If you want to apply logic, then start considering Tor, as well as Hou's objectives. Hou wants the #5 and the #8 to flip to Orl, right? From rumors, Tor really wants Lowry, but nothing has been mentioned about them wanting another player Hou currently has. There's also been rumors we want Lowry, or Lillard, which means Petrie would want a starting PG, as there was another rumor stating our FO doesn't think IT is a fulltime starting PG going forward. So whether or not you personally don't think PG is a great need, rumors from our FO suggest otherwise, that is if we're talking about rumors, which we are.
So, we very well might be targeting Lowry, but if Lowry is the only player Tor likes on Hou, and Hou traded Lowry to us for the #5, that would mean it's less likely Hou can get Tor's #8 as they would be shipping the player Tor covets to us.
Don't think I haven't applied logic. It's pretty simple. We both might want Lowry. Hou wants the 5 and 8. If they trade Lowry to us, then how do they get the 8 from Tor?
If we're discussing rumors, then why get all upset about my opinion on rumors, and act like your own opinions are based on fact?