what was the last movie you watched?


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I still think the Dark Knight is highly overrated and strongly prefer Batman Begins which was just about perfect for my tastes, but I have enjoyed his other stuff. I had a date night scheduled for Inception with a sitter and everything Saturday but my wife was too tired to make the movie after dinner. Probably for the best as I have dozed off on every tv show or movie I've watched since then.
I still think the Dark Knight is highly overrated and strongly prefer Batman Begins which was just about perfect for my tastes, but I have enjoyed his other stuff. I had a date night scheduled for Inception with a sitter and everything Saturday but my wife was too tired to make the movie after dinner. Probably for the best as I have dozed off on every tv show or movie I've watched since then.
You should have gone without her. I drug the wife to a late, late showing, and she fell asleep while I was glued to the screen. So glad I went when I did.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
You should have gone without her. I drug the wife to a late, late showing, and she fell asleep while I was glued to the screen. So glad I went when I did.
I can probably always go by myself if I really want to, it would have been nice to actually see with her for a change. If I have to wait until it makes it home so be it. I have managed to watch a lot more movies lately, think I'm trying to kill my projector lamp so I can justify a new LED based projector next year. lol.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Crank and Crank 2: High Voltage. Pretty much the mindless entertainment I expected though I could not help but think the entire time I watched that this was exactly why I set up a projector in the basement.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Clash of the Titans (2010) This movie was definitely a victim of its rush job 3D theater transfer and a backlash against the attempted cash in because I actually quite enjoyed it in its originally intended flat presentation.


Super Moderator Emeritus
"From Paris With Love" - not at all what I thought it would be and I was pleasantly surprised. One of the best things Travolta has done in ... well, forever.
Watched Memento yesterday, because of all the references to it in reviews for Inception. Pretty good movie, but not the masterpiece it had been cranked up to be. I like the storytelling and the acting, but maybe a bit oversold.
If you're going into earlier Nolan films, you should check out Insomnia. It was his first release after Memento, so when he had enough buzz to get big names but was still enough of an unknown to be working on a small scale, and is a great thriller. My second favorite film of his, behind Memento, but it usually gets lost in the shuffle behind his flashier titles.

The Prestige, which I thoroughly enjoyed, is actually probably my least favorite of his films.
If you're going into earlier Nolan films, you should check out Insomnia. It was his first release after Memento, so when he had enough buzz to get big names but was still enough of an unknown to be working on a small scale, and is a great thriller. My second favorite film of his, behind Memento, but it usually gets lost in the shuffle behind his flashier titles.

The Prestige, which I thoroughly enjoyed, is actually probably my least favorite of his films.
Really? For my money, The Prestige >>> Memento.

I will check out Insomnia one of these days. I noticed Memento in the directory and DVR'ed it, then I watched it yesterday because I was home alone all day. It also reminded me of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which you'd probably enjoy if you liked Memento. And if you liked that, then you'll probably like Wicker Park, which is one of my favorite movies (just pretend cell phones don't exist, and you'll be fine ;)).


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I thought Insomnia was the weakest non Batman film of his I've seen (though I did like it), though I have yet to see Following and obviously Inception. What I've seen I go Prestige - Batman Begins - Memento - Insomnia - TDK. I do really think the Batmans should probably be separated though. I just liked BB that much, probably why I disliked TDK.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Happy Accidents - a Netflix rental my wife cued up. Has Marisa Tomei in it, but not much else going for it. It's like they grabbed part of the Terminator movie plot and stuffed it in a chick flick, but even that sounds more interesting than this movie really is.
Deja Vu - I watched the whole thing on youtube last night. It stars Denzel washington, Val Kilmer has a second tier role in it as well. Crime solving + time travel = this movie. Its actually quite good, I was pleasantly surprised. Its not without its far fetched, eye rolling sequences, but altogether its pretty clever and original. 3 out of 4 stars. It also really helped that the female star in the movie is gorgeous.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
The Box. What a mess. I am sure I mentioned before that I loved this short story and the Twilight Zone ep based on it when I was younger, there was just no way to make this into a good feature length movie but wow did they just fly all over the place with it. Glad I caught it on cable. Hey, even I knew this was too bad for my Blu-Ray collection.
Been too the movies a lot lately. Using it as an excuse to go to Five Guys Burgers, so in the past 2 weeks I've seen Inception, Dinner for Schmucks, and The Other Guys.

