Peja's struggles

This is such a BS. Lets all get on the 'trade Peja' bandwagon. Couple of posts down I was warned by the moderator for bashing Webber. My intention was not to bash but to point out that SAR is much more useful player than Webber was. Now that same moderator is bashing Peja left and right.

Peja is the same player that we all fell in love with two seasons ago. Tremendous shooter who depends on the system cause he can't make his own shot; can't get a rebound, doesn't hustle, etc. OK maybe all those things are true. But he is the same player from two seasons ago. He didn't have a career ending knee injury, he is only couple of years older and doing the same things he's always been doing: running behind the screens trying to get open, either behind the arc or cutting to the basket. Is he the reason that strategy doesn't work anymore?

It's really ridiculous how some people on this forum express their loyalty towards Sacramento Kings ballclub, but that same loyalty doesn't cover their players. Peja, Bibby, Miller, whoever. It's three bad games and everyone wants the guy traded. Let me ask you: who exactly are you loyal to, if not to the player that epitomizes everything Kings have been as a team for last 6 years? Who, Maloofs? Petrie? Well Petrie made some stupid moves in the past (Divac, Ostertag, J. Jackson, Mobley, ...) Should we fire him? Why do you call Kings your team? Adelman, Princeton offense? Who is beyond your 'fire him' rage? Who are you rooting for?

How about sticking with your team and its players and believing in them even if it doesn't bring any shortterm emotional gain? Why? Because it's the team whose fan you say you are. Instead of proclaiming 'he doesn't rebound, let's trade him' why not ' hmm, he doesn't rebound but he can get really hot hand. how can we utilize him better?'.

Peja is not bad deffensive player. I remember just two seasons ago everyone was praising him for those two, three stops that he made against Mavs in the playoffs. After all, both him and Bibby are the part of 2002 and 2003 lineups that played very good team defense.
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players come and go. Loyalty to the team, not the players. The reason people wanted to trade Peja is simple--this team has no chance of contending for a title if they don't trade away one of the none atheletic starters. To acquire a good center is very difficult in this league because there are just very few good centers. Trading for an atheletic and defensive-minded point guard will not help things much because a 6'3" point simply can't guard a 6'9" or taller player or pull down 6 to 7 boards on a consistent basis. Another you have to remember is that Peja's agent will likely ask for the max this offseason. Do you think an one-dimensional player who is already at his peak (He is already 28) deserves the max?
Truthfully, even if we were to trade Peja now I don't think that we could get much for him because his reputation is known by all of the teams in the league now. This is in my opinion. I have always judged Peja. I like the fact that he is a good shooter when he is hot but the fact is all he does is shoot. He is a 6'10" shooter. He has never and will not be a good rebounder for his size until he shows the hunger to do so. Also for his size he is not strong. I can't count how many times he was screened last night and he just collapsed. He didn't fight through any of the screens. After about the tenth time I just stopped counting.


Super Moderator Emeritus
frankie said:
This is such a BS. Lets all get on the 'trade Peja' bandwagon. Couple of posts down I was warned by the moderator for bashing Webber. My intention was not to bash but to point out that SAR is much more useful player than Webber was. Now that same moderator is bashing Peja left and right.

Peja is the same player that we all fell in love with two seasons ago. Tremendous shooter who depends on the system cause he can't make his own shot; can't get a rebound, doesn't hustle, etc. OK maybe all those things are true. But he is the same player from two seasons ago. He didn't have a career ending knee injury, he is only couple of years older and doing the same things he's always been doing: running behind the screens trying to get open, either behind the arc or cutting to the basket. Is he the reason that strategy doesn't work anymore?

