IT = Rumor of 3/24 offer from Pistons

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Hall of Famer
The Pacers made a massive mistake getting George Hill @8mill per season who at the time was a much better all around player than Thomas, I'm sorry but 8 million is nearly double of what he should be earning, unless the role player your signing is really solid at everything say a Wes Mattews you don't give them anymore than 4-5 million. Isaiah Thomas is not and will never be that people need to realise the PG position will for as long as basketball exists be the most stacked position meaning you can find cheap talented players who can do the job while looking for a defensive big (which we can't seem to get).

Good PG's at this stage literally grow on tree's, if anything if you don't have a decent PG it says more about how poor your recruiting/trading/drafting is than anything else. You don't need to pay a one way sparkplug when there are so many more overall talented/bigger PG's out there. This is also why I would not really do a trade for Rondo at this stage either simple due to the surplus of talent at the PG spot. It's more important we find a big man to compliment Cousins before we even think about doing anything else how that is not the #1 priority I don't know.
LOL. We're still sticking to 4-5 mill? It doesn't appear the market believes it's 4-5 mill.
Woopdee. Something of negligible value isn't going to make this team better, or even keep it with the same collective talent level. If the deal is similar to the Tyreke/Vasquez deal then we're riding backwards.
That "negligible value" turned into Rudy Gay though. Ultimately after all of the dominoes fell and several pieces were moved, Tyreke was let go in favor of Rudy Gay. They don't get Rudy Gay from Toronto without Vasquez.

So sometimes these "negligible value" sign-and-trades lead to much bigger things.

Best case scenario with Thomas is that Boston really wants him and that he wants to go there. If the Kings could manage to pull off an IT/Ben for Rajon Rondo + Filler deal that would be great. Then just have to pray that Rondo stays healthy.
Yes, already PDA has been able to do something Geoff never could... and that is to actually MOVE the "moveable parts" (Vasquez, Hayes, Salmons .... versus Kenny Thomas).
LOL. We're still sticking to 4-5 mill? It doesn't appear the market believes it's 4-5 mill.
To begin with, I personally wouldn't pay him more than 5 mil. But even if the market thinks he's worth more than 6, I don't think he's worth more than 6 to the Kings. We already have Rudy Gay and DeMarcus Cousins. Not many teams have as dominant an interior force as Cousins - Thomas could bring more value to their teams than he does to ours (by the way, we've seen his value for 3 seasons now; his playing style isn't going to change).
I don't understand why Detroit would be interested in IT. So they're going to presumably start Jennings THEN bring IT off the bench all while Will Bynum is playing the 2 AND have J. Smith at the 3????


Hall of Famer
That "negligible value" turned into Rudy Gay though. Ultimately after all of the dominoes fell and several pieces were moved, Tyreke was let go in favor of Rudy Gay. They don't get Rudy Gay from Toronto without Vasquez.

So sometimes these "negligible value" sign-and-trades lead to much bigger things.

Best case scenario with Thomas is that Boston really wants him and that he wants to go there. If the Kings could manage to pull off an IT/Ben for Rajon Rondo + Filler deal that would be great. Then just have to pray that Rondo stays healthy.
It wasn't Vasquez for Rudy Gay straight up.

If IT isn't resigned and there is a sign and trade, there is a high likelihood that the trade doesn't bring back comparable value to the Kings. History shows that and logic indicates that. The fact that you have to deal with the one team that offers IT the highest offer implies that your potential trading partners are vastly limited compared to a situation in which there is just a trade (and no sign) of a player already under contract. What situation is going to garner more demand - having to deal with one team and their particular roster, or dealing with potentially 31 other teams and all of their rosters?

If the Kings are so much smarter than all these teams that are interested in IT's services and they really think he's not worth $8 million, they should still sign him for $8 million. Then trade him at a later date to one of the many suitors that are out there. They might then have a shot then at getting comparable value in return.
I don't understand why Detroit would be interested in IT. So they're going to presumably start Jennings THEN bring IT off the bench all while Will Bynum is playing the 2 AND have J. Smith at the 3????
They're looking to stir up their roster and make some trades. Van Gundy wants a fresh start and look
PDA and Co. undervalue their own roster. Started with Evans, traded away all their Petrie guys, trying to dump Thompson (who doesn't need to be dumped, he's appropriately priced) ... etc.

