Tropical Island Make-Your-Own-Movie Draft (Round 16)

Movies in Production:

  • [b]Action[/b] [size=1](Mr. Slim Citrus)[/size]

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • [b]Comedy[/b] [size=1](SacKings7, kingsnation, Bricklayer)[/size]

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • [b]Historical Epic[/b] [size=1](Lowenherz, Dime Dropper)[/size]

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • [b]Drama[/b] [size=1](Capt. Factorial, VF21)[/size]

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • [b]Mystery[/b] [size=1](MontysBiggestFan)[/size]

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • [b]Western[/b] [size=1](NME)[/size]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [b]Thriller[/b] [size=1](venom_7, Superman)[/size]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [b]B Movie/Exploitation[/b] [size=1](GoGoGadget)[/size]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [b]Musical[/b] [size=1](Spike)[/size]

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • [b]Sci-Fi[/b] [size=1](Jespher, Bozzwell)[/size]

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Poll is up.

Basically it is a series of questions about how much strategy + interest you want in the draft, versus how much unfettered freedom at the end.

If I missed it to me here because I ran out of room -- could maybe just eliminate the "don't draft" options to make more room and just say anybody who doesn't vote yes is voting no.
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To clarify a couple of my votes, I support either of the draft options for genre except the secret pick. As mentioned earlier in the thread, I like the idea of picking the genre publicly (and early) not only as a drafter but also as a reader as I enjoy seeing what people are building towards as the draft goes on. Additionally, I like the idea of making it the mandatory 1st round pick (or declaration, even), but not so much that I'm going to be a brat about it.

Budgets and MPAA ratings should be a write-up decision, in my opinion. Unnecessarily restrictive to those of us who may not even be taking that side of it into serious consideration, especially for the person who gets stuck with the $75,000 indie budget and can no longer draft any of their $20,000,000 actors.

I like the idea of drafting an extra person, but don't think it should be mandatory. Not everyone is going to want a specific gaffer.

Lastly, global emperors don't fail at birthday presents.
To clarify a couple of my votes, I support either of the draft options for genre except the secret pick. As mentioned earlier in the thread, I like the idea of picking the genre publicly (and early) not only as a drafter but also as a reader as I enjoy seeing what people are building towards as the draft goes on. Additionally, I like the idea of making it the mandatory 1st round pick (or declaration, even), but not so much that I'm going to be a brat about it.

Budgets and MPAA ratings should be a write-up decision, in my opinion. Unnecessarily restrictive to those of us who may not even be taking that side of it into serious consideration, especially for the person who gets stuck with the $75,000 indie budget and can no longer draft any of their $20,000,000 actors.

I like the idea of drafting an extra person, but don't think it should be mandatory. Not everyone is going to want a specific gaffer.

Lastly, global emperors don't fail at birthday presents.
You can still have any actor you choose. If Mickey Rourke can make the Wrestler for no money, then budget should not be a concern to hire on your desired acting talent (say they wanted to work pro bono for this one;)). I figured the budget would apply to post production/effects/etc...
I have a little bit of an issue with this poll. So are there limits to how many times a genre can be taken?? If there is, then the "secret" genre doesn't really make any sense.
Those were two different (and separate) ideas to deciding the genre dilemma. They aren't to be considered together (either/or)...
Those were two different (and separate) ideas to deciding the genre dilemma. They aren't to be considered together (either/or)...
I see.

Clarifying my votes: I'd like to have no limit on the number of times a certain genre can be taken, mainly because I only have 1 idea and I'm not creative enough to come up with another one if mine gets taken. Whether our genre gets picked as a secret, in the first round, or any round I have no real issue with.

I voted draft MPAA ratings and budgets, but I have no issue if either of those gets left out. And I think if people wanna draft a certain special effects person and/or producer or whatever then they should be allowed to, at the cost of having one less cast member. But once again, I have no issue with this either way, it's basically the genre thing I'm concerned about


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I have noticed a number of you have not been complying with the mandatory "option" of the poll. The beating shall commence in the morning.
As for my voting in the poll, I'm very flexible. I have one particular idea in mind, but if pressed there are several different directions I could go. It might be overkill, but I liked the idea of also drafting budget, rating, and production staff, as it would give a bit more insight into the character of your film. I assume that write-ups are not mandatory, but definitely an option?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
As for my voting in the poll, I'm very flexible. I have one particular idea in mind, but if pressed there are several different directions I could go. It might be overkill, but I liked the idea of also drafting budget, rating, and production staff, as it would give a bit more insight into the character of your film. I assume that write-ups are not mandatory, but definitely an option?
Well, actually I think that we would need at least a basic writeup -- nothing too extravagant on rthe mandatory front, but at least a title and what the movie is about.