It's really ridiculous how some people on this forum express their loyalty towards Sacramento Kings ballclub, but that same loyalty doesn't cover their players. Peja, Bibby, Miller, whoever. It's three bad games and everyone wants the guy traded. Let me ask you: who exactly are you loyal to, if not to the player that epitomizes everything Kings have been as a team for last 6 years? Who, Maloofs? Petrie? Well Petrie made some stupid moves in the past (Divac, Ostertag, J. Jackson, Mobley, ...) Should we fire him? Why do you call Kings your team? Adelman, Princeton offense? Who is beyond your 'fire him' rage? Who are you rooting for?

How about sticking with your team and its players and believing in them even if it doesn't bring any shortterm emotional gain? Why? Because it's the team whose fan you say you are. Instead of proclaiming 'he doesn't rebound, let's trade him' why not ' hmm, he doesn't rebound but he can get really hot hand. how can we utilize him better?'.

Peja is not bad deffensive player. I remember just two seasons ago everyone was praising him for those two, three stops that he made against Mavs in the playoffs. After all, both him and Bibby are the part of 2002 and 2003 lineups that played very good team defense.
Oh, please. Leave the sanctimony at the door...

Peja is NOT immune to criticism any more than any other player of the Kings. There's a big, big difference between criticism and unending bashing.

A lot of us on this site have been around for YEARS. I think we've more than earned the right to criticize Peja - or Mike - or Brad - without someone new to our forum deciding we're out of line. We have been with this team through thick and thin.

Right now, the Sacramento Kings stink. Changes are going to have to be made. NO player - or coach - is going to be immune from criticism or trade talks.

If you don't agree Peja should bear the brunt of some blame/criticism, then apparently you simply haven't been paying attention.

For the record, I - VF21 - have been a Kings fan since 1985. I think we should trade Peja and I think we should seriously consider getting a new coach sooner rather than later. Last night was a travesty and without drastic changes it's not going to get any better.

Sorry if that doesn't sit well with some people around here, but I've never pulled my punches before and I'm not going to start now.

It doesn't mean I hate Adelman OR Peja. It just means even I, the most homer of homers, have finally come to the conclusion that our Kings ship is sinking and something needs to be done.

One more thing? It's the name on the front and not the name on the back. Always has been, and always will be. Players come and go but the Kings go on and on...

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I don't see anyone stating that Peja deserve the MAX but yet those that defended him keep getting that question asked? The season just got started and we're ready to dismantle this team. I don't see how that is being loyal to the team. I believe in order for us to truely see where each player is at, it's going to take atleast 15 games or more to have an accurate feedback.
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We can't get much for him but trading him is still better than signing him to a huge contract that will cripple the Kings salary situation for a very long time. I rather get high draft picks and other young unproven players for him because there are at least hope that those young players will have chances of becoming better.
Rookie said:
I don't see anyone stating that Peja deserve the MAX but yet those that defended him keep getting that question asked? The season just got started and we're ready to dismantle this team. I don't see how that is being loyal to the team. I believe in order for us to truely see where each players are at, it's going to take atleast 15 games or more to have an accurate analisis.
Do you think Peja's agent will accept an offer that is less than 10 millions per year? If the Kings don't pay that much, then he will definitely go to another team that will pay him such salary. Frankly, I don't think the Kings should pay him anything more than 9 millions because he is looking Glen Rice II. Rather than losing Peja without anything in return, it is best to trade him in the midseason for someone who the Kings can use.
yanon said:
players come and go. Loyalty to the team, not the players. The reason people wanted to trade Peja is simple--this team has no chance of contending for a title if they don't trade away one of the none atheletic starters. To acquire a good center is very difficult in this league because there are just very few good centers. Trading for an atheletic and defensive-minded point guard will not help things much because a 6'3" point simply can't guard a 6'9" or taller player or pull down 6 to 7 boards on a consistent basis. Another you have to remember is that Peja's agent will likely ask for the max this offseason. Do you think an one-dimensional player who is already at his peak (He is already 28) deserves the max?
This is exactly kind of reasoning that's bothering me. Loyalty to the team? Who do you mean by the team was what I am wondering? Are we talking about some abstract entity or are we talking about something real?

