Kings @ Dallas Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
What a night ? Still hard to just think about anything else but there is nothing we can do here. These are moments when phrases like "show must go on", "time to move on","there is always tomorow", "sleep over it", "NOTHING LAST FOREVER" etc just do not cut it if You are an emotional fan. However, it is what it is.
I am going to try to focus on the game tonight. I just have 2 thoughts about all this matter that I found interesting.

When GP signed the extention a week or so ago - do You think he/Maloofs has something like this in mind, or was this a first time that we went "on sale" in a "take one - give none" kinda deal

How about timing here ? Just before a 6 game road trip ot about 10 days before a next home game. Give a people chance to "calm down" some. I mean - just imagine having a home game tonight. On the other hand - if we do not do well on this tripp ( a realistic possibility)- will be very interesting to see what happenes ?
Back to BB. I think that we still have a team that is good enough to be worthy of being supported. Still enough talent. We will make PO. That might be it but it might not. This team has always found a way to compensate in the past 7 years. Yet another guy who was a big part of that phenomena is not here anymore. One just does not replace that over night. However, the players are professionals and have a well paid jub to do.
The way I see it - it is very simple. The player will go out tonight and either (hopefully) play despite everything and actually win the game or they will not be able to handle this so quickly and we will get blown out of the gym.
6 game road trip would have been a tough one even without all this. I hope for 3-3 - anything above would be great . anything below would suck but it is possible. Mavs are good. That one is a tough one anyways. Would be a sensational win. Mavs are very hot at the moment and they are back to playing small after Dampier is out. I know we can beat them but I also know that it will be a lots of work
Our roster is short tonight and that is nothing new. I am going to focus more on the outlook here since it is specific situation.

CW - will be missed. A great chapter in Kings history is done, unfortunately - no hardware to show for. Lots of memmories though (good and bad), lots of moments. Has been a good ride. There will not be another #4 in Kings future.

Bibby - will be an allstar from now on and hopefully will improve defense. It will make him a #1 PG in this league. We need a better back up but I think that we are very solid on this position.

Mobley - this one is interesting. He will opt out and then it is all about money. I expect him to be involved in the sign and trade deal this summer. (Then again I thought that Pedja will be one that left yesterday so ...)

Miller - He has to be Vlade & Webber at the same time for now. He will be our 20-10-5 guy. Needed more than ever.

Pedja - "last man standing" at least for now. Is going to take heat and he should. It is very simple. His contract is short and cheap. If he does not produce the way he can - he will not stick around. No matter how You look at it - he can't win in this situation unless he produces short term, long term, all the time. He is capable of talentwise. Unfortunately, talent is noth everything.

Darius - I still love him of the bench but he has a potential to be 15-10-5 guy. He is a smart player and has showen that he can pass too.

Tag - if he does not play now ...

Evans - needs to be more consistant.

Martin - with Barnes gone - I see some minutes here.

House - Bobby please het well soon, please !

I am going to reserve judgement for the 3 new guys that we are getting. The are not responsible for any of this and they deserve support until proven otherwise. No - even together they can not replace Webber but if they give us their best - that is all we can ask.

RA - tough job. He has always gotten this team to respond. While I am not a big fan of his - he is the least responsible for what is going on at the moment. He will find a way to keep everything together on the floor.

GP - time will tell.
I hope that we play as a team tonight and give all we got. Dallas is good and will be hard to beat.
TNT - broadcast. You know the drill - tonight more than ever.
LET"S GO KINGS !!!!!!!
let's get after it kings. tough trade, but im pretty sure in some way some how we'll get a little more than we expected. so sad tho, webber held our offense together. i guess it's the miller/bibby pick and roll now. Anyone has any idea about what our Starting Lineup will look like????????????????????
Miller of Dirk......that's a outright knightmare. I guess Songalia for tonight, none of those guys can even cancel him out. Skinner played alright in Milwaukee last year but in significant minutes, my guess is as good as yours though. The way we've beaten the Mavs in the past is we let Dirk do what he does but we let Webber cancel him out and beat them in the stretch.......hard to see them doing that now.
Pedja - "last man standing" at least for now. Is going to take heat and he should. It is very simple. His contract is short and cheap. If he does not produce the way he can - he will not stick around. No matter how You look at it - he can't win in this situation unless he produces short term, long term, all the time. He is capable of talentwise. Unfortunately, talent is noth everything.
Completely agree... Peja doesn't get a free pass now. How he plays the next two seasons will probably determine how big his next contract is now more than ever. Time to show that there was a reason behind all that sulking and play like an All-Star again.


