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Clutter up your mailbox

Got this info my NFL team's message board I hang out at.

If you don't mind being a breeding ground for future junk mail, there's a board that tells you about freebie and discount deals going on. They're usually of the knicknack variety, but you can get an occasional gem here and there.

There's also a site that compiles free magazine subscriptions:
Last night or this afternoon right before I got up I had this awful which the Kings needed a game to make it into the POs...if they lost the game they weren't gonna make it...if they won they make it...the Kings were playing the Minny Twolves but on the LA Clippers home floor with LA Laker fans (weird huh?) and we started off the game and within just a minute or two Mike Bibby picks up a technical foul (I forget what he did to earn it) and then a few mins later he gets bumped to the floor and they call the foul ON he simply takes his headband off and places it on the ground next to him (where he's still sitting) and BOOM smacked with another Tech...and he's thrown out the game...the places went nuts with excitement as Mike slowly walked off the court and back into the lockerroom and then I saw myself watching it on TV and then going "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and then I woke up
iheartBrad said:
Last night or this afternoon right before I got up I had this awful which the Kings needed a game to make it into the POs...if they lost the game they weren't gonna make it...if they won they make it...the Kings were playing the Minny Twolves but on the LA Clippers home floor with LA Laker fans (weird huh?) and we started off the game and within just a minute or two Mike Bibby picks up a technical foul (I forget what he did to earn it) and then a few mins later he gets bumped to the floor and they call the foul ON he simply takes his headband off and places it on the ground next to him (where he's still sitting) and BOOM smacked with another Tech...and he's thrown out the game...the places went nuts with excitement as Mike slowly walked off the court and back into the lockerroom and then I saw myself watching it on TV and then going "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and then I woke up
The weirdest thing about your nightmare is the clippers court/lakers fans/ twolves team thing. what a combo!
I know right thats what I thought...they were like boo'ing us and I thought to myself (in the dream ofcourse) why do they hate us so much I just figured they'd be like Clipper fans or Twolve fans but I took a closer look at the crowd and they were alll wearing the purple and gold with Laker jerseys on...heh
I don't normally pay attention to my post count (or anyone else's) but my avatar told me that I have to, at least, acknowledge that I'm about to hit


After learning affluenza was an illness in which material possessions do not bring
happiness, I wondered how this related to my life. I thought back to when I was a child and how I always wanted Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures. I look back and wondered why I wanted them so bad and it was because of commercialism. These animated characters were found everywhere. They were in movies, clothing, and other paraphernalia. They were even on my birthday cake when I turned seven. By watching TV I did not realize I was being brainwashed to buy these TMNT related products.

Even back when I was a young child, before I knew of this illness, I still noticed that after obtaining these products I was not any happier than I was before I owned them. Although I was very happy when I initially received these products, that feeling only lasted several minutes. I noticed that I was not having as much fun as the kids were in the commercial, but I did not listen to that instinct. I ignored that feeling telling me not to buy these products because I was brainwashed and did not even notice it. I still continued to ask my parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles to buy me toys that I really did not need.

Even years later when I was 15, when I saw a package of all four original TMNT reproduced I still bought them. I bought them because I thought it would bring back feelings of happiness to when I was younger. It brought me back no positive emotions and it cost me money in the process.

Just this last weekend I was at the shopping mall only because I was bored. Now after learning about affluenza I will be more cautious and conservative in my actions. I will remember that it is people and not possessions that bring you lasting happiness.
Mad D said:
After learning affluenza was an illness in which material possessions do not bring
happiness, I wondered how this related to my life. I thought back to when I was a child and how I always wanted Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures. I look back and wondered why I wanted them so bad and it was because of commercialism. These animated characters were found everywhere. They were in movies, clothing, and other paraphernalia. They were even on my birthday cake when I turned seven. By watching TV I did not realize I was being brainwashed to buy these TMNT related products.

Even back when I was a young child, before I knew of this illness, I still noticed that after obtaining these products I was not any happier than I was before I owned them. Although I was very happy when I initially received these products, that feeling only lasted several minutes. I noticed that I was not having as much fun as the kids were in the commercial, but I did not listen to that instinct. I ignored that feeling telling me not to buy these products because I was brainwashed and did not even notice it. I still continued to ask my parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles to buy me toys that I really did not need.

Even years later when I was 15, when I saw a package of all four original TMNT reproduced I still bought them. I bought them because I thought it would bring back feelings of happiness to when I was younger. It brought me back no positive emotions and it cost me money in the process.

Just this last weekend I was at the shopping mall only because I was bored. Now after learning about affluenza I will be more cautious and conservative in my actions. I will remember that it is people and not possessions that bring you lasting happiness.
Closely, yet not the same as "The conspicuous consumer"


Hall of Famer
Slipknot cncert coming up in mere hours! I'm phyched! I just listened to all their live vids on Launch and my blood is pumping!