Players come and go?Sure you can say that for Anthony Peeler, Eddie House, Damon Jones and alikes. But we are talking about a guy who was second in scoring in the league two seasons ago, first in the league in 3pt percentage for two years, three times all star, etc. Not to mention that he has been with the franchise for 6 years, is an ultimate team guy who, for whatever the reason, plays his best game when Kings play their brand of basketball.

yanon said:
Another you have to remember is that Peja's agent will likely ask for the max this offseason. Do you think an one-dimensional player who is already at his peak (He is already 28) deserves the max?
Wow! That's great reasoning. You made up a problem that really doesn't exist and you already gave us a solution for it. Bravo!
yanon said:
Do you think Peja's agent will accept an offer that is less than 10 millions per year? If the Kings don't pay that much, then he will definitely go to another team that will pay him such salary. Frankly, I don't think the Kings should pay him anything more than 9 millions because he is looking Glen Rice II. Rather than losing Peja without anything in return, it is best to trade him in the midseason for someone who the Kings can use.
I will wait till the end of the season to give my opinion on what Peja will be worth. No he doesn't worth MAX to me and if his agent wants that than let it be. When it is all say and done, the Maloofs and GP will make that decision and maybe it's just me but I don't think they're stupid people.
go check out Peja's currnet salary in hoophype, and then add 25% do that. This is not a make up problem. Like you said what he accomplish was two season ago, it is 2005 now. Loyalty to the team means looking out for the best interest of the team. Do you think it is a good idea to lose Peja for nothing in return at the end of the season? You have to remember that he is free agent, which means that he can do whatever he wants, this summer and there are many stupid GMs out there who are willing to do irrational things. Case in point, Atlanta Hawk gave Joe Johnson a max contract.
So Peja asking for a trade last summer was really not a selfish move, but rather in the best interest of the team (as he insisted)? :) Maybe he was just trying to be loyal to the team.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
frankie said:
This is exactly kind of reasoning that's bothering me. Loyalty to the team? Who do you mean by the team was what I am wondering? Are we talking about some abstract entity or are we talking about something real?

Players come and go?
You obviously have a thing for Peja. Good for you. Go get his autograph.

Some of us have been with this team long before Peja arrived. Generations of players have come and gone. It is loyalty to the BRAND, not the player. This may come as a shock, but the team did in fact exist before '99. And before '01 when Peja became a starter.

I think your problem is that you somehow think Peja has epitomized the Kings over the years. He has not. He was at best #3 in that regard during the golden years, and frankly has not been much of anything since he lost his mentor/designated point-center. He's a great shooter. That's cute. Its also not even remotely untouchable. And with a looming free agency, its also someone who deperately needs to excel wildly for us to even consider bringing him back at his price.

This franchise has been rebuilding for the past year. Much of the old is already gone. And now it may be approaching a crisis. The coach may soon leave, only two players remain from the good ole days, and their applicability and usefulness outside of the old system is questionable. They are being mentioned as trae pawns, they SHOULD be mentioned as trade pawns. Its about the brand, a franchise which has entire generations of players under its belt now and has seen hundreds wear its uniform. If Peja leaving will help the franchise right itself, then Peja should go. And if its going to happne -- now is the time for it. Build your team of the future all at once, wiht or with out Peja, and then settle in.

You would like to blabber on about how a guy capable of getting you 14pts 5rebs is better for the Kings than a guy who DID epitomize the Kings for years and was of the games brightest stars during his day, and yet you fall to pieces at the idea that a one-dimensional player who has run his course may need to be moved to make the franchise better? There is a hypocrite here, and its not me. The Kings aren't about Peja. Predate him. Will postdate him. The journey will go one whether he is part of it or not.
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Well said, frankie, I agree with you 100%.

You have to remember, however, that this board is split between fans who are fans because they live in Sacramento (or, for some other reason, have a personal connection to the Kings organization), and those who became fans because they enjoyed the Kings style of play during the Divac-Webber-Peja days.

