What is Really Going On?

I have not posted, or even read a complete KingFans.com thread, in months. I am bored poopless with what I read. I pulled up the official Kings roster. Is this a warm-up team for the Globe Trotters? I have slao just read various posts about seemingly marginal players that are being hired, or discussed, by the Kings management. Does anyone see a pattern of acquisitions that might lead to winning a few games?

Shareef Abdur-Rahim F 6-924512/11/1976 California10
Louis Amundson F 6-922512/07/1982 Nevada-Las VegasR
Ron Artest F-G 6-726011/13/1979 St. John's7
Mike Bibby G 6-119005/13/1978 Arizona8
Quincy Douby G 6-317505/16/1984 RutgersR
Francisco Garcia F-G 6-719512/31/1981 Louisville1
Jason Hart G 6-318504/29/1978 Syracuse5
Eugene Jeter G 5-1117512/02/1983 PortlandR
Kevin Martin G 6-718502/01/1983 Western Carolina2
Brad Miller C 7-026104/12/1976 Purdue8
Vitaly Potapenko C-F 6-1028503/21/1975 Wright State10
Ronnie Price G 6-219006/21/1983 Utah Valley State1
John Salmons G 6-620712/12/1979 Miami (Fla.)4
Kenny Thomas F 6-724507/25/1977 New Mexico7
Bonzi Wells (FA) G-F 6-521009/20/1976 Ball State8
Justin Williams C 6-1026005/12/1984 WyomingR
Corliss Williamson F 6-724512/04/1973 Arkansas11

I feel like I am sitting on a secluded dock in some backwater estuary of San Francvico Bay watching flotsam and jetsam wash in and out of view. Bits of sea weed, the occassional styroforam cup, a few dead fish, yada, yada, and yada. Other teams have stars with real futures.

Signed, Depressed in Placerville
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I have not posted, or even read a complete KingFans.com thread, in months. I am bored poopless with what I read. I pulled up the official Kings roster. Is this a warm-up team for the Globe Trotters? I have slao just read various posts about seemingly marginal players that are being hired, or discussed, by the Kings management. Does anyone see a pattern of acquisitions that might lead to winning a few games?

I feel like I am sitting on a secluded dock in some backwater estuary of San Francvico Bay watching flotsam and jetsam wash in and out of view. Bits of sea weed, the occassional styroforam cup, a few dead fish, yada, yada, and yada. Other teams have stars with real futures.

Signed, Depressed in Placerville
A pattern? Younger, more athletic combined with versatility? A team that is still struggling to get back financially to where they should be in terms of the most recent CBA? A team that the parts combined may be much greater than them taken individually? A summer that has been mired in disbelief and disappointment?

Hopefully, this will be like a horror movie and have a happy ending.:)

Signed, intriqued by the coming season in Kentucky.:p

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Hopefully, this will be like a horror movie and have a happy ending.:)
Or maybe it will end like Arlington Road... :mad:

Unfortunately, qd, you're not the only one around here who thinks that Petrie and the Maloofs are selling us a bunch of wolf tickets. I'm sure that they think that they know what they're doing, but they lost the benefit of the doubt with me years ago. And, quite frankly, the belief that some around here seem to have, that the people running the team "must" know what they're doing (because they are running the team, after all), and that, because Petrie caught lightining in a bottle once that he'll do it again (presuming that he even can do it again) and that we owe him some measure of blind faith... well, it scares me.
Or maybe it will end like Arlington Road... :mad:

Unfortunately, qd, you're not the only one around here who thinks that Petrie and the Maloofs are selling us a bunch of wolf tickets. I'm sure that they think that they know what they're doing, but they lost the benefit of the doubt with me years ago. And, quite frankly, the belief that some around here seem to have, that the people running the team "must" know what they're doing (because they are running the team, after all), and that, because Petrie caught lightining in a bottle once that he'll do it again (presuming that he even can do it again) and that we owe him some measure of blind faith... well, it scares me.
Indeed...the state of our team has been a work in progress the last few years, ever since Webb missed the last second 3 in Minny, I think. I have no clue what the heck is going on for this season, but I think that NEXT year will be more of a fun off-season, with Bibby's ETO, more money, etc. But only Petrie and the Maloofs really know whats up with this franchise...and none of them truly could give an honest answer as to what lies ahead with this 'plan' of sorts. Too many uncertainties...
A pattern? Younger, more athletic combined with versatility? A team that is still struggling to get back financially to where they should be in terms of the most recent CBA? A team that the parts combined may be much greater than them taken individually? A summer that has been mired in disbelief and disappointment?

