NOOOOO! Kings looking at Walker?!?!

AleksandarN said:
this one takes the cake though

But loot at thise one, proposed by a Celtics Fan.

celticfan513 said:
I like the sounds of that but I dont think Sac would ever do that how bout Pierce and Walker for Peja and Skinner plus money and a 1st then we somehow get rid of Blount..maybe trade him along with Banks and sign Dickau instead or keep Bynum
I'd do it in a second.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Well, let's see, other than Nene, Kwame, Darko, Chandler, Evans, Gadzuric, Swift, Griffin, Dalembert -- nope, sure have no idea where to find any young PFs who might be out there. Not to even mention Rahim and Marshall. And with Pau Gasol, Michael Sweetney, Carlos Boozer, Jamaal Magliore etc. among others rumored to be available or looking for a change of scenery, yes I'm quite sure that we have no choice but to go with Antoine Walker to avoid becoming trapped in lotteryland once again.


:: sacramento trades for walker.... ::

:: onezero grabs shotgun.... ::

:: onezero waits for 3 pointer with 23 secs lefts on shotclock.... ::

:: boom ::

..................................:: 1 hour later.... ::

:: ambulance arrives and finds onezero dead.... ::
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I am not sure about walker. I have always thought of him as an overweight lazy player that does what it takes to just stay under the radar. Even though he does have the skills to be better.

IMO if we get him we are lottery bound.

Best thing is... TO date nobody has known ahead of time what Petrie was going to pull out of his hat. Considering this is in the public then I think its safe to say and thank god that it's not going to happen.

I am a die hard kings fan but I don't know if I could put my support behind him. This is one player of current years that I absolutely hate.
Bricklayer said:
Well, let's see, other than Nene, Kwame, Darko, Chandler, Evans, Gadzuric, Swift, Griffin, Dalembert -- nope, sure have no idea where to find any young PFs who might be out there. Not to even mention Rahim and Marshall. And with Pau Gasol, Michael Sweetney, Carlos Boozer, Jamaal Magliore etc. among others rumored to be available or looking for a change of scenery, yes I'm quite sure that we have no choice but to go with Antoine Walker to avoid becoming trapped in lotteryland once again.
I wouldn't mind Marshall, but do we really need another 3pt shooter? Rahim we could swing, but I'm not sure I like him that much more than Thomas. As for those other guys, good luck trying to get one. Of the FAs, none will go for the MLE that we can offer. And Denver laughing at our attempts to get Nene provides a nice illustration of what will happen if we go after any of the other ones. I say Walker because right now none of those players would realistically arrive in Sac. You might as well have included Garnett and Duncan in the list for all the likelihood we have of signing them. We won't have a realistic shot at any of those players for another few years.

Of course, that all assumes we don't break up the core. Come back with an offer where we give up maybe Peja for one of those guys plus some other decent players and we can talk. But the Walker deal looks like we could swing him and keep the core intact. That gives us four all-star caliber players in the starting lineup, and that ain't bad in my book. Not a champsionship team, but a very fine one. Not to mention that having those 4 players gives us a much better shot at swinging a good young PF or C without giving away half our talent.

It's one thing to throw out a bunch of names carelessly, it's quite another to establish a realistic method of aquiring them.
Bricklayer said:
I've mentioned before -- get young guys. Get them now. Build for the future. Picking up a 29 yr old guy who can't get you where you want to go , takes yup salary, and is in the way of developing players is pointless. It speaks of a lack of ambition to ever be anything more than mediocre. What are we doing it for? So we can maybe win 50 again? Big whoop. I mean really. Was winning 50 and getting punted in the first round really that much fun?

