Welcome Paul Westphal

Welcome, Coach!

My personal hope is that you don't listen to all these people who want a defensive-minded team. Capable of getting stops, yes. And out-rebounding opponents on a regular basis, yes. But we want a team that is exciting to watch and competes every night, and that gives us hope for the future. Give us that kind of basketball and we'll see you in three years.
Speak for yourself. An exciting team doesn't mean they win championships. The Spurs dynasty wasn't exciting, but they won. I'll take a slow down grind it out pace as long as we win.
Dear Mr. Westphal

I was pretty upset yesterday after hearing about your hiring, You werent my first choice ( Hello Coach Thibodeau ) or my second choice ( Kurt Rambis please stand up ) .. or my third choice ( Eddie who ? ) but your a king now, and just like every other move Ive hated ( Beno Udrih Extension, Nocioni Trade ) Im going to give you a chance to win me over, so here is my Welcome, Coach.
Nice to have you aboard, coach. I think you bring the right blend of knowledge, positive experience and willingness to work for the least amount of money being paid head coaches in the NBA! But, in fairness, what I've read indicates you set your own salary so you must have the confidence to think you can improve your personal lot while improving the team and that inspires confidence by me. For those who think you are a Nellie disciple, preferring small ball to inherent size advantages, I would point out that "going small/athletic" in the NBA is a real trend given the dearth of dominant big men out there. So "going small" may mean that the league has "come back to you". And, as an inherent speculator, perhaps your willingness to work cheap and get in "on the ground floor" so to speak, may indicate your perception that you could, in the near future, follow in GP's footsteps when he decides to hang it up and shuffle back to Portland?
Speak for yourself. An exciting team doesn't mean they win championships. The Spurs dynasty wasn't exciting, but they won. I'll take a slow down grind it out pace as long as we win.
I didn't just say I/we want an exciting team, did I? I said an exciting team that gets stops, outrebounds opponents, and gives us hope for the future (real hope based on marked improvement). The idea of slowing it down and grinding it out is not going to fill up Arco Arena, including my seat. I'm not saying I wouldn't sacrifice some excitement in order to have the kind of long-term success the Spurs have had, but how often does that happen? (and what does it require? - Hall of Fame names like Robinson and Duncan come to mind...)