Hopefully, this will be like a horror movie and have a happy ending.:)

Signed, intriqued by the coming season in Kentucky.:p
This is really hard to accept though when the owners of the team have more money than they know what to do with and something like 4 teams in the league actually play the season under the luxury tax. We've had a superior product on the floor the last couple of years and nobody wants to regress. It's not like the high ticket prices at arco can't pay someone an $8 million salary for another REALLY good player or 2 REALLY good role players. I will try to remain positive though about the team until I see them play together. Who knows they may be great, but I am tired of our rich rich rich owners being stingy.
This is really hard to accept though when the owners of the team have more money than they know what to do with and something like 4 teams in the league actually play the season under the luxury tax. We've had a superior product on the floor the last couple of years and nobody wants to regress. It's not like the high ticket prices at arco can't pay someone an $8 million salary for another REALLY good player or 2 REALLY good role players. I will try to remain positive though about the team until I see them play together. Who knows they may be great, but I am tired of our rich rich rich owners being stingy.
The team has generally run in the red, so I'm not sure about the ticket prices paying for even more salary.

I would also have to disagree with the assessment that the team has had "a superior product on the floor the last couple of years and nobody wants to regress." The team has been regressing for the last SEVERAL years. As salary has been shed so has the quality on the floor.

The trend in the leaque has for teams to move to get under the luxery tax. The Kings are no exception. The new CBA made the tax an effective deterrent to teams overlooking the tax has they had in the past. In the prior CBA, the tax wasn't certain to be implemented and the cutoff line wasn't known in advance. Both of those made it less effective. It has been expensive in terms of talent as the Kings have gone from one of the highest payrolls to middle of the road.

I wouldn't necessarily call them greedy when they are becoming more responisible on the financial side. At the same time, I wouldn't call them saints either. They did continue to raise prices even as they cut salary.


Hall of Famer
Ive said it before that I have NO problem with the team going no where this season IF management were setting up for a rebuild NEXT season. Collecting expiring contracts and shifting PT to young prospects to see who has what. Unfourutnatly the (mis)management is doing very little except picking up a hefty contract on a questionalbe vet. None of the major problems with the current roster is being adressed and I don't see a team positiong it's self for either the draft or FA aquisition. Sure there is still time and moves to be made... blah, blah, blah but so far... I am FAR form impressed and worried not just about THIS seaon but the forseeable future as well.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm tired of the hand-wringing and "woe is me" stuff.

I'm excited about the coming year. I want to see how Ron can play after a full off-season and training camp getting to know the rest of the team. I'm excited about seeing how much Kevin's game will improve - and I'm confident it will.

I guess I'm old-fashioned but I'm going to give John Salmons and Loren Woods a chance before I decide they're worthless.

This is a team being restructured and rebuilt a bit at a time. We had our best shot in 2003 but it didn't work out. Since then, as mentioned above, Petrie has been doing what he could to bring in new pieces and still keep us in the playoffs. That's no small feat, regardless of the disdain some fans now like to heap on Petrie.

I can remember a time when Kings fans were a lot kinder about incoming players. They actually - brace yourselves - gave them a fair chance before they started hacking them to pieces. I really wish for those times again.

I am a Kings fan for the duration. That means I accept the good with the bad. I don't expect the Maloofs to continue to have to pay horrendous amounts of luxury tax. I look at the roster and I see what could become some very interesting trade pieces down the road. We have veterans, we have tweeners and we have rookies now. We have something to build on and I personally trust in Petrie's ability to do it.

If some people are pessimistic or hesitant to hold hope for the coming year, that's fine. I'm going to be hopeful, however, but I guess my acceptance level isn't as high as some others.

I want to see a good team playing good basketball. I want to see us in the playoffs but I'm not going to fool myself into thinking this is a contending team quite yet. I'm going to enjoy each step of the journey - again - and just be thankful we're winning more than we're losing and putting a product on the floor that can compete with virtually any other team in the league. That wasn't always the case.