Everyone knows Inception was good. I thought Dinner for Shmucks was ok, but the funny scenes ( the they sure did try to have a lot of them in there ) were very hit or miss. It was a little too dumb funny for my liking. It wasnt a bad movie, and the story wasnt terrible for such an crazy movie. I'd deffinetly consider it a rental if I didnt already see it.

I liked The Other Guys a little bit more. Same thing though .. some funny parts were really funny, but a lot of them werent. Very over the top. Another Rental.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog - a funny little musical number with Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Felicia Day. Low budget, done by Joss Whedon. Originally an internet serial in 3 parts, you can get it from Netflix, etc. Some pretty funny bits in there and the whole thing is like 40 minutes long. Check it out.

Capt. Factorial

ceterum censeo delendum esse Argentum
Staff member
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog - a funny little musical number with Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Felicia Day. Low budget, done by Joss Whedon. Originally an internet serial in 3 parts, you can get it from Netflix, etc. Some pretty funny bits in there and the whole thing is like 40 minutes long. Check it out.
Yeah, good good stuff. I've never really done the whole Joss Wheadon thing but this kept me smiling from start to finish. Funny, clever, good acting - ranks up there with the great "watch them over and over" quotable movies - Princess Bride/Ghostbusters type stuff (for me, anyway) that you just don't get tired of.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Kick-***. It did. Fantastic. It has been a long time since I was so pleasantly surprised by a movie I knew little about.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Yeah, good good stuff. I've never really done the whole Joss Wheadon thing but this kept me smiling from start to finish. Funny, clever, good acting - ranks up there with the great "watch them over and over" quotable movies - Princess Bride/Ghostbusters type stuff (for me, anyway) that you just don't get tired of.
The only stuff of his I have seen is Firefly and Serenity, and loved both.
Kick-***. It did. Fantastic. It has been a long time since I was so pleasantly surprised by a movie I knew little about.
I read the comic and I thought Hit Girl was going to be difficult to pull off on screen, but she was the best part of the movie. I love that they didn't wimp out on either what she does and says or her age. :D


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Yeah Hit Girl was amazing and far and away stole the show (clearly by design). But I must say Nic Cage who has grown increasingly difficult to watch lately was also excellent as her father. And I never thought I'd see McLovin play a memorable character again.

Supposedly a sequel is already in the works but Matthew Vaughn has to complete the X-Men prequel first.
But I must say Nic Cage who has grown increasingly difficult to watch lately was also excellent as her father. And I never thought I'd see McLovin play a memorable character again.
I guess when you make like 10 movies a year, you're bound to hit on a good performance eventually. How many years ago was Adaptation? :p Yeah, McLovin was inspired casting.

Supposedly a sequel is already in the works but Matthew Vaughn has to complete the X-Men prequel first.
The comic writer is supposedly writing the sequel comic right now. I'm liking Vaughn. Layer Cake was the movie that Guy Ritchie wishes he made instead of his last couple failed attempts to follow up Lock Stock and Snatch.
The comic writer is supposedly writing the sequel comic right now.
I think the first issue comes out Wednesday.

I'm liking Vaughn. Layer Cake was the movie that Guy Ritchie wishes he made instead of his last couple failed attempts to follow up Lock Stock and Snatch.
In that genre, Revolver and RocknRolla were both solid, I thought, and I've always been under the impression that Layer Cake was made to have an intentionally un-Ritchie tone, but... point taken.

Definitely agree on Vaughn, though. Having been involved with Lock Stock and Snatch on the producing end, I've been impressed, and surprised, by his ability to develop his own style rather than taking the lazy route and imitating previous successes. Kick-*** had a great feel to it, and was one of the few films that I've enjoyed more than its source material. I think the X-Men reboot is silly and unnecessary, but Vaughn at the helm (and the casting of Michael Fassbender, who I loved in Inglorious Basterds, as Magneto) will probably be enough for me to give it a chance.