Why Isn't Sasha Playing?

Won’t get into any of those rumors,” McNair said. “I think Sasha, we saw when he got on the court last year, can make a positive impact for us, obviously one of the best shooters, and we’re hopeful that we can find a way for him to continue to do that here for us and help us win games.”

That is out of Monte’s interview…
Questions is , is this Monte speaking crap , Monte desperate to put some interest into Vezenkov so he can move him or Monte who actually means what he talk :))


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Won’t get into any of those rumors,” McNair said. “I think Sasha, we saw when he got on the court last year, can make a positive impact for us, obviously one of the best shooters, and we’re hopeful that we can find a way for him to continue to do that here for us and help us win games.”

That is out of Monte’s interview…
Questions is , is this Monte speaking crap , Monte desperate to put some interest into Vezenkov so he can move him or Monte who actually means what he talk :))
McNair traded for Vezenkov's rights, flew over to watch him several times and was part of convincing him to move over to the NBA. I think he absolutely wants to see Sasha succeed. Right now Vezenkov has little value in the NBA beyond potentially being an ending contract since his third year isn't guaranteed. So whether he continues to play for the Kings or gets traded, it's in everyone's best interest to see him play more next season and have a positive impact.
Watch him turn into a deadly 3-point shooter with regular minutes in Toronto.
Oh, this trade in a vacuum might look TERRRRRIBLE in time. No question about that. The Kings only win out if they make out somewhere else. This can't be one of those create space to extend your own player kind of thing like the Holmes dump, haha. The reality is the Kings were more up against it though since they were already slotted into the luxury tax zone. Couldn't make sense of that at this point. Too restrictive of a team needing to add pieces.