One of our new members made a comment the other day that struck a nerve. He/she said this place sure has a lot of negativity. And, at times, I think he/she is completely right.

I love this team. I think they'll be competitive and I think they might surprise some people.

The Kings had one of the highest salaraies in the league back in 02/03. Its taken some time to get under the luxury tax limit. And they barely got under this last season by tradning Skinner. No doubt that not increasing team salary but actually having to reduce it significantly has been a difficult situation for GP at best.

Next year will be the first season since the Maloofs took over, I think, that they are holding the line on ticket prices, which are among the highest in the league. (At least partly due to lack of corporate presence and luxury suites. They are past the lousy TV deal.)

The Maloofs knew they had reached a breaking point with ticket prices. With an arena deal on the line, they don't want to raise ticket prices or turn off the fans.

As far as "having the money," that is somewhat naive. They are worth a lot of money, but that doesn't mean they have it in cash to blow on a losing business. Their "worth" is in assets. I have money in my house, but I can't spend it to go on vacation, unless I borrow, which I can't afford, and would be a pretty dumb financial move. Busineesmen don't take money from a good business and put it into a losding one.

The team was in the red for a number of years. So the Maloofs not only lost money, but had to pay more money in luxury tax on top of it. As businessmen, that just isn't a sustainable decision.

And it is a business decision. Its so easy spending someone else's money or telling them they should go into debt to give you what you want. That's like little kids, who think all mommy and daddy have to do is "write a check." The Maloofs are rich, because they don't make many stupid business decisions.

Last year I see 5 teams over the luxury tax NY, SA, Dal, Ind, Mem. NJ and Sac just under. 13 teams under the salary cap. Sacramento was near the top of teams in that middle ground. Not exactly cheapskates, but trying not to make a $5 million player salary $10 million due to the luxury cap.

And the Maloofs have a team already over the salary cap so they can't just decide to spend more money. It would have to be a situation that falls under one of the exceptions.
VF21 said:
I'm tired of the hand-wringing and "woe is me" stuff.

I'm excited about the coming year. I want to see how Ron can play after a full off-season and training camp getting to know the rest of the team. I'm excited about seeing how much Kevin's game will improve - and I'm confident it will.

I guess I'm old-fashioned but I'm going to give John Salmons and Loren Woods a chance before I decide they're worthless.

This is a team being restructured and rebuilt a bit at a time. We had our best shot in 2003 but it didn't work out. Since then, as mentioned above, Petrie has been doing what he could to bring in new pieces and still keep us in the playoffs. That's no small feat, regardless of the disdain some fans now like to heap on Petrie.

I can remember a time when Kings fans were a lot kinder about incoming players. They actually - brace yourselves - gave them a fair chance before they started hacking them to pieces. I really wish for those times again.

I am a Kings fan for the duration. That means I accept the good with the bad. I don't expect the Maloofs to continue to have to pay horrendous amounts of luxury tax. I look at the roster and I see what could become some very interesting trade pieces down the road. We have veterans, we have tweeners and we have rookies now. We have something to build on and I personally trust in Petrie's ability to do it.

If some people are pessimistic or hesitant to hold hope for the coming year, that's fine. I'm going to be hopeful, however, but I guess my acceptance level isn't as high as some others.

I want to see a good team playing good basketball. I want to see us in the playoffs but I'm not going to fool myself into thinking this is a contending team quite yet. I'm going to enjoy each step of the journey - again - and just be thankful we're winning more than we're losing and putting a product on the floor that can compete with virtually any other team in the league. That wasn't always the case.

One of our new members made a comment the other day that struck a nerve. He/she said this place sure has a lot of negativity. And, at times, I think he/she is completely right.

I love this team. I think they'll be competitive and I think they might surprise some people.

I'm excited about the up-coming year, aswell however i would have never thought the best we could've done was Woods and Salmons thats not to say we can hold hope and be hopeful they somehow contribute big time next year but thats unlikely atleast for Woods.

i might be wrong or i might've been to HOPEFUL but i expected us to make a big acquisition this summer there is still time but i'm not sure i can be hopeful or confident anymore.

i think we can make some noise next year but thats about it.
The team has generally run in the red, so I'm not sure about the ticket prices paying for even more salary.

