I'm bumping this one up a few notches on my list now that "magic" powers seem to be included with our cars.
ZZ Top Eliminator (1933 Ford Coupe)
Perhaps too soon to go with another 30s Ford Coupe but where the last one was all about speed, this one is about style. Plus it magically transforms whoever holds the keys into a ladykiller and comes equipped with 3 fishnet clad hot-mess tramps from the 80s.

ZZ Top Eliminator (1933 Ford Coupe)
Perhaps too soon to go with another 30s Ford Coupe but where the last one was all about speed, this one is about style. Plus it magically transforms whoever holds the keys into a ladykiller and comes equipped with 3 fishnet clad hot-mess tramps from the 80s.
Holy crap -- that one I do not believe, as that was always supposed to be my last pick until Lowenherz suddenly blew it up by picking some random hotrod -- did not want to look like a cheap copycat with the very next pick.
Wow, such a deal. An obscure right fielder too. The girls coming along was part of the attraction for me too. And it was also the only upside down bathtub car (roughly anything before 1950) I could ever see myself considering for that very reason. That's chopped btw, and only the body is a 33 Ford. The headlights are '36, the tailights '39. And everything under the hood is modern muscle car -- runs a standard V8 350 and modern tranny. As mentioned I had the thing lined up for some time.
Also finishes off the last car on my list.
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