Don't worry about what the former group thinks, its not worth arguing about, becuase its irrational (not bad, mind you, just irrational, there's nothing you can say or do that will change minds).

I also think there's a lot of resentment there on the part of some people who liked Webber, and, unfortunately, a LOT of xenophobia going around, which is a shame.

Just be comforted by the fact that it seems the people who are actually paid to know something about basketball, such as Adelman and GP, seem to agree with those of us who think Peja is an elite basketball player.

Also, take a deep breath and wait for a night when Peja drops'll find more Peja fans then. Just make sure not to be here on a night he doesn't shoot well.

I would also like to point out that this board is a difficult one to post such ideas in. Although the moderators generally do a good job of keeping it clean and free from any direct personal attacks, there are a lot of intolerant people here. If you don't mind getting attacked personally, keep posting. I appreciate hearing what you have to say.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
kperica said:
Well said, frankie, I agree with you 100%.

You have to remember, however, that this board is split between fans who are fans because they live in Sacramento (or, for some other reason, have a personal connection to the Kings organization), and those who became fans because they enjoyed the Kings style of play during the Divac-Webber-Peja days.

Don't worry about what the former group thinks, its not worth arguing about, becuase its irrational (not bad, mind you, just irrational, there's nothing you can say or do that will change minds).

I also think there's a lot of resentment there on the part of some people who liked Webber, and, unfortunately, a LOT of xenophobia going around, which is a shame.

Just be comforted by the fact that it seems the people who are actually paid to know something about basketball, such as Adelman and GP, seem to agree with those of us who think Peja is an elite basketball player.

Also, take a deep breath and wait for a night when Peja drops'll find more Peja fans then. Just make sure not to be here on a night he doesn't shoot well.

I would also like to point out that this board is a difficult one to post such ideas in. Although the moderators generally do a good job of keeping it clean and free from any direct personal attacks, there are a lot of intolerant people here. If you don't mind getting attacked personally, keep posting. I appreciate hearing what you have to say.

Look at the name of the board again. It says It does not now nor has it ever been What's ironic to me is some of the very people throwing about the xenophobia word are Serbian, almost without exception, and they are often the ones making the racist remarks.

There are NOT intolerant people on this forum, for the most part. The people who are not tolerant of any views except their own are those who stubbornly want everyone to agree that Peja is one step away from sainthood.

Sorry, but that ship sailed. As Bricklayer pointed out, the team existed BEFORE Peja and it will exist after him. The Kings go on...and so will

If you disagree with our assessment of your countryman, fine. Say so. But please do not insult us or our intelligence by attempting to make it about Peja's race. It's not relevant to the vast majority of us who, quite frankly, couldn't tell a Serb from a Croat and wouldn't care either way.



It IS the name on the front...always... before the name on the back.
frankie said:
This is such a BS. Lets all get on the 'trade Peja' bandwagon. Couple of posts down I was warned by the moderator for bashing Webber. My intention was not to bash but to point out that SAR is much more useful player than Webber was. Now that same moderator is bashing Peja left and right.
put it this way - if x is a weakness;
x : peja = due criticism
x : webber = bashing

and if y is a strength;
y : peja = peja homer, etc
y : webber = due respect

Reef may not be "more useful" than Webber '99 or some other Webber from last century but he is definately more useful than present day Webber. If you compare Reef to Webb people will tell you he is a 14 and 5 guy, but compare him to Peja and you'd be forgiven for thinking he was a lock for all-star starter. In reality his career numbers are up there with Webbers, not that it matters much, but for the sake of argument.. y'know.. :)

frankie said:
Peja is the same player that we all fell in love with two seasons ago. Tremendous shooter who depends on the system cause he can't make his own shot; can't get a rebound, doesn't hustle, etc. OK maybe all those things are true. But he is the same player from two seasons ago. He didn't have a career ending knee injury, he is only couple of years older and doing the same things he's always been doing: running behind the screens trying to get open, either behind the arc or cutting to the basket. Is he the reason that strategy doesn't work anymore?

