Peja's struggles

Webber got more than his fair share of "he sucks" and "trade him" threads. Peja is just making up lost ground. It just seems gratuitous to further criticize Webber when the man's already gone. Not like he can put on purple to prove you wrong. Peja still has that chance. I have less patience with Peja because he doesn't have a physical deficiency. It's all mental. And besides that, he's sucked for over a year now. I don't understand how anyone can say we just need to wait it out. It's much easier to swallow that an injured player may regain his former strengths vs. a 1-dimensional player that will suddenly expand his game after saying he wouldn't, doesn't, and hasn't every year.

And when talking about strengths, what strengths does Peja have besides shooting? When he can't even put up an above average percentage consistently, what good is he (and he hasn't for a long time)? People who say he's a good defender are delusional. Only kings fans say that, and not all of us at that.
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Kool Keith said:
So basically, all his good performances are void since the opposition was weak and since others teammates did all the work? Doesnt seem very fair, but as VF says, we can agree to disagree. I dont know about all this pandering/cajones business.. I feel its been blown out of proportion.

So dont pay mega$, just pay mad$ (up until now its been some$)... and if he doesnt take it, cya later!
don't pay any $, if ya ask me, especially "mega$" or "mad$." not on peja stojakovic. he's far too one dimensional, and there's simply no debate there. he has constantly talked about "working on his game" in the offseason (or at least the sacto newspaper likes to make it appear that he has), and there's nothing to show for it. the fact is, peja is exactly where he is as a player as he was during his "breakout mvp-nominee season." the only difference is that teams have figured him out. guys know how to keep him from doing what he did in '02 and '03. the defense has adjusted to peja stojakovic, and peja has failed to re-adjust to beat the defense. so it is only against poor defensive teams like phoenix that peja is able to hit the open shots he's obviously capable of hitting. considering that the best teams in the nba currently are the better defensive teams, then yeah, i think its fair to say that his best performances mean **** because they were against the weaker teams. he needs to step it up against the tough opponents.
Padrino said:
he has constantly talked about "working on his game" in the offseason (or at least the sacto newspaper likes to make it appear that he has), and there's nothing to show for it.
At least this year he didn't bother with the pretense.
Padrino said:
don't pay any $, if ya ask me, especially "mega$" or "mad$." not on peja stojakovic. he's far too one dimensional, and there's simply no debate there. he has constantly talked about "working on his game" in the offseason (or at least the sacto newspaper likes to make it appear that he has), and there's nothing to show for it. the fact is, peja is exactly where he is as a player as he was during his "breakout mvp-nominee season." the only difference is that teams have figured him out. guys know how to keep him from doing what he did in '02 and '03. the defense has adjusted to peja stojakovic, and peja has failed to re-adjust to beat the defense. so it is only against poor defensive teams like phoenix that peja is able to hit the open shots he's obviously capable of hitting. considering that the best teams in the nba currently are the better defensive teams, then yeah, i think its fair to say that his best performances mean **** because they were against the weaker teams. he needs to step it up against the tough opponents.
Well said...
Luckily I am a Serb, but not Serbian and before all a Kings homer.

Only one nation matters to me from November to may/june and that is a Kings nation :)


Super Moderator Emeritus
AleksandarN said:
Why is it ironic? Them(Pedja homers) being Serbian should not really matter. Making a point of them being Serbian is what I do not get. What are you trying to imply? They are going over board to the extreme but singling them out for being Serbian just reflects badly on the rest of the Serbian King fans.
You missed my point, which was that the only people screaming about xenophobia are, for the most part, Serbian. I didn't say all Serbs were guilty and certainly didn't mean to imply anything of the sort.

You always seem to sense offense in my posts where none is meant. What I'm really talking/complaining about are the small number of Serbian fans who post only occasionally and yet, somehow, find a way to make it more about Peja's nationality than about Peja's abilities. They have said - and some even in this thread - that a lot of us pick on/criticize Peja because of his nationality. That isn't true; and it isn't fair. Vlade is also Serbian; if we were, in fact, as prejudiced as some might like to think, wouldn't we also constantly deride Vlade?

It's not about a player's nationality, race, creed, color or religion for the vast majority of us. It's how he performs in the uniform. These guys are very highly paid professionals. If they aren't meeting the standards required of them, they're gonna get criticized and it won't have a blasted thing to do with their country of origin.

