IT = Rumor of 3/24 offer from Pistons

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If the Heat and Lakers are after him wouldn't they come with a low ball offer? Wouldn't we just match it if it was say $5-$6 million per, it would be pretty stupid not to unless the FO is that convinced IT just needs to not exist in Sacramento. It would be sad to see a young player entering his prime who plays his heart out leave because we have junk like Terry, Evans, Outlaw, Landry, JT to pay, or even a pedestrian player like Derrick Williams who seems content to just pick up his check. Even if you have to go over the luxury tax one year, Rudy's contract will be less(if he even stays past 2014-15) and all the junk will come off the books. To me that just seems like the smart thing to do.
If the Heat and Lakers are after him wouldn't they come with a low ball offer? Wouldn't we just match it if it was say $5-$6 million per, it would be pretty stupid not to unless the FO is that convinced IT just needs to not exist in Sacramento. It would be sad to see a young player entering his prime who plays his heart out leave because we have junk like Terry, Evans, Outlaw, Landry, JT to pay, or even a pedestrian player like Derrick Williams who seems content to just pick up his check. Even if you have to go over the luxury tax one year, Rudy's contract will be less(if he even stays past 2014-15) and all the junk will come off the books. To me that just seems like the smart thing to do.
I agree. I'm still not convinced someone is going to come in at $8+M but I'm also not convinced IT would come back as a reserve.
Well just looking at our team salary chart I find it a travesty that we plan to pay Derrick Williams $6.7 million this year and we could let IT walk for less. Talk about polar opposite approaches to their careers.
If the Heat and Lakers are after him wouldn't they come with a low ball offer? Wouldn't we just match it if it was say $5-$6 million per, it would be pretty stupid not to unless the FO is that convinced IT just needs to not exist in Sacramento. It would be sad to see a young player entering his prime who plays his heart out leave because we have junk like Terry, Evans, Outlaw, Landry, JT to pay, or even a pedestrian player like Derrick Williams who seems content to just pick up his check. Even if you have to go over the luxury tax one year, Rudy's contract will be less(if he even stays past 2014-15) and all the junk will come off the books. To me that just seems like the smart thing to do.
I don't know if this team is willing to go over the luxury tax even for one season. If it's for only 5 or 6 mil per year, then sign me up the "keep IT bandwagon" At the very least, I want some type of draft pick or even a young player if there is a sign and trade.
Well just looking at our team salary chart I find it a travesty that we plan to pay Derrick Williams $6.7 million this year and we could let IT walk for less. Talk about polar opposite approaches to their careers.
Again we agree. I hate letting talent walk simply because we have too much wasted salary. The 2nd's to Luc to Dwill added almost 7M and Landry added 6.5. Even though Gay added about 12, he at least brings value. But 13M that this FO added to the cap is going to force us to lose talent. That's why I'm not as ready to give the FO time. They've helped to add to the past era's mistakes.
It isn't up to IT. If we match the contract, he is a King and plays the role Malone assigns.
I was suggesting him taking a small deal from someone else knowing we would match and put him as a 6th man. At this point, I think he wants to get paid to start and isn't going to accept a 6th man deal.
ok. Seems to make Lakers/Heat less likely and Detroit more likely then. If Lakers give Carmelo $97M they can't give IT $8M. No way Heat can. So IT might be cornered, he just simply can't go to one of those clubs for peanuts. So maybe there is a scenario where the Lakers/Heat/IT do in fact have motivation to facilitate a S&T ... otherwise we have leverage by threatening to match.

Best case scenario is we retain IT as a sixth man - would make everyone happy I think (except maybe IT at first).


I hear Detroit can only offer from $5.5-$7 million to IT(after signing Meeks), if that is really his ceiling than we should match.
What happends but if IT like last season goes berserk and Collison struggles? If we re-sign IT I fear it going back to the "empty 3" , I really think a sign and trade would be nice with IT.
What happends but if IT like last season goes berserk and Collison struggles? If we re-sign IT I fear it going back to the "empty 3" , I really think a sign and trade would be nice with IT.
I really doubt that, Collison is an established vet with plenty of playoff experience. Vasquez was coming off an injury and really is physically limited to begin with. One thing I could see happening is Ben continuing to struggle, Stauskas hitting rough rookie patches, in which case it wouldn't be bad to play IT an Collison together much like the Clippers did with CP3 and Collison and the Suns with Dragic and Bledsoe. Both are ultra quick and will cause matchup nightmares. At the end of the day competition brings out the best in everybody. I would rather have Collison and IT going at eachother and earning a mutual respect, learning to play well together, than having Collison just come in with no competition. We are trying to win NOW and the thought of that being highly reliant on Ben Mclemore developing, Stauskas making a big impact as a rookie, McCallum developing and a career reserve guard stepping into his role as a starter worries me(also the fact that PF is a complete mess to this point and we don't have a shotblocker still).

Plus IT just has to accept his role. At the end of the day money talks in this league, the guys making the big bucks are the big dogs(Cousins, Gay), based on salary IT will be on that next tier with Landry and Collison. What we saw last year was essentially a guy on the NBA minimum wage trying to prove he belongs higher up the pecking order.
The tax is not payable until the end of the season so they could easily go into the tax and then make trades at the deadline to get back under it.