How about sticking with your team and its players and believing in them even if it doesn't bring any shortterm emotional gain? Why? Because it's the team whose fan you say you are. Instead of proclaiming 'he doesn't rebound, let's trade him' why not ' hmm, he doesn't rebound but he can get really hot hand. how can we utilize him better?'.
AMEN! Its like you said - he is still the same player and he isnt the reason the strategy doesnt work. He may not rebound like Ben Wallace, but he sure shoots alot better so why not play to his strengths?

oh and,
kperica: nicely put!
VF21 said:

Look at the name of the board again. It says It does not now nor has it ever been What's ironic to me is some of the very people throwing about the xenophobia word are Serbian, almost without exception, and they are often the ones making the racist remarks.

Why is it ironic? Them(Pedja homers) being Serbian should not really matter. Making a point of them being Serbian is what I do not get. What are you trying to imply? They are going over board to the extreme but singling them out for being Serbian just reflects badly on the rest of the Serbian King fans.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
I post this earlier but in the wrong thread.

Peja starts slow every year. In past years he had many opportunities to "spot up and shoot" from beyond the arch. He is at his best when he is set and can shoot. He is not one who scores by creating his shots. He scores big time when he can get set and, as Jerry Reynolds once said of a Peja 3, "There goes Peja with a 23 ft layup!"

If you watch now, teams are puting someone on Peja more than anyone else on the kings, except maybe for Bibby. Keeping Peja occupied takes away his bread-and-butter spot up and shoot scenario. When he went off for 33 in Phoenix, they left him alone on the perimeter likes others have not done. He got his rhythm and "bombs away".

It also seems that the Kings sets so far don't get him open as much or maybe he is trying to do too much. When he does, his scoring falls off. When he relaxes more and waits for his shot, his scoring will go up and you guys will get off the trade peja wagon again, like you have done the last few years.
frankie said:
How about sticking with your team and its players and believing in them even if it doesn't bring any shortterm emotional gain? Why? Because it's the team whose fan you say you are. Instead of proclaiming 'he doesn't rebound, let's trade him' why not ' hmm, he doesn't rebound but he can get really hot hand. how can we utilize him better?'.

Peja is not bad deffensive player. I remember just two seasons ago everyone was praising him for those two, three stops that he made against Mavs in the playoffs. After all, both him and Bibby are the part of 2002 and 2003 lineups that played very good team defense.
Pedja is getting pointed out because he is part of the problem with this team. I mean he does not do what needs to done in order for us to become better as a team. Pedja does not rebound. That is one of the weaknesses that this team has. He can rebound but does not put his effort in that. Instead he leaks out on the break looking for a fast break basket instead of helping out on the boards. Often times when his offensive game is gone to crap everything else is too. If he going to help this team then he better show it. It is pathetic that only ones really showing the effort is the new guys. That my friend is unacceptable.
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People on this board can giva damm what a person's race is, this forum is about Kings Basketball, I don't care where you are from, this is a We Want The Kings to win thing and nothing more. Any player, Any coach that goes to a team will and get critized, live with it.
Even if Peja averages 24 per game again, the Kings are not a title contender simply because their defense is weak. To rectify the defense problem, one of the non-atheletic starters has to be traded. If this isn't done, the Kings will forever be that playoff team getting knock out early in the 1st two rounds.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Kool Keith said:
AMEN! Its like you said - he is still the same player and he isnt the reason the strategy doesnt work. He may not rebound like Ben Wallace, but he sure shoots alot better so why not play to his strengths?
When those strengths appear to be scoring lots of points in meaningless games against weak opponents, and only make themselves evident when the system is just right and everybody on the team is pandering to him, the colossal question arises -- why bother? And the more important question given the current situation is how can you pay said delicate player mega-$$$? If this is what he gives you when he's in his prime and healthy, how can you even begin to fathom paying him $15mil when he's 35?

