Peja Stojakovic: King For Life?

AleksandarN said:
Ok what about a deal worth 5 years for 62.5 mil. Something like this

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$10,500,000[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$11,500,000[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$12,500,000[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$13,500,000[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$14,500,000[/font]
Thats fine, I think it should be incentive heavy, though, so he will want to work harder at his weaknesses for more money, and I know you cant teach or make someone do things that they are weak at, but Peja is an athlete and he's 6-10 for God's sake, he shouldnt be averaging anything less than 6 rebs. a game.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
AleksandarN said:
Ok what about a deal worth 5 years for 62.5 mil. Something like this

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$10,500,000[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$11,500,000[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$12,500,000[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$13,500,000[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$14,500,000[/font]
That's within the bounds of reason. Now thing is that NBA contracts almost always go max on the annual increases, and you're going to have a real hard time convincing a star player to take any less than the max number of years. So its trickier, but anything centering the contract over a $10-$12 million dollar average is workable IMHO. Paying him like he's Garnett is not.
No problem with Peja being a King for life unless he gets us a TIm Duncan or Kevin Garnett but otherwise I want him to stay if he can perform at 2004 level but he just isnt worth that much money.
Bricklayer said:
That's within the bounds of reason. Now thing is that NBA contracts almost always go max on the annual increases, and you're going to have a real hard time convincing a star player to take any less than the max number of years. So its trickier, but anything centering the contract over a $10-$12 million dollar average is workable IMHO. Paying him like he's Garnett is not.
ok If it is spread out to the max number of years(that is if the CBA does not change on max years) We are looking at

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$11,500,000[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$12,500,000[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$13,500,000[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$14,500,000[/font]

THat is a 7 year 94.5 mill. Which it is not bad.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
AleksandarN said:
ok If it is spread out to the max number of years(that is if the CBA does not change on max years) We are looking at

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$11,500,000[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$12,500,000[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$13,500,000[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$14,500,000[/font]

THat is a 7 year 94.5 mill. Which it is not bad.
Although we're still paying a 35 yr old shooter who was one dimensional in his prime $16.5 million dollars. We will be GOOD and ready to be free of that deal by that time. You also tack on those years, and the whole contract explodes in $$ value and average salry jumps up to $13.5 mil per. Kobe money. And if I'm paying Kobe money, I'd kind of like to have Kobe, you know? ;)
First of all, I do not think ANY player deserves the amount of money given in a max contract. That being said, until the entire system changes, it is what star players expect and will generally get. Agree or not, it is the general consensus across the NBA that Peja is a star player that plays below expectation in the play offs.

This is where I am going to disagree with many of you. I think Peja has earned consideration for a big contract. I think he had a subpar season last year. This can be attributed to many different factors that we can all argue over. His numbers, although not up to his standards, were better than most at his position. I am hoping that last season was his only season like that.

Normally, I would say, "Let's see how this season goes before we make any BIG decisions. Unfortunately, we do not have that luxury. I believe we need to extend him this summer or beginning of the season. Otherwise, I fear we will lose him for nothing. Even with this past season, he is worth more than we pay him now and WITHOUT A DOUBT, better talent than we could replace if he left in free agency


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
chelle said:
First of all, I do not think ANY player deserves the amount of money given in a max contract. That being said, until the entire system changes, it is what star players expect and will generally get. Agree or not, it is the general consensus across the NBA that Peja is a star player that plays below expectation in the play offs.

This is where I am going to disagree with many of you. I think Peja has earned consideration for a big contract. I think he had a subpar season last year. This can be attributed to many different factors that we can all argue over. His numbers, although not up to his standards, were better than most at his position. I am hoping that last season was his only season like that.

