Kevin Martin leading scorer of the Vegas summerleague



smith,howard,outlaw,telfair,daniels those are some notable names and Kevin is on top of all of them..... WOW!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Fillmoe said:
smith,howard,outlaw,telfair,daniels those are some notable names and Kevin is on top of all of them..... WOW!
FG% = great (58.5%), turnovers = bad (5.7 TO/gm) but if there was any real adjustemnt it would just be that Kevin has played a LOT more minutes than any of those guys. Good summer run for him but:

Martin 22.7pts (39.7min)
Robinson 21.5pts (29.0min)
Smith 20.0pts (34.3min)
Outlaw 19.7pts (34.0min)
Howard 19.0pts (24.8min:eek: -- what's he doing there anyway? Nothing to prove).
Maxiel 18.7pts (29.3min)
Barbosa 18.0pts (34.8min)
Telfair 17.7pts (27.7min)
Daniels 17.0pts (29.8min)
Fitch 16.8pts (25.3min)

In fact we're really taking a longer/harder look at the two kids in summer league than just about any other team with its major guys (well major for summer league). 39.7min might well lead the league, and Cisco isn;t far behind.

Kevin's full stat line:
39.7min 22.7pts (.585 FG% .500 3pt% .850 FT%) 5.7rebs 1.7ast 0.7stl 0.7blk 5.7TO 5.0fls
Cisco's full stat line:
36.7min 8.0pts (.233 FG% .200 3pt% .800 FT%) 4.7reb 2.0ast 1.7stl 1.3blk 1.7TO 1.3fls
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Muggz_43701 said:
This isn't a suprise to me.The kings got an all-star when they drafted Kevin believe that. Just watch and see.
And you Ohio folks knew it all along :) I am happy that Kevin is doing well and I'm excited for what he will have to offer in future. With a little more experience and muscle gain he should have a bright future.
vj9999 said:
And you Ohio folks knew it all along :) I am happy that Kevin is doing well and I'm excited for what he will have to offer in future. With a little more experience and muscle gain he should have a bright future.
Sure, lol it took him a year to get the feel of the nba, as well as it did college. He's a very hard worker very deadicated to the game.


this is completely off topic and i didnt wanna start a new thread or PM someone so if anyone can PM and tell me how a windows media player file can be turned into a link, i would really appreciate it.... thanks.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Muggz_43701 said:
This isn't a suprise to me.The kings got an all-star when they drafted Kevin believe that. Just watch and see.
Mmm...not really holding my breath on that front, but the kid can score. Could really help our unatheltic jumpshooters with his driving ability if he sorts out his game.

Mentioned this in another thread, but I think that Kevin's career is really kind of doughnut shaped -- there is no middle ground for him. He needs to be fed the ball to do what he does best. He's not a guy you can just give a few spot minutes to here and there as a roleplayer to get him some experience. He needs to be a trusted weapon with the ball in his hands a lot. But the question is, how does he earn that trust without the pedigree and without the baility to really thrive in a lesser role? It seems like it might be all or nothing for him -- either he breaks through, is treated as a primary weapon, and becomes a signifcant player in the league. Or he doesn't, struggles to fit a catch and shoot role which is ill matched to his game, and bounces around the league. In many ways I'd be more surprised to see him turn into a long time NBA veteran roleplayer than I would to see him reach either extrems (a starter/significant player, or out of the league).


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Yep, Kevin is a baller! He also is a defender and a finisher. His high TO's are in summer league and he is the major play starter. Many of his TO's in the games I saw were trying to kick-out to teamates not fully expecting the ball or following the routes they appeared to start....
I hope everyone has noticed I have shown remarkable restraint;) I've been saying since early last June (before the draft) that this kid has some awesome potential.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
thesanityannex said:
good for him. now lets see him do it against the big boys. his stats are exciting.
Well, that's the thing. Good for him. Certainly a lot better than struggling the way Cisco has offensively. But last year in Long Beach (summer league) he averaged 22.4pts on 48% shooting, and there were only breif flashes during the season. So the repeat performance is nice, but he's got to find a way to recreate it (well at a lower level obviously) during the regular season.

Continue to feel training camp this year could be a real watershed for him, one way or the other. A key point in his career to try to establish himself as a major player and get the confidence of the coaches from Day 1 of the season.
Continue to feel training camp this year could be a real watershed for him, one way or the other. A key point in his career to try to establish himself as a major player and get the confidence of the coaches from Day 1 of the season.
I agree with this statement. I think this years training camp may be pivitol to his future with the Kings. I think you may be surprised though, Brick. He has a different mind-set this year, and it shows.
Bricklayer said:
Well, that's the thing. Good for him. Certainly a lot better than struggling the way Cisco has offensively. But last year in Long Beach (summer league) he averaged 22.4pts on 48% shooting, and there were only breif flashes during the season. So the repeat performance is nice, but he's got to find a way to recreate it (well at a lower level obviously) during the regular season.