Super Moderator Emeritus
As for my voting in the poll, I'm very flexible. I have one particular idea in mind, but if pressed there are several different directions I could go. It might be overkill, but I liked the idea of also drafting budget, rating, and production staff, as it would give a bit more insight into the character of your film. I assume that write-ups are not mandatory, but definitely an option?
Drafting budget, rating and production staff would take this into a realm I really don't have time for...nor knowledge or expertise.

Maybe it's just a difference of philosophy/outlook about these drafts in general, but I think there's a tendency lately to make them way too structured and complicated.

The only thing I voted for - besides the obvious Global Emperor selection (I may be dumb but I'm not stupid) - was the mandatory genre selection and that was partially as a crutch because I know that if I didn't have that kind of restriction to begin with I'd end up changing my mind after every single draft pick (not just my own, either).

I think the write-up will be critical - if not mandatory - to explaining your film and your vision. Without it it's just a cast of actors standing around wondering what they're doing. I don't see it necessary to take up a draft slot but if you don't do a write-up, I don't think your film should be eligible for voting.

Just my two cents, of course...
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I also voted against drafting ratings, budgets and additional members (writers, producers, score composers) because I think they are too complicated and unrealistic for this exercise.

As far as I know there are six ratings in American Cinema: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17 and Not Rated (and I'm being extra liberal on that last one). We have 16 drafters. So for those other 10 people who aren't quick enough to draft a rating, do they just, what, make one up? Cause if so, I want to draft Rated A for Awesome. I say we can add a "rating" in our write up if we wish, but it's not mandatory (such as worshiping Brick as Global Emperor for Life is, may he live forever)

Budget? We're drafting actors and directors spanning the course of cinema; how exactly are we deciding what to pay an actor from Hollywood's Golden Age in today's dollars? And if we lowball him/her might our first round pick walk out mid-production? My head hurts.

I'm a fan of films. I have favorite genres, actors, even a select few directors. But when you start pushing into producers, writers and score composers, I fold. Superficial as it may seem, let's stick closer to the marquee, eh?

And I'm fine with whatever route we choose in deciding a genre. But I picked the secret ballot assuming I would be then guaranteed my choice (by allowing multiples of the same genre) because without my favored genre, I'm starting completely from scratch. And if it's left to be drafted, I may do something silly and wait, snagging my director and select actors, gambling it will slip. And if me no get do my movie, Lowen be mad.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Oh, ratings would be like genres if voted upon -- multiples of each. No Xs, maybe five each of the most common (PG, PG-13, R), two G, two NC-17.

Not that complex, except adds strategy when to grab one.

Budgets would actually be more for special effects than actors. You spend $200 mil its some big summer blockbuster, and its not the actors who are taking most of the cash. You spend $10 mil its a small film and announcing its a space adventure means the sets are made of cardboard.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Ok, with heroes wrapping up, and most people having already voted here, I'm going to close this poll up...let's say 10:00am PT tommorow morning? Then set rules, do drafting order etc. Only holdup would be if I get a PM about somebody confirming they are dropping out, then I'll hold until we can conscript somebody from one of our KF chain gangs.
Ok, with heroes wrapping up, and most people having already voted here, I'm going to close this poll up...let's say 10:00am PT tommorow morning? Then set rules, do drafting order etc. Only holdup would be if I get a PM about somebody confirming they are dropping out, then I'll hold until we can conscript somebody from one of our KF chain gangs.
Sweet. Let the movie making madness begin!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
All right, poll is closed. Unfortunately when you close a poll it appears you lose the publkic nature of the names -- unfortunate just in that there were some people who voted in two columns of one choice. But I think I remember how they went. So adding in my own vote we have:

Draft budget = NO

Draft MPAA rating = NO

Draft additional personnel = YES
-- I think the way to do that is that there will be ONE slot which can be filled EITHER by a writer, composer, special effects guy etc., OR can be used on an additional actor (for those who have no need of the specialists). There will only be one slot for the specialists though just so that we do not get movie buffs drafting everybody down to the key grips while only taking two actors. Will just be a slot if you have a particular person who brings a flavor or talent you want as part of your flick.