Normally, I would say, "Let's see how this season goes before we make any BIG decisions. Unfortunately, we do not have that luxury. I believe we need to extend him this summer or beginning of the season. Otherwise, I fear we will lose him for nothing. Even with this past season, he is worth more than we pay him now and WITHOUT A DOUBT, better talent than we could replace if he left in free agency
"Star" players do not get max contracts unless you seriously ****up. Which a number of stupid teams have done unfortunately. SUPERstar players earn max contracts. Peja never has been one, never will be one, and will be 35 before his next deal is up. This isn't an academic problem, not even a principle problem. This is a 100% practical problem -- if you sign Peja Stojakovic to a max deal you WILL screw the franchise over for years to come. If you sign ANYbody to that kind of money who cannot singlehandedly carry your team, you're pinned forever without the money to ever get better. And by the last few years of the contract we'll all be sitting here, or at least those of us who are left, counting the years, days, hours down until what will look like an awful franchise-ruining contract is off of the damn books so we can get back to being competitive again. While I am not at all for this option, when you sit there staring at $21 mil, $23mil, $26mil over the final years of that contract, you could make a pretty good argument we'd be better off losing Peja for nothing than blowing that type of money on him and living to hate it.
Bricklayer said:
Although we're still paying a 35 yr old shooter who was one dimensional in his prime $16.5 million dollars. We will be GOOD and ready to be free of that deal by that time. You also tack on those years, and the whole contract explodes in $$ value and average salry jumps up to $13.5 mil per. Kobe money. And if I'm paying Kobe money, I'd kind of like to have Kobe, you know? ;)
That is really not Kobe money. Kobe is making over 19 mil and Pedja would be making 13.5 that is a big difference. BTW I would take Kobe over Pedja any day of the week. So would every GM in the league Kobe is one of kind talent. That you would be lucky to find any decade.
I guess if you were to look at it in a different light, Ray Allen cant rebound either, and he does what he does, and thats it...shoot incredible, provide energy and command the offense...he's about to get richer to the I guess if thats what you want for your 'franchise' tag, then Peja would be the definition, it just would be great to have a full season out of him, healthy, of course...but I guess we have no control over that.
Jerryaki said:
Good point. But having yet another person not want to be in Sacramento is too discouraging for me right now. :(

At least Matt barnes wants to be here...
Peja is the only person I can think of in recent memory that has expressed an interest in leaving Sacramento. Most players seem to be genuinely sad to leave, unless you count TFM (I don't).

I'm also guessing that, despite the playoff woes and reputation for softness, Sacramento is probably still a very desirable location for players.

As for Peja's happiness, I admit that it's better than last year and wondering if and when he was going to slack off as some sort of hissy fit. However, there's still a nagging something... bitterness, perhaps... that I don't like about it.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Circa_1985_Fan said:
I guess if you were to look at it in a different light, Ray Allen cant rebound either, and he does what he does, and thats it...shoot incredible, provide energy and command the offense...he's about to get richer to the I guess if thats what you want for your 'franchise' tag, then Peja would be the definition, it just would be great to have a full season out of him, healthy, of course...but I guess we have no control over that.
If he was about to get richer to the fullest, he already would have. The whole reason he's a FA is because Seattle, abruptly looking wiser than us, balked and said uh....

Now Ray's playoff performance MAY have gotten him up to the point where you do that. Maybe. I think that you are still going to live to regret it in a few years, but at least for a few weeks he looked like that guy (I should take that back -- for 1 series against our no-defense asses he looked like that guy).
Let's all take a deep breath here. I think we can all agree Peja is certainly not worth, nor will he get a max deal. There's a reason Geoff Petrie runs the team, and the Maloofs own the team. I'm not going to get down on a guy for saying something impetuous about a player he loves. Realistically though, the Maloofs have shown us in the past that they are impetuous and honest with their personal feelings "Jason Williams will not be traded", while still understanding of the fact that Geoff Petrie runs the team and knows how to make good personell decisions (With the exception of the Phil Jackson debacle when GP was in the hospital, but it was a unique circumstance which might have been a limited opportunity so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the boudt there too).
Although I think it's utterly absurd to think Peja is worth that much money, I love the fact that these guys consistantly show themselves to be diehard fans who are just as blind in their love of the team as we all have been in the past. (I know there were years when I was CONVINCED Bobby Hurley, or four first rounders, or Brian Grant and Mitch Richmond could and would suddenly make us contenders).

Realistically, will Peja get a max deal? No. Could he be traded? Yes. All I know is I thought the Webber trade was rediculous and am now starting to beleive i was a little wrong. My faith in Petrie is coming back, and I certainly can't and won't say a bad word about the Maloofs after all they've done for the team and city. I know I would probly be as impetuous and enthusiastic as they are if I was put in their situation.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Ovrush, let's think about this. How could Geoff Petrie possibly say no to a max deal for Peja, if Peja and his agent already know that the owners will pay it? He can't bluff, there's no room to wiggle. Peja's camp already knows where the top end is and is going to come in asking for it. What's Geoff going to do, say no, we will not pay that much, go away? One call to Joe (rapidly emerging for me as perhaps a problematic figure) will fix that. The whole process has been shortcircuited rather badly in Peja's favor, and barring a severe mea culpa from Joe, the only options now would appear to be pay him the max or trade him. Unless you believe that even though Joe says he's willing to pay the guy the max, he'd actually let him walk because Geoff says so (not that I entirely trust Geoff's judgment on Peja either).


