what was the last movie you watched?

Watched Adventureland. Was fun but nothing too special, I think my enjoyment was tempered even more when I realized the love interest was the girl from Twilight.
Think of her instead as the little kid from Panic Room. Doesn't really make her any less annoying, but you can at least giggle at the concept of insulin needles used as a weapon.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Her filmography is actually quite diverse now that I review it. Panic Room however was fairly quickly forgotten after I watched it.
I was mixed on Before The Devil... I did think it would be a bit stronger than it was w/ a decent cast, which also included Albert Finney. Hawke and PSH play their usual pigeonhole roles (timid, gunshy introspective type and seedy scumbag, respectively). The cast merited a more solid premise. Check it out though, I may be more persnickety than you if you liked K-PAX.
The only reason I was interested to begin with was PSH, honestly. So if "I've seen this movie before", I'll keep my two hours and just read the spoiler.

K-PAX I had to watch over the course of 3 days, it was painful...and I'm a Spacey fan. Felt like a trick ending from the first hour or so and it didn't disappoint.
Yeah I thought, given that Jeff Bridges character was a psychiatrist and the movie took place in a mental hospital, that it was going to be a psycho-drama more than anything else. They tried to throw you off with the summit at the observatory, but it was pretty obvious what was going to happen. I just happened to enjoy that method of storytelling because it was a little unorthodox. But my mom used to work in a mental hospital as a nurse, and she would tell me all kinds of stories. His is not really all that far off.
Knight and Day - a prototypical lighthearted action flick that serves well to entertain. Taken at face value, it makes Cruise appear as though he's not insane.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Men Who Stare at Goats - meh. Don't bother unless you have nothing better to do. Some funny moments, but I was expecting more.
Not on my list of movies to see but The Last Airbender is currently sitting at 6% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Maybe not the wisest choice to drop the "Avatar" from the title.
Wow, I'm shocked that that kind of movie could be so bad. You'd think it would at least be fun and earn some middling reviews.

Remember when M. Knight was supposed to be the next Hitchcock? He gave up on the whole auteur thing of only doing his own scripts, and now that he's desperately trying to sell out, he can't even manage that.
Wow, I'm shocked that that kind of movie could be so bad. You'd think it would at least be fun and earn some middling reviews.

Remember when M. Knight was supposed to be the next Hitchcock? He gave up on the whole auteur thing of only doing his own scripts, and now that he's desperately trying to sell out, he can't even manage that.
Well he kept making the same movie over and over again, and it kept getting worse and worse. (To be fair, I actually liked The Village and Lady in the Water; don't know why, but I did.) It's time for a new idea, a new concept, new delivery, etc. Shyamalan can't figure it out.

The Last Airbender is only going to appeal to a very specific demographic, namely, anyone who watched the TV show, and that's about it. Other than that, it's going to run together with The Sorceror's Apprentice and Clash of the Titans and all those kind of movies.
It's been an amazingly consistent decline: Sixth Sense was great, Unbreakable really good, Signs pretty good, like you I was more forgiving than most on The Village but it was a weaker iteration of his usual formula. I couldn't muster the interest to see the last two. I didn't think it was possible for him to underperform the reaction to The Happening, but it sounds like he figured out a way!

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
The Last Airbender is only going to appeal to a very specific demographic, namely, anyone who watched the TV show, and that's about it. Other than that, it's going to run together with The Sorceror's Apprentice and Clash of the Titans and all those kind of movies.
Which would be me... It vexes me to hear how this movie is getting crushed; I am terribly vexed.

Which would be me... It vexes me to hear how this movie is getting crushed; I am terribly vexed.
Have you seen it? Maybe it's actually a horrible movie... But it would bother me if I were a fan of the show, because M. Knight has been saying that he wants to do at least two sequels, but that won't happen if the first one is a flop. Doesn't help that it's competing with the new Twilight movie (I don't understand the appeal there), but it sounds like it's just not getting any viewers. 8% on Rotten Tomatoes is pretty damning, though.
Knight and Day - a prototypical lighthearted action flick that serves well to entertain. Taken at face value, it makes Cruise appear as though he's not insane.
I go see a movie once a week or so with my folks, and we usually go see what they want to see. This week was no exception as they wanted to see this movie here- Knight and Day. Not hard to find the flaws but if you're looking for fun it's there also.

The scenes with the pharmaceutically affected characters were actually quite funny. :p

Which would be me... It vexes me to hear how this movie is getting crushed; I am terribly vexed.
The quotes on Rottentomatoes are one of the most brutal (and hilarious) collections I've ever seen. They aren't even just from snarky websites, the comments from writers like Roger Ebert are just as scathing: ""The Last Airbender" is an agonizing experience in every category I can think of and others still waiting to be invented." This is from a man who's spent the last several years suffering the ravages of a cancer which has stolen two of his favorite things, eating and talking, from his life, but THIS was agony.

