IT = Rumor of 3/24 offer from Pistons

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Really though, there's rarely a 'big' list for any free agent. Maybe 4-6 teams at the most
My point is of the teams that have expressed interest in him, they either don't have the cap space anymore, he doesn't fit at a 8-10M deal or its Dallas/LA. I think both those teams are going to wait for the top FA which means IT's options dwindle and I have a hard time picturing either organization paying top dollar for him.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I know I'm turning into a broken record with this but who is left that has money and wants/needs to sign a PG like IT?

Not a big list.
Miami is dangerous. Looking to just upgrade anything, sign anybody with an impact. And they don't even have anything to give back in an S&T.
Miami is dangerous. Looking to just upgrade anything, sign anybody with an impact. And they don't even have anything to give back in an S&T.
I'm not seeing it. The worst kind of pg for their team and they've been relatively smart about the kinds of players they bring in. At 5-7M, sure but 8-10 where we wouldn't want to match? We'll see.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I'm not seeing it. The worst kind of pg for their team and they've been relatively smart about the kinds of players they bring in. At 5-7M, sure but 8-10 where we wouldn't want to match? We'll see.
But a wonderful 6th man, and with Wade and maybe even Bosh in decline, there is slack to pick up.
But a wonderful 6th man, and with Wade and maybe even Bosh in decline, there is slack to pick up.
There was an article today that talked about Miami's strategy which flies in the face of a 8-10M IT deal. Basically, they want to bring in 3andD wings or defensive bigs that are willing to accept a discount to play with the Big 3. It's why they haven't had any success with the current FA who are looking for bigger deals and roles. How would IT at 8-10M fit with that?

Not saying its impossible. I'm just not with everyone that thinks the stupid deals handed out so far means IT's offer is going to be so outrageous.
Not really a fan of collison myself. I would rather see how Houston feels about Lin going forward.

No idea how you'd get him though with the toxic cap situation.

Looking more and more like they will be forced to match IT because there's simply nothing else attainable.

If Detroit are serious I bet they kick the tires on Jennings. Ugh. That said he did put up some huge assist games last season. Haven't watched him for ages.
A sign-and-trade deal involving Josh Smith and Isaiah Thomas "may be in the works," according to
The Pistons are believed to be interested in signing the restricted free agent while Greg Monroe reportedly wants to see Smith get traded, so it makes sense. The Smith signing did not go well and the Pistons weren't a very efficient offense while their defense wasn't great either. Smith would play a little further from the basket compared to most power forwards, which works next to DeMarcus Cousins. Although, a Smith, Cousins and Rudy Gay frontline doesn't sound great on paper. Jul 2 - 2:43 PM
I am not worried about how it "sounds on paper". What i am worried about is if we re-sign Rudy for around $13 million per season extension, they we have around $40 million of the $66 million slary cap room invested in our frontcourt meaning that we will once again field one of the worst backcourts in the NBA.

I think Smith is not a great fit but he is a "solid" fit albeit underprized but considering some of the contracts handed out this off-season, he might not be over-paid after all! Smith is a skilled player. He does have solid offensive game when he is not jacking up 3s. He was and hoping that he still is a very good shot blocker. He was and hoping that still is a very good defender. Not a great roubounder (solid) but he is undersized, especially in the West.

Its probably still a talent upgrade for us but we are not distributing that slary cap smartly if we go ahead with this. Even now we have $21 million invested into an average bunch of PFs
Where can I find that statistic that show how ball dominant a player is?
Note sure of any particular measure for "ball dominance." I think best measure of this is how many shots they take... I remember IT would often take the most or highest shots in a game on the team.


Hall of Famer
Did people think I was kidding when I said he would be a Laker? That info was posted hours ago. I don't blame him but look forward to the Kobe/IT show.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Bummer. Those first two teams have nothing to offer in S&T.
Which was my concern about them. Replacing It with Collison does not bother me so much, but doing so while losing IT for absolutely nothing is barely a step forward if that. Just means we go into next year with an arguably less talented smallish PG that costs considerably more than we were paying our undersized PG last year.
Which was my concern about them. Replacing It with Collison does not bother me so much, but doing so while losing IT for absolutely nothing is barely a step forward if that. Just means we go into next year with an arguably less talented smallish PG that costs considerably more than we were paying our undersized PG last year.
Agreed. Again, my fear is always that our FO never seems to operate with a 2 moves ahead mentality. We'll see though.
MIA and LAL have nothing to offer us. I'd take picks over nothing. Could LA sign and trade Hill for him, since he's a FA too? Hill and picks would be OK. I like Bazemore too, but he's a FA, and wouldn't be more than a throw in anyway.


