Kings sign first-round pick Garcia

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[font=verdana,geneva,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Kings sign first-round pick Garcia

By Bee Staff and Wire Services
Published 3:39 pm PDT Wednesday, July 6, 2005

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First-round draft pick Francisco Garcia agreed to a contract with the Kings on Wednesday, hours before playing in his first summer league game for Sacramento in Las Vegas.

Terms of the contract were not disclosed. OAS_AD('Button20'); Garcia, a 6-foot-7 guard, averaged 15.7 points per game last season while leading Louisville to the Final Four.

He scored in double figures in 73 games during his three seasons with the Cardinals, leading the school in scoring during each of his final two seasons.

"We're excited to get him signed," said Geoff Petrie, Kings general manager. "He'll be a great addition to the club."

joy to the world! lol

in all seriousness, good. you never know these days what could happen, even though cisco sounds like an honest guy who wants to play here.

il join...YAY!
Since Detroit has been used as a model, we now have our Tayshaun Prince. It may take a year, but IMHO he is a better shooting clone, and his strength will only improve.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
LA King Fan II said:
Since Detroit has been used as a model, we now have our Tayshaun Prince. It may take a year, but IMHO he is a better shooting clone, and his strength will only improve.
That has always been a particularly amusing comparison given that the two players have almost nothing in common beyond general skin tone and being ridiculously skinny. Their games are completely reversed from each other. The closer comparison to Garcia would be a less athletic Brent Barry.
Aside from extreme length in a two guard, who can also shoot a three pointer and the ability to go to the basket with extreme extension toward the rim, I suppose you're right. Wow, going to race is a pretty awkward leap in a response.

I've monitored your campaign against Garcia, and it seems to be based on the fact the Kings don't have two all-star power forwards to make them contenders again.

Do you recall what Barry and Prince looked like in their first year in the league? It will be fun to watch him succeed.
There's a difference between race and skin tone. Garcia and Prince are skinny, lengthy, and have the same skin tone. There's are more colors than Shawn Bradley and Ben Wallace ya dig?

LA King Fan II said:
I've monitored your campaign against Garcia, and it seems to be based on the fact the Kings don't have two all-star power forwards to make them contenders again.
I hadn't realized that. Hmm, it was strictly a light issue?

Thanks for the dermatological update which has nothing to do with the fact that length leads to defense which leads to deflections and steals and altered shots just like Prince.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
LA King Fan II said:
In anticipation of calling Prince a 3, his length is often utilized to guard 2's like Bryant, Ginobli.

You know, I try to practice one rule and one rule only on a messageboard, and its to know what the hell I am talking about before I start typing. You might want to follow suit.

If you had watched either man play, here would be what you would have noticed:

1) Yes, Prince can shoot a three. Truly amazing. But it is not his game. He shoots a very modest percentage from out there, and last year took about 15% of his shots from that range (138 of 963 FGs). Indeed, Prince's game last year increasingly became one of posting up and using his length to score over smaller SFs.

2) Garcia on the other hand is primarily a shooter. It is what he does. Over his career no fewer than 50% of his shots have been from three point land. That number will drop in the pros with the longer three point line. With his range, it will still be very high.

3) The other half of Garcia's game is as an initiator, a passer, in college a point forward. Which has absolutely nothing to do with Prince's game at all.

4) Then let's spin around to the other side of the ball, where you have Prince as a supreme SF (and YES, he plays a different postion and is much bigger) defender, who nonethless does not rack up big defensive numbers. He is a man on man stopper who smothers people, but his steal and block numbers remain very modest for a player of his impact. He does not take chances. Rock solid, but not flashy. He has also gotten considerably tougher in the Detroit environment at accepting and even dishing out physical punishment despite his skinny frame.

5) On the other hand you have Garcia, who lacks lateral footspeed compared to the OGs he will be guarding, really dislikes being banged around inside, and in general is a long way from anybody's stopper. But he turns around and rather than being a terribly solid man on man stopper, he gambles and helps and comes up with the big splashy steal and block numbers. Completely opposite defensive mentalities.

But other than all that, yeah, same player. :rolleyes: The games of the two men have almost nothing in common. There is no basis for the comparison other than shallow physical characteristics that any little old grandmother from Idaho might pick out.

And you obviously are pretty clueless about my motivations for the Barry comparison as well. My motivation being getting it right rather than letting foolish comparisons to inopposite players muck up the discussion. I'll clue you in -- barring a miraculous sea change in Cisco's game, Garcia's path to NBA success does not lie down the route of incredible defensive stopper. It lies down the Barry path of versatility and creativity on the perimeter along with the occasional big steal or block off the ball.
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It'd be pretty hysterical to complain to a moderator about his attacking, so I will move on with a smile. My response was a defense based on your accusation that my only criteria was skinniness and skin color. If that had nothing to do with linking them because of race I apologize.