It occurred to me the number of horrendous movies those reviewers must have watched over the years and yet NOT used those lines on. Imagine the restraint. Maybe Ebert thought of that agony line when watching Ishtar and almost put it in his review and then thought....nah, eventually a movie even more deserving of that line will come along. So he saved that arrow in his quiver. He was tempted by many of the works of Uwe Boll; but no, not bad enough! And then finally today, a mere 23 years later, he pulled out that arrow and sunk it right into M. Night's chest.

If anything, I'm now more fascinated than ever to see this film. :p

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Damn... We live in a world where Woo, The Glass Shield and Santa With Muscles all had theatrical releases, and he saved such a line for The Last Airbender? Yikes.
The visuals of The Last Airbender look good enough, but the reviews really aren't terribly surprising. Well... maybe the review quote that Uwe Boll not only could but already has directed better films was a bit surprising...

But, really, in all of the commercials and previews the main character only utters one line, consisting of a mere four words, and the delivery is so bad it's painful. Not at all a good sign.
But my mom used to work in a mental hospital as a nurse, and she would tell me all kinds of stories. His is not really all that far off.[/spoiler]
Mine did too. I've heard many stories myself up to an including a patient managing to put his head in the path of a delivery truck's tire (guess the result). I've worked with that clientel myself, it's "interesting" work.
Side Ways. Thomas Haden Church (Jack) and Paul Giamatti (Miles) are perfect for their roles. You feel for Miles as he is very depressed and saddened years after his divorce. This sums it up:

Miles: Half my life is over and I have nothing to show for it. Nothing. I'm a thumbprint on the window of a skyscraper. I'm a smudge of excrement on a tissue surging out to sea with a million tons of raw sewage.

Jack: See? Right there. Just what you just said. That is beautiful. 'A smudge of excrement... surging out to sea.'

Miles: Yeah.

Jack: I could never write that.

Miles: Neither could I, actually. I think it's Bukowsky.
I saw Grown Ups last weekend. As you can probably guess all the funny parts are in the previews, minus a few here and there. I liked it overall, mostly because I really like any Adam Sandler Happy Madison flick, AND I really love Kevin James...

But if you're so-so about them, I'd say don't go.
Side Ways. Thomas Haden Church (Jack) and Paul Giamatti (Miles) are perfect for their roles. You feel for Miles as he is very depressed and saddened years after his divorce. This sums it up:

Miles: Half my life is over and I have nothing to show for it. Nothing. I'm a thumbprint on the window of a skyscraper. I'm a smudge of excrement on a tissue surging out to sea with a million tons of raw sewage.

Jack: See? Right there. Just what you just said. That is beautiful. 'A smudge of excrement... surging out to sea.'

Miles: Yeah.

Jack: I could never write that.

Miles: Neither could I, actually. I think it's Bukowsky.
Just re-watched this last night and boy do I love this movie. What a sweet character study.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I will never see nor will I read any of these stories. I hate chick flicks. My husband is a very lucky man. Or at least that's what I brainwash him with.
I will never watch another after seeing the first with my wife (rental). Someone told me that the first movie was much better than the book because it was over in only two hours. ;)


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
A decent weekend for movies for me.
Hot Tub Time Machine Despite the fact that this could have been better if it wanted to be this was highly enjoyable for someone that grew up on 80s comedies.
Extract Not much of a plot and a lot of characters exist solely for a handful of jokes, but I did manage to laugh at them. Doesn't live up to Office Space, B&B or even Idiocracy, but it's still funny when it tries.
Big Fan Patton Oswalt is great as the Giants #1 fan in this one. Written and Directed by the writer of The Wrestler, and in the same vein.
Avatar Ok, so I finally got around to watching this one despite buying the Blu-Ray when it was released. I think I may be the last person on earth to see this who wanted to. Of course it looked fantastic. So fantastic that I never checked the time or paused for a break during a nearly 3 hour movie with a plot we've seen thousands of times. I'm not sure why but every time I watched scenes/teasers in the past it looked way too much like a video game but when I watched the whole thing just about the only CGI element I thought looked silly was the spaceship at the beginning, otherwise I was totally into it.
Alice In Wonderland: This last one with Johnny Depp that is... I liked it - was entertaining for what its worth. It was like a super combo of both books combined, but in that respect so very much of the story(s) was left out. It was ok though. I'll never watch it again however.

Law Abiding Citizen w/ Jamie Fox. Wow this movie is really REALLY disturbing. It kinda seems like now a days any movie I'll watch the whole way through I consider mediocre to good. I haven't seen any amazing stories in the last year. This is more along the lines of Satisfice rather than Maximize. Did I like it? Well it was O.K.