Hall of Famer
Variant said:
Completely agree... Peja doesn't get a free pass now. How he plays the next two seasons will probably determine how big his next contract is now more than ever. Time to show that there was a reason behind all that sulking and play like an All-Star again.
He does not have as much time as You think
I think it's going to be an emotional game for the Kings. (Also Saturday's game will be too.) No Webb and Barnes...:(

I hope when gametime starts, the players just go out there and try their best like always. GO KINGS!! I STILL BELIEVE IN THEM!

I'm too emotional right now to analyze the upcoming game, but somehow even in my daze I recognize that we should keep in mind that we play tonight, and against Dallas, no less.

I, for one, am going to pretend that Webber's just resting his knee, so I can make it through the game without crying.
Gtronic said:
"I think that we still have a team that is good enough to be worthy of being supported"

comments like this make me sick.
why? I agree with it 100%. I am sick about this trade, and angry with Kings management, but that doesn't mean our players arent worthy of our support. And, they may need it more now than even before. They just had their world pulled out from under them much more than we did.
skeletor8 said:
Despite being /angry/furious/heart broken/etc. I will be at the game tonight (wearing my Webber jersey) and will do my best to root for the Kings.
Have fun at the game! :) GO KINGS!
piksi said:
Back to BB. I think that we still have a team that is good enough to be worthy of being supported. Still enough talent. We will make PO. That might be it but it might not. This team has always found a way to compensate in the past 7 years. Yet another guy who was a big part of that phenomena is not here anymore. One just does not replace that over night. However, the players are professionals and have a well paid jub to do.
I completely agree. I have no problem supporting a team with this talent. I've always viewed a season as a complete success if the team makes the playoffs. After that, you never know what can happen. I only have one problem. We had a team that was going to make the playoffs. They would have been the 4 or 5 seed. They were rated the "scariest underdog" to face in the playoffs. I'm not saying the Kings have no chance, but there is no way this trade made them better THIS year. That's hard to swallow. But let's show them we're fans through it all. Here's to a Kings-Sixers NBA Finals!!
I couldn't wait to get back on this afternoon to view this post and after viewing it i must say thank you piksi for your insight..its made me feel a little bit better (as did sleeping)...and i thought you came up with a lot of interestig points and comments...

How about timing here ? Just before a 6 game road trip ot about 10 days before a next home game. Give a people chance to "calm down" some. I mean - just imagine having a home game tonight. On the other hand - if we do not do well on this tripp ( a realistic possibility)- will be very interesting to see what happenes ?
this is the part that didn't sit well with me...and still really doesn't the timing...but you bring up a good point...maybe it was the best time to do it from the "fan" prespective...and you are right i litterally CANNOT even imagine how the ARCO crowd would react had we been playing Dallas at home tonight

Back to BB. I think that we still have a team that is good enough to be worthy of being supported. Still enough talent. We will make PO.
Last night, even in moments where i was angry, sad, miserable and just flat out couldn't think straight...i refused to say that this team "sucks" or "we aren't gonna make the POs" cuz thats a total slap in the face to the guys that have been here all season just working their asses off (ie: Brad/Mike/Darius)...these guys are still capable of winning games and still deserve to be cheered for...i mean they are just as shocked as us and have had NOTHING to do with all of this

hope that we play as a team tonight and give all we got. Dallas is good and will be hard to beat.--I know we can beat them but I also know that it will be a lots of work--
as it ALWAYS is when we play Dallas...with Chris or without him...the thing that sucks the most is that we are in BIG D...where there is nobody to really pick up the team when they are down (in the game)...the guys still standing will ban together i know it and im counting on it (what im really curious to know is will Peja be lacing them up tonight? i mean early yesterday everyone saying he was pretty doubtful for tonight cuz the hami is still bothering him...but obviously this trades changes everything)...its important for us not to fall down early and come of the gates with a good push...we fall short early it could turn ugly real quick...Dallas is looking to get into our heads tonight and i refuse to let them

Bibby - will be an allstar from now on and hopefully will improve defense. It will make him a #1 PG in this league. We need a better back up but I think that we are very solid on this position.