Continue to feel training camp this year could be a real watershed for him, one way or the other. A key point in his career to try to establish himself as a major player and get the confidence of the coaches from Day 1 of the season.
a little muscle wouldn't hurt, either. unfortunately, though, i'd be willing to bet special k is built like me: naturally skinny. no amount of working out has ever helped me gain significant muscle mass. he'll tone some, fill out a bit...but i'm worried he's just gonna continue to get tossed around among the bigger, stronger guards in the league.
He IS built slim. He's added 15 pounds of muscle since last year, but it really doesn't show, except in the definition in his arms. However, he isn't a guy you really want to just add a bunch of pounds to, IMO. Strength is one thing, just adding mass is another. He will never look 'big', he's not built that way, and, in fact, it would probably be detrimental to his over-all athleticism. However, he IS strong.
im glad martin is once again shinning in the summer leagues. the guy does have potential to be a starter in this league. i hopes he focuses and gets some playing time during pre-season. i want to see him early in the season getting at least 15-20 minutes.


tyrant said:
im glad martin is once again shinning in the summer leagues. the guy does have potential to be a starter in this league. i hopes he focuses and gets some playing time during pre-season. i want to see him early in the season getting at least 15-20 minutes.


what does summer league mean anyway?

do people not remember gerald wallace dominated summer league ball...nikili Tskitishvilli was the MVP of the summer league haha...dominating against some nba potential and scrubs doesnt translate into success in the league. You know who is a stud and i've played against him...Nate Robinson...i live in berkeley and he came here about a month ago and played pick up here at the, he dominated everyone and i was taller than him (i'm like 5'9-5'10). I saw him play in the pac-10 as well. WHat i'm saying is that certain guys who showed dominance before entering the summer league are going to be good regardless (d wade, lebron both played in the summer league.) But guys like Kmart, you just dont know yet.
y2kings said:
do people not remember gerald wallace dominated summer league ball...nikili Tskitishvilli was the MVP of the summer league haha...dominating against some nba potential and scrubs doesnt translate into success in the league. You know who is a stud and i've played against him...Nate Robinson...i live in berkeley and he came here about a month ago and played pick up here at the, he dominated everyone and i was taller than him (i'm like 5'9-5'10). I saw him play in the pac-10 as well. WHat i'm saying is that certain guys who showed dominance before entering the summer league are going to be good regardless (d wade, lebron both played in the summer league.) But guys like Kmart, you just dont know yet.
You didnt happen to play him at the RSF did you?
The kid has awesome potential, but...
Tsikitsivili (sp?) was MVP of the Rocky Mountain Revue, so let's all take a deep breath and calm down.
Summer league doesn't mean much.

edit: oops, y2k beat me to it. But the point remains.


Hall of Famer
Oh great here goes the old "its only summer league" sh** again. you guys got to think about a few things. yes you have your Tsikitsivilli and Wallaces, but remember Amare Stoudimire, Lebron James, Michael Jordan. This list goes on and on and on of Hall of famers that also did well in the summer leagues and i bet you that somebody down the line saw Shaq in a summer leauge and he averaged 24 pts and 12 rebs said eeeeh its only summer league. yes my friend it is but averaging 23 points in summer league is better than averaging 2pts or a DNP.
Entity said:
Oh great here goes the old "its only summer league" sh** again. you guys got to think about a few things. yes you have your Tsikitsivilli and Wallaces, but remember Amare Stoudimire, Lebron James, Michael Jordan. This list goes on and on and on of Hall of famers that also did well in the summer leagues and i bet you that somebody down the line saw Shaq in a summer leauge and he averaged 24 pts and 12 rebs said eeeeh its only summer league. yes my friend it is but averaging 23 points in summer league is better than averaging 2pts or a DNP.
PLEASE tell me you aren't comparing Kevin Martin to MJ, Amare, Lebron, and Shaq. That goes a little too far.
I think it's great how good he's doing now and hope it leads to good things, but you just can't speculate too much just from the summer leagues; leave the speculation for when Kevin goes against the proven players in the NBA.


Hall of Famer
I am not comparing him to anybody. All i am saying is every year on every team this same statement is said. "its only summer league" I know he has to show it against real talent. BUT don't dare undermind this accomplishment by Kevin Martin just because you have to have something negative to say. Why can't you people just be happy and wish good things on this kid instead of saying he hasn't done anything special. Just because he didn't start and flourish in his rookie season doesn't automatically put him at mediocre level his whole career.

1st season averages by great SG

Kobe 7pts 1re 1ast
Doug chrisite 6pts 2reb 2ast
Manu 7pts 2reb 2ast
Rip 9pts 1reb 1ast
larry Huges 9pts 3reb 1ast
Ray Allen(started) 13pts 4reb 2ast
Michael Reed 2pts .7reb .2ast
TMac 7pts 4reb 1ast