Supervillain Draft Thread - Team write-ups and post draft rankings

Well crap...this snaked back to me before I had sufficient time to be indecisive for my final pick. Which was made easier by another one getting picked off earlier this round.

MBF's final selection...

Predator - Predator

This should round out Team MBF's evility here, counterbalancing the inner nether regional freakshow scariness with alien freakshow scariness. Another ruthless hunter with size and quickness, I may put him out on the flank. That what would be what we in sports fandom call a "tough cover"

Predator and Lecter may have issues with one another, or they may share...won't know for sure until camp opens. But this team may be something not to meet in a dark alley...or at all...or ever...muhahahaha...ahahahah...AHAHAHAHA....MUHAHAHAHAHAHA....
General Announcement: Taking our que from the heroes draft, following vikinginferno's final pick this round, drafters will have the option to create a team name and write-up including roles of each villain and how they work in the mastermind's plan. People can post them at anytime after the final pick (does not need to follow draft order).

Again, this is purely optional, but for everyone who does it I'll add a link with the team name on the front page roster. I think I'll put a two day waiting period on rankings to give everyone a chance to make a write-up if they choose to.

Any thoughts?
Off all the Super Villians out there, only one can truly be called Godzilla's greatest opponent.

Weighing in at over 100k pounds and standing at nearly 500 ft tall, I select...

King Ghidorah

With three heads that shoot energy beams, wings that can cause hurricane force winds, and the ability to drains his opponents life force, he will stand tall as my "blunt object" in this endeavour.
I am really torn between three villains for this last pick... do I go for ANOTHER criminal mastermind? Seems like overkill. So, I need to pick between three physical forces of evil... but which one? The crafty one? Seems like Boba Fett already fits that bill. The dumb one? Nah.... "Something ostensibly harmless which is, in fact, deadly"... Something those super-chumps will never suspect as the force behind their demise... something vile and evil with "a vicious streak a mile wide!" and "nasty, big, pointy teeth!" That's right, supersuckers, you will find your doom where you least expect it... and unless you have a holy hand grenade, good luck.

I select:
Rabbit of Caerbannog aka The Killer Rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail

I put this one in spoilers... it is a bit graphic, but what did you expect from a killer rabbit?

This evil little bunny works perfectly into Palpatine's plan filling the need for an evil pet for Palpatine to cuddle and a combatant that some super dweeb will overlook... and then get their head chewed off. This rabbit takes no prisoners, does not waste time, and just goes for the neck... a stone cold killer and a soft cuddly critter all rolled into one 4 lb rodent of pure evil.
[yt=Death to all who cross the Rabbit]XcxKIJTb3Hg[/yt]
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I never noticed how hilarious NoBonus was until I started reading through these threads. I like the pick and your sense of humor.
Sorry for the delay folks; long night in EMS. On to my pick.

My roster is already loaded with baddies who can confront the forces of good straight on. So for my final pick I'm adding a villianess who more subtly sets the stage by putting the "Divide" into "Conquer"

Eris, Goddess of Discord - Greek Mythology

Here she is, my all-time favorite villainess and, for the purpose of this game, personal emissary. See that little golden apple she's holding? That started the Trojan War. Well, THAT and a little mischievous ingenuity by my dear Eris.

Miffed that she did not earn an invitation to a divine wedding attended by all the other gods, Eris decided to get her revenge by doing what she does best - namely, causing a little crapstorm. She simply tossed the apple into the wedding banquet hall with the words "For The Fairest" then sat back and laughed as the vanity of the other goddesses tore the world apart.

And really, that's Eris' true strength: she seemingly knows everyone else's weakness, then plays off it allowing her enemies to destroy themselves. She knows exactly which thread to pull to cause the strongest bonds to unravel.

Plus, when Eris is successful, the heroes have no one to blame but themselves, because all she really does is make simple offers to them ... which just so happen to play off their deepest desires and lead to their undoing. Well, except when she shapeshifts and frames people for the one crime that will utterly destory them and everything they hold dear. But she's the goddess of Chaos; it's in her job description.