That was my point...
VF21 said:
If you disagree with our assessment of your countryman, fine. Say so. But please do not insult us or our intelligence by attempting to make it about Peja's race. It's not relevant to the vast majority of us who, quite frankly, couldn't tell a Serb from a Croat and wouldn't care either way.
The irony kills me, as I am Croatian, so if anyone here should irrationally hate on Peja, it's me. Did you assume I was foreign from my name? Why bring it up?

Bringing up xenophobia is not insulting anyone's intelligence. I am CERTAIN 100% POSITIVELY that for SOME people it is about the fact that Peja is foreign, as I said, just as for some people it was about Webber being black. Don't insult our collective intelligence by being naive.

Also, as much as it is, people like the kings for various reasons. I have no loyalty to the Maloofs, the name Kings, or Sacramento. I watch the kings because I enjoy the way certain players play. Am I less of a fan than you?

I hope you can be tolerant of the fact that people enjoy this team for different reasons...

Also, Peja is a really good player. GP (who made moves so he could re-sign him), the Maloofs (who have been quoted as saying it), Adelman (who plays him), ESPN announcers (many of whom like him), etc. all seem to think so. Yet you have the people who think Peja sucks not been offered a contract yet. Fire Adelman...hire VF21!
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Lets get one thing straight, Peja is a good shooter thats pretty much where it ends. I for one am not interested in givng a "good shooter" the max or anything near the max. I would rather have an average shooter who is equally adept at the rest of the game. Thats why I don't believe(and unless some major changes occur will never believe) that Peja is a great player who deserves big $. Possibly the most valid argument against Peja is that when the games matter most Peja's ability to shoot goes down, even more reason not to throw more $ at him.

If you follow the Kings because you like Peja it does make you less of a Kings fan, simply because you care less whether or not the Kings win. As a Kings fan, Peja could not score, rebound, or anything yet if we won I would be happy. If he scored fifty on 100% shooting yet we lost, I would be bummed. It might even cloud(if not blind completely) your judgment as to what is best for the Kings.

As a basketball fan I appreciate those players who show the most heart. Peja hasn't. Its not a knock on him as he has more than fulfilled his contract, but I want to see some fire, some killer instinct. Those are the players I want to see in Kings uniforms and thus far Peja hasn't shown it. The problem is that can't teach that. All you can do is wait for the guy to turn it on and we've waited long enough. Its now or never. Thats all, I'm done now.

VF-Changing your avatar really threw me off, I might just have to get counseling now. ;)
VF21 said:
You missed my point, which was that the only people screaming about xenophobia are, for the most part, Serbian. I didn't say all Serbs were guilty and certainly didn't mean to imply anything of the sort.

You always seem to sense offense in my posts where none is meant. What I'm really talking/complaining about are the small number of Serbian fans who post only occasionally and yet, somehow, find a way to make it more about Peja's nationality than about Peja's abilities. They have said - and some even in this thread - that a lot of us pick on/criticize Peja because of his nationality. That isn't true; and it isn't fair. Vlade is also Serbian; if we were, in fact, as prejudiced as some might like to think, wouldn't we also constantly deride Vlade?

It's not about a player's nationality, race, creed, color or religion for the vast majority of us. It's how he performs in the uniform. These guys are very highly paid professionals. If they aren't meeting the standards required of them, they're gonna get criticized and it won't have a blasted thing to do with their country of origin.

That was my point...
Ok thanks for clearifying for me. I missunderstood your post. I apologize. No hard feelings:)


Also, as much as it is, people like the kings for various reasons. I have no loyalty to the Maloofs, the name Kings, or Sacramento. I watch the kings because I enjoy the way certain players play. Am I less of a fan than you?
Actually it does. The passion for a team will always outweigh the passion over some parts. Sum of a team is greater than its parts. VF21 has been here for quite some time and the passion she has shown for the Kings will be tough to match . I am positive shes more of a fan than you, you're going after the wrong person.
frankie said:
This is such a BS. Lets all get on the 'trade Peja' bandwagon. Couple of posts down I was warned by the moderator for bashing Webber. My intention was not to bash but to point out that SAR is much more useful player than Webber was. Now that same moderator is bashing Peja left and right.

