Tropical Island Video Game Draft -- Pending playoffs

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat

Empire Earth II (2005) - PC

I needed me an RTS, and almost any RTS will do. I find them largely interchangeable, disposable, eternally mindless fun. The "S" part has always been a joke in those things. Gameplay is always similar enough that they all play much alike, you can call up random maps and play any of them forever, or more likely just pop one in for a quick RTS fix and then go back to what you were doing. In any case, Age of Empires II was my intiial target in the genre, but it got picked up some time ago. So my choices here came down to a fun castle builder that suffered from atrocious A.I. and a couple of poor design decisions, and this baby, which was/is kind of the War & Peace of the RTS breed. The bigggest, most complex (shocker I would go for that), broadest timespan covering RTS of them all. 15 different eras, all the way from cavemen to nanotech. Dozens of civilizations. Hundreds of units, etc. And you can build walls. Always a big thing for me -- gotta have my walls to keep some level of contorl over the game, to introduce some level of strategy. The Empire Earth games were basically successors to the Age of Empire series -- using a similar interface, similar rules etc. And like most of my picks, the random maps, various options and eras, map editor etc. = huge on the forever replay value.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat

Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Black Edition (2006) - Playstation 2

And there you go -- 19 picks in, and my first console game. Of course I did not have to make it a console game -- it was for the PC too, and in the Black Edition (adding two of my favorite cars from the car draft, BMW M3 and '67 Camaro) no less. But racing games...just have always screamed console to me. Strategy games = no. That's PC. Shooters = PC. Squad tactics = PC. Roleplaying games = depends on the game, but easier in PC. But driving games? Console. So had this one planned out long ago. Needed my occasional speed fix, and while there were several different options I was holding onto here in case something got taken, this one is a hoot, featuring not only a broad swath of some of the niftiest modern cars that we drafted up in the car draft (including my own M3, Viper, and '67 Camaro, Bond's Aston Martin, Lamborghinis, Camaros, Porshes etc.) but also Josie Maran, who CDiddy was kind enough to draft in the babe draft. Its very big, has tons of modes, and what makes it one of the best of the series is its reintroduction of massive police chases -- you can get dozens of them racing after you to turn almost any race into a war.

Oh, and to fully get the geektasticness of this pick, I want to bring along a steering wheel for my Playstation too. Ooh, and pedals. With feedback.
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and what makes it one of the best of the series is its reintroduction of massive police chases -- you can get dozens of them racing after you to turn almost any race into a war.
That was actually part of why I stopped playing this one. Loved that feature at the beginning of the game, had great fun with the "pursuit breakers," smashing through roadblocks, etc., but once you get far enough into the game, it becomes difficult to even drive to the next race without initiating a 45-minute long police chase.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Now for my quirky WTF pick of the draft:

Caveman Games (1990) - NES

Seriously, what other game lets you:



Sheer genius!
my pick:

Pikmin - GC - 2001

One of Shiggy's best IMO. It was something fresh, and not exactly your garden variety game. One of the shortest adventures I have ever played though.
Can't believe I forgot about this one. Quite possibly my favorite arcade game ever. I must be alone on that though, as it is still available. I pick:

Time Crisis (1995) - Arcade

I couldn't find a decent picture of the machine, but anyway. No game has taken more money on me than this one. It was just so much fun aiming the plastic gun at the screen. The game used a foot pedal that, when released, let you duck for cover to load your weapons and avoid damage, and made the game just so fun to play. The review I provided is for the PS version, but its basically the same (only for the arcade version kicks *** :D)


[yt=Time Crisis]yEyk22Jr8aQ[/yt]
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Well, gotta take the most recent one while its still here, and since I need an RTS

Age of Empires III (2005) - PC

Just a great RTS. Stunning graphics, at least 3 years ago. Haven't played this in a while. I think I should fire it back up. Anyway, its historically accurate (somewhat) too and extremely addictive. It'll be a good 70 year time waster.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Played it, beat it, sold it on Ebay. :p

Very pretty though. Although I must say that if you were to lay the fountain of youth out in front of me no mere army of zealots would stand a chance of getting in between me and my immortality.
I select Cyberball 2072 for the arcade from 1989

Football + robots = awesome! Check the wiki, if you have played this game, you know how challenging this game can be; get tackled too much and your player explodes! Fun and fun and fun.... another game, like Golden Tee Golf that was so popular that tournaments took place... if you have never played this game, find it and play it now!
Pick #19, and I'm getting creative now. This game begins with a simple premise...Make the ball touch the star...but it gets very inventive and complex. You can draw on the screen or use a mouse to make shapes that interact with each other, all following laws of physics of course.