Go young, go for guys who can be something one day, who CAN make a difference. And if you lose a few more games THIS season because of it? Who cares. We aren't in contention either way. But with walker we never will be in the future either. Get the right kid in here, and maybe he is one day a major part of us getting back to the top.
Get young guys? Hmmm... that would mean trading Bibby, Peja, and Brad. They are all in the prime of their careers now. Geoff Petrie knows this, and knows he must put together a contender soon if these guys are the core of that. Can't wait 4-5 years for the rest of the team to develop around these guys.
Walker went to Boston as a rookie and hasn't shot the ball any better since that year with the one exception of the season he was in Dallas. He shot 42.5% his rookie season and it has pretty much dropped ever since. His TO's have gone up every year since then as well. He managed to pee off the fans and management in Boston which led to his trade to Dallas after the 2003-2004 season. He then managed to pee off teammates, fans and management with his selfish play in Dallas. That team was loaded but had no idea how to share the ball or play defense. Walker was immediately shipped to the Hawks after the 2004-2005 season. After 53 games even the lowly Hawks had enough and sent him back to Boston where Danny Ainge was once again suckered into taking Walker back. Walker did play well once in Boston for the final 24 games but never shot as well as he did his rookie season. Once in the playoffs, Walker once again pissed off his teammates, management and fans with his selfish play and that my friends is EXACTLY why Walker is once again left out in the open. Boston has had him twice and they don't want him back. The Mavs and even the pee poor Hawks had him and they don't want him back. Charles Barkley said the reason Walker shoots so many threes is because there's not a 4 pointer available. Walker has ability. He has some game. He also has a me first attitude. If he could just learn to cut back on his shots and learn that there are other guys on the team, he could actually be a player. There's a reason he's not on the high priced free agent list. He's looking at a mid level exception or possibly a sign and trade because no one in their right mind is going to overpay someone who is so selfish. Walker just has simply not learned how to make his teammates better. I am not even sure Walker has learned he has teammates.
captain bill said:
People really aren't being fair at all in this thread. Walker left a horrid Atlanta team and jumped over to a mediocre Boston team midseason, and managed to turn Boston into a good team, a legit playoff team, and, some said, a team not uncapable of pulling of an upset or two against the better teams in the east. Sacramento has turned into a mediocre team in the deep west. There are two stances to take here: go young and build for the future or aquire old vets and keep the team alive. Most people seem to think that these are mutually exclusive, and that aquiring Walker in a sign and trade for Mobley (pretty much the only way we can get him) will prevent us from building. That is completely false. If we let Mobley walk, we will continue to be over the cap, thus unable to attract young free agents. The alternative that everyone keeps bringing up is trading for Nene. Denver has said no to that. So people don't want to get Walker because he makes us feel bad about the team, knowing we won't win a championship. Here's an idea: trade Cat for Walker, let them team stay in the playoff hunt. Walker gets some (undeserved) praise for filling Webber's shoes (he won't, but this is the media talking here). Some none too bright in the Isaih Thomas mold GM hears all this, and when brought an offer of Walker for some young talent, jumps at it. Look! Youth! Or, he actually pans out, does some good stuff for the team, we pick up a good SF and become contenders again.

Alternative: we do what the fans want and hold out for Nene. Denver still says no. Cat walks for nothing. We miss the playoffs, are over the cap, and our only trade pieces are Peja, Mike and Brad. With a team like that, there are no trades to be pulled off to make the team better. We enter the lottery, the new "promised land" of Kings fans. Celebration ensues. The team sucks and spirals back into the abyss of insignifigance in the NBA. Congratulations. Aren't you glad we didn't get Walker?

Honestly, for everyone saying we need youth, no one has any vision for how to add it. I have yet to hear a better idea than grabbing Walker and letting the situation play itself out, taking stock of the team in a couple months, and decide where to go with our 4 (Four!) very attractive trade pieces. Hell, if we package Walker we might be able to get rid of the behemoth contracts we got for Webber.
You should read more threads. Myself, Brick, and others have provided plenty of possibilities for going younger. I'd also be more than happy to go into the lottery for the next two years rather than watch Walker and the rest of our "core" shoot their way out of the first round every year. The draft of 2007 is going to be stacked, and I have no qualms taking part in it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
owensborocard32 said:
I am not even sure Walker has learned he has teammates.
Sure he has. Those are the guys committing those fouls the stupid officials keep blaming on the only guy who has NEVER committed a foul during his entire time in the NBA.

captain bill said:
WHO? What seven foot athletic shot blocking scoring power forward has slipped under the radar of the league's GMs that we can pick up for the MLE? Maybe the Spurs are sick of Duncan and we can grab him. Or KG. That's always a nice little scenario. Shouldn't we get him by now?