Again, Prince did not come into the league as defensive stopper. He became one. You're wrong to think I'm a less than enlightened about hoops.

go Kings.
Well, in some defense of LA King Fan II, Tayshaun was a much different player coming out of college. Although it didn't take him long to adjust, his defense really improved in those first two years in Detroit. I'm really interesting in seeing how Darius, Martin, and Garcia develop under Adelman, since player development isn't something he's particularly known for.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
kperica said:
I'm really interesting in seeing how Darius, Martin, and Garcia develop under Adelman, since player development isn't something he's particularly known for.
Well Darius may not even be with the team next year and is already 27 (actually older than Bibby), so I don;t think there will be any great leaps forward there. He's been getting better at running the offense, but hsi main development is already behind him.

If we go into next season with the OG spot in the hands of Garcia/Martin then one or the other of them, or both, is obviously going to be getting a lot of developmental minutes.
Prince Kentucky college career stats: 13.5 pts 5.5 rebounds 1.9 assists .8 steals/game 33% three point shooter

Garcia Louisville Sr. stags 16.0 pts 4.4 rebounds 4 assists 2.7 steals/game
37% three point shooter

I think Garcia was more active than some may believe on defense. Louisville and Kentucky face arguably similar competition, too
For argument's sake, or rather to end an argument - Christie came into the league as an offensive guard with a similar build to Garcia (hmm we won't even compare their skin tones) look how he turned out. A gambling (showboat steal kind of a guy) who made all league defensively.

Is it impossible to think Garcia might go the christie route?
I love college ball, so I will claim to know a little on this Brick.

The Prince we saw at Kentucky and Garcia we saw Loiusville could (and I stress, could) become similars players. Prince never struck me as an extremely athletic player in college, but he was very smart and very long. Garcia and Prince have similar length, a wash athletically, but Prince's b-ball IQ in college seemed better. IQ (particulary on the defensive end) can be aquired, or it may even be untapped. We shall see. Prince clearly blossomed and became a MUCH better player in the NBA.
For you to attack a poster for trying to compare the two, IMO, is a little off. While it is unlikely that Garcia could become that type of player, it is not out of the realm of possibilty. To say someone doesnt know what the hell they are talking about by even trying to make (or even hope) a comparison, is way to presumptious on your part.
The comparison is certainly possible, and wonderfully hopeful, rather than stupid, misinformed and nieve.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Yoda said:
I love college ball, so I will claim to know a little on this Brick.

The Prince we saw at Kentucky and Garcia we saw Loiusville could (and I stress, could) become similars players. Prince never struck me as an extremely athletic player in college, but he was very smart and very long. Garcia and Prince have similar length, a wash athletically, but Prince's b-ball IQ in college seemed better. IQ (particulary on the defensive end) can be aquired, or it may even be untapped. We shall see. Prince clearly blossomed and became a MUCH better player in the NBA.
For you to attack a poster for trying to compare the two, IMO, is a little off. While it is unlikely that Garcia could become that type of player, it is not out of the realm of possibilty. To say someone doesnt know what the hell they are talking about by even trying to make (or even hope) a comparison, is way to presumptious on your part.
The comparison is certainly possible, and wonderfully hopeful, rather than stupid, misinformed and nieve.

In all fairness, Yoda, I would say that the attacking began in post #12, when LA King Fan II first attacked Bricklayer. I know I was rather surprised by the audacity. At any rate, I would think that we could all give our opinions without being smart alecks toward one another.
if you say so. It was obvious in post 11 he was being openminded, welcoming and alert to the fact that others may know something of which they are speaking.

anyhow, i provided my defense. i didn't ever say anyone knew nothing simply for disagreeing.

as Butch said to Sundance, "you'll feel better have we've robbed a few banks.". I think all Kings fans will feel better after they've signed a couple of needed players.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
LA King Fan II said:
if you say so. It was obvious in post 11 he was being openminded, welcoming and alert to the fact that others may know something of which they are speaking.

anyhow, i provided my defense. i didn't ever say anyone knew nothing simply for disagreeing.

as Butch said to Sundance, "you'll feel better have we've robbed a few banks.". I think all Kings fans will feel better after they've signed a couple of needed players.
LA King Fan, I really suggest you quit poking with that stick lest you actually do inspire a reaction.
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6th said:
In all fairness, Yoda, I would say that the attacking began in post #12, when LA King Fan II first attacked Bricklayer. I know I was rather surprised by the audacity. At any rate, I would think that we could all give our opinions without being smart alecks toward one another.
I would have to agree with the goodwill ambassador here, the attacking started later. Anyhoo, this thread needs to die.
AHHHHHHH! They are not the same there done!!! Any way Tayshaun is black and white, and francisco is dominican. So same skin color and um different conferences now. A lot of role players averaged numbers like that yet we aren't comparing them to those players. So can we drop it before somebody (meaning LA King Fan II) gets banned. Because i got banned for calling bibby and some member dumb before, and it wasn't fun. So, yeah...


Super Moderator Emeritus
Since it's quickly becoming all about "attacking," banishments, etc. it's clear to me this thread has lived it life and it's time for it to say "good night."

I'm closing the thread.
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