MIA and LAL have nothing to offer us. I'd take picks over nothing. Could LA sign and trade Hill for him, since he's a FA too? Hill and picks would be OK. I like Bazemore too, but he's a FA, and wouldn't be more than a throw in anyway.
id trade landry and thomas for picks
MIA and LAL have nothing to offer us. I'd take picks over nothing. Could LA sign and trade Hill for him, since he's a FA too? Hill and picks would be OK. I like Bazemore too, but he's a FA, and wouldn't be more than a throw in anyway.
MIA and LAL have no motivation to give us picks or players with all that cap space...unless you want Steve Nash's corpse back. Detroit has limited cap space and likely want to get rid of Josh Smith so that's really the only possibility I see now
MIA and LAL have no motivation to give us picks or players with all that cap space...unless you want Steve Nash's corpse back. Detroit has limited cap space and likely want to get rid of Josh Smith so that's really the only possibility I see now
Only value from LA is if they wanted IT badly enough and thought we could match so they agree to include Nash for Landry. But I seriously doubt they would consider it.


Hall of Famer
We are in some serious trouble return wise if he ends up in LA or Miami, unless you can try to sway a first round pick from LA for next year's draft.
At this point, Josh Smith doesn't seem as horrible an idea as initially.. Far better than nothing at all. I'm hoping something else opens up for IT, because we are stuck between a rock and a hard place right now (in terms of getting anything period back in return for IT).
IMO Collison has always struck me as more of a team guy. May not be the huge star, but he's going to do whatever it takes to win. He's the perfect backcourt mate for Nik. Likewise, I think Nik is the perfect teammate for Cuz and Gay. The 4 spot is still a bit suspect, but I think those four will have really good chemistry. That said, it's better that IT goes to a team that he can be happy with. LOL Can't wait for Kobe or Lebron to punk him out on the court for screwing up.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat under its "Player Tracking" section in its stats mess using the new cameras recording everything, and an area for Time/Possesion, that includes a Time of Possession stat.

IT was third in the league at 7.6min a game with the ball actually in his hand. Trailing only Rondo (7.7) and Wall (7.8), and of course racking up far fewer assists than them with all that ball time.

There is also a "Touches per game" stat that I have pondered using in conjunction with the Time of Possession stat. IT has 84.1 touches per game last year. For instance Kemba Walker, who was 4th in the league in Time of Possession (7.5min/gm) had 100.3 touches a game. What that would seem to tell me is that combining those two stats might give you a statistical reflection of our lack of ball movement/sticky ball syndrome. IT had the ball more, on fewer touches, meaning on each touch he kept it longer. Walker had the ball slightly less, on many more touches, meaning that while he had a high time of possession, he was willing to move the ball and it was passing into and out of his hands multiple times a possession.

Combining together all 7 of these stats: Minutes/gm, Time of Poessession, Touches Per Game, FGA/gm, FTA/gm, Ast/gm, TO/gm should allow you to create a statistical dialogue mirroring the much simpler and clearer observational one: IT has a tendency to hog the ball while looking for his own shot more than others.

For IT:
34.6min/gm (assuming that each team has the ball 50% of the game (highly unlikely), we had the ball 17.3min during ITs minutes
7.6min Time of Possession of those 17.3min (43.9% of the time he had the ball)
84.1 touches per game / 7.6min (456seconds) = 5.42secs/per touch
15.2FGA + 5.7FTA = roughly 17.7 shooting possessions
6.3ast + 3.0TO

compared to Rajon Rondo (as a test case to prove the numbers look different for different style players):
33.6min (so roughly 16.8min/gm on offense)
7.7min Time of Possession (45.8% had the ball)
93.1 touches per game (4.97sec per touch)
11.7FGA + 2.2FTA
9.8ast + 3.3TO

compared to Mario Chalmers (again, now looking for a third archetype for PGs):
29.8min (14.9 per game on offense)
4.3min Time of Possession (28.9% had the ball)
65.5 touches/game (3.94 sec/touch)
7.7FGA + 2.2FTA
4.9Ast + 2.2TO

So what you see reflected by using all those numbers is precisely IT holding the ball like the most ball dominant guys in the league, but using all that time to shoot more often than pass. Is what it is.
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