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  1. K

    Peja Stojakovic

    please delete. never mind.
  2. K

    If only Peja could have some of Bonzi's toughness...

    So, I agree Bonzi is a "warrior" or whatever, but he's also a guy who lost all of his value last year by pouting, not playing hard, and being a general jerk-off. Now he's in a contract year, and playing really November... Peja is an NBA veteran nursing his injury, through which he...
  3. K

    Kings @ Nuggets Game Thread

    Is it just me, or is Bibby not a very good passer off the penetration? Has anyone else been noticing that? That turnover there was pretty bad, a couple of guys open. Who can create shots for other guys? Miller? SAR?
  4. K

    Peja's struggles

    The irony kills me, as I am Croatian, so if anyone here should irrationally hate on Peja, it's me. Did you assume I was foreign from my name? Why bring it up? Bringing up xenophobia is not insulting anyone's intelligence. I am CERTAIN 100% POSITIVELY that for SOME people it is about the fact...
  5. K

    Peja's struggles

    Well said, frankie, I agree with you 100%. You have to remember, however, that this board is split between fans who are fans because they live in Sacramento (or, for some other reason, have a personal connection to the Kings organization), and those who became fans because they enjoyed the...
  6. K

    Grades v. Pistons 11/08

    Holy crap we go through highs and lows around here. We lost to a great team that is playing with fire right cause they have something to prove (they don't need LB). Peja got shut down by a really good defender; it happens. Some of the Peja bashing is getting as bad as the Adelman stuff used to...
  7. K

    Martin or Garcia will be in Rotation???

    Why do so many people have a problem with topics like this? It's a message board; that's what people do, voice their (often unfounded) opinion. Or should every single post be something along the lines of "Well, we'll see, I have a lot of hope and optimism that the Kings will do well, but no...
  8. K

    Bibby's no good, so trade Peja...

    OK, so someone said Steve Nash was a comparable player to Nash, and even got some support; then someone critiscized Bibby, and the thread was shut down (they were trolling, but we still didn't get a chance to discuss it). So, after all of the criticism of Webber and Peja, I think some light...
  9. K

    Kevin Martin leading scorer of the Vegas summerleague

    The kid has awesome potential, but... Tsikitsivili (sp?) was MVP of the Rocky Mountain Revue, so let's all take a deep breath and calm down. Summer league doesn't mean much. edit: oops, y2k beat me to it. But the point remains.
  10. K

    The Kings turned attention toward Memphis' Bonzi Wells.

    That assesment is right on Brick. But I do want to add one more thing... In addition to role players, it's important to have guys who score in different ways. Last year I feel our major offensive problem was we had three perimeter guys (Mike, Cuttino, and Peja) essentially isolating and trying...
  11. K

    2200 miles away.......

    Zero jerseys here, but I'm looking to buy one that has one of those little Larry O'brien trophies on it. Can't seem to find one though...maybe soon.
  12. K

    NOOOOO! Kings looking at Walker?!?!

    As you read the articles about this, it seems pretty obvious it's just Walker's agent talking to GP lookin to drum up interest for his player. From The Boston Herald today: Antoine Walker [news]'s agent is continuing to work the market in search of a sign-and-trade deal that would allow...
  13. K


    Honestly, why don't we just bring the enitre Lithuanian national team? Maybe keep Brad. I swear, that would be a top level team.
  14. K

    can we get christie back

    Actually, Kobe was neither instant success nor top-10. Dirk and T-Mac also bloomed about their 3rd-4th season in the league, and I'm sure there's others. The point being, you still need to develop people in the NBA. As Darko has showed, young guys need to get on the floor, and bringing in Doug...
  15. K

    What kind of contract would you give Pedja?

    Two things on that comment: 1) Peja generates cashflow because of his status as the premier Serbian player in the NBA now that Divac is fading. Sacramento is a small market; the Serbian interest Peja garners is huge for the Kings, a factor that both the Kings and his agent will take into...
  16. K

    Kings sign first-round pick Garcia

    Well, in some defense of LA King Fan II, Tayshaun was a much different player coming out of college. Although it didn't take him long to adjust, his defense really improved in those first two years in Detroit. I'm really interesting in seeing how Darius, Martin, and Garcia develop under Adelman...
  17. K

    Peja Stojakovic: King For Life?

    1) As hrdboild pointed out, who knows what the next CBA will look like. In fact, max contracts are one of the things they're working on. 2) Let's wait for another source... 3) We're gonna be over the cap for a long time anyway with Mike, Brad, and Peja. A max contract shouldn't have any effect...
  18. K

    OFFICIAL Fire Adelman and get _______ thread (MERGED)

    Getting back on topic... I think it is time to fire Adelman. He was a great coach, and you can't argue with the record. But... This team is obviously changing. We don't have Webber, Vlade, and Doug (guys with very high basketball IQ's) around anymore - our coach can't be so hands-off. At the...
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    OFFICIAL Fire Adelman and get _______ thread (MERGED)

    I didn't make him out to be a saint - I said he played even though conditions were very unfavorable. I think your opinions are shared by many Kings fans, and you have to admit that it would be unpleasant to go to work when your coworkers disrepected you and the general public was blaming you for...
  20. K

    OFFICIAL Fire Adelman and get _______ thread (MERGED)

    I think that's a little low. He made one comment after a dissapointing finish to a great season, after the team's superstar esentially called him out for being a wimp. He could have pushed for a trade (see Vince, Jackson, Mourning) and he could have gotten his wish, especially with a very...