Pick #19: Crayon Physics Deluxe (PC) 2007
Includes Level Designing Software

[yt=Crayon Physics Deluxe]QsTqspnvAaI[/yt]
Looking through my list, I seem to be lacking in RTS games. All of my favorite RTS has been taken except my next pick. It is actually the first RTS game I have ever played and was considered as the game that paved the way for other great games such as Command & Conquer and Warcraft. For my next pick:

DUNE II: The Building of A Dynasty (1992) - PC

I can still remember how I get rattled whenever I hear "Sandworm detected."
There may be graphically superior, technically complex and more advanced versions of this genre and even game. But I'm picking the one that has a secure place in my personal gaming hall of fame.

Civilization II + Conflicts in Civilization and Fantasic Worlds expansions - 1996 - PC

The game greatly improved on the premise set by the original (for example, no more chariots destroying battleships!) while keeping intact the relative simplicity as you guide your civilization from prehistory to space flight.

Although there are only two official ways to win (Conquer the World or reach Alpha Centuari) there is a seemingly endless variety of ways to play focusing on military, culture, science, economy or as Slim hinted as his favorite, out right genocide.

And while playing the game itself provides hours, days even weeks of entertainment, the map and senario editing feature is the real jewel.

On a personal note, on one dreary winter break (most of my friends were out of town), I managed to create a fairly accurate and detailed U.S. map (cities included) and a modern day "Second Civil War" senario pitting the East vs. the West.

And that was just a couple of weeks of boredom; imagine what I could conjure with a lifetime.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Pick #19: Crayon Physics Deluxe (PC) 2007
Pretty neat - never seen that one before.

I had a schlep of a college rommate back in '94 or so that started using my computer to play Dune II I think for the semester we shared the apartment. Finally had to tell him to quit using my computer all the time, as I had work and my own games to play.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Civilization II + Conflicts in Civilization and Fantasic Worlds expansions - 1996 - PC

On a personal note, on one dreary winter break (most of my friends were out of town), I managed to create a fairly accurate and detailed U.S. map (cities included) and a modern day "Second Civil War" senario pitting the East vs. the West.
Who won? ;)


Hall of Famer
Super Smash Bros: Melee --- Gamecube --- (2001)

Although maybe not my favorite game of all time, you can't have a list of best games without Smash Bros. It's utter chaos on the screen is sometimes to much of a distraction, but picking this low on the list Im starting to run out of options.
And with eternity on an island on my side...Maybe one day Ill master the moves like the geeks who play this 12 hours a day!
I think I need to give the Wii some more love.

No More Heroes -- Wii (2008) -- This game is perfect for any Wii owner who likes the motion controls, but is frustrated by the lack of spurting fountains of blood in other Nintendo titles. This game makes really fun use of the controls, has a great look, has tons of cheesy sexual innuendo, and is generally enjoyable. Not too much more complex than that.
I'm really glad someone picked this game. Did you see that they are making a part 2? This was a great game made with a low budget, they are going all out next time, maybe even adding the motion+ for better 1:1 ratio motion control.

You don't know how much I love this game, if you don't own it and have a Wii you need to play it. The game is a little clunky sometimes and not all too refined but the atmosphere, the style and all the innuendo make up for it. It's part Kill Bill, WWE, and old school gaming references and has that Zelda Windwaker cell shaded style. It goes into the category of overlooked games like Okami, Sin and Punsihment and Killer7. Game plays like a Zelda lite (mainly focused on beat em up dungeons with crazy boss battles). This game has the most interesting characters for bosses since Metal Gear Solid.

Here is a trailer of an old build of the game (I like it anyway, don't click if gratuitous amounts of blood offends you):

[yt=No More Heroes]JZ_XkRH4z-o[/yt]

Here is one with the more finalized build of the game:

[yt=No More Heroes]zqtHaeYmm-8[/yt]

You get to play as a perverted, geeky, overconfindent, ex pro wrestler turned assasin who was modeled after Johnny Knoxville.

Done pimping GGGs draft pick.
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