his last All-Star Game (or at least stayed retired), and Chris Webber will retire as a King. But justice didn't prevail this time, yet again.


Hall of Famer
Padrino said:
if y'all couldnt tell, i'm very upset by this trade. maybe moreso than a lot of people. not all of it has to do with basketball, however. i believe in the concept of respect, and what is right, and i believe chris webber earned a helluvalot of respect for bringing everything he had for this team, and taking it to new levels of success which the franchise had never seen, and back again several times. he deserved to retire a king, imo. that's probably my biggest argument against the trade, as weak of an argument as it is.
This would be very valid if Your money would be at stake. I think that a max contract was a sign of respect when he signed it.
PT Cruiser 9ROC said:
I agree, Padrino. But when it comes to the sports world and the world in general, justice isn't something comes as often as it should. If it did, then Joe Montana would have retired as 49er, Jerry Rice will retire as a 49er, Tim Brown will retire as a Raider, Jordan would have won his last All-Star Game (or at least stayed retired), and Chris Webber will retire as a King. But justice didn't prevail this time, yet again.
i understand this. so im wondering why the kings didnt do themselves justice and acquired more in return for webber. i wonder if petrie even pursued the likes of korver, iguodala, or dalembert. any one of those guys woulda made this trade a little more bearable.
Heuge said:
I totally agree with you on this one.
Me, too. It was Chukster and his fellow talking heads who never gave Chris respect that he deserved. And now he has the gall to say that Sacramento/Kings (and by extension Kings' fans) never gave him the respect he deserved. Dumba55.
piksi said:
This would be very valid if Your money would be at stake. I think that a max contract was a sign of respect when he signed it.
Well, in that regard, he returned the favor by never giving up on his ability in spite of the injuries. Just be glad he never allowed himself to vegetate and become a worthless money-leech like so many other injured players before him. It's not realistic and we all realize this is a business, but was a level of respect due to the man for being a man of honor and making that contract worthwhile, even if it didn't net the Kings a championship. I really doubt Kevin Garnett gets this much flack, despite not having anything more than Webber to live up to his giant contract. It's unfortunate that someone who seemed so sincere in his convictions to bring success to this team is dealt with in this manner.
piksi said:
This would be very valid if Your money would be at stake. I think that a max contract was a sign of respect when he signed it.
yeah, and had we saved money on this deal, i would agree with you. people are taking for granted the fact that we just unloaded a max contract. we received 3 oversized contracts for mediocre players. the knicks are the type of team that pays big money to mediocre players. webb was no mediocre player. these 3 contracts wont be as easy to move as everybody thinks, and if we do, we wont receive impact players w/o bundling core kings into the deal.
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