The answer is if you're a Kings fans rather than a Peja fan, you cannot. The front office already laid the groundwork for a Peja departure in the offseason when rather than creating a team featuring Peja it acquired more than enough offense to make up for his absence (and fractured the eladership in the process). If Peja wants to stay, or return at his price, he's going to have to EARN it. And I fear its been a long time since Peja has had to earn much of anything on his own. Not sure he remembers how. But if he's listening, it will involve manning up and being better, more passionate, and far more assertive than he's even been.

When Webber earned his mega deal he averaged 27.1pts 11.1rebs 4.2ast 1.3stl 1.7blk made First Team All-NBA and was 4th in the MVP voting while leading the Kings to 55 wins and a spot amongst the elite for the first time in Sacramento history.

Peja, up for a mega deal, is giving us 17.5pts (on 41% shooting) 2.8rebs 1.5ast 0.8stl 0.0blk and playing worse than the numbers. And this after coming off a career worst year (as a starter). And there is supposed to be some doubt why people are unhappy with that effort? Ridiculous.
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yanon said:
Even if Peja averages 24 per game again, the Kings are not a title contender simply because their defense is weak. To rectify to defense problem, one of the non-atheletic starters has to be traded. If this isn't done, the Kings will forever be that playoff team getting knock out early in the 1st two rounds.
True. So who is the weakest link? Peja is no defensive specialist, but he can hold his own. The same cant be said for all the starters...

Even if we had Bowen or Artest instead of Peja how much do you think things would change? It'd still leave us lacking in the paint and on the perimeter...
AleksandarN said:
Why is it ironic? Them(Pedja homers) being Serbian should not really matter. Making a point of them being Serbian is what I do not get. What are you trying to imply? They are going over board to the extreme but singling them out for being Serbian just reflects badly on the rest of the Serbian King fans.
Thank you.

It gets really tiring this crap just about every day. I am serbian and I have NEVER have been a Pedja homie. Just because I am a serbian I get put in the same basket. Very unfair on us who actually are here for the love of the team not the player.

Secondly, NO player is untouchable on this team. NO ONE!!!!!! If we could trade Webber, let Vlade walk and trad Christie, why should Pedja and Bibby be some kind of throphies that need to be kept. If the trade improves a team for goodness sake DO IT.

Pedja is a shooter. A very good one at that but he is one dimensional. He doesn't do anything well outside shooting. Just like most shooters over the years, he doesn't create his own shot. He needs the team to operate in a certain manner for him to blossom. Every smart coach utilises the strengths of his players. Pedja's strengths are his shooting and his cutting. He does all those things well. If the offense is not executed properly shooters always struggle. Its not just a Pedja thing. Its just a life of a shooter.