I would also have to disagree with the assessment that the team has had "a superior product on the floor the last couple of years and nobody wants to regress." The team has been regressing for the last SEVERAL years. As salary has been shed so has the quality on the floor.

The trend in the leaque has for teams to move to get under the luxery tax. The Kings are no exception. The new CBA made the tax an effective deterrent to teams overlooking the tax has they had in the past. In the prior CBA, the tax wasn't certain to be implemented and the cutoff line wasn't known in advance. Both of those made it less effective. It has been expensive in terms of talent as the Kings have gone from one of the highest payrolls to middle of the road.

I wouldn't necessarily call them greedy when they are becoming more responisible on the financial side. At the same time, I wouldn't call them saints either. They did continue to raise prices even as they cut salary.
The paragraph in bold is what I meant and should have made more clear in the first post.

Also I said that they were stingy, not greedy, meaning that they are being very selective with their money and not putting the best possible product on the floor. Greedy would imply that they are just in it for the money, which they obviously are not. However, they do keep talking about championships, and it's just not going to happen with a group of mostly "B" level players.

What bothers me is that the Maloofs are very business savy and they are gamblers. They know more than anyone that you have to spend big if you want to win big.
Or maybe it will end like Arlington Road... :mad:

Unfortunately, qd, you're not the only one around here who thinks that Petrie and the Maloofs are selling us a bunch of wolf tickets. I'm sure that they think that they know what they're doing, but they lost the benefit of the doubt with me years ago. And, quite frankly, the belief that some around here seem to have, that the people running the team "must" know what they're doing (because they are running the team, after all), and that, because Petrie caught lightining in a bottle once that he'll do it again (presuming that he even can do it again) and that we owe him some measure of blind faith... well, it scares me.
Holy crap, this sounds like the exact same stuff I read over at PD.

I happen to be one of those with faith in the team's front office, but just looking at the Pacer/King's situation, they seem similar. Two teams that caught fire in the 90's and came really close to the top, only to have those teams taken apart. Now, both teams are left with decent amounts of talent, yet still searching for ways to contend.
Ive said it before that I have NO problem with the team going no where this season IF management were setting up for a rebuild NEXT season. Collecting expiring contracts and shifting PT to young prospects to see who has what. Unfourutnatly the (mis)management is doing very little except picking up a hefty contract on a questionalbe vet. None of the major problems with the current roster is being adressed and I don't see a team positiong it's self for either the draft or FA aquisition. Sure there is still time and moves to be made... blah, blah, blah but so far... I am FAR form impressed and worried not just about THIS seaon but the forseeable future as well.
I'm not overwhelmed either, altho there is still time. On the other hand, GP can't play solitaire, he's got to find willing partners to play with. Who knows how many deals he's tried and failed at this summer. Then I wonder how many of them might have made a BIG difference, anyway. I don't envy him his job.
The paragraph in bold is what I meant and should have made more clear in the first post.

Also I said that they were stingy, not greedy, meaning that they are being very selective with their money and not putting the best possible product on the floor. Greedy would imply that they are just in it for the money, which they obviously are not. However, they do keep talking about championships, and it's just not going to happen with a group of mostly "B" level players.

What bothers me is that the Maloofs are very business savy and they are gamblers. They know more than anyone that you have to spend big if you want to win big.
I don't think either San Antonio or Detroit spent "big." And the Maloofs did and didn't win anyway. Dallas has spent huge and it remains to be seen if that will get them a championship.
Will San Antonio and Detroit be able to hang onto those players when their contracts are up? Like Big Ben going to Chicago? Don't get me wrong, I think that Petrie is an excellent judge of talent and has found some real gems in the rough and I know that this group of guys can't be judged until they play together.

It's no secret that we need some serious frontline help, and maybe the front office is confident now in what we have now. I sure hope so.
Well folks, thanks for the Reader's Digest version of the last 2,000 posts on KingsFans.com.

I was inspired to start this whiney thread when I read one of Brickie's recent gems. He said something to the effect that some analyst (sic, media twit) had determined that Mike Bibby was the eighth best point-guard in the League and consititutes the Kings' "franchise player", thus placing us in deep doo-doo.

