What's up with Greg Anthony?

this is prolly a useless thread but i was really schocked when tonite on fastbreak, greg anthony named the top 5 clutch players in the league and it was 1. Tim Duncan 2. (can't remember, have to watch the replay) 3. Ben Gordon (wtf?) 4. Kobe Bryant 5. Reggie Miller (has he done anything this year?) WHERES BIBBY!!!??? this was immediately following the highlight of the game tonite after the recap where bibby made 3 threes in the 4th quarter. i know they dont watch the games but do they watch the replays too?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
jon e said:
this is prolly a useless thread but i was really schocked when tonite on fastbreak, greg anthony named the top 5 clutch players in the league and it was 1. Tim Duncan 2. (can't remember, have to watch the replay) 3. Ben Gordon (wtf?) 4. Kobe Bryant 5. Reggie Miller (has he done anything this year?) WHERES BIBBY!!!??? this was immediately following the highlight of the game tonite after the recap where bibby made 3 threes in the 4th quarter. i know they dont watch the games but do they watch the replays too?
Anthony rivals Barkley is is complete inability to give the Kings any credit. Best to ignore him whenever possible.


Ben Gordon should be #1. Hes the closer! he averages like 15 points in the 4th! hes energy off the bench! Bibby should be #2 or 3. and btw #2 was dwayne wade.
If your judging this off of this season, it should be:

1. Dwayne Wade
2. Mike Bibby
3. Ben Gorden
4. Kobe Bryant
5. Tim Duncan


1. Ben Gordon
2. Mike Bibby
3. Dwayne Wade
4. The Knick Killer(Reggie Miller) yah hes slept on this year.
5. Tim Duncan
I really don't put a lot of stock into what the national media has to say about any particular team/player. These days so many fans are overly burdened with that fact that their team doesn't get enough 'respect'... But at the end of the day, does that really matter? The games play themselves out, and the only respect that really matters is the respect that the refs give to certain players.

Outside of that though, Bill Walton can tell me that the Pistons will win the game going away, and Chuck can tell me that the Suns (00-01) will take the first round matchup, etc. Plus, most of these guys tend to own up in the end- I'm sure we'll hear a lot of, "Well, I was wrong about the Suns, Sonics, Wizards..."

I love positive attention for the Kings as much as the next fan, but at the end of the day, the team that walks away with the W, walks away with the W- Respect or not.

P.S. Screw Charles Barkley!
yeah i heard someone else mention this already...

its a crock and we all know it...

they've all been very clutch for their respective teams so you can't really say those guys aren't clutch...BUT Mike should of flat out been on that list...at least over Ben who has been clutch for the Bulls but he's a rookie...he hasn't done it time and time again nor has he did it in a playoff atmosphere...DWade is definetly clutch but i suspect that his game winning shot at the buzzer against the Knicks was fresh on Greg's mind while coming up with the list....

TMac should of been on the list too...so you really know its a crock (and yes in the top 5...the top 3 really IMO--Kobe/Mike/TMAC)

I would also fit Chauncey Billups in my top 5 somewhere

ps-Greg Anthony IMO is worse than Charles Barkley
kobe has hit at least 5x more gamewinners than duncan in his career. its actually a disgrace that bibby is held off that list. he's been consistently clutch since 2002 playoffs.
grun said:
kobe has hit at least 5x more gamewinners than duncan in his career. its actually a disgrace that bibby is held off that list. he's been consistently clutch since 2002 playoffs.
How the hell is Duncan a clutch player???

He hit one shot this year to win the game and that was a wide open 18 footer.
Fillmoe said:
Ben Gordon should be #1. Hes the closer! he averages like 15 points in the 4th! hes energy off the bench! Bibby should be #2 or 3. and btw #2 was dwayne wade.
How can Ben Gordon be averageing 15 points in the 4th quarter if he is only averageing 14.8 PPG?

Ben gordon is a rookie who has suprised a lot of teams, but lets see what happens in a year or so when everyone knows what he is going to do!

Don't get me wrong he is a good player, but one year does not make a player clutch.

my top 5 clutch shooters

1 kobe
2 dwayne wade
3 mike bibby
4 steve nash
5 dirk novitzki

These guys are clutch in the 4th I myself hate kobe, but this guy has hit more tough, impossible clutch shots than anyone!
Bricklayer said:
Anthony rivals Barkley is is complete inability to give the Kings any credit. Best to ignore him whenever possible.
This is true, usually. However, the last few weeks, Greg Anthony has been the only one on Fastbreak to praise the Kings at all :eek: and he's been saying good things about Mike for a while now. Last year, in fact, he was mentioned on a list of clutch players by Greg Anthony (I think, though I'm now thinking it might have been Steven A. Smith).

Ultimately, I think it was an oversight. Big whoop. Mike's not a superstar.

Last month, Mike was left off of two Top 5 lists (forgot who's lists) of scoring point guards and they both acknowledged the mistake on the next show.
Fillmoe said:
Ben Gordon should be #1. Hes the closer! he averages like 15 points in the 4th! hes energy off the bench! Bibby should be #2 or 3. and btw #2 was dwayne wade.
Rookie who has never been in the playoffs, #1? No


Super Moderator Emeritus
Pollardo! said:
I really don't put a lot of stock into what the national media has to say about any particular team/player. These days so many fans are overly burdened with that fact that their team doesn't get enough 'respect'... But at the end of the day, does that really matter? The games play themselves out, and the only respect that really matters is the respect that the refs give to certain players.