Going into the tax for someone like IT seems a bit frivolous IMO but it's not my money.
Is it a possibility that IT takes a one year, say $5 million contract with Kings and becomes an unrestricted free agent next year?

Basically hoping that as an unrestricted Free Agent next year he will get his big pay day (i.e. 4 years/$32+million)? Otherwise he may be getting left over FA money and maybe a 3 year/$18 million offer from someone this year.
Why would we match an offer to IT? We already have Nick/Ben taking all the SG minuets and just signed Collison. All reports are we love McCallum so if we match IT, Ray gets minutes and gets kicked to the curb. Just let IT go develop Ray and build around DMC/Gay with defensive players and shooters that know there roles.
Why would we match an offer to IT? We already have Nick/Ben taking all the SG minuets and just signed Collison. All reports are we love McCallum so if we match IT, Ray gets minutes and gets kicked to the curb. Just let IT go develop Ray and build around DMC/Gay with defensive players and shooters that know there roles.
The main reason is how you go about getting these defenders and shooters if you let the few bits of desired talent leave?
I agree. I'm still not convinced someone is going to come in at $8+M but I'm also not convinced IT would come back as a reserve.
There is absolutely nothing that indicates he won't come back as a reserve. He started during the Keith Smart era and led the bench after the team acquired Vasquez without stirring up any controversy.
There is absolutely nothing that indicates he won't come back as a reserve. He started during the Keith Smart era and led the bench after the team acquired Vasquez without stirring up any controversy.
He's got no choice if they match.

All it does is give a headache for Malone.
This idea that IT is a some sort of selfish player who puts his needs above the team is a fabricated myth here on the forum. Sure, of course he thinks he should be a starter after the season he just had. Basically every new organization, media profesional, other Kings forums, etc all think so too. is pretty much the only place on the internet that doesn't believe he's a starter

But it doesn't mean IT is going to sulk on the bench if we match an offer for him and that's the role we ask of him. Dude has been one of the hardest workest on the team the past 3 seasons and despite what some of you think of him, no one can deny the guy plays out all out every time he steps on the floor.

I like Collison as a player. But we're taking a major step backwards if it's not combined with IT resigning. Collison+Stauskas with IT, Ray and Ben is a major step forward in improving our biggest weakness from last season. Without IT, it remains the biggest weakness on the team


The Game Thread Dude
This idea that IT is a some sort of selfish player who puts his needs above the team is a fabricated myth here on the forum. Sure, of course he thinks he should be a starter after the season he just had. Basically every new organization, media profesional, other Kings forums, etc all think so too. is pretty much the only place on the internet that doesn't believe he's a starter

But it doesn't mean IT is going to sulk on the bench if we match an offer for him and that's the role we ask of him. Dude has been one of the hardest workest on the team the past 3 seasons and despite what some of you think of him, no one can deny the guy plays out all out every time he steps on the floor.

I like Collison as a player. But we're taking a major step backwards if it's not combined with IT resigning. Collison+Stauskas with IT, Ray and Ben is a major step forward in improving our biggest weakness from last season. Without IT, it remains the biggest weakness on the team
Is this you?

Ir8 Kings Fan‏@SacKingsNo1

If the kings let IT go they'll regret it forever. Hes an future ALLSTAR. NO DOUBT. THE BEST PLAYER ON THE KINGS GARANTEED. #JUSTICE4IT
I think people need to separate actual personality and on court mindset. Because I'm certainly not questioning IT's personality. I like him a lot and he's a class act off the court.
Is this you?

Ir8 Kings Fan‏@SacKingsNo1

If the kings let IT go they'll regret it forever. Hes an future ALLSTAR. NO DOUBT. THE BEST PLAYER ON THE KINGS GARANTEED. #JUSTICE4IT
Yes, because what I said is equivalent to that tweet or the other content he tweets.

Forgive me, for having an original opinion. I'll fall in line like a good little boy.

-"Can't wait to get rid of the selfish chucker!"
-"All our offensive problems are fixed!"


The Game Thread Dude
Original for this forum*

Thanks for pointing out how in left field a majority here are with this topic though.
Well in all fairness, most of the staff at StR think people are going a little overboard with the hysterics too.

And I really just quoted you in that post because I really wanted an excuse to share that crazy person's existence.
Original for this forum*

Thanks for pointing out how in left field a majority here are with this topic though.
I don't see why it's worth getting bent out of shape about.

It's clear the majority (if you take Internet forums as a guide) think IT is a superb player. Some even value him higher than Cuz.

Some people think the team would be better without him.

Big deal. Be kinda boring if everyone agreed.
Well just looking at our team salary chart I find it a travesty that we plan to pay Derrick Williams $6.7 million this year and we could let IT walk for less. Talk about polar opposite approaches to their careers.
I think there is a very good chance that Williams will not be on the roster come the start of the season. I think he gets traded and is one asset that PDA is throwing into a lot of his trade proposals.
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