There is no topic I went to get my meningitis shot and while I was there they asked if I had ever had chicken pox..and I said no so they said they would have to give me the chicken pox I was like great...I'm nervous about one shot now 2! anyway then they looked at my shot records and realized that I need a tetanus(sp?) booster cuz the vaccine only lasts for 10 yrs. and I was due 4 another one...then they gave me a tuberculosis shot...anyway to make a long story short, me and eboni ended up getting 5 shots! I went in there thinking I was getting one little shot and I ended up playing the role of a pin the pain wasn't that bad :)
I just hooked up the new computer at here at work. I've been working on an ancient 800mhz Compaq for about 6-7 years. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all this speed now! Now the computer won't clog up when I try to print and run a DVD at the same time.
Hey, i came back now and I had a lot of fun in London. I got to see all the attractions, got to go see centre court in Wimbledon and got to see mych more stuff. Just letting everyone know!
Bballkingsrock said:
Hey, i came back now and I had a lot of fun in London. I got to see all the attractions, got to go see centre court in Wimbledon and got to see mych more stuff. Just letting everyone know!
Welcome Back!
Yup ... got past that and decided to stay on that phase for another 2-weeks. I lost 9 lbs .... felt good !!!

.... as Peter Frampton would say ... "LET'S DO IT AGAIN !!!!

How you doin' on it ???
^I'm not on it currently...but I've did a few times in the past...I will be getting back on it soon cuz I've been eating so unhealthy lately...usually like one meal a day and a snack...not exactly the best thing to do...but this time I'm just gonna go to the groccery store and buy all their already prepared South Beach diet meals...that'll make my life a lot easier...

Speaking of food I'm starving


Hall of Famer
I (FINALLY) got my CD's...And Im kinda dissapointed in one of them...

Soilwork is just Soilwork...You know what your getting with them, so that's a good CD, BUT...

Downthesun is kinda interesting. They have 2 vocalists, one has a really good voice (Sings, screams, roars) and it sounds awesome, but then there is another guy who's voice sounds like a pig that is being tortured is trying to sing...It's not pretty, and now I want to know is, how the heck did someone who sings like half the time, not pop up in ANY of the 30 second previews I listened to of the CD?!

Whatever, though.
I hate it when that happens ....

Wife and kids tell me to start getting my music/songs on-line .... (they get JUST WHAT THEY WANT)

Like GGG once said ... I like the graphics/artwork ... reading the stuff associated to the CD/Cassette/Album ... and ... I guess I'm an OLDIE at heart
^that kinda stuff freaks me out...I once saw one run across the street one early morning as I was driving to work...I thought since it was so early I was just imagining things...nope if you live in COW-TOWN USA you are bound to see things like that on a pretty regular basis...plenty of farms and such around these parts
I just got home from the cardiologist's office. Dr. M. is VERY pleased, so much so that I'll be switching to a less powerful beta-blocker, and don't have to go back until February next year. Now if I can only convince my GP that he doesn't need to watch me like some mother hen, I'll be a happy camper.
I am having one serious craving for s'mores right now. Guess I'm not all the way back from my camping trip yet. Wish I could beat this craving. Maybe just having Hershey's will do it.


I like turtles
captain bill said:
What's with fish sandwiches at fast food places? I was in Burger King today, and saw "BK Fish Sandwich." I realized that it doesn't specify what type of fish. That disturbed me.
Hey, it’s better than McDonalds pineapple burger they released in the 60’s

Using a needle, a fork, a screw driver I doug out all the super glue and my old eye pieces from my glasses. 3 hours and sever stab wounds later I saved myself from buying a new pair of glasses I rarely use.

-college student
RATZ ... left my sunglasses on the trunk of my wife's car. I remembered after she drove off to run some errands .... RATZ !!!

ps ..... I tried retracing her route looking here-n-there .... nothing .... RATZ !!!