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slugking50 said:
I am certainly not a CG artist but I've thought about doing it for about a year now. I just didnt think it would look good. Boy was I right!:p

Still neeeds alot of work though.
No, leave it like that sk50! If there was any way to represent her columns through pictures, that would be it!

::evil laugh::


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm putting in my Schwan's order for delivery on Thursday. I'm torn between catfish and hake. Maybe I should just order some of each.


Homer Fan Since 1985
kingsgurl87 said:
where is IheartBrad?? She hasn't been on in awhile
When the Kings season ended she commented that she doesn't hang around the board much during the off-season. She basically said that she'd see us in October (but that she may stop by from time to time).
6th said:
I am down to single digits. I am getting soooooo excited.
Hey 6th, just remember to be careful you dont mix up the labels of what's in which crate. You dont want to find yourself in a situation where you go to unpack the pc to get online and all you can find is a kettle and toaster!!

Bearing in mind you dont want to have to pop back for anything you've forgotten i hope you are more organised than me. I cant go on hols without wondering if i've left the cooker switched on!! :)


Homer Fan Since 1985
Londonking said:
Hey 6th, just remember to be careful you dont mix up the labels of what's in which crate. You dont want to find yourself in a situation where you go to unpack the pc to get online and all you can find is a kettle and toaster!!

Bearing in mind you dont want to have to pop back for anything you've forgotten i hope you are more organised than me. I cant go on hols without wondering if i've left the cooker switched on!! :)
LOL....yes, I am pretty organized and I will know exactly where the PC is. Can't live without it. :D
My husband and I adopted 2 kittens tonight. They're sisters, one is all black, the other a blk/gray tabby. We haven't named them yet (gotta get to know them a bit), but I'll post pics tomorrow in the family pets thread.


Homer Fan Since 1985
arwen undomiel said:
My husband and I adopted 2 kittens tonight. They're sisters, one is all black, the other a blk/gray tabby. We haven't named them yet (gotta get to know them a bit), but I'll post pics tomorrow in the family pets thread.
Congrats on your new "babies", arwen. Looking forward to seeing the pics.
slugking50 said:
thank you thank you.

< takes a bow >

Well If I did write a memo about it you would've been one of the first to know. I made it earlu yesterday

I am certainly not a CG artist but I've thought about doing it for about a year now. I just didnt think it would look good. Boy was I right!:p

Still neeeds alot of work though.
I'm not much of an artist either, but you're welcome to use this if you like!


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arwen undomiel said:
I'm not much of an artist either, but you're welcome to use this if you like!

Hmm a bit campy. im looking for a bit more of a devilish look for it. but thanks anyway.

i think Im just going to leave it as is.


Super Moderator Emeritus
My cat has a new toy - it's a dead frog. Another little dead frog, but luckily he's already chewed off the legs so I don't know if it was an endangered red-leg frog.


Hall of Famer
VF21 said:
My cat has a new toy - it's a dead frog. Another little dead frog, but luckily he's already chewed off the legs so I don't know if it was an endangered red-leg frog.
My cat brings me disgusting little treats quite often. IT just hops in my window with something in its mouth...Lets see, what has it brought me...

-To many little sparrows to count.
-A mole.
-A snake
-And the worst, I wasnt in my room to actually see it get brought in, but...I walk into my room, and in the moddle my cat is sitting over a HUGE dead pigeon! Not only was there a huge dead bird in my room, the cat decided to feast, and it's cheastal cavity was all gouged open, and eaten, and bloody...That was disgusting!

And Scream, by SlipKnot, is the best nu-metal song out there today. PErfectly blends shouts and actual singing (Which contrary to popular belief, he does actually sing, and quite well at that), and hard rocking music all through. I've ben listening to it all day.


Super Moderator Emeritus
SLAB - This isn't the first frog my beloved Maxie has decided to adopt. I think I've posted the story of the last frog, but I may post it again - it is the off-season and we're gonna have a lot of time to kill. Since there's no corpus left, I don't think Fish and Game can come after me - it was an endangered California Red-Legged Frog.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Tomorrow (5/13) is my last day at work. I leave with mixed emotions. I began by really really loving my job. I was working with the public and assisting them to get unemployment benefits, as well as learn to do work searches. It was very fulfilling for me. Then things changed because management cut our hours dramatically. I found myself stressed a lot about my reduced hours and lessened income.

Now, add in the fact that I became so so homesick for Sacramento. Then, what used to be wonderfully fulfilling days became a constant source of stress and emotional pain. So, it is time to leave. And, it is time to come home.

This chapter of my life closes tomorrow. But, a new chapter is on the horizon.
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I decided to retire the very old, very famous typing penguin avatar in lieu of a very cool little Emperor penguin. I am actively seeking another nifty animated avatar that fits the site requirements (100 x 100 for contributors) for future use.
^^^ We had a storm while I was at work last night, it was pretty bad but then I get home (about 9 miles away) and it hadn't even rained here. Weather is so weird. We need rain though to wash away some of that pollen.
We've named the new kittens. My husband is half Japanese, so we wanted to give them samurai names (just to be different). The male is Musashi, named after one the great samurai swordsmen of the eary 17th century. The female is Masa-ko, a powerful woman of the early 13th century Hojo clan, sometimes known as "Mother Shogun".
::sits WIDE awake:: just got off the phone with a friend..we talked from midnight until 7:40am. We just hung up after my mom reminded about the phone bill. Totally slipped our minds. Luckily I have free nights so the bill was covered up until 6am..and I don't know if he has the same or not but he was real quick to hang up after that was mentioned. lmao. well i hope he does or hes gonna have a hell of a bill ::sits:: ok i'm really not tired at all
ImaDougaholic24_7 said:
::sits WIDE awake:: just got off the phone with a friend..we talked from midnight until 7:40am. We just hung up after my mom reminded about the phone bill. Totally slipped our minds. Luckily I have free nights so the bill was covered up until 6am..and I don't know if he has the same or not but he was real quick to hang up after that was mentioned. lmao. well i hope he does or hes gonna have a hell of a bill ::sits:: ok i'm really not tired at all

What can you talk about for almost 8 hours?? 2 hours is probably my max. Don't you have anything better to do lol like wait at red lights for certain cars lol???