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iheartBrad said:
First off I want to ask you, ID, do you have an ironing board...and if you do why didn't you use that...hehe

Secondly, your mom although you said she was pissed is still MUCH nicer than my mom cuz if I had did that (wait I'll say if my sister did that cuz I wouldn't do something like that I would have used an ironing board and if we didn't have that I would have put a towel down and then put the shirt over it) my mom would be fuming by fuming I mean HOT LIKE FIRE and if my dad saw it OH MY GOD never ever hear the end of it...:shakes head:...thinking about that makes me happy that it was you now me :)

anyways are you gonna keep the runner over it forever or what?
Actually we don't iron a lot (not saying we wear wrinkled clothing..that's a no no) but nothing really needs to be ironed, and when we do need to iron something, the bed is fine for that. And I just remembered our ironing board got broken in a "sliding board" incident that happened inside a closet. LoL i won't even get into all that..but if it weren't broken I doubt we'd use that much anyways. Me ironing on the carpet and not putting anything under the shirt was just a dumb non thinking mistake. And my mom WAS mad but she took it better than I expected b/c it really was an accident. My mom's cool. And as of now..yes we're going to keep the runner over it. It actually looks nice's lined right infront of the couch
I had a dream last night that I was watching some show and they had a little special feature with some of the Kings players and the host was Ahmad Rashad and he was telling them about and how hilarious and great we all then Cat says "lets check it out" and then magically a computer appears and then there they all were lurking around the site...they got a HUGE kick out of our STOP FINLEY campaign...and then I remember Mike laughing his butt off when he saw BibbyForPrez's Brad avatar...and they were all flipping out as to the amount of pictures we had going in the Kings picture thread...they also saw Bricks grades post and they all took turns reading them...and then I woke up
iheartBrad said:
I had a dream last night that I was watching some show and they had a little special feature with some of the Kings players and the host was Ahmad Rashad and he was telling them about and how hilarious and great we all then Cat says "lets check it out" and then magically a computer appears and then there they all were lurking around the site...they got a HUGE kick out of our STOP FINLEY campaign...and then I remember Mike laughing his butt off when he saw BibbyForPrez's Brad avatar...and they were all flipping out as to the amount of pictures we had going in the Kings picture thread...they also saw Bricks grades post and they all took turns reading them...and then I woke up
I hope Cuttino hasn't read what people have been saying about him!

I am so tired, yet so hungry at the same now, the question arises, do I just call if a night or go get something to eat probably falling asleep in the process unless I find something really tasty to eat...

Edit: I can't do this. My need for sleep has exceeded my need for food. Score one for sleep.
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Okay...has this ever happened to anyone else?...I go to the store to get deoderant, and I do have a brand that I use regularly that I LOVE and works and smells GREAT, and I get a different brand for the heck of it...I don't know why...maybe the flashy packaging confused me momentarily...I take it home and use it and IT SUCKS....and I wonder to myself, "if I was happy with my brand before...why the heck did I change?" Now Im stuck until I use up the sucky brand...because I'm too stubborn to throw away an entire stick of deoderant....
I hear ya Em, my fav. brand is very hard to find for me anyway so i'm stuck with something I don't like and I don't believe in wasting anything. I guess we just have to deal with it.
I feel like I'm in Florida...its gotta be like 80 degrees out today and humid...When I woke up this morning I could barely breathe...I thought somebody had the heat up to 100...nope its just hot as can be outside...i love it :)
My bf's aunt brought me a brimmed hat. The catch is that the hat is woven out of wicker. You can stick your finger through each hole. I dont get it. Is this supposed to block out the sun?


Homer Fan Since 1985
loopymitch said:

Yes you are, it's just difficult right now. Give it time, eventually it gets easier:) We're all here if you need to talk.
loopymitch, that was a great response (and one I totally agree with). We are here for you, arwen.
I'm leaving early early EARLY tomorrow morning for a vacation (first one in far too long) and kindly request that no one post anything particularly funny, insightful, or touching while I'm gone. I'd hate to miss out.

Thanks much.


Homer Fan Since 1985
GoGoGadget said:
I'm leaving early early EARLY tomorrow morning for a vacation (first one in far too long) and kindly request that no one post anything particularly funny, insightful, or touching while I'm gone. I'd hate to miss out.

Thanks much.
Have you ever heard the saying, "The show must go on?"
6th said:
loopymitch, that was a great response (and one I totally agree with). We are here for you, arwen.
WORD! (I wonder how that actually came about....ya know... the whole "word!"'s a strange way to totally agree with someone...but I likes it!!)
its just after 2:30am and I can't sleep...this is actually a lot earlier than the time I usually go to bed but I have an appointment in the morning and have to be bad sleeping habits are screwing me over right about now