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Circa_1985_Fan said:
10 yrs/69 mill., thats my offer if I had one to make.
Heh -- can't go 10 years anymore Circa. :)

Also don't think Peja would accept a step back in salary (think he's earning about $8 mil this year).

However, if you would like to offer that amount of money to ME, for whatever reason, I will be happy to accept. :)
Bricklayer said:
Heh -- can't go 10 years anymore Circa. :)

Also don't think Peja would accept a step back in salary (think he's earning about $8 mil this year).

However, if you would like to offer that amount of money to ME, for whatever reason, I will be happy to accept. :)
How many rebounds per game Brick? :)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Insomniacal Fan said:
How many rebounds per game Brick? :)
I'm a rebounding fool babeee!! :D (no wisecracks!)

Most common player comparisons over my long and illustrious basketball career -- Barkley and Rodman. Of course that was against 5'11" guys. But hey, 5'11", 6'11", what's a foot amongst friends? :p
I do not think that he will get a max deal, but I think it will be close to it, either with us or another team. We either have to commit to that or trade him. That decision needs to be made now. I say NOW due to the fact that this is our rebuilding time (or any other "re" word you choose according to Petrie). Just like with a band-aid, it is easiest to rip it off quickly than to pull it off a little at a time. Another season of wondering what direction we are heading in will not be good. Make the decision, one way or another, and go forward.
My personal opinion, for what it is worth, give him a big (not max) contract. Make it a 4-5 year deal. If he is not open to that, trade him. It would be VERY sad for me to lose him, so I would hope he would take the offer.
1) As hrdboild pointed out, who knows what the next CBA will look like. In fact, max contracts are one of the things they're working on.
2) Let's wait for another source...
3) We're gonna be over the cap for a long time anyway with Mike, Brad, and Peja. A max contract shouldn't have any effect on what free agents we get as long as the Maloofs are willing to spend at or above luxury level and utilize our exceptions. Heck, we could give him 200 mil per year with our first-born children as a signing bonus and it wouldn't change what free agents we can get.
Author of Article Replying

OK, perhaps it would sound too corny, but, I think that any mainstream journalist should check the relevant forums and blogs on the topic he/she writes about. That's why I'm here and especially since I heard some skepticism about the veracity of my article. Piksi was the most vocal about that.

However, I have a real audio recording of my interview with Joe Maloof, and I can give you a phone number of Peja's agent and you can check his quote. (Yeah, right, but you have to trust me on that one. Although, if I have access to Joe Maloof, wouldn't it be logical that I can talk to David Bauman, too?!)

Regarding conversations with Peja, I talk to him very often, and if you knew him, you would know that he is a very mellow, very nice guy, at least in front of media. His acting about playing for national team was probably the most emotional statement I ever got from him, so, if he's lying, I'm lying to you. However, I don't believe that one of the biggest media conglomerates such as Spanish-owned Gigantes, whose subsidiary is, where my article was originaly published, would get in touch with me about this if they didn't know of my good reputation.

Thank to you all for spending your valuable time pondering about this topic! I read a lot of really great opinions today!
I think Peja should get about what Mike Bibby gets. You could start at 9.5 mil.

Mike Bibby
Year Team Annual Salary Contract Yrs Contract Amt Contract Thru
2004-05 Kings $ 10,500,000 7 $ 80,500,000 2008-09
2003-04 Kings $ 9,500,000 7 $ 80,500,000 2008-09
2002-03 Kings $ 8,500,000 7 $ 80,500,000 2008-09
2001-02 Kings $ 4,174,898 5 $ 18,900,000 2002-03

Peja's present contract is $ 45,000,000 for 6 years. That would be a nice raise. As a kicker, you could bring Vlade back as a coach.
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SacTownKid said:
Peja IS a max player. Next season you will see.

Yeah we will see a great regular season from him against lesser teams with weak defenders. And come the playoff time he will fold up as usual. That not exactly what you look for in a max player. Everything apart Peja just needs a heart transplant.
im a fan of peja's, but i think he doesnt deserve a max contract...
but i do think a contract of a bit over $10,000,000 a year is fair...
i dunno if he & his agent will agree with it though...
SacTownKid said:
Peja IS a max player. Next season you will see.

Maybe not 26 mil. a year but he will get a hefty contract.
You know, you said the same thing about how we were strong enough to contend this year in the playoff and quite frankly i didnt "see" anything. Peja deserve a raise, but clearly not a max player. At most, he's a Rip Hamilton.