With the ultimate manipulator now on my roster, I'd expect the heroes to be a little distracted from taking on my minions, being too busy fighting amongst themselves.

*Editors Note* There is a modern "religion" known as Discordianism that worships Chaos and places Eris as its patron diety. I'm going to call this a "parody religion" along the lines of Pastafarianism specifically because the religion's own website says "At the very least, Discordianism has made a hell of a lot of people laugh."

Personal Notes on Eris:

I am slightly embarrassed to say I was first introduced to Eris, not in my study of ancient religions and mythology class in college, but in Dreamwork's 2003 animated film (and box office flop) Sinbad: The Legend of the Seven Seas.

The movie itself was dull and forgettable, but Eris (voiced by Michelle Pfeiffer) was insanely smooth, delightfully devious and had an almost hypnotic "silk on water" movement that perfectly embodied chaos. I was in love, swoon.
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Deathstroke the Terminator

Deathstroke, born Slade Wilson, is an elite mercenary, assassin, and scourge of the superhero community. In addition to his extensive military experience and training, Slade was injected with a superserum that enhanced his abilities. Deathstroke specializes in taking down superheroes with his advanced strategic planning skills. With preparation he has been able to singlehandedly defeat the Justice League.

Deathstroke possesses various enhanced abilities, including the strength of ten men and heightened speed, agility, stamina, and reflexes. He has the capacity to use up to 90% of his brain making him a tactical genius, adept at turning opponents' own abilities against them.

It has been shown recently that the serum in fact grants a precognitive sense that lets him see into the immediate future. This allows him to react to oncoming attacks a moment before they occur and to counter them accordingly. With his training and reflexes, a moment is a long time. He has even been able to counter speedsters, kneecapping Kid Flash and making the Flash impale himself on his sword.

Deathstroke also has a healing factor in his blood that enables him to heal from physical injury much faster than a normal person; it does have limitations as he could not regenerate a lost eye, and therefore could not regenerate entire limbs. The healing factor enables him to recover from what would otherwise be fatal injuries, though recovering from such injuries renders him insane and animalistic for a short period.

Deathstroke is also skilled in the use of many weapons ranging from guns, rifles, and swords, which are usually among his current weapons of choice. His signature weapon is a power staff that fires lethal and non-lethal energy blasts from both ends. The staff can also be used to strike using energy at each end. His sword and staff are made of promethium, a nearly invulnerable alloy. His body armor is composed of a mesh-woven, kevlar, and promethium chainlink mail, capable of stopping small arms fire.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
The Burninator!

Every supergroup needs an enforcer. What does one find on an island? Thatched-Roof Cottages. I need someone who attacks in the night to keep the peasants in perpetual worry. For my last pick I select:

Trogdor the Burninator!

Everyone who's played Peasant's Quest knows that Trogdor cannot be defeated. He burninates the village. He burninates the countryside. He burninates peasants.


How to draw Trogdor:

  1. Draw an S.
  2. Draw a more different S.
  3. Close it up real good at the top for his head.
  4. Using consummate V's, give him teeth, spinities, and angry eyebrows.
  5. You can add smoke or fire.
  6. And maybe add some wings, you know, if he's a wing-a-ling dragon.
  7. Put one of those beefy arms back on him for good measure.
  8. Name him TROGDOR the BURNiNATOR.
  9. Add majestic lines... for majesty.

Words cannot express how disappointed I am in myself for not thinking to draft Trogdor. He's got an awesome song, and everything.

As does the S is for Sucks Dragon.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Words cannot express how disappointed I am in myself for not thinking to draft Trogdor. He's got an awesome song, and everything.

As does the S is for Sucks Dragon.
When I picked him, I figured that at the very least you would know who he was.
Now, for my grand finale. Man, its fun picking when you have no competition. Sure, I'll probably get shafted in the votes....but I like my team.

