Supervillain Write-Up
S.C.A.R.E. - The Society for Cosmic Atrocity, Ruination, and Evil
Superhero teams have the advantage of all members working toward a common, altruistic goal. The tricky thing about a team of villains is that they often have varied motivations, or maybe even worse, exactly the same motivation that can abide no sharing. For this reason, the key to the success of S.C.A.R.E. as a team is the abilities of Loki as the puppetmaster.
Motivations and Roles
Loki – As the Goddess of Evil, Loki requires no outside motivation. She is what is known as a self-starter. Also known as the Trickster Goddess, and Goddess of Mischief and Lies, Loki is the ideal candidate to lead her team members down the garden path of evil. She is an expert of deceit and persuasion by the use of both psychology and her immense magical powers. She will craft an illusory reality for each of her loyal team member to convince them that they are satisfying their own motivations and self-interests, even when they are serving Loki’s purposes. It isn’t a difficult sales job, as the member’s individual goals will often present themselves as a by-product of the team’s goals.
The Beyonder – While his incalculable powers have caused great destruction and evil in the past, The Beyonder is not necessarily inherently evil. He is more like a cosmic-scale curious youngster willing to try on various roles just to test what happens. Some of these roles have included wiping out entire galaxies, slaughtering superheroes and other cosmic beings, or causing mischief and chaos for humankind. While he is probably the most powerful entity to have ever existed, his personality has been somewhat malleable and subject to persuasion. It is Loki’s job to keep him intrigued with the role of supervillain and to bend his actions towards her ultimate evil goals.
Proteus – Poor Proteus at heart is nothing more than a sociopathic teenager that wants to cause as much destruction and suffering as possible. Due to his abusive and abandoning father and a lifetime of captivity under his mother’s scientific observation, Proteus has serious daddy and mommy issues that Loki can easily leverage. He is full of rage for Loki to channel, and really only wants more target bodies that he can posses and burn out. Who would make better targets than the hapless superheroes that attempt to protect their island base?
Parallax – As a cosmic parasite that feeds on and channels the collective fear of the universe, Parallax could find no better place for a meal than in the wake of the destruction and chaos caused by the members of S.C.A.R.E. Nothing is more satisfying for Parallax than to cause fear in and break down the psyches of powerful beings, and like Proteus he will find a target-rich environment as the team attacks the heroes’ island.
Zoom – Zoom claims that his motivation is to test heroes through tragedy and make them better. However, he’s a sadistic S.O.B., because his idea of testing heroes is to beat them senseless, cause wanton destruction, and even murder their families. It is a small matter to convince him that slaughtering a team of heroes would serve as a great object lesson for the other superheroes of the world.
Deathstroke – Deathstroke is a mercenary at heart, but he also relishes taking down superheroes just because they’ve gotten in his way time after time. Loki can easily provide him with monetary gain, but just the chance to assault an island of heroes is plenty of motivation for Slade Wilson. While Loki sets the overall team strategy, Deathstroke calls out the tactics in the field of battle.
Plan of Attack
Domination – The Beyonder could easily strip the team of heroes of their powers, turn them into gnats, or erase them from the timeline. Or he could zap the island away to a pocket dimension that only he can access. But then there’s not much of a match if that happens, so let’s just assume for fun that he and any other omnipotent beings play a “fair” game on the battlefield. The Beyonder has been proven capable of standing up to and in fact toying with any other cosmic being he comes up against. At a bare minimum he can neutralize and dominate any of the other team’s cosmic beings like Galactus, abstract entities like Death, or superbeings with unlimited potential like Phoenix, Franklin Richards, or my own Dr. Manhattan.
Deception – As a mistress of illusion and transformation, Loki can misdirect and confuse the heroes. She can even take on the form of the heroes themselves to sow mistrust amongst their team. As they become ensnared in her web of deceit, they will question what is real and what is not. With The Beyonder’s help, reality can even be reformed so that her lies become the truth.
Disorientation – Proteus distorts reality in his path, causing gravity to reverse, buildings to melt, objects to transform, flesh to liquefy, the ground to distort, and any number of other nightmarish effects to unsettle the heroes.
Fear – While the heroes are cowed by the power of The Beyonder, confused by Loki’s illusions, and disturbed by Proteus’s perversion of reality, Parallax hits them with waves of pure concentrated fear. He can manifest powerful energy constructs, including tangible images of the heroes’ worst fears. He can eat away at even the strongest of minds, causing them to experience self-doubt and fear.
Possession - Now that the heroes are softened up like melting sundaes, it’s child’s play for Parallax and Proteus to take over their minds and bodies. Parallax needs only the slightest hint of fear to take over even the strongest-willed heroes. Proteus’s possession has shown to be indefensible, and every minute he uses the hero’s body, his energy consumes it until it becomes a burned out husk. Imagine the collapse of morale as one by one, heroes are not just taken off the battlefield, but actually turn to attack their surviving teammates.
Speed Kills – While all of these assaults have the heroes in complete chaos and collapse, the footsoldiers of the team strike. Zoom can strike at speeds that make him imperceptible to even other speedsters like the Flash and unleash barrages of devastating high-velocity punches. Zoom likewise grants superspeed to Deathstroke, whose ability to see his opponent’s actions a moment before they occur already made him deadly when he only had enhanced-human speed. Now that moment of precognition allows Deathstroke at superspeed to prepare traps and countermoves for superheroes as if he had relative days or months to plan against them with his brilliant tactical mind. The heroes literally won’t see what hit them.
This has been a public service announcement to the superheroes of the world on behalf of S.C.A.R.E. Kill yourselves now, heroes. It will be more pleasant than the suffering that otherwise awaits you.