People keep saying that signing Walker means GP has no vision, but no one posting here has the vision to present a real (feasible) alternative to acquiring Walker. The only presented idea is signing Kwame to the MLE, but that means he's backing up K9 and we still have the same problems as we do now.

Please, please, PLEASE, someone present an intellegent alternative. If you can't, then who can say who is lacking 'vision'?
I'm saying I would much rather see a defensive minded player on the starting lineup that can Block shots and rebound, since the other 4 guys are offensive minded, I'm not dissing Walkers game, just saying what tune ups he would need to do if he came to the team, smarter options for trying to get a big man would be Chandler, Pryzbilla, Swift, players that go out there and do the stuff that the rest of the starting lineup dosent do, The problem is Walker is too much like a King --> (Thanks Brick).. He's everything that a prototype powerfoward should be for this team, but the problem is we haven't won like this we haven't gotten to the finals, and I don't care if Walker can score 20 points a game, stopping somebody from scoring 20 is just as or more important IMO.
Venom said:
You should read more threads. Myself, Brick, and others have provided plenty of possibilities for going younger. I'd also be more than happy to go into the lottery for the next two years rather than watch Walker and the rest of our "core" shoot their way out of the first round every year. The draft of 2007 is going to be stacked, and I have no qualms taking part in it.
I have read threads, and haven't seen much alternative. Believe me, I'd love to find one. Just nowI saw over in another thread an article about Fabricio Oberto, a tough European PF. I'd love to grab him and forget about Walker completely. And if Chandler wants to take the MLE, or Chicago is in love with Kenny Thomas, Brian Skinner, Bobby Jackson, or Cuttino Mobley, or whoever else, let's ship 'em out and see what we can find. Otherwise, let's play the cards as their dealt and maximize our talent. I'm looking at Walker's upside, as a guy who could potentially fit our system well. Not the best fit, and certainly needs to be ironed out, but a fit. Not my first choice, either, I've made that clear, but we need to look at actual realistic signings or trades rather than a fantasy league style of picking up young guys whenver they show signs of great talent- exactly when they cost the most. As for the draft, in TWO YEARS, if it turns out that we get Walker and tank into the lottery, than you get your wish. If he pans out and we start dominating again, everyone's happy. Otherwise, let's wait a year and then discuss the 07 draft.

For the record, I would prefer either Oberto to start or keep developing Songaila and maybe use Walker as a place holder, even maybe demote him midseason, or just keep Kenny and Darius and hope it pans out. But having Kenny and junk for our PF position really scares me, and that's why I want to jump at a good offer for Walker.
People are talking about how the Kings could very realistically be a lottery team if they don't do something about the power forward spot. Adding Walker will not do anything to remedy the threat of the Kings being in the 2006 lottery. He was a negative factor on the Celtics his last season-plus, he was a negative for the Mavs in his one season there and when he was a Hawk, they were worse than the Bobcats. This guy is supposed to help us? The only teams he's helped were some screwy Celtics squads in some of the Atlantic Division's weakest seasons ever. Any of you "give Walker a chance" folks heard a peep about the Celtics actually wanting to re-sign Walker? Me neither. They'll go with Al Jefferson at the 4 next season and be a better team. We'd be best served going after one of the many other power forward options out there, like the ones Bricklayer named.
Bring on the 'Toine!!!

I for one can understand peoples dislike for 'Toine, but I personally think Walker is a good fit for Sacramento. There is no coincidence that Boston got better with the return of Antoine last year. He does make teams better. You also have to look at our current situation in regards to personel. I don't really see a better fit at PF right now for the Kings than Walker. At least that are even remotely realistic and plus this allows us to keep the "core" intact.

If we do go after Walker I think we would also be seeing the end of Bobby Jacksons career in Sacramento.

Bobby Jackson and Greg Ostertag for Antoine Walker sounds like the most realistic deal to me. Two servicable players and two expiring deals.

Walker provides a player that can operate in the low post and that is something that the Kings need. I also must say that I gained a little more respect for Antoine, who I myself have partly loathed throughout his career, in this last years playoffs. He didn't put up the most impressive numbers but he showed me toughness I didn't know he had.