Peja is the same player that we all fell in love with two seasons ago. Tremendous shooter who depends on the system cause he can't make his own shot; can't get a rebound, doesn't hustle, etc. OK maybe all those things are true. But he is the same player from two seasons ago. He didn't have a career ending knee injury, he is only couple of years older and doing the same things he's always been doing: running behind the screens trying to get open, either behind the arc or cutting to the basket. Is he the reason that strategy doesn't work anymore?

It's really ridiculous how some people on this forum express their loyalty towards Sacramento Kings ballclub, but that same loyalty doesn't cover their players. Peja, Bibby, Miller, whoever. It's three bad games and everyone wants the guy traded. Let me ask you: who exactly are you loyal to, if not to the player that epitomizes everything Kings have been as a team for last 6 years? Who, Maloofs? Petrie? Well Petrie made some stupid moves in the past (Divac, Ostertag, J. Jackson, Mobley, ...) Should we fire him? Why do you call Kings your team? Adelman, Princeton offense? Who is beyond your 'fire him' rage? Who are you rooting for?

How about sticking with your team and its players and believing in them even if it doesn't bring any shortterm emotional gain? Why? Because it's the team whose fan you say you are. Instead of proclaiming 'he doesn't rebound, let's trade him' why not ' hmm, he doesn't rebound but he can get really hot hand. how can we utilize him better?'.

Peja is not bad deffensive player. I remember just two seasons ago everyone was praising him for those two, three stops that he made against Mavs in the playoffs. After all, both him and Bibby are the part of 2002 and 2003 lineups that played very good team defense.
Please explain. No, don't bother, cause I ain't listening.
VF21 said:
You missed my point, which was that the only people screaming about xenophobia are, for the most part, Serbian. I didn't say all Serbs were guilty and certainly didn't mean to imply anything of the sort.

You always seem to sense offense in my posts where none is meant. What I'm really talking/complaining about are the small number of Serbian fans who post only occasionally and yet, somehow, find a way to make it more about Peja's nationality than about Peja's abilities. They have said - and some even in this thread - that a lot of us pick on/criticize Peja because of his nationality. That isn't true; and it isn't fair. Vlade is also Serbian; if we were, in fact, as prejudiced as some might like to think, wouldn't we also constantly deride Vlade?

It's not about a player's nationality, race, creed, color or religion for the vast majority of us. It's how he performs in the uniform. These guys are very highly paid professionals. If they aren't meeting the standards required of them, they're gonna get criticized and it won't have a blasted thing to do with their country of origin.

That was my point...
Great post VF21. I was taken a back.
kingsville said:
too many peja haters on this board ? why brad miller hasn't done anything great in a long time !

Yes we all hate Peja. You figured us all out. We are apart of a grand conspiracy to have Peja replaced by Fred Smutz. A free Agent out of NNIP State.
kingsville said:
too many peja haters on this board ? why brad miller hasn't done anything great in a long time !
This is just amazing to me. Why can't some people get it: Peja is not doing good, he wants the max dollars, and his team's fans have a right to show their disdain for such bad play. We all like Peja, but know he COULD do much better and simply expect more out of such an "elite" player.


VF21 said:

Look at the name of the board again. It says It does not now nor has it ever been What's ironic to me is some of the very people throwing about the xenophobia word are Serbian, almost without exception, and they are often the ones making the racist remarks.

There are NOT intolerant people on this forum, for the most part. The people who are not tolerant of any views except their own are those who stubbornly want everyone to agree that Peja is one step away from sainthood.

Sorry, but that ship sailed. As Bricklayer pointed out, the team existed BEFORE Peja and it will exist after him. The Kings go on...and so will

If you disagree with our assessment of your countryman, fine. Say so. But please do not insult us or our intelligence by attempting to make it about Peja's race. It's not relevant to the vast majority of us who, quite frankly, couldn't tell a Serb from a Croat and wouldn't care either way.



It IS the name on the front...always... before the name on the back.