Miller - He has to be Vlade & Webber at the same time for now. He will be our 20-10-5 guy. Needed more than ever.

Darius - I still love him of the bench but he has a potential to be 15-10-5 guy. He is a smart player and has showen that he can pass too.
Now IMO all 3 of these guys have got to step up more than ever OBVIOUSLY. I not really worried about Neptune--he'll be there...OFCOURSE i have confidence in my boy (Brad) to step it up and he's no dummy he knows thats what he's gotta do...You are right piksi Mike Bibby will be an allstar from now on..this was the sealer....he'll get the attention he deserves FINALLY (unfortunetly it will have come after the departure of CWebb)...its Mike's team right now...and whether or not he's more of a leader by example or not he's gotta now be the leader by example AND the vocal leader...the team/coaches would expect it and the fans obviously expect it and im sure Mike as already realized that...i personally expect him and Brad to cram their heads together and do this thing

I am going to reserve judgement for the 3 new guys that we are getting. The are not responsible for any of this and they deserve support until proven otherwise. No - even together they can not replace Webber but if they give us their best - that is all we can ask.
totally right on piksi, its not their fault they are here they didn't ask to be traded out of Philly and they didn't ask to be traded here...they deserve the benefit of the doubt...its just as hard for them to have to pick up and move especially completely unaware that their names were on the chop block..the day they lace em up and put on a kings uni and step out on the court ill be clapping for them...cuz they're kings now (and in the case of the BIG NASTY they are kings again)...just aslong as they play hard and do the best they can that IS all you can really ask for

RA - tough job. He has always gotten this team to respond. While I am not a big fan of his - he is the least responsible for what is going on at the moment. He will find a way to keep everything together on the floor.
I think besides Chris Webber i think the guy i feel the badest for is RA...i mean it was SO HARD for us to work Cat into the system without any practice time and now we are faced with having to do that again...only this time with 3 guys...YIKES!! He prolly cryed himself to sleep last night...this was obviously something that he had no control over...i feel ya RA i feel ya...i wish i could just give him a pat on the back...but RA is a smart guy and he's got some really great assistants to his left and right they will come out with a gameplan tonight...they have no choice

I just heard on ESPN that Dallas sent Henderson and Booth to Milwaukee for Keith Van Horn.......hopefully they will be shorthanded as well!!!


Ryle said:
I just heard on ESPN that Dallas sent Henderson and Booth to Milwaukee for Keith Van Horn.......hopefully they will be shorthanded as well!!!
Not gonna happen. Dirk alone is gonna trample all over the Kings. Songaila lacks the speed and lateral movement to keep up with him. The energy the kings will play with is going to be absolutely dead from Chris leaving. Maybe if you can keep Dampier off the boards there's a chance. But the chance of there be a chance is low.
t5chris said:
Not gonna happen. Dirk alone is gonna trample all over the Kings. Songaila lacks the speed and lateral movement to keep up with him. The energy the kings will play with is going to be absolutely dead from Chris leaving. Maybe if you can keep Dampier off the boards there's a chance. But the chance of there be a chance is low.
Dampier is out. Dallas will play small ball as the only big they have that can play is Dirk.
There will be much dissent over that trade here in Dallas I would guess. They just gave up all of their big depth. If Damp goes down later on (like he is now for a couple of weeks) they are completely hosed.
They will play short handed as well. It's short handed versus short handed. My guess is they start Bradley tonight.







Wow both teams will go about 7 or 8 deep tonight.
Call me crazy but I think the Kings will win tonight. It's going to be small ball and the Kings will be chucking up a ton of shots.....if they go in the Kings win!!!
Kings will have 8 players available.....9 if Peja plays and I think Dallas will have the same. Stackhouse didn't play last night and Daniels is just coming back from his injury.
If the Kings remove Daniels from the IR list tonight Skinner will have to go on IR. Right?? At least for five games. Hell, is Skinner even healthy right now?
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