And I don't have a major issue with not matching Thomas at 8 million, but to hear them value him at 4-6 is sort of absurd.

My biggest issue is that if they let Thomas go, they have no control over their point guard situation for next season. With no real cap room, they can't go out and sign anyone who can come close to IT's level. They would have to rely on a trade where they do not have the best assets. We'd be relying entirely on other teams to fill our holes, and that's dangerous.

If we let Thomas walk, I hope its in a sign and trade at the least. You've got to make something out of that asset.

Unless Rondo is the play, this could be really bad.

I don't really know to much about those guys but it looks like they are looking for a mobile big.
Mullens was slated to go first in the draft in his draft year but had slipped VERY VERY far due to his college play. He only got a couple chances in the NBA and pretty much put up decent enough stats. He's better than Gray by far so I would take him if Gray is gone.


Hall of Famer
PDA and Co. undervalue their own roster. Started with Evans, traded away all their Petrie guys, trying to dump Thompson (who doesn't need to be dumped, he's appropriately priced) ... etc.

And I don't have a major issue with not matching Thomas at 8 million, but to hear them value him at 4-6 is sort of absurd.

My biggest issue is that if they let Thomas go, they have no control over their point guard situation for next season. With no real cap room, they can't go out and sign anyone who can come close to IT's level. They would have to rely on a trade where they do not have the best assets. We'd be relying entirely on other teams to fill our holes, and that's dangerous.

If we let Thomas walk, I hope its in a sign and trade at the least. You've got to make something out of that asset.

Unless Rondo is the play, this could be really bad.
Yes. And my understanding from Funky is that if the Kings sign IT and do go over the cap they have the Bird rights so they will not incur the salary cap penalty. If they don't sign him, they don't have that luxury, which gives them less cap flexibility to go out and try to find a FA pg.
PDA and Co. undervalue their own roster. Started with Evans, traded away all their Petrie guys, trying to dump Thompson (who doesn't need to be dumped, he's appropriately priced) ... etc.

And I don't have a major issue with not matching Thomas at 8 million, but to hear them value him at 4-6 is sort of absurd.

My biggest issue is that if they let Thomas go, they have no control over their point guard situation for next season. With no real cap room, they can't go out and sign anyone who can come close to IT's level. They would have to rely on a trade where they do not have the best assets. We'd be relying entirely on other teams to fill our holes, and that's dangerous.

If we let Thomas walk, I hope its in a sign and trade at the least. You've got to make something out of that asset.

Unless Rondo is the play, this could be really bad.
it's part of the nba 3.0 plan. we're going to the lottery to find a steph curry clone. splash bro's here we come!
Yes. And my understanding from Funky is that if the Kings sign IT and do go over the cap they have the Bird rights so they will not incur the salary cap penalty. If they don't sign him, they don't have that luxury, which gives them less cap flexibility to go out and try to find a FA pg.
I'm not totally familiar with how the new MLE works under this most recent CBA, but Non-Tax Paying teams over the cap get 5.15 million for their MLE.

What I don't know is when a team needs to be over the cap by to get that money. For instance, if we match IT and go over the cap, do we then get the 5.15 million, or in other words, does matching IT give us more overall cap space than not matching IT, considering we could be in line for the bigger MLE if we match him.
PDA and Co. undervalue their own roster. Started with Evans, traded away all their Petrie guys, trying to dump Thompson (who doesn't need to be dumped, he's appropriately priced) ... etc.

And I don't have a major issue with not matching Thomas at 8 million, but to hear them value him at 4-6 is sort of absurd.

My biggest issue is that if they let Thomas go, they have no control over their point guard situation for next season. With no real cap room, they can't go out and sign anyone who can come close to IT's level. They would have to rely on a trade where they do not have the best assets. We'd be relying entirely on other teams to fill our holes, and that's dangerous.

If we let Thomas walk, I hope its in a sign and trade at the least. You've got to make something out of that asset.

Unless Rondo is the play, this could be really bad.
I stand by the Evans decision the way I look at it is this.

