Artest trade stuff HERE!! (merged)

I know you're saying if ron causes problems... but why would it be the end of geoff's career? Ron isn't as stupid as we think he is, he's not going to go into the stands again. He's not going to beat up a random fan on the street. Besides, the maloofs would know that GP IS a good GM and if ron experiment failed I still wouldn't fire him. I doubt it's true though, just because on insidehoops message board a mavs fan made a thread about clips/mavs and he didn't say anything about it. If he's watching it on LP he woulda heard and he woulda said something. Plus we've heard RON IS GOING TO BE MOVED one trillion times and he's still on the pacers.
VF21 said:
Were you surprised when Chris Webber ended up in Philly?


Nothing should surprise you if you've been a basketball fan for more than about three months...

I don't think this rumor has any more substance than any other. It's amazing how many times we've heard that Artest will be moved within hours...and nothing happens.

As I said, I just want it to be over. Move him, retire him, turn him into a planter - I really don't care. Just get on with the business of playing basketball.

naaaa....the philly thing wasnt that big of surprise...i mean you dont really think of guys like webber gettin traded...but then u take a look at that contract and sac being a small market team...and it makes some sense...u then take a look at the teams in the east that might consider that contract and u get a very short list....philly made sense....

sac just doesnt make that much sense to me for ron...or vice versa....seems like they might be a lot more interested in nene and watson or someone from the twolves....i dunno....

theres a part of me that could see pollard going back to sactown and that being part of the deal..with the unrest of fans and scots popularity, and hes expiring, who knows....might be a good pr move....maybe skinner goes to minny along with artest....and sac gets pollard and hassell...bonzi goes to indy....something along those thinking out loud...

lol..ill stop..;)


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BMiller52 said:
I know you're saying if ron causes problems... but why would it be the end of geoff's career? Ron isn't as stupid as we think he is, he's not going to go into the stands again. He's not going to beat up a random fan on the street. Besides, the maloofs would know that GP IS a good GM and if ron experiment failed I still wouldn't fire him. I doubt it's true though, just because on insidehoops message board a mavs fan made a thread about clips/mavs and he didn't say anything about it. If he's watching it on LP he woulda heard and he woulda said something. Plus we've heard RON IS GOING TO BE MOVED one trillion times and he's still on the pacers.
Oh good lord.

How many times are you going to insist that Ron won't go into the stands again? THAT is NOT the point. The point is he has a history - not just one event - of problems.

I understand that you really want Ron Artest and pretty much worship the ground he walks on. That's fine BUT if you cannot see the POTENTIAL for problems, you clearly don't understand the whole situation.

Yes, he's the former DPOY. Blah, blah, blah... Yes, he can lock down the opposition. Blah, blah, blah...

He has also destroyed a TV monitor, totally demolished a water cooler, attacked a fan, asked for time off to work on his rap album, announced that he wanted to be traded and then retracted said statement, etc.

He's a loose cannon. That doesn't mean it's a guarantee that something else will happen, but you have to acknowledge the possibility.

And for the record? The "rumor" was heard by someone from PacersDigest whom I personally have a lot of respect for. If he said they said it, they said it. Of course that doesn't mean it's true, but just because it didn't show up in a Clips/Mavs post doesn't mean it didn't happen.

As far as Petrie's career goes, MY PERSONAL OPINION based on over 40+ years as an NBA fan is that he would be taking a big risk if he brought Artest to Sacramento and the worst possible thing happened. It would be, IMHO, the final straw. I don't know if I'm right or wrong but I'm not going to change my opinion because you wouldn't fire him if you were the Maloofs.
Here is what I have gathered.

The Clippers announcers were going on and on, during the game about losing out on Artest to the Kings. If its true we will know by tommorrow. Because it will have either been announced or leaked by that point.

Just wait, and see.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Actually, the rumor, from what I read over at PacersDigest, was more along the lines of the Kings PR department being told to stay after hours and the suppositions tby the broadcast crew hat it must involve Artest and the Kings...
Ok so if the trade goes down this stuff might happen correct?:

Ron is going to beat someone up
geoff will get fired
Ron will do some other crazy things

Ron is a bad person and you don't want him here correct?(i'm being serious, this stuff might happen right?) I mean I'd much rather have pierce or garnett but we're not getting them. This is the best shot at an allstar player, the question is should we do it? I guess not?


Super Moderator Emeritus
BMiller52 said:
Ok so if the trade goes down this stuff might happen correct?:

Ron is going to beat someone up
geoff will get fired
Ron will do some other crazy things

Ron is a bad person and you don't want him here correct?(i'm being serious, this stuff might happen right?) I mean I'd much rather have pierce or garnett but we're not getting them. This is the best shot at an allstar player, the question is should we do it? I guess not?
In all seriousness, if Ron Artest comes to the Kings OR any other trade:
1. Everything could be fine.
2. He could lose his cool in a game situation again, leading to more fines, suspensions, etc.
3. He could do something in between 1 and 2.

I have never said that Ron Artest is a bad person. I think he's got issues with priorities and I do not think he's the sharpest knife in the drawer, but my main concern is his apparent inability to deal with anger management.

We don't know what will happen. A lot of people around here seem to think it would be great and are willing to overlook the possible negative ramifications IF the worst case scenario occurs.

All I've ever wanted is for people to admit that there are two sides to the coin. As good as he can be on the court, there is a real potential for problems.

That's why I've said IMHO that if Petrie does pull the trigger on a deal to bring him here, after everything this franchise has gone through for the past two years, he's a much braver person than I am. It'll be a great success or a headline grabbing failure. I don't see anything in between.

