2009 NBA Playoffs Thread

NBA says play "stands as called"
The league office ruled Wednesday that the referees acted properly when they did not assess a flagrant foul against the Boston guard after he whacked Chicago's Brad Miller in the mouth with two seconds remaining in Game 5 of the Boston Celtics-Chicago Bulls series Tuesday night.
A league spokesman said the play "stands as called," meaning there will be no further penalty against Rondo. League officials had the option of upgrading the foul to a flagrant-category 1 or a flagrant-category 2 -- the latter of which occasionally can come with an accompanying suspension, if NBA officials deem the foul particularly egregious.
What's funny to me is this:
Stu Jackson said:
The initial play, in our mind, was on the ball -- an effort to try and make an attempt on the ball and take a foul that would prohibit a game-tying basket."
Perkins had a shot at the ball. Rondo on the other hand was late getting to Brad, the shot was already leaving Brad's hand when the foul was committed.
[yt=Brad Miller Slap and Dwight Howard Throwing Elbow's]5TzGrzs7-AI[/yt]

Rondo himself admitted that he was going for the hard foul. That's intentional
LOTS of hard fouls going on between the Hawks and Heat. Very physical, they had to stop the game 4 times.

Wade out but back and now Horford going to the locker room. The game isn't even at the half yet.
Isn't the commissioner THERE tonight for this game?
Yes they shown him a few times. He's looking like a man who knows that they'll show him on camera when it is a game like this. Uncomfortable.

For those of you who aren't watching these aren't hard grounded pushing or grabbing fouls. These are freakish athletes crashing into each other full force, in the air going after the ball but ending up tearing each other down to earth. The replays don't do these mid air collisions any justice. When Horford hit the ground he was twitching for a couple minutes like he was a shot down.
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Yes they shown him a few times. He's looking like a man who knows that they'll show him on camera when it is a game like this. Uncomfortable.
Great, just when all the news is about the intentional/unflagrant fouls.

Wow, just heard Charles call a foul on DWade "but he already had a couple fouls and they weren't gonna give him another one"
Originally Posted by Stu Jackson
The initial play, in our mind, was on the ball -- an effort to try and make an attempt on the ball and take a foul that would prohibit a game-tying basket.

I now have less respect(it was already low) for Miller for not going after Rondo.

I have no respect for any player on Chicago for not having Millers' back.

I have lost a respect for Daivd Stern and the NBA for allowing this type of thug basketball to exist.

B. Miller you have one chance at redemption, drop Rondo in game 6.
For those of you who aren't watching these aren't hard grounded pushing or grabbing fouls. These are freakish athletes crashing into each other full force, in the air going after the ball but ending up tearing each other down to earth. The replays don't do these mid air collisions any justice. When Horford hit the ground he was twitching for a couple minutes like he was a shot down.
Co-Sign on that. People are getting hurt

Jermaine O'Neal is on the ground now....trying to stop Zaza Pachulia attempted shot. Horford's got a sprained ankle
Yeah, that's bothering me too. There were a couple of plays in the third quarter were they got him the ball low on the left block, where he can turn away from the double team and shoot his turnaround, and of course he did and knocked it down. But instead of pounding it down there to him over and over again in order to get the defense doubling early and create some shots and lanes for the perimeter players, these guys seem intent on forcing the action themselves. Von Wafer is a liability for the Rockets, and if you don't believe me, think back to the way Jannero Pargo singlehandedly lost the deciding game for the Hornets against the Spurs last season.

Rick Adelman has got to have stretches of each quarter, at least once or twice, where he goes to Yao low on the left block four or five times in a row, just like they did in the first quarter of game one, because he's the only guy on that team that can dominate the post. Scola is nice with his back to the basket, too, but he's not going to force a double team. Pound the ball into Yao over and over again, and let him go to work.

And on the other end of the floor, LaMarcus Aldridge could wind up being one of the best post-up players in the NBA in a couple of years. He has an unstoppable turn around jumpshot, a drop-step that can get him past anyone, and he can finish at the rim. Portland is going to be really good.

What even more amazes me is Yao could go 4-5 possessions without even touching the ball on the offense, and he is their best player. Can you imagine kobe/leborn/D. Howard do not touch the ball for 4-5 possessions?
Originally Posted by Stu Jackson
The initial play, in our mind, was on the ball -- an effort to try and make an attempt on the ball and take a foul that would prohibit a game-tying basket.

I now have less respect(it was already low) for Miller for not going after Rondo.

I have no respect for any player on Chicago for not having Millers' back.

I have lost a respect for Daivd Stern and the NBA for allowing this type of thug basketball to exist.

B. Miller you have one chance at redemption, drop Rondo in game 6.

Stupid move to drop Rondo. Leauge will be looking at the series more tightly. Right move would be to suspend Rondo. He went for the head of Miller, and the more I look at it the worse it looks. He made no attempt at the ball, and he could have shoved Miller or tried to go for the shoulders. You don't go for the head.
Better question, what does Rondo have to do to get ejected?
I did not see it live but saw replay and it was not something I would eject anybody over - especially in heat of the moment playoffs. It looked like Rondo and Heinrich simply got tangled up on the sideline and Rondo flung off more than shoved hard Heinrich into the scorers table. No blows, no blood at that point. Then Heinrich charged Rondo and shoved him back a little with verbal expletives flying back and forth (instead of blows) as refs and players held them apart from any worse - as in real blood and blows. No harm, no foul, award a technical and get back to playing playoff basketball!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
So much whining -- this is playoff basketball. I know we have forgotten it in these parts, but its a contact sport and only the strong move on in the postseason. Man up or go home and cry to mommy.
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So muc whining -- this is playoff basketball. I know we have forgotten it in these parts, but its a contact sport and only the strong move on in the postseason. Man up or go home and cry to mommy.
i truly agree with this...

i've always hated how soft david stern has made the league while trying to run up the scores...

the officials call every single game too tightly, and when they actually let the guys play a little in the playoffs, things are bound to get physical...

overt acts of violence deserve suspension in the nba (ie: punches/elbows thrown), but rajob rondo's foul on brad miller was just that: a foul...

it was a hard foul committed in a close game, and absolutely warrants no penalty as harsh as a suspension...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
This is classic playoff veterans vs. kids stuff going on right now. turned it on, and goodbye.

And shocker that John Salmons would suddenly start trying to go one on one to turn things. Never seen that before.

Also would like to have a word wiht Vinny about a defense that ends up with switch after switch wihyt Big Baby posting up Hinrich, Gordon, Salmons...how many times does that have to happen before you say "I am not Kenny Natt!" and make a change?
Anybody watching Bulls/Celtics game 6 right now?

This must be insane. What a series. I'm not in front of a TV right now. Can anyone give me an update on the game? 2nd overtime!!?? This is like 5 overtimes in 6 games. By the box score looks like Brad is doing pretty good. Salmons too.