Oddly enough, my wife recently indicated that she was excited about the upcoming season. I am still thinking about that. Anyway, this is the summer of the good, bad, and ugly of Kings' aspirations. See you in a few months.

Still waiting for the Mothership.
Also I said that they were stingy, not greedy, meaning that they are being very selective with their money and not putting the best possible product on the floor. Greedy would imply that they are just in it for the money, which they obviously are not.

Sorry about the misquote. When getting down to that part, I used the wrong word. Maybe a more appropriate word would have been frugal. 'Cause I can't call someone even stingy when they are losing money and still putting a decent product on the floor.
Everyone should be excited about the upcoming season, i'm just disappointed in the off-season moves but that doesn't mean i'm not gonna be excited.

i think we have a chance to win 50 games and make it to the 2nd round.

Sorry about the misquote. When getting down to that part, I used the wrong word. Maybe a more appropriate word would have been frugal. 'Cause I can't call someone even stingy when they are losing money and still putting a decent product on the floor.
When you phrase it like that I agree with you.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The thing is, here is our offseason:

Quincy Douby
John Salmons
Louis Admundson (invite)
Justin Williams (invite)
Loren Woods

And here is the problem -- the only one of those guys who would seem to have a spot in the regular rotation would be Salmons, and he's basically replacing a vastly superior player in Bonzi. In a summer when we were hoping to make a major move to get better, all we've been able to do is lay dibs to a bunch of 10th-15th men, while losing a forceful starter and best player on the team in the playoffs. To the degree there is any "excitement" its over what a stack of young players with shaky pedigrees might or might not be able to do. That's normally lottery team stuff. To the degree we still have playoff aspirations its because of an almost entirely separate track of players on our team -- a group of vets who might be good enough to make it on their own merits. But not only have they gained no support this summer, they have lost some. And so now we have two separate teams -- half a team of midlevel vets good enough to challenge for a playoff spot but not clearly superior in talent to any of the other teams in that range (Memphis, New Orleans, Utah, Lakers Clippers etc.) and half a team of low to midlevel young guys, undrafted guys, 20-something picks, occasional underacheivers, that looks similar to the Raptors of last year (or whoever). The one thing we may have going for us is that the one player to bridge the two groups of players also happens to be the franchise guy -- Ron is not only the youngest of our vets, but in a lot of ways more comfortable with kids than vets I think.

There will be things to watch, but the people pointing out the lack of direction are absolutely correct. What are we? Briefly had hopes that we would define ourselves with a tough 2/3 Ron/Bonzi pairing and then maybe add a defensive big, but that went by the wayside almost as quickly as it came. And now...yr 3 of wandering aimlessly in the woods seems to be approaching.
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The thing is, here is our offseason:

Quincy Douby
John Salmons
Louis Admundson (invite)
Justin Williams (invite)
Loren Woods

And here is the problem -- the only one of those guys who would seem to have a spot in the regular rotation would be Salmons, and he's basically replacing a vastly superior player in Bonzi. In a summer when we were hoping to make a major move to get better, all we've been able to do is lay dibs to a bunch of 10th-15th men, while losing a forceful starter and best player on the team in the playoffs. To the degree there is any "excitement" its over what a stack of young players with shaky pedigrees might or might not be able to do. That's normally lottery team stuff. To the degree we still have playoff aspirations its because of an almost entirely separate track of players on our team -- a group of vets who might be good enough to make it on their own merits. But not only have they gained no support this summer, they have lost some. And so now we have two separate teams -- half a team of midlevel vets good enough to challenge for a playoff spot but not clearly superior in talent to any of the other teams in that range (Memphis, New Orleans, Utah, Lakers Clippers etc.) and half a team of low to midlevel young guys, undrafted guys, 20-something picks, occasional underacheivers, that looks similar to the Raptors of last year (or whoever).