Once again, though, I just want it to be over and done so we can start looking forward. Nothing survives well in chaos.
Yeah Ron artest can explode, I see where you're coming from. It really sucks that such a talented person has these kind of issues, for ron, for the pacers, and for whatever team he gets traded to. But you and I just want the same thing-for the kings to win games. If getting Ron gets us some wins I'm leaning towards getting him, but again we don't know if he'll explode or not. We DO know that most teams in the league don't seem to have a high opinion of him because otherwise he'd be traded by now.

I'm guessing this is your position on the deal: you think it'll happen(because the person who started the rumor has your respect) BUT you don't want it to happen. Am I right?

My position is somewhere in between even though I seem totally one sided in Ron's favor. I know he's a risk but that risk has a huge payoff-or a huge downside. He's one of my favorite players and this is my favorite team, I also know that if we get him the clippers don't and the warriors don't and that makes me happy because we're in there same division. But than again, if he exploded we'd be potentially screwed and those teams would probably be better than us. I'm just sick of losing games.

And the question is, will geoff petrie do it? Because I'm pretty sure walsh would just because Peja IS the most talent they'll get back for Artest.


Super Moderator Emeritus
There talkin about the Artest to Sacramento...on Sports 1140 ..right now! word yet!!! I'm staying tuned
You need to go back about 25 posts or so in this thread and catch up. The latest rumor came from the Clippers broadcasters who supposedly said the Kings media relations department was working tonight and then they jumped to assuming it must mean Artest is coming to the Kings.

As far as I know, nothing was ever confirmed...I seriously doubt if you're going to hear late-breaking news at 12:25.



Super Moderator Emeritus
BMiller52 said:
I'm guessing this is your position on the deal: you think it'll happen(because the person who started the rumor has your respect) BUT you don't want it to happen. Am I right?
I respect the person who said they heard the Clippers broadcast crew talking about this. I don't think there's necessarily any more truth to what they're saying tonight than what Mike Lamb, for example, said about three weeks ago when he announced pretty firmly that Artest would be coming to the Kings within the next 48 hours.

There are about a million rumors floating around at any given time. Almost every message board has stuff about Artest on it. I don't give any one rumor any more credence than another because there are so many out there. Just looking at the mathematics, one of them is probably right. The thing is we won't know which one it is until it's formally announced. There is one right rumor - MAYBE - amidst about 10,000 wrong ones. That's a pretty small needle in a pretty large haystack.

Whose talkin about it on the radio right now?..

VF ...that Jack Bauer Quote is fabulous...definately my favorite show...the first 4 episodes were money!
Okay so what exactly is the trade being discussed? I heard on realgm it's Kevin Martin+Bonzi for Artest/Johnson but I don't buy it. I really would hate to lose kevin because he has a lot of potential and artest even though he's a better player he's not worth kevin, atleast IMO.
Well...i guess well know by tomorrow if this was a rumor or not

and can you link me where the kevin martin/bonzi for artest/johnson rumors is.
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I don't want Bonzi or Martin involved in this deal. If anything, then a straight up Peja for Artest swap. However, knowing Petrie's dispostion to being surreptitious, the chances of this trade going down are slim, especially the fashion in which it has been circulating the rumor mill.
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Artest for Bonzi/Martin? - OLD RUMOR

Bonzi Wells & Kevin Martin - Its been suggested that Jermaine O’Neal was told of an offer from Sacramento that included good friend Bonzi Wells and “the kid they drafted last year”. A source close to the Kings says Bonzi has come to the realization that he wants to compete, and is finding the laid back atmosphere in Sacramento annoying and has hinted that he’d want a trade. The numbers work salary wise given the new 25% rule, for Sacramento they get Artest who they have coveted for some time, without giving up Peja – Indiana gets a player Jermaine O’Neal approves of, and a young player in Kevin Martin who they have scouted in each of the past too summers. Bonzi comes off the books next summer, so it’s not a long term marriage if it doesn’t work out, and Kevin is cheap – toss in a draft pick and this is the best deal floating around.

NOTE: This rumor was posted at Hoopsworld on Dec. 18, 2005. It's old!!!! -- VF21
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tyrant said:
why do you sigh? cuz it's from hoopsworld? i know hoopsworld has a history of "false advertisement"
More Artest to Sacramento garbage. Its never going to happen thank goodness. GPwould never do this but yret people keep bringing it up over over and over again....

Hes a certifiable nutjob who doesnt belong anywhere within 85 miles of ARCO.


Nutjob or not - he's more talented than any one player on our roster and plays harder than any 3.

This team takes a major step forward if they do this deal.

Of course, it'd be time to wave goodbye to "pretty" basketball.

I mean, at the end of the day, if Bonzi doesn't want to play in Sacramento --- then there is no reason not to do the deal. Martin will be good, but never as good as Artest. If Artest goes nutso ... you trade him again.

It's not lack of interest that is causing Artest to stay in Indiana.
I wouldn't trade KM,because he is young and he showed great potential.He can only get better and he will.
I think this team learned how to play together,let's see what they can do.It's 3 in a row for now.


Peja said:
I wouldn't trade KM,because he is young and he showed great potential.He can only get better and he will.
I think this team learned how to play together,let's see what they can do.It's 3 in a row for now.
I've heard the whole "he's young and can only get better" schpiel before. It's not really true.

I'd get another piece to the puzzle. Artest is that peice. He's the solid perimeter defender we need. He'll get the rebounds and will play his head off.
"Indiana gets a player Jermaine O’Neal approves of, and a young player in Kevin Martin who they have scouted in each of the past too summers."

First of all...I wouldn't do it. Bonzi and someone else i.e. Corliss, Sampson, a future pick, then maybe. Second of all, how credible is someone who does not recognize the difference between "too" and "two"?