What do you blame for the King's poor play???



This isn't a serious thread and lets not turn it into one. The team sucks right now and we need to have some fun here, so have at it!!!!


I blame the King's poor play on the awful gold standard uniforms. I truly believe the players hate them so much they are throwing away games as a protest to the torture of having to sport those fruity gold outfits.
thesanityannex said:
This isn't a serious thread and lets not turn it into one. The team sucks right now and we need to have some fun here, so have at it!!!!


I blame the King's poor play on the awful gold standard uniforms. I truly believe the players hate them so much they are throwing away games as a protest to the torture of having to sport those fruity gold outfits.
I think it's envy over the big #6 statue. Ever since it's been put up the players feel that the recognition of the fans has overshadowed the adoration that should be reserved for the players, and they just can't get over it. This also explains why it is so hard for them to win at Arco this year... how can you blame them, with that statue just staring them in the face?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I am apparently a megalomaniac, and hence believe I am omnipotent.

Therefore I am responsible for EVERYTHING, including the Kings losing.

Its all locker room politics.

No one wants to admit it, but I have it on good authority that there is major dissent amongst our Kings regarding Mike Bibby's bogarting of the team's fingernail clippers.

If the on court microphones weren't so poor, we'd hear the constant cries of, "Mike, Mike! My nails are so long they're going to pop the ball!" from the various Kings.


I blame it on the switch from Gatorade to Powerade in the coolers. Everyone knows Powerade is just flavored water, besides, Gatorade performance tests its athletes. Miller was much more athletic when he consumed Gatorade, that is a fact.


Homer Fan Since 1985
When the Kings heard that they were going to wear gold jerseys, they rightly assumed they would get the matching gold lame' purses to match. But, alas, the unis arrived sans purses. The lockerroom has not been the same since.



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
vj9999 said:
I blame my self personally.
Now wait just a second -- I have already claimed personal responsibility, and there is just not room for two megalomaniacs on one messageboard. :mad: :D

Don't make me cause it to snow on you tommorow morning. :p
Bricklayer said:
Now wait just a second -- I have already claimed personal responsibility, and there is just not room for two megalomaniacs on one messageboard. :mad: :D

Don't make me cause it to snow on you tommorow morning. :p
I guess you win since you have seniority. :)

As for the snow, please make it happen. I bought a new snow blower and it has been fun clearing my driveway!!


Hall of Famer
NO Leadership on the court is the the BIGEST problem... with half a dozen secondary problems including: Poor rebounding, a bench that is lacking energy and direction, poor defense, inconsistant effort and execution to name a few.
Poor defense. At point guard, we have one of the biggest defensive liabilities in the league, at SG we have a decent defender in Bonzi Wells, at SF we have a so-so defender in Peja (one game of good D, another game bad D), at the 4 we have a softie in SAR who basically goes as the team does (which is bad 90% of the time), and at C we've probably got the worst defensive center of all time.

Add all these together and you get one hell of a suck on defense.
I blame those horrible gold uniforms. I mean they're shiny and all so you'd think they'd blind the opponent-but they're blinding our guys and so they can't see when they get a pass and it becomes a turnover.