There will be things to watch, but the people pointing out the lack of direction are absolutely correct. What are we? Briefly had hopes that we would define ourselves with a Ron/Bonzi pairing and then maybe add a defensive big, but that went by the wayside almost as quickly as it came. And now...yr 3 of wandering aimlessly in the woods seems to be approaching.
It's not Geoff's fault that Bonzi wanted too much money. It was Bonzi's decision to leave, the Maloofs wanted him back but they weren't going to overpay him a ton. What it comes down to is would you rather have Salmons+Woods at 5 million a year or Bonzi for close to double that-I'll take Salmons and Woods at 5 million a year.
Good post, Brick i agree. but the whole blame is on Geoff the fact that hes hopeful for Salmons and Woods tells us hes lost his magic. and not all of them is getting much playing time aswell as you mentioned.

there has to be some sort of plan if we're gonna rely on Salmons and Woods.
There will be things to watch, but the people pointing out the lack of direction are absolutely correct. What are we? Briefly had hopes that we would define ourselves with a tough 2/3 Ron/Bonzi pairing and then maybe add a defensive big, but that went by the wayside almost as quickly as it came. And now...yr 3 of wandering aimlessly in the woods seems to be approaching.
that was exactly what i was hoping for. the organization seemed committed to being a contender again, vibes looked good with getting bonzi back, and adding that defensive big was just absolutely critical to the plan. and it just feels like the entire plan fizzled, and it's tough to be optimistic about the contingency.

as for bonzi walking, it's not geoff's fault, but the maloofs could have shelled out the money for it. and while woods + salmons was the more fiscally responsible path, the maloofs might have let us know that when they said they "wanted to win," they didn't necessarily mean now.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Good post, Brick i agree. but the whole blame is on Geoff the fact that hes hopeful for Salmons and Woods tells us hes lost his magic. and not all of them is getting much playing time aswell as you mentioned.

there has to be some sort of plan if we're gonna rely on Salmons and Woods.
And again I have to recommend you watch them actually play for a bit before you make a summary judgment.

You say there has to be some kind of a plan? How do you know there isn't?

We have a new coach. We have a new dynamic. We have a different type of offense and we actually have some defense.

Let's see what happens when they take the court.


that was exactly what i was hoping for. the organization seemed committed to being a contender again, vibes looked good with getting bonzi back, and adding that defensive big was just absolutely critical to the plan. and it just feels like the entire plan fizzled, and it's tough to be optimistic about the contingency.

as for bonzi walking, it's not geoff's fault, but the maloofs could have shelled out the money for it. and while woods + salmons was the more fiscally responsible path, the maloofs might have let us know that when they said they "wanted to win," they didn't necessarily mean now.
Considering how gung-ho the Maloofs were on Bonzi, one almost has to wonder if there was more going on that we don't know about - and probably never will. The "clauses" supposedly in the offer the Kings gave to Bonzi are intriguing.

If Petrie and the Maloofs were unwilling to pay major coin for Bonzi Wells, I have to believe they had a good reason for what they did (or actually DIDN'T do).


Hall of Famer
I feel that if Kevin Martin hadn't shown so much potential to be a great starter for this team and we didn't have that massive turn around after the aquisiton of Artest. Then yes we probably would have gone overboard and made key roster changes. But because we did so well after this team was ignited after Artest and the hiring of a young Defensive get in your face coach. I think the Maloofs feel this needs another go. I can't believe you guys see the sky falling when i see us being better than last year.

Last year going in Bonzi was a ??? we had no idea how he was going to play. He did well. Thats it we had no poetential at the 4/5 spot really we had nothing but Bonzi. This year we have Martin starting. We have all seen him grow and looks to keep growing. Put up better offensive numbers than Bonzi as a starter miles ahead in % and only 2 rebouds shy of Bonzi. We also actually have potential at the 4/5 now rather it be Amundson, Williams, or even Woods either way all have more potential or upside than what we have with Potapenko so yes thats a plus. We also have Salmons who has to better than Hart and he has expereince and can spell Kevin or Artest If Garcia's growth isn't up to par. Garcia is an enigma he looked better in year one than Kevin did in year one and we all know what Kev did in year 2 so year 2 of Garcia is interesting. So Sky falling i think not i thing the sky is lifted to about 55 wins which is only 11 more wins than last years record with the 1st half debacle.
something around a year ago ...

This thread was from someone seemingly bummed by what the Kings had done so far or hadn't done so far. I thought it would be interesting to see what people were saying before the start of last season. My memory didn't totally fail me .......... but it did a little.


How so many of us were so, so wrong. And some who have claimed they were right weren't quite as right as they have led on.

Oh, what hindsight does. I think VF21 has a very good point. Let them play before judgement begins.:eek:
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