Outside of that though, Bill Walton can tell me that the Pistons will win the game going away, and Chuck can tell me that the Suns (00-01) will take the first round matchup, etc. Plus, most of these guys tend to own up in the end- I'm sure we'll hear a lot of, "Well, I was wrong about the Suns, Sonics, Wizards..."

I love positive attention for the Kings as much as the next fan, but at the end of the day, the team that walks away with the W, walks away with the W- Respect or not.

P.S. Screw Charles Barkley!

P.S. Glad to see you posting again!!!
jon e said:
this is prolly a useless thread but i was really schocked when tonite on fastbreak, greg anthony named the top 5 clutch players in the league and it was 1. Tim Duncan 2. (can't remember, have to watch the replay) 3. Ben Gordon (wtf?) 4. Kobe Bryant 5. Reggie Miller (has he done anything this year?) WHERES BIBBY!!!??? this was immediately following the highlight of the game tonite after the recap where bibby made 3 threes in the 4th quarter. i know they dont watch the games but do they watch the replays too?
I was watching last night and thinking the exact same thing. I guess their definition of clutch is very different from everyone elses. To me, Reggie Miller should be on the "all time clutch players" list but not in the top five for this season. Kobe I can understand. I don't recall Ben Gordon doing anything clutch and I can't speak for TD because I haven't seen him play much this season (he's a boring player to me). I think Bibby should at least be #2 on that list.


Heuge said:
Rookie who has never been in the playoffs, #1? No
yah, watch some of his games. we are taking about this year not prior years.

diehard jim the 15 was exaggeration, i just said that because on that Feb 15 game against us he had like 15 points in the fourth and 24 total off the bench. Trust me this guys clutch. he killed us in the 4th and was a huge reason we lost that game.
i have no problem with kobe being on the list ( he should probably be one or 2 to be honest, as much as i can't stand the guy, he has made many crazy clutch shots this year and his whole career) or ben gordon ( the guy is CLUTCH, even for a rookie)

reggie is on for the all time great clutch player, but he hasn't been so much this year since he hasn't played a whole lot of games, and the fact that the pacers haven't won that many games this year.

tim duncan, ehh MAYBE. as #5, only clutchness i've seen out of him this year ws that shot at cleveland to win, which was WIDE open.

wade, ok fine. he gets to be 3.

mike being left off is a JOKE. so screw you greg anthony, and the horse you rode in on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also, webber should have been mentioned, he hit some big 3's when he was with the kings.
Fillmoe said:
yah, watch some of his games. we are taking about this year not prior years.
That is the point, I can't watch his prior games. You can not have a great half of a season and be deemed the greatest fourth quarter player in the NBA. Give him a playoff run, maybe a second season, then evaluate him. Your assumption that he is the most clutch player in the NBA is way too early. There are a number of proven vets, including one here in Sacramento that have been clutch consistently year in and year out.


Huege the point of this whole topic that GA brought up on Fastbreak was who has been the most clutch player of this year. that has nothing to do with last year, playoffs(because playoffs havent started this year). now do u get my point?
Fillmoe said:
Huege the point of this whole topic that GA brought up on Fastbreak was who has been the most clutch player of this year. that has nothing to do with last year, playoffs(because playoffs havent started this year). now do u get my point?
Read the opening post again and tell me it said the top 5 most clutch players this year?
Give me a chioce between have Bibby or Gordon in the fourth quarter of a playoff game, I will take Bibby without a moments hesitation.


Heuge said:
Read the opening post again and tell me it said the top 5 most clutch players this year?
Give me a chioce between have Bibby or Gordon in the fourth quarter of a playoff game, I will take Bibby without a moments hesitation.
did u watch fastbreak?
Guys, come on. Its Dwyane, not Dwayne. Not Dewayne. Get it right. And while Bibby is clutch, I can't see anyone in the NBA rated ahead of Reggie Miller, unless you're judging on this year alone, in which case Bibby should be at the top of the list and Miller not at all.
they said the top clutch players right now. not of all time. and who cares how to spell dwYane, honestly? it should be dwayne because dwYane is a stupid name
Wheres Bibby???????

HAHAHA i was just about to start a post with this on it. i mean i was sitting there watching NBA Fastbreak all happy cause the kings one and then Greg Anthony give his top 5 clutch players without bibby in it. i was sooo pissed. my first thought was wtf, but oh well screw Greg Anthony to us bibby will always be he most clutch player in the NBA! :)
bojan_pecanac said:
1. Dwayne Wade
2. Tim Duncan
3. Mike Bibby
4. Kobe Bryant
5. Ben Gordon

That's how I see it.
1. Kobe
2. Bibby
3. Wade
4. Gordon
5. Iverson

I don't like Kobe, but I have to give him his props. Bibby has been huge for the Kings, he's hit multiple clutch shots this year, and he has carried the team through great turmoil (injuries, the Webber trade, and Peja's inconsistency). Bibby has had to do things more on his own than Wade and Gordon. Let's not forget for those of you who rank Wade higher, that Dwayne has the big man in the middle for support while Bibby has had his major supporting elements taken away either by trade (Webber), injury (Miller) or indifference (Peja).

Bibby is the man. You can probably even say he's been more clutch than Kobe.