Artest trade stuff HERE!! (merged)

This article came out like a month ago and I think we pretty much talked about it then......I'm too lazy to find the thread but it's in here somewhere.
People who want Adelman fired don't much about basketball. What do those people say now that the Kings have beat the Suns and Lakers? You don't win 50 games 5 years in a row with bad coaching.
KingsFan54 said:
People who want Adelman fired don't much about basketball. What do those people say now that the Kings have beat the Suns and Lakers? You don't win 50 games 5 years in a row with bad coaching.
Yes we do know quite alot about basketball. You also don't lose at home to Portland, the Knicks and Houston(minus Yao and McGrady). The talent on the previous Kings teams had alot more to do with winning 50 games than the coach.....
playmaker0017 said:
I've heard the whole "he's young and can only get better" schpiel before. It's not really true.

I'd get another piece to the puzzle. Artest is that peice. He's the solid perimeter defender we need. He'll get the rebounds and will play his head off.
So that's how you spell schpiel. You learn something new everyday. Sorry I have a proclivity to go off topic. Don't wanna see this happen unless it's Peja for Artest straight up.
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KingsFan54 said:
People who want Adelman fired don't much about basketball. What do those people say now that the Kings have beat the Suns and Lakers? You don't win 50 games 5 years in a row with bad coaching.
I say we got pretty lucky.

The Lakers aren't THAT good and it required them making henious mistakes for us to beat them.

The Suns played their worst basketball of the year.

It'll take more than 2 games to convince me that this team is actually worthy of being called an NBA caliber team.

Besides - I don't think anyone thinks Adleman is a bad coach. You don't win 50 games 5 years in a row through bad coaching .... you do it through a great system designed for particular players. Right now Adleman is forcing the same system on a different set of players. That is lazy coaching.
spiel (spēl, shpēl) pronunciation Informal.

A lengthy or extravagant speech or argument usually intended to persuade.
intr. & tr.v., spieled, spiel·ing, spiels.

To talk or say (something) at length or extravagantly.

Back to the topic at hand. I don't want to see this go down unless it's straight up Peja for Artest.:)
Are you kidding me?? How in the world could the kings do this deal. Why would you want to do this deal after you've seen Kevin Martin get consistantly better, andyou've seen the competitor that Bonzi is. If we get rid of our 2 SG's who do we have to play in the 2 spot?? Garcia and ????????? And if we do that deal Peja is still there at the 3 spot and isn't that what Artest plays?? Survey says NO
DocHolliday said:
If we get rid of our 2 SG's who do we have to play in the 2 spot?? Garcia and ????????? And if we do that deal Peja is still there at the 3 spot and isn't that what Artest plays?? Survey says NO
That's why I think this deal is bogus (and old). I think a deal involving Peja and possibly a 3rd team is much more likely.
I don't mind that trade at all.

We lose Bonzi which I don't see us keeping or him staying here anyway and a young player in KM. KM has potential and could be a piece that fits the overall puzzle but to get an allstar calibur player in return I would consider that deal. Of course in return we get a guy that should be in a straight jacket but is an allstar basketball player.

I just don't see Petrie bringing in Artest. But then again I wouldn't be surprised if this was announced tomorrow.

And then again.... We never hear about Petrie's moves before he makes them so I think its safe to say that this is just someone trying to get people to look at his website. No source listed for this rumor. I take this at its face value and that its bs


Super Moderator Emeritus
Oh lord.

This "article" has no more credence than any of the trade scenarios in our own trade thread. It was written on Dec. 18, for one thing. For another, the rumor is only one of three presented with different scenarios all extremely favorable to the Pacers.

Please, folks. If you're going to bring stuff like this to our board for discussion, make sure it's timely.

Nothing to see here. Nothing new to discuss. Move on...

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Super Moderator Emeritus
Good lord.

The Bonzi/Martin for Artest crap was posted on HOOPSWORLD a month ago. It was resurrected on our forum by someone who obviously didn't see the date.

It makes no sense from a Kings viewpiont.


VF21 said:
We don't know what will happen. A lot of people around here seem to think it would be great and are willing to overlook the possible negative ramifications IF the worst case scenario occurs.
I want Ron and am not one to say he doesn't have huge baggage that comes with him. My question is this point in the season, with how crappy the team is doing, can it get any worse?


BMiller52 said:
So this was just a rumor? Wow...
How did people start talking about the Artest/Bonzi + Martin swap again?

I thought this was about what was said yesterday on clippers tv. Wasn't it a Peja/Artest trade?
thesanityannex said:
How did people start talking about the Artest/Bonzi + Martin swap again?

I thought this was about what was said yesterday on clippers tv. Wasn't it a Peja/Artest trade?
I've read ruminations from non-newbs at various sites that they've heard about Artest to Sac. Not saying it's going to happen, of course, but that's the latest soap on the Tru Warier saga.
Gargamel said:
I've read ruminations from non-newbs at various sites that they've heard about Artest to Sac. Not saying it's going to happen, of course, but that's the latest soap on the Tru Warier saga.

LOL, that was funny. Anyways, if the clips announcer said it(which I'm guessing he did) than how come nobody has mentioned it in the media? Anything considering artest is big news right? But when talking about ron they mention the same old teams, Minnesota, LA teams, and Denver. They don't even mention Sacramento.


BMiller52 said:
LOL, that was funny. Anyways, if the clips announcer said it(which I'm guessing he did) than how come nobody has mentioned it in the media?.
It came from the Clippers, no one pays any attention to them.;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Gargamel said:
I've read ruminations from non-newbs at various sites that they've heard about Artest to Sac. Not saying it's going to happen, of course, but that's the latest soap on the Tru Warier saga.
Ruminations at various sites are discussing Artest to virtually every other team, with the possible exception of Toronto. ;)

It's the shotgun effect. If people keep spewing out scenarios, sooner or later some of them will be able to claim they were right all along simply because of the mathematics involved.

It's my humble opinion that way too much press has already been given to Ron Artest and his various antics. Until and unless he's actually traded to a team that directly or indirectly affects the Kings, I'm pretty much through with this stuff. To be totally honest, watching mud dry is more interesting at this point.



VF21 said:
Until and unless he's actually traded to a team that directly or indirectly affects the Kings, I'm pretty much through with this stuff. To be totally honest, watching mud dry is more interesting at this point.
Yet you still stop by this thread often ;):D
I haven't read every page of this thread.

Has a 3 team deal between the Kings, Pacers, and Clippers been discussed?

Bonzi goes to Indiana, Artest goes to the Clippers, and Corey Maggette joins the Kings. Maggette gets injured quite a bit, but he brings athleticism, foul shots, and defense which the Kings need help with. Bonzi's a free agent who will be looking for big contract, so I think it's in the best interest for the Kings to trade him even though he's played very well. The Clippers are willing to part with Maggette to get Artest. Jermaine O'Neal has endorsed Bonzi joining the Pacers. I don't see what's stopping this from happening.


Super Moderator Emeritus
King4Life said:
I haven't read every page of this thread.

Has a 3 team deal between the Kings, Pacers, and Clippers been discussed?

Bonzi goes to Indiana, Artest goes to the Clippers, and Corey Maggette joins the Kings. Maggette gets injured quite a bit, but he brings athleticism, foul shots, and defense which the Kings need help with. Bonzi's a free agent who will be looking for big contract, so I think it's in the best interest for the Kings to trade him even though he's played very well. The Clippers are willing to part with Maggette to get Artest. Jermaine O'Neal has endorsed Bonzi joining the Pacers. I don't see what's stopping this from happening.
Wow. Just what we need. A player who gets injured a lot.