Another reason I wouldn't mind seeing Walker end up in Sacramento is because this organization has a way of invigorating players, and Antoine Walker could really benefit from the abilities the Kings have as an orginization.

As for defense. There is no escaping the fact that the "core" have to set the pace on that end. Whether it CAN be done isn't an option. It HAS to be done in order for the Kings to have a chance next year. I used t be in the same boat as many others in the sense, that I thought we needed a defensive stalwart at PF. I however have changed my opinion on that subject. Even if we did get a good shotblocking/defensive PF, which I wouldn't mind at all, it can't send a message that the rest of the team can play off of that persons abilities.. Believe it or not, with the way the team is currently constructed, Mike Bibby, Peja Stojakovic, Brad Miller, and whoever else joins these individuals are equally responsible for the defensive liability of this team.
Also, being a lotto team could be the best possible thing to happen for us. Being in the lottery means we get a chance at a star or long-time starter that we don't have to give up anyone to acquire.

Or we could set our sights on Antoine Walker and make it our mission to get eliminated in the first round of the 2006 playoffs.
captain bill said:
I have read threads, and haven't seen much alternative. Believe me, I'd love to find one. Just nowI saw over in another thread an article about Fabricio Oberto, a tough European PF. I'd love to grab him and forget about Walker completely. And if Chandler wants to take the MLE, or Chicago is in love with Kenny Thomas, Brian Skinner, Bobby Jackson, or Cuttino Mobley, or whoever else, let's ship 'em out and see what we can find. Otherwise, let's play the cards as their dealt and maximize our talent. I'm looking at Walker's upside, as a guy who could potentially fit our system well. Not the best fit, and certainly needs to be ironed out, but a fit. Not my first choice, either, I've made that clear, but we need to look at actual realistic signings or trades rather than a fantasy league style of picking up young guys whenver they show signs of great talent- exactly when they cost the most. As for the draft, in TWO YEARS, if it turns out that we get Walker and tank into the lottery, than you get your wish. If he pans out and we start dominating again, everyone's happy. Otherwise, let's wait a year and then discuss the 07 draft.

For the record, I would prefer either Oberto to start or keep developing Songaila and maybe use Walker as a place holder, even maybe demote him midseason, or just keep Kenny and Darius and hope it pans out. But having Kenny and junk for our PF position really scares me, and that's why I want to jump at a good offer for Walker.

So, you only want to get good young guys w/out giving up the core? Not going to happen. You either go young or limp along in mediocrity with guys like Walker. And developing Songaila is not a youth movement. Songaila, by the way, will never be a starter in the NBA. He's a nice little 8th or 9th man, no more, no less.

And we can't wait a year, because then guys like Peja are free agents. We either start making deals this summer, and trudge along as a 6-8 seed and get bounced in the first every year. said:
Also, being a lotto team could be the best possible thing to happen for us. Being in the lottery means we get a chance at a star or long-time starter that we don't have to give up anyone to acquire.

Or we could set our sights on Antoine Walker and make it our mission to get eliminated in the first round of the 2006 playoffs.
Like I said, then the plan should be to ship Bibby, Peja, and Miller on their way. B/c as long as they are here would won't be bad enough to be a lottery team. Plus these are not players to build for the future with.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Something to keep in mind though, is that next year's draft has the potential to be THE WORST draft in a loooooooooong time. It was looking weak to begin with, and now you add in the fact that high school kids are no longer admitted to the show and it is looking VERY weak.

Not the year for the Kings to have a high pick.