(Im phyched)


Hall of Famer
Holy Jeez! The Slipknot concert freaking PWN'D!

The first band was Shadows Fall, and they were pretty hardcore. The lead singer had a cool voice, nothing more than a scream, but was good. Music was awesome, and me and my friend moshed a bit to them. The lead singer was a savage, and had dreads down passed his knees, and remarked of how great that "Nor-Cal Bud" smelled and to pass some to the security to give to him. Oh yes, and a remote hummer came out and delivered them their liquer... "Nothing says heavy metal like a remote controlled Hummer giving us some whisky!" He was awesome.

The second band, Lamb of God...Well, sucked. They are more Death Metal and the singer more roars that screams/shouts/sings. Me and my friend just waited inj the seats while they played off their set. Low point of the night by far was their set.

Then it was time for Slipknot. Me and my friend pushed our way right to the front. A curtain came down before they started setting up, so we didnt know what was going on. After quite some wait, and a bit of teasing from one of the guitarists, a video projection came up and showed a vid of a bunch of interesting clips, mixed with Slipknot playing live. Then the lights turned off and their first song started playing, the curtain dropped and all heck broke loose. The front pit was INSANE, I was getting crushed so bad, and had to bail after a couple songs. I then went behind another mosh pit that was more subdued, and kicked it there for the rest of the concert. They played all their best songs. It was freakin' AWESOME. At one point during "Spit it Out" Corey (lead singer) told everyone to get down, so everyone in the pit got down, then he said "When I say jump the f**k up, everyone start jumping!" So then he started the next verse and before the chorus "JUMP THE F**K UP!" Everyone jumped, I got elbowed in the face by a fat guy in front of me and everyone was jumping for the rest of the song. For the last song I tried my luck in the crazy mosh pit with the huge rockers all punching each other, and knocking each other down. Well, that didn't fare to well, as I got mauled twice by two huge guys, and said "Forget it."

Long story short. Awesome! And they swear they're coming back because Sacramento kicks @$$!


wow sounds like you had a blast SLAB...

personally I'm not hardcore enough for that way jose...the hardest music i listen to is Linkin Park..and even thats a big jump from the music I usually listen to
Wow SLAB, I could just imagine that mosh me mosh pits aren't much fun but I guess it doesn't matter when your havin a good time. By the way, how's your face? Ouch!

iheartbrad, i think we like a lot of the same kinda music..(from all ur posts) i like LP too and that's basically as 'hardcore' as I get too. Gotta love em. ::puts in CD:: now i'm in a LP mood
It sucks to be sick! Especially when the weather is so nice. ::sits freezing:: chilled to the bone! Whole body ACHES..thought i needed a masage but when someone goes to touch me it just hurts. ::sighs:: i think i'm going to go lay under my heating blanket now
ImaDougaholic24_7 said:
It sucks to be sick! Especially when the weather is so nice. ::sits freezing:: chilled to the bone! Whole body ACHES..thought i needed a masage but when someone goes to touch me it just hurts. ::sighs:: i think i'm going to go lay under my heating blanket now
I hope you feel better:(


Hall of Famer
ImaDougaholic24_7 said:
Wow SLAB, I could just imagine that mosh me mosh pits aren't much fun but I guess it doesn't matter when your havin a good time. By the way, how's your face? Ouch!

iheartbrad, i think we like a lot of the same kinda music..(from all ur posts) i like LP too and that's basically as 'hardcore' as I get too. Gotta love em. ::puts in CD:: now i'm in a LP mood
I'm good!

Man, I want to go to another concert, though. It PWN'D.
ImaDougaholic24_7 said:
Wow SLAB, I could just imagine that mosh me mosh pits aren't much fun but I guess it doesn't matter when your havin a good time. By the way, how's your face? Ouch!

iheartbrad, i think we like a lot of the same kinda music..(from all ur posts) i like LP too and that's basically as 'hardcore' as I get too. Gotta love em. ::puts in CD:: now i'm in a LP mood
yeah I've noticed that...pretty much when we saw eye to eye on the whole bsb do feel like listening to LP now....i usually only listen to them when Im pissed or depressed...but right now I just feel like listening to them cuz i love them :)

BTW SLAB what exactly does "PWN'D" mean?
I thought maybe it meant owned but then again that was a complete guess I wouldn't of gotten how PWN'd translates into owned really if you read the sentence you put in you can figure out thats what it means but...

I guess im getting older not up with all the new internet slang
iheartBrad said:
I thought maybe it meant owned but then again that was a complete guess I wouldn't of gotten how PWN'd translates into owned really if you read the sentence you put in you can figure out thats what it means but...

I guess im getting older not up with all the new internet slang
It's not really age IHB (since we are about the same age), it is just that you probably don't hang around folks under the age of 18 who play online games. iT iZ L33T tALk 4 tEh 0nLin3 GaMErZ!!11111