what was the last movie you watched?

Crazy right? The ending :mad:
Definitely want to see it again.

MoneyMike916 Says:
Crazy right? The ending :mad:
Definitely want to see it again.

Spoiler tag below...

People argue around the internets that the ending is a dream because the kids didn't age.

I disagree. Well I thought the rules of inception was that dream world time slows down, and it slows down even more exponentially through each layer of the dream. Since he spends most his time in the dream world, possibly in more than one layer, not much of the real world time would pass. So it could have been a couple months.

Also Leo did talk to his kids, and for some reason the kids forget the mom is alive. Maybe the death is still pretty recent that they are in a state of disbelief.(a weak argument)

On the ending I think it's just mostly Christopher Nolan leaving an imprint in our own reality that it wasn't real even though it is. He's performing Inception on us as a viewer. What an a-hole, but a genius to make us think.
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The Bounty Hunter - I am so glad that I did not see this movie in the theater because I was have been upset. This movie was so boring.

Brooklyn's Finest - Another boring movie.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Rocky Horror Picture Show...I'm still not sure what I think about it. Odd? Good soundtrack, though. I'll have The Time Warp stuck in my head for ages.
Did you see it properly in a theater with a local cast?

I used to go pretty regularly in my teens and then it became available on home video and watching it on its own pretty much killed it for me. Love the soundtrack though. Also got to see it on Broadway twice which was really cool.
Did you see it properly in a theater with a local cast?

I used to go pretty regularly in my teens and then it became available on home video and watching it on its own pretty much killed it for me. Love the soundtrack though. Also got to see it on Broadway twice which was really cool.
No sadly, just on Netflix. I can tell that it would be a really cool show to see live, though, so I'll definitely go if I ever have the chance. The first time I ever heard of it was, laughably, on the Drew Carey show, in this episode:
[yt=Drew Carey Rocky Horror]f9zHD6-f_YI[/yt]
MoneyMike916 Says:
Crazy right? The ending :mad:
Definitely want to see it again.

Spoiler tag below...

People argue around the internets that the ending is a dream because the kids didn't age.

I disagree. Well I thought the rules of inception was that dream world time slows down, and it slows down even more exponentially through each layer of the dream. Since he spends most his time in the dream world, possibly in more than one layer, not much of the real world time would pass. So it could have been a couple months.

Also Leo did talk to his kids, and for some reason the kids forget the mom is alive. Maybe the death is still pretty recent that they are in a state of disbelief.(a weak argument)

On the ending I think it's just mostly Christopher Nolan leaving an imprint in our own reality that it wasn't real even though it is. He's performing Inception on us as a viewer. What an a-hole, but a genius to make us think.
This is the movie I've been waiting for my whole life. It's the perfect blend of ...
The Matrix, The Prestige, Dark Knight, and Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.
As for the ending ...
I think the ending is a clever trick to make you say "what the?!?!?" and then talk about how great the movie was. I'm not reading too much into it. My stance is that it doesn't matter whether it's real or not, it's the resolution he wanted and was working toward in the whole movie. And I'd say that if it wasn't real, he'd have had Moll there with him.
The story-telling was simply fantastic. Christopher Nolan is outdoing himself with this one. I can't stop thinking about it. It's definitely viral.
I actually learned the Time Warp when I was 9. lol
Yeah, my then best friend and I had the whole thing memorized, with audience participation cues, by about ten or eleven.