Excuse me, but what exactly are you trying to say here? Serbs are racist?? I would like a public explaination please.
I don't really feel like joining this debate, but when you say this:
DeAtHrOw said:
Bring in someone's nationality for no reason
I wonder if you realize that her reason was that she was responding to someone else who did just that. And when you say this:
DeAtHrOw said:
painting everyone else with the same brush it's just unacceptable.
I wonder if you read this part of her second post:
VF21 said:
I didn't say all Serbs were guilty and certainly didn't mean to imply anything of the sort.
I won't say whether I agree or disagree, but if you're going to be angry at someone it's generally more effective to get your facts straight, or people won't really listen to what you have to say.
I say we talk to much about Peja.Every day we have more than 5 threads about Peja...Peja against the whole NBA,come on guys.Peja knows very well that he must perform much better if he wants better contract,so let him and the other guys to play.It is ok to post comments about the game,but look at the threads on the first page,in every of them Peja is the head theme.
DeAtHrOw said:
Sorry but that does not amount to an explanation. Bring in someone's nationality for no reason and painting everyone else with the same brush it's just unacceptable. Especially from someone who is a moderator.
Oh please. I am a Serb, and I found nothing wrong with the comments. A lot of "our" guys come on here and think Peja is GOD. As soon as somebody criticizes him, they get defensive and start talking filth. It even gets to me, let alone somebody who is usually objective and neutral.


Stojakovic said:
Oh please. I am a Serb, and I found nothing wrong with the comments. A lot of "our" guys come on here and think Peja is GOD. As soon as somebody criticizes him, they get defensive and start talking filth. It even gets to me, let alone somebody who is usually objective and neutral.
I am happy for you man however I did not take her comments same way you did...I am not a Peja homer whatsoever (even more so after his decision not to play for the NT) but there seem to be constant double standards on this forum when it comes to certain things
The following question is to all the Serbs on this forum.

Please keep in mind that I am not trying to make fun of Peja but I just notice that whenever he speaks english he sounds like he is chewing a big gum ball while trying to speak. Is this because of his accent or he speaks the same way when he talks in serbian?


yanon said:
The following question is to all the Serbs on this forum.

Please keep in mind that I am not trying to make fun of Peja but I just notice that whenever he speaks english he sounds like he is chewing a big gum ball while trying to speak. Is this because of his accent or he speaks the same way when he talks in serbian?

LOL :) Same bro.
Peja said:
I say we talk to much about Peja.Every day we have more than 5 threads about Peja...Peja against the whole NBA,come on guys.Peja knows very well that he must perform much better if he wants better contract,so let him and the other guys to play.It is ok to post comments about the game,but look at the threads on the first page,in every of them Peja is the head theme.
says the guy whose screenname is "peja"



Super Moderator Emeritus
DeAtHrOw said:
Excuse me, but what exactly are you trying to say here? Serbs are racist?? I would like a public explaination please.
What part would you like explained? The part where I comment that we don't care what Peja's race, creed, color, country of origin?

Or the part where I make it pretty clear that I am NOT (as in NO way) referring to ALL people of Serbian extraction, but am talking about those FEW (as in not many) who always feel they must defend Peja solely because of his nationality regardless of whether or not the criticism being leveled against him is justified?

I have deleted from this board probably 100+ comments about racism. I will continue to do so because it DOESN'T matter what race or nationality someone has to play basketball.

Recently, whenever the subject of Peja comes up, it seems almost invariable that at least ONE of those aforementioned FEW members will accuse someone of hating Peja because he's Serbian or even just foreign.

That is not the way the vast majority of us think around here, although I guess it's pretty common in Europe. We Americans are a true mixing pot of all creeds, colors, cultures, etc. so - for the most part - someone's ethnic background doesn't mean a thing to us, especially if we're talking about sports.

If you're offended by my comments, I suggest you take the time and read every single post I've ever made. If you can find even ONE actual racist comment that I have ever made, I will apologize.
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VF21 said:
That is not the way the vast majority of us think around here, although I guess it's pretty common in Europe. We Americans are a true mixing pot of all creeds, colors, cultures, etc. so - for the most part - someone's ethnic background doesn't mean a thing to us, especially if we're talking about sports.
Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't it in the USA that the blacks rode at the back of the bus and you seggregated school systems up until 1960s? Before you start commenting on Europe and how "racist" we are don't forget to look into your own backyard. You might not like what you see;)

WHat ticked me off most about your comments was the fact that you said it is mostly the Serbs making racists comments. Racists against who?