For about the millionth time, Pedja never has been and NEVER will be a max type player in a perfect world. However he is a first rate shooter. He is probably in the top 3 pure shooters in the league. The two top notch shooters during the off-season got MAX deals or close to it. Pedja just being a top notch shooter will get his money. Whether he gets it with us or some other team we will see. But for me whole this is Pedja worth the max argument somewhat pointless. Many players are not worth MAX contracts but they get them.
AleksandarN said:
Pedja is getting pointed out because he is part of the problem with this team. I mean he does not do what needs to done in order for us to become better as a team. Pedja does not rebound. That is one of the weaknesses that this team has. He can rebound but does not put his effort in that. Instead he leaks out on the break looking for a fast break basket instead of helping out on the boards. Often times when his offensive game is gone to crap everything else is too. If he going to help this team then he better show it. It is pathetic that only ones really showing the effort is the new guys. That my friend is unacceptable.
The fact is that you can't move Bibby with his big contract or find a better center in a league where finding a good center is equal to hitting the lottery jackpot. Like I had said before, ideally you want to acquire a defensive big man who can cover for other people's mistakes but the next best thing to do is get a small forward who can help out both in the low post and the perimeter. Besides being a top notch defender, Ron Artest can score and rebound very well. He is a very well-rounded player. If you're worrying about spreading the floor, three-point specialist is not that hard to find.
I don't want to just single out Peja in trade talk but he is the most tradable guy at the moment. If Minnesota wanted to move KG for Miller and Peja or Peja and Bibby, I wouldn't mind it at all.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
AleksandarN said:
Why is it ironic? Them(Pedja homers) being Serbian should not really matter. Making a point of them being Serbian is what I do not get. What are you trying to imply? They are going over board to the extreme but singling them out for being Serbian just reflects badly on the rest of the Serbian King fans.
That has always been a delicate issue. Some of the best posters on this board are Serbian, or of Serbian descent. And they may even have initially arrived here because of Peja/Vlade. But I'd be loathe to lose them if Peja was traded, and would hope that we might not. On the other hand there have always been...others, fans of the player and perhaps more troublingly the nationality rather than the team. And they WILL leave the board if Peja is traded to follow him around to his next stop. And I am not at all sure that that is a bad thing for this board if that happens.

Players are players no matter wher they are from. They all bounce the ball in exactly the same way.
Bricklayer said:
When those strengths appear to be scoring lots of points in meaningless games against weak opponents, and only make themselves evident when the system is just right and everybody on the team is pandering to him, the colossal question arises -- why bother?
So basically, all his good performances are void since the opposition was weak and since others teammates did all the work? Doesnt seem very fair, but as VF says, we can agree to disagree. I dont know about all this pandering/cajones business.. I feel its been blown out of proportion.

Bricklayer said:
If this is what he gives you when he's in his prime and healthy, how can you even begin to fathom paying him $15mil when he's 35?
So dont pay mega$, just pay mad$ (up until now its been some$)... and if he doesnt take it, cya later!
yanon said:
The fact is that you can't move Bibby with his big contract or find a better center in a league where finding a good center is equal to hitting the lottery jackpot. Like I had said before, ideally you want to acquire a defensive big man who can cover for other people's mistakes but the next best thing to do is get a small forward who can help out both in the low post and the perimeter. Besides being a top notch defender, Ron Artest can score and rebound very well. He is a very well-rounded player. If you're worrying about spreading the floor, three-point specialist is not that hard to find.
I don't want to just single out Peja in trade talk but he is the most tradable guy at the moment. If Minnesota wanted to move KG for Miller and Peja or Peja and Bibby, I wouldn't mind it at all.
Players that are polished at both ends of the floor are usually the sort of players that deserve the max and you can build a contender around. Artest is a bit different in that he is a ticking time bomb.

For as long as Petrie is a GM and/or Adelman is the coach, this team will live and die by the princeton offence. In princeton offence you need shooters. I am not against trading Pedja or Bibby. Either way I am not particularly fussed.

I am not sure I agree with this opinion that 3 point specialists are not hard to find. The reason these pure shooters are getting bigger contracts is because they are pretty rare. You can get Eddie House for next to nothing but is he really a starter?????? Cleveland set out to get some 3 pt threats during the off-season and ended up getting Damon Jones who is OK from the perimeter but not in the league that the likes of Allen, Redd and Pedja are.

I would trade combinations of anybody for KG.

I also don't think moving Bibby would be a problem from contract pointof view. Yes he is on a slightly bigger contract but he is still a top 5 or 6 PG in this league and as such, there are always takers out there for quality PG and quality C.

I suspect the one most difficult to move would be Thomas.
Bibby's defense problem is well known around the league. Therefore, it would be pretty hard for teams go for his huge contract. Yes, the Kings can trade him alone but that also means the Kings need to find someone to fill the point guard hole. Thomas is beyond trade talk. The only way he would be traded is as a salary matching filler.