I still love it, still watch it with friends every now and then, but mostly for the sake of nostalgia. And because Tim Curry is just generally amazing. The movie itself isn't good so much as it is fun.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I still love it, still watch it with friends every now and then, but mostly for the sake of nostalgia. And because Tim Curry is just generally amazing. The movie itself isn't good so much as it is fun.
If someone asked me to go I'd probably go in an instant but the urge to do it 2x a weekend and come up with the cleverest new lines died some time ago. The Broadway revivals were pretty cool, one time had Sebastian Bach as Riff Raff and the other had Joan Jett as Columbia. Dick Cavett and Sally Jesse Rafael were the criminologists, can't remember who was paired up with who but damn that Dick Cavett was funny. I guess it didn't do well which is why they kept bringing in guest stars but I'd really like to see it that way again.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Sorcerer's Apprentice - Took our 7-year old and he really enjoyed it. Typical Disney action fare (like National Treasure, etc.) that played to a *slightly* younger crowd. I enjoyed it (for what it was, entertaining and clean fun), but nothing really new to see here. Good for kids probably 7+.
Inception having renewed my interest in Tom Hardy (uh... yum), I decided to give Bronson another viewing this evening. I still think it's horribly uneven and a bit too pretentious for its own good, but my goodness is Hardy's performance amazing (and decidedly un-yum, so I can assure you I'm being objective). Like, scary good.
Inception having renewed my interest in Tom Hardy (uh... yum), I decided to give Bronson another viewing this evening. I still think it's horribly uneven and a bit too pretentious for its own good, but my goodness is Hardy's performance amazing (and decidedly un-yum, so I can assure you I'm being objective). Like, scary good.
I really liked his performance in Inception. Pulled his role off flawlessly.

The one quibble I have about the movie is Ellen Page. She just didn't quite fit the bill for me, as far as casting goes. I get that they wanted a young, female student, but she came off kind of dull to me. Minor quibble, nothing to affect the brilliance of the movie in my mind. But I'd have cast someone else in that role, someone with a little more personality and emotional range than she showed.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Surrogates was a lot better than I thought it would be. The set up required a bit of suspension of disbelief but inside its own universe the story worked well. It was only 90 minutes so it didn't really waste much time which is kind of a turn off to the sci-fi geek but refreshing from the standpoint that I didn't have to stay up until 2am to watch something that wasn't a comedy. Surrogate Bruce Willis was kind of creepy looking. I think it was the hair.
Finally watched this tonight and while a bit different, it was OK - nothing to write home about. I agree on the hair. ;)


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Three movies in a day today - ties my record for seeing movies in a theater. And yes, I paid for them all. ;)

Despicable Me with my little guy this morning - he really liked it, not a bad movie at all, not quite as funny as I thought it would be, good for ages 6+ I guess.

Inception with my dad this afternoon - we both liked it. Not as much as some here perhaps, but we enjoyed it.

Salt this evening with my dad and a good friend of mine. It was better than we all thought it would be. Over the top with some of the stunts, etc., and slightly predictable in parts, but a good action flick.
I'm halfway through Bigger, Stronger, Faster*. It's fascinating.
I really enjoyed that one as well. It's a good documentary that hits on both sides of the steroids issue. I especially thought it was interesting when he was talking to the musicians about the use of beta blockers to prevent performance anxiety. Their response was that it was ok because music wasn't competitive, but he retorted that their auditions were actually quite competitive, and that they could be considered a performance enhancing drug. Very interesting stuff.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I'd been recommending BSF* for ages so glad more people are seeing it.

I just watched the Runaways. I kept dozing off so I'm going to say I thought it was disappointing and boring, but I will be fair and give it a second chance.
Cyrus -- An uncomfortable little comedy with John C. Reilly, Jonah Hill, Marissa Tomei, and Catherine Keener that is effectively both uncomfortable and hilarious. Reilly and Hill are particularly amusing. Probably hard to find in theaters, but worth looking for on DVD in a few months if you like comedies that aren't Hot Tub Time Machine.
I really enjoyed that one as well. It's a good documentary that hits on both sides of the steroids issue. I especially thought it was interesting when he was talking to the musicians about the use of beta blockers to prevent performance anxiety. Their response was that it was ok because music wasn't competitive, but he retorted that their auditions were actually quite competitive, and that they could be considered a performance enhancing drug. Very interesting stuff.
Yeah, it really made me think about the whole steroid issue. One of the baseball front office guys asked the question: If you had to take a performance-enhancing drug right now in order to keep your job, to support your family, what would you do?

Now, I don't know if that's a fair question, because I don't think not being able to play baseball or another sport means that you can't support your family, but it's certainly thought-provoking.