Evans --> Vasquez
1st rounder --> T-Rob --> Patterson
Hayes (bad contract)
Salmons (bad contract) = Rudy

So IMO the pay off was well worth it but back to IT. 8M is to much for him not because he's not a good player but because of what are roster already has vs what it needs. On ball pressure needs to be addressed that's why I think the best move for us would be to make a play for Avery Bradley.
I just don't see how the FO could sign Thomas at $8 mil per season with the intent on keeping him. It was rumored last offseason that they would only keep Tyreke at $8 mil max. I think most would agree that Evans is the better and more valuable player.
I'm not totally familiar with how the new MLE works under this most recent CBA, but Non-Tax Paying teams over the cap get 5.15 million for their MLE.

What I don't know is when a team needs to be over the cap by to get that money. For instance, if we match IT and go over the cap, do we then get the 5.15 million, or in other words, does matching IT give us more overall cap space than not matching IT, considering we could be in line for the bigger MLE if we match him.
We're already over the cap (as I just explained in this post in another thread), Gay opting in took care of that.

The real issue is whether re-signing IT takes you into the luxury tax, and if you use the non-taxpayer MLE you can't make any more moves that would take you into the "apron," or $4 million above the tax line. If using an exception would take you over the apron, you only get to use the taxpayer MLE, which is $3.2 million.
First off, glad to see the idiots doubting Bruski getting shut down. Looks like an offer of $24m/3yrs is on the table like Bruski reported.

Secondly, a deal between Boston for Rondo would make the Stauskas selection make more sense.

Though, if Isaiah does sign a 3 year deal worth $8m elsewhere, the Kings should match that.


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Staff member
One team willing to overpay at 8 million does not set the market at 8 million. I'd be curious to see the other numbers.

Of course, it is curious that the team is Detroit. Did we need to have them give IT an 8 million offer in order to be able to bring back Smith in return? The conspiracy theorist in me says yes.
I really don't understand the Isaiah hate. He's a very good player, and certainly worth matching.

We have literally 3 rotation-caliber players on this team. Ray has potential to be a 4th, Ben should be one but didn't show it last year.

Letting a potential all-star player walk from a team with so little talent is begging for disaster. I get that people think he's a bad defender, but I honestly think he's a better defender than DMC pound-for-pound, and would do fine in a system that allowed him to corral guys into traps, as opposed to sending them at the matador defense that's waiting behind him.
First off, glad to see the idiots doubting Bruski getting shut down. Looks like an offer of $24m/3yrs is on the table like Bruski reported.

Secondly, a deal between Boston for Rondo would make the Stauskas selection make more sense.

Though, if Isaiah does sign a 3 year deal worth $8m elsewhere, the Kings should match that.
Only to S+T him, 8 mil is too much for a 6th man.
I really don't understand the Isaiah hate. He's a very good player, and certainly worth matching.

We have literally 3 rotation-caliber players on this team. Ray has potential to be a 4th, Ben should be one but didn't show it last year.

Letting a potential all-star player walk from a team with so little talent is begging for disaster. I get that people think he's a bad defender, but I honestly think he's a better defender than DMC pound-for-pound, and would do fine in a system that allowed him to corral guys into traps, as opposed to sending them at the matador defense that's waiting behind him.

IT is not a potential all-star - that's a pretty ludicrous statement. Nor is he a better defender ("pound for pound") than DMC - IT is a negative defensively and DMC, last season, at least, was our best defender. Which isn't saying a lot, but he was pretty effective.
I don't think Boston has as much leverage in a Rondo deal as a lot of people on here seem to think. He was great when he played with other great players, when those players left or got older he wasn't quite the same. Not to mention he has had injury problems recently and has always had attitude problems. He is a big contract and Boston is looking to rebuild, they already drafted Marcus Smart and if the rumor is true that they want Thomas then they are definitely looking to move on, it's obvious, that hurts their leverage. I know there were rumors before the draft that they wanted multiple first round picks and young talent, but that doesn't determine his value. Boston can ask for whatever they want, it doesn't mean they are going to get it and they already didn't get what they wanted because nobody was paying that price for Rondo.

A sign and trade of Thomas and Williams (Expiring contract) might get it done. They get the young PG they want and still will shed almost half of Rondo's deal at the end of the year. I'm sure they want McLemore, but I don't think the Kings front office is going to go there.
Not sure if this was mentioned already but just FYI again Boston cannot sign IT straight up because of cap space the only way they can pick him up is in a S&T.
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