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I'm still tryin to find j-o-b!!! I hate filling out applications online!!!...other than that, my whole summer is basically playin basketball, friends, the beach and youth activities..:)
I'm only working half a day tomrrow - then I'm headed up the hill to Donner Lake to spend the weekend at my boss' new home (the old one burnt down last July 4th). Looking forward to dinner at one of my favorite Tahoe restaurants, then it's back to the grind on Monday.
The Chicken Marsala from Olive Garden is slammin...oh god its parents went out to eat last night there and brought that back for me...I've had it before but it taste better than I remember it
VF21 said:
Some of them are most likely crawler bots, used by search engines to glean information. Others could be from places like Europe, where it's mid-morning.

And others could be ... well ... lurkers.

i'm usually one of the 'guests' during my working hours...i cant post, cant log on with my username , but at least i can read the threads....:)
iheartBrad said:
The Chicken Marsala from Olive Garden is slammin...oh god its parents went out to eat last night there and brought that back for me...I've had it before but it taste better than I remember it
what a mom just came back fr/ Olive Garden and she brought me back some salad and was so0o0 good
^the breadsticks are just heavenly I had a bite of a left over one just a few hours ago..and I didn't eat my salad last night so I'm about to go get that for lunch...cuz right now I'm seems like every time I come to this thread I'm starving you all must think I'm a real pig but in reality I just love food so so so much..and really I haven't aten anything all day
Don't worry, IheartBrad, I love food, too. And too much in my case since I'm now on Weight Watchers! Boy, is it hard dieting when you love food so much...
Speaking of food, something that really annoys me is people who can eat all they want of what they want and not put on weight. I look at a piece of cheesecake and gain 5lbs. It sucks.
^^ yeay, Dougie congrats.:D I have a lot more posts than you and you've been here lot longer. Maybe I need to shut up or you need to post more, probably the former.;)
loopymitch said:
Speaking of food, something that really annoys me is people who can eat all they want of what they want and not put on weight. I look at a piece of cheesecake and gain 5lbs. It sucks.
Tell me about it - I married someone like that. He's 53, and still at his high school weight of 120. He can eat ANYTHING he wants. If I ever figure out how he does it, we're going to bottle it and sell it.
loopymitch said:
^^ yeay, Dougie congrats.:D I have a lot more posts than you and you've been here lot longer. Maybe I need to shut up or you need to post more, probably the former.;)

lol wow, how do u get almost 2,000 posts in 5 months:eek: ?!?!:D
loopymitch said:
Speaking of food, something that really annoys me is people who can eat all they want of what they want and not put on weight. I look at a piece of cheesecake and gain 5lbs. It sucks.
Oh, I used to be one of those people when I was younger. I could eat as much cake and fast-food as I wanted and still be a skinny little thing. Then as I got older it all caught up to me and my metabolism slowed down considerably. But one thing we can point out about those eat-all-they-want people: they are most likely not as healthy as they appear to be. Their cholesterol level is probably through the roof.
DWalkfan22 said:
lol wow, how do u get almost 2,000 posts in 5 months:eek: ?!?!:D
She talks a lot of nonsense to a lot of people DWalk.;) Mostly trying to justify her pick as to who will win the latest tennis I try not to listen, but she just keeps on and on.....:D
RoyalDiva said:
Oh, I used to be one of those people when I was younger. I could eat as much cake and fast-food as I wanted and still be a skinny little thing. Then as I got older it all caught up to me and my metabolism slowed down considerably. But one thing we can point out about those eat-all-they-want people: they are most likely not as healthy as they appear to be. Their cholesterol level is probably through the roof.
you're not alone RD, I was one of those people too. Now it seems that no matter what I try I can't lose any weight. Probably because I love my pasta way, way too much. ;)
loopymitch said:
^^ yeay, Dougie congrats.:D I have a lot more posts than you and you've been here lot longer. Maybe I need to shut up or you need to post more, probably the former.;)
I know! I remember when I was leading you in posts..then I saw you had like 5 more than me so I posted and was in the lead again by 1, lol i was startin a lil competition..well the next day I logged on I was down about 50 lol I can't keep up with you. I guess you just talk way more than I do. I'm a quiet girl ya kno
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Homer Fan Since 1985
ImaDougaholic24_7 said:
Aww Kingsgurl I hope you went and had fun!! I wish they had that here in Philly I would of loved to go. Well I hope you went so you can tell us all about it :D
Be careful when you say Kingsgurl, ImaDougaholic24_7. Kingsgurl is much older than kingsgurl87. kingsgurl87 is one of our young twins (just turned 18, I seem to remember). Kingsgurl is having a birthday on Monday, and let's just say that she is much much older than 18. :p


Super Moderator Emeritus
6th said:
Be careful when you say Kingsgurl, ImaDougaholic24_7. Kingsgurl is much older than kingsgurl87. kingsgurl87 is one of our young twins (just turned 18, I seem to remember). Kingsgurl is having a birthday on Monday, and let's just say that she is much much older than 18. :p
My suggestion would be that people referring to kingsgurl87 use the shortened "87"... That way there won't be confusion.

I had to read back about 20 posts before I realized ImaDougaholic was referring to kingsgurl87 and not Kingsgurl.
kingsgurl87 said:
Allen Iverson's Celebrity summer classic thingy is here...I might go check it out today

Did you end up going?

God I can only imagine the level of fandemonium that was going on...

I was watching that NBA Rookies show on Spike TV the other night and it was JR Smith, Emeka Okafor, Devin Harris, and Andre Iguodala all on a bus riding around the city during all star weekend reflecting back on the first half of their rookie season (it was hilarious) and Iggy was talking about how CRAZY it is going to clubs with AI...he was like one time they went to some club and sat down in the VIP section and the second that AI sat down there was like 5454654 girls like 2 inches from his face taking pictures and screaming...ofcourse we all know them to be "Iverson groupies"...

I also remember the ASG they had in Atlanta a couple of years back they were having some celebrity all star game locally that same weekend with like people like B2K and Bow Wow in it and their were already a whole bunch of girls (college girls--actually I'm pretty sure the entire population of Spelman College-which if you don't know is an all girl black college in ATL--was there) there watching the game and AI walks in and all of a sudden the place starts going crazy...they litterally had to stop the game for 15 mins to wait for the crowd to kind of calm down cuz the girls were screaming off the hook...and AI is just sitting there like nothing is happening as if the girls aren't screaming cuz of him---He's obviously very much use to it
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^ yeah I went..but he wasn't there....he was there at like 8:00 a.m. doing some softball stuff....but he's supposed to be back today...we might go today...yesterday, me and eboni went to the mall to see if he was there cuz it's a pretty big mall and usually ppl who r visiting go there, anyway, we didn't see was funny cuz we had our cameras and eboni had her autograph book in her purse...but last year he came and my cousin's friend said she saw him in walmart and everybody was actin all crazy and this one girl took a disposable camera off the rack and took a yeah he does draw a crowd..:)
kingsgurl87 said:
^ yeah I went..but he wasn't there....he was there at like 8:00 a.m. doing some softball stuff....but he's supposed to be back today...we might go today...yesterday, me and eboni went to the mall to see if he was there cuz it's a pretty big mall and usually ppl who r visiting go there, anyway, we didn't see was funny cuz we had our cameras and eboni had her autograph book in her purse...but last year he came and my cousin's friend said she saw him in walmart and everybody was actin all crazy and this one girl took a disposable camera off the rack and took a yeah he does draw a crowd..:)