Shades of Pervis Ellison . . .
Are people really so stupid that they think that all it takes to build a team like the Kings is some high draft picks and some cap room to sign free agents? Teams like the Kings don't just grow on trees you know. If we just get rid of everybody and get nothing in return so we can "start from scratch" we are not automatically assured a championship contender in a few years. I've read some stupid stuff around here lately but this is getting out of control. Kind of like the team itself. What is happening to the team is not good, if we don't turn it around and actually start making some moves that make sense, we could dwell in the cellar for many years to come. I hope and pray Petrie can work his magic and reload in the offseason, so we don't have to fall any farther than we already have. We were an also-ran and the punch line of a sad joke this year in the postseason(It went something like this... Luke Ridnour, Peja Stojakovic and Jerome James walk into a bar...). I'm not saying Walker is the solution but we definitately have a problem that needs one. It's nice and nostalgic to remember the days of good ol Dwayne Causwell and Theus and the boys but that doesn't mean I want to re-live it, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
KP said:
Are people really so stupid that they think that all it takes to build a team like the Kings is some high draft picks and some cap room to sign free agents? Teams like the Kings don't just grow on trees you know. If we just get rid of everybody and get nothing in return so we can "start from scratch" we are not automatically assured a championship contender in a few years. I've read some stupid stuff around here lately but this is getting out of control. Kind of like the team itself. What is happening to the team is not good, if we don't turn it around and actually start making some moves that make sense, we could dwell in the cellar for many years to come. I hope and pray Petrie can work his magic and reload in the offseason, so we don't have to fall any farther than we already have. We were an also-ran and the punch line of a sad joke this year in the postseason(It went something like this... Luke Ridnour, Peja Stojakovic and Jerome James walk into a bar...). I'm not saying Walker is the solution but we definitately have a problem that needs one. It's nice and nostalgic to remember the days of good ol Dwayne Causwell and Theus and the boys but that doesn't mean I want to re-live it, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Are people really so stupid to think that Walker is the answer to the Kings' problems? Well, apparently so. There is no quick-fix. The solution is to move some of the "core" for some up-and-comers, and restock the talent pool. Or, we could be the Knicks for the next decade, because perennial mediocrity is so much fun too.
Question would you guys do this then Walker sign and trade for Kenny thomas?

I think if they were to take on Thomas's contract then it would be worth while but I would not want give them anything else for Walker. That is the only deal I could live with.
AleksandarN said:
Question would you guys do this then Walker sign and trade for Kenny thomas?

I think if they were to take on Thomas's contract then it would be worth while but I would not want give them anything else for Walker. That is the only deal I could live with.
I'd rather have Thomas any day.

If we are talking about like a 1-year contract to basically get rid of Thomas' salary, we'll still be over the cap so the only real benefit would be to the Maloofs' bottom line.

And from a basketball standpoint, Thomas can score and rebound just about as well as Walker, has better shooting percentages, and won't singlehandedly lose games for us the way Walker will.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Kings looking at Walker. Somehow that whole idea is frightening.

Please no!!! That would be my response to the Kings. Hmmm! Once again they did not ask me. :eek:
As you read the articles about this, it seems pretty obvious it's just Walker's agent talking to GP lookin to drum up interest for his player.
From The Boston Herald today:

Antoine Walker [news]'s agent is continuing to work the market in search of a sign-and-trade deal that would allow the forward to make more than the mid-level exception. Mark Bartelstein said he's been on the line with Sacramento, but for anything to work on that front the Kings would almost certainly have to take either Mark Blount [news] (five years left) or Raef LaFrentz (four remaining).
As for contracts the Celts might be willing to take, Corliss Williamson has two years left at a total of $12.5 million and Brian Skinner has two years at $10.35 million. . . .


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I've mentioned before, that soft as he is, Raef might be able to do well in this system and help a little with his size/shotblocking (although that's nto what it once was after the surgery). But the contract is ridiculous, and when I raised the possibility of getting him it was in the hopes it would attached to an expanded Pierce deal as a not totally repulsive throw in, not in a deal so that we could have the honor of drawing the short straw in the Antoine Walker sweepstakes.
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Maybe I am just an eternal optimist when it comes to this team, but I am unwilling to completely panic at this point. I DO NOT like Walker and DO NOT want to see him in a King's jersey, but I would not stop being a King's fan because of it. I also do not see us being a lottery team with or without Walker next season. Petrie has a lot of work to do. I am sure that he realized that when he traded Doug and Chris. I hope he can get it done. We are not contenders at this point, but we are also not the Hornets. I am hoping that Petrie will do what it takes to get us back in contention. I do not think that I will panic overmuch and get rid of everybody until we do not make the playoffs. Then, all bets are off. Until then, I'll just watch and hope for the best. I know many will say that I am just burying my head in the sand, but I prefer that over believing the sky is falling.