Kings @ Clippers Game Thread

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No foresight is the problem...If we had managment that wasnt so stupid as to wait until AFTER we were statistically eliminated from the chance to get our asses beat by the Mavs to shut it down....We coulda gotten more losses.

We didnt need much, 4 or 5 less wins this season would have given us a decent chance for Durant, Oden, or Wright.

I'm dissapointed in Muss, like lots...But Petrie is just as much at fault for throwin this roster of aging slackers together and thinking it could work.


Super Moderator Emeritus
No foresight is the problem...If we had managment that wasnt so stupid as to wait until AFTER we were statistically eliminated from the chance to get our asses beat by the Mavs to shut it down....We coulda gotten more losses.
I totally disagree. It's not management's fault. It's the head coach, whose head has apparently been located where the sun doesn't shine for extended periods of time.

I'm dissapointed in Muss, like lots...But Petrie is just as much at fault for throwin this roster of aging slackers together and thinking it could work.
Erm, not to rain on your parade or anything but just where do you think Douby, Williams, Garcia, MArtin and Salmons came from? Hrm? Geoff Petrie picked them BUT he doesn't tell the coach how to coach the team. Not his job.

And once again, I think the "aging slackers" comment is way out of line, not to mention bordering on violating our "no name calling" rules.
The problem with this team is that it should've started a rebuilding process two years ago. How long does it take to realize this? How long will we have to wait for a new beginning?
This is horrible. You'd think the Clippers needed to tank.:mad:

Not only that, the Maloofs in the Bee today said changes will be made, but they didn't know if they would be big or small changes. Un+$#!ingbelievable!!!! I really want to scream.:mad:
I can just see Rick Adelman kicking back in some really comfortable recliner right now laughing his *** off.
You know, I don't think so. My guess is he feels bad for his former players and his great friend Geoff. I would, however, guess that he isn't missing the Maloofs much.
I can just see Rick Adelman kicking back in some really comfortable recliner right now laughing his *** off.

HAhhaHAHAHhAHhahAHHhAHHAHHhhHHHhAHAHHAhaHAHAHAHahHAhAhaHAHHAhAhAHaHAHHAhhhAHAHhhahaHahhaHAhAhAhHAHAHhahaHAHaHhahAhAHAhAHAHAHHAhaHAHAHhaHAHHHAHahAHAHahahaHhahaHAhahAHA someone slap me so i can wake up from this nightmare!


Hall of Famer
Well I think our problem is that we have 26 assists and only 5 TOs...That aint Kings basketball!

If we're gonna win this we need no ball movement! ISO ISO ISO! Come on Muss! Coach the loss!
Well I think our problem is that we have 26 assists and only 5 TOs...That aint Kings basketball!

If we're gonna win this we need no ball movement! ISO ISO ISO! Come on Muss! Coach the loss!
How hard is it to lose a game against a team desperately trying to get into the playoffs?!?!?!


Super Moderator Emeritus
How hard is it to lose a game against a team desperately trying to get into the playoffs?!?!?!
Apparently it's a lot more difficult than we could have imagined. And, ironically, since the Warriors are thumping the Wolves big time, the Clippers are gonna be also-rans also...

Problem is, ALL the pressure is in the Clippers and there's zero pressure on the Kings. Having said that, get the d#%m starters out Muss!!! :mad: And here I didn't think I could like Musselman less....:mad:
Apparently it's a lot more difficult than we could have imagined. And, ironically, since the Warriors are thumping the Wolves big time, the Clippers are gonna be also-rans also...

Apparently it's only difficult for us. What did we do to anger the basketball gods so much? Maybe some kings fan really did poison Kobe...
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