Draft Genre = well kinda a tie. There were more votes for the two draft genre options then there were for secretly pick genre, but several people voted for both draft genre options (i.e. they voted for drafting the genre, in a mandatory first round). Let me mull this and will have the finalized rules up in abit.

NOTE: There was also a disappointingly low voter turnout for declaring Bricklayer Global Emperor, which I think most of you will come to regret after I introduce you to a dear friend of mine and his bat and pair of pliers. You see you WILL vote for Bricklayer as Global Emperor, its just a question of how much pain we have to go through to get there. :D


Super Moderator Emeritus
I must voice my objection! You made three choices for the genre option, so to say it was kind of a tie because the two other options tied the one receiving the highest votes is misleading to say the least... I know you're Global Emperor and all, mighty exaulted one, but 6 votes is clearly not a tie with either 4 votes or 3 votes, especially when two people had votes in both the 4 and 3 results.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I must voice my objection! You made three choices for the genre option, so to say it was kind of a tie because the two other options tied the one receiving the highest votes is misleading to say the least... I know you're Global Emperor and all, mighty exaulted one, but 6 votes is clearly not a tie with either 4 votes or 3 votes, especially when two people had votes in both the 4 and 3 results.

a), the vote totals did not include my own vote

b) if 4 people want chocolate cake and 3 people want chocolate cupcakes, while 6 people want peach cobbler, you've still got a pretty close call between chocolate and peach. I could just as easily have split the peach cobbler vote with a narrow designation.

However, I think its likely here I go with the cobbler just because I am sensing its a much bigger issue for the cobbler folks, who I think might be somewhat missing the point of a draft actually. In an infinite world of movies, where anything and everything is possible, you are going to be locked in from before the draft even starts, and if you miss there is nothing else you can think of? If that's the case we should probably just have a random free association thread started up "If you could make any movie with any cast of your choosing what would it be?" with no drafting whatsoever to get in the way.

In any case, working on final rules right now. And the cobbler was not a horrible idea, just accompanied by some odd protests. I was actually thinking there might be a fun thread in drafting up a bunch of actors into a pool, then randomly distributing them to the people in the thread and saying "here are your actors/directors/genre, its your task to make a movie out of them." But it sounds like that would send some people running for the hills rather than having fun with it.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm sorry for making a mountain out of a molehill. :(

It is your draft, after all. I'm amenable to whatever you propose - possibly because I may have changed my mind about the genre I actually want while browsing through the video store today.



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Ok, so rules, draft order, and draft boards are up.

I tried to balance several things:

1) the push for genres before we even start vs. the worry that you will miss out on personnel and not be able to make that genre work. So I had genres freely selectd before the draft, but put in an option, up through rnd 6, to draft a new genre if you are not happy with your old one. I stopped that option at rnd 6 so that people wouldn't just burn cheap Rnd 11 picks to suddenly change things at the end.

2) with genre out as a draftable item, we were down to 11 rounds, so I added a tagline/brief description rnd to balance it -- the brief description goes one way on the snake, the full description the other. Rnd 9 is used for the brief descriptions -- figure by then most of the drafting is doen and people should know basically what they are about and add a little teaser. Rnd 12 is used for the full descriptions.

Here is the Draft Chart/Overview if that seems confusing: Click

First things first -- everybody needs to pick a genre before the draft kicks in. I am thinking just do it in draft order?
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Am I on the clock or no?
Yeah, let's just do it in draft order. This will be your genre choice.

Thsi is not the actual start to the draft -- it won't snake. Just we'll all do opening genre's in order, and then the real draft will start and you'll go first again -- ok?

Feel free to PM the next person when you are done per normal, just make sure they know its just genre and not actors yet.
Genre: Thriller

haven't decided if it is going to be of a political variety or closer to a heist/siege/hostage movie, or even something with a little more drama a la Children of Men.

Yeah, let's just do it in draft order. This will be your genre choice.

Thsi is not the actual start to the draft -- it won't snake. Just we'll all do opening genre's in order, and then the real draft will start and you'll go first again -- ok?

Feel free to PM the next person when you are done per normal, just make sure they know its just genre and not actors yet.
I don't see why we can't make a pick along with the genre, it won't really ruin anything.
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