John Daniel "Jack" Torrence - The Shining

Heeeeeeeeere's.....ah nevermind. While after the Joker I drafted mostly mentally sound, though extremely dirty, players, this bookends my draft neatly with pure, full-blown crazies. Jack will write my group's weekly newsletter and make sure he delivers it safe and sound to every home that will be very, very much in need.

He'll also do some things that may or may not involve an axe. More on that later.
Great round so far everyone. This is really showcasing the diversity I had hoped. The Rabbit of Caerbannog and Trogdor the Burninator were particularly inspired picks. Well done :D

Only 5 more and we can start on the write-ups/rankings and undrafted favorites phase before the playoffs against the heroes start. Looking forward to it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You're going to have a playoff against the heroes? I thought we - the innocent bystanders - would be voting on whose group of villians we'd most fear in this draft group while we'd be voting on which assemblage of heroes we'd want to save us in the other draft group. THEN have the winners of the villains go up against the winners of the heroes for the ultimate battle of good vs. evil ...
Well, it's pretty clear that us supervillains will beat down the "super"heroes and end up fighting amongst ourselves for supremacy of the universe anyway. Therefore,the councils of evil will face each other regardless. Structuring the tournament this way just eliminates a needless step ;)
You're going to have a playoff against the heroes? I thought we - the innocent bystanders - would be voting on whose group of villians we'd most fear in this draft group while we'd be voting on which assemblage of heroes we'd want to save us in the other draft group. THEN have the winners of the villains go up against the winners of the heroes for the ultimate battle of good vs. evil ...
Jespher and I discussed which of the two options we wanted to go with during the playoff format. Ultimately we decided the Hero vs Villain royal rumble provided the most variety of match-ups and best opportunity for upsets.

Also, it seemed wasteful to have all these villains and heroes super teams, but only end up with one heroes vs villains head-to-head match-up at the very end. They are natural enemies; might as well get to the grudge matches right away. :)

Friendly reminder PM sent to bdouble.
Deathstroke the Terminator

Deathstroke, born Slade Wilson, is an elite mercenary, assassin, and scourge of the superhero community. In addition to his extensive military experience and training, Slade was injected with a superserum that enhanced his abilities. Deathstroke specializes in taking down superheroes with his advanced strategic planning skills. With preparation he has been able to singlehandedly defeat the Justice League.

Deathstroke possesses various enhanced abilities, including the strength of ten men and heightened speed, agility, stamina, and reflexes. He has the capacity to use up to 90% of his brain making him a tactical genius, adept at turning opponents' own abilities against them.

It has been shown recently that the serum in fact grants a precognitive sense that lets him see into the immediate future. This allows him to react to oncoming attacks a moment before they occur and to counter them accordingly. With his training and reflexes, a moment is a long time. He has even been able to counter speedsters, kneecapping Kid Flash and making the Flash impale himself on his sword.

Deathstroke also has a healing factor in his blood that enables him to heal from physical injury much faster than a normal person; it does have limitations as he could not regenerate a lost eye, and therefore could not regenerate entire limbs. The healing factor enables him to recover from what would otherwise be fatal injuries, though recovering from such injuries renders him insane and animalistic for a short period.

Deathstroke is also skilled in the use of many weapons ranging from guns, rifles, and swords, which are usually among his current weapons of choice. His signature weapon is a power staff that fires lethal and non-lethal energy blasts from both ends. The staff can also be used to strike using energy at each end. His sword and staff are made of promethium, a nearly invulnerable alloy. His body armor is composed of a mesh-woven, kevlar, and promethium chainlink mail, capable of stopping small arms fire.
It is funny that deadpool, the marvel knock-off of Deathstroke goes #2 overall in the hero draft and the real deal, Deathstroke goes in the last round...(deadpool really is a knock off, look it up) He was my other choice, but I felt the Rabbit got the same results but was a lot more fun and interesting. Plus, I already got Boba Fett to fill this terminator/killer role. Great, great late pickup.
"He has the capacity to use up to 90% of his brain making him a tactical genius, adept at turning opponents' own abilities against them."

why, creators, why stop at 90%? just make him able to use 100%!!!!