Suns @ Kings Game Thread

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^That's why he needs to go this offseason. He's selfish. He only produce when he gets the minutes he wants. In the direction we are trying to go, we do not need somebody like that on our team. I see a benign tumor starting to grow on the Kings, and we need to get it cut off in the offseaon before it turns malignant.
VF21 said:
At this point, how much less can we get?

It's pretty clear that Kenny is reverting to his old form. As SAR's playing time has increased, Kenny's productivity - even though he's still starting - has dropped proportionally. I've seen him with a pouty face as he leaves the court and caught glimpses of dagger looks across the court...
u beat me 2 it
VF21 said:
At this point, how much less can we get?

It's pretty clear that Kenny is reverting to his old form. As SAR's playing time has increased, Kenny's productivity - even though he's still starting - has dropped proportionally. I've seen him with a pouty face as he leaves the court and caught glimpses of dagger looks across the court...
And if that's the way he's going to be as a teammate, then I want him off this team. Drat on his huge contract, which he is NOT worth. :mad:
VF21 said:
At this point, how much less can we get?

It's pretty clear that Kenny is reverting to his old form. As SAR's playing time has increased, Kenny's productivity - even though he's still starting - has dropped proportionally. I've seen him with a pouty face as he leaves the court and caught glimpses of dagger looks across the court...
Oh, I'm in full agreement, trust me.

I just don't think we should risk changing the rotation this late and screw up chemistry. But next year? Oh yes, something has to be done. It's one thing when a player is struggling, but when he starts hurting other players and getting technicals, then it becomes a real problem.


dude, have you been watching the games? Putting SAR in for Kenny would not screw up chemistry, it would make us better. what the hell...say goodbye to hart kenny and bonzi next year.


beemerr23 said:
dude, have you been watching the games? Putting SAR in for Kenny would not screw up chemistry, it would make us better. what the hell...say goodbye to hart kenny and bonzi next year.
Exactly. Thats what i'm trying to say. Reef gives a lot of teams problems. He showed in this game along with other recent games. As soon as he comes in our team goes on a run but as soon as KT returns we seem to have a defensive collapse and everyone starts missing shots. Reef attracts defenders on him which allows our guards and other players to be open. Its just waste to have him sitting in the bench when you know you have a guy that creates shots for others + make his own shots in the post.

Plus he doesn't pout like KT does. KT seems to bring the whole team down once he gets frustuated.
Don't forget this Kings team hasn't found that "identity" yet. At least not completely. The great teams all know what kind of game they play and set the tempo. They don't even think about it, they just do it.

I am almost excited if we do play the Suns. The Kings will get angry, and then get even! Of course that may not happen as of now.

I am just interested to see how this team does with effort and hustle, and what they learn if they make it to the post season. Hopefully that will lead us into next season with serious momentum.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Reef rebounds like he's wearing a skirt. He's nobody's starter until/unless he can correct that. Its pathetic. There is simply no excuse for him to lose minutes to a player of Kenny's caliber, but the next time Reef gets dirty and risks breaking a nail will be the first. And so Kenny has taken advantage. Not by being better. But by being a better teammate on the floor. Hustling, doing the gruntwork. Reef could if he wanted to. But he's played the prima donna role for so long in his career I don't know if he even remembers how.


Bricklayer said:
Reef rebounds like he's wearing a skirt. He's nobody's starter until/unless he can correct that. Its pathetic. There is simply no excuse for him to lose minutes to a player of Kenny's caliber, but the next time Reef gets dirty and risks breaking a nail will be the first. And so Kenny has taken advantage. Not by being better. But by being a better teammate on the floor. Hustling, doing the gruntwork. Reef could if he wanted to. But he's played the prima donna role for so long in his career I don't know if he even remembers how.
Are you sure you watched the same first half as me? Because I remember the Kings making a run in the 1st half when SAR came in and crushed the weak Suns frontline.
Brick is right. Reef's boardwork all season has been weak at best. But he is our best low post player. I love how when we got Ron everyone said we now have a legit low post player. I have seen both Ron and Reef and I can tell you with total confindence. Shareef Abdur-Rahim is a better low post player than Ron Artest.

I still believe Reef could have a great place on this team as a 6th man. Ideal in fact. Gives us a guy like Bobby that can come in and dominate offensively. I also think that Reef could be huge for us if we go into the playoffs against the Suns.
Whatever you say Brick.....You would think some people on this board would appreciate the fact that Reef comes to play every day and does not complain like many other selfish players on the team. Furthermore, Reef is the only skirt I know of willing to play with a broken jaw. Reef is anything but weak and deserves more respect that you give him. Though Reef has rebounded poorly this year, I have no doubts that if given starter minutes again he would pull down 10 boards per game. It is not so long ago that Rahim averaged 20 and 10. And at the age of 29 he still has that potential. Anyways, you can criticize his rebounding this year, but to question his toughness is flat out rude and ignorant on your part. He played with his jaw wired shut and is the only person to ever do such in the NBA.
SacDoug said:
I wish we had traded KT instead of Skinner. :(
I hope I'm wrong, but my suspicion is that it's going to be a heck of lot harder to get rid of KT. With that attitude and that contract, good luck. Add in his recent not-so-stelllar performances, and the man may be a King for a long, long time.
Bricklayer said:
Reef rebounds like he's wearing a skirt. He's nobody's starter until/unless he can correct that. Its pathetic. There is simply no excuse for him to lose minutes to a player of Kenny's caliber, but the next time Reef gets dirty and risks breaking a nail will be the first. And so Kenny has taken advantage. Not by being better. But by being a better teammate on the floor. Hustling, doing the gruntwork. Reef could if he wanted to. But he's played the prima donna role for so long in his career I don't know if he even remembers how.
See, there you go again with your women = bad, misogynistic analogies. I'm not even a woman and I find them repulsive.

Kenny took advantage because Reef was injured. Reef's injury and recovery (i.e. playing with his freaking jaw wired shut) happened to coincide with the arrival of Ron Artest. Lo and behold, the Kings started winning. Not because of any brilliance on Kenny's part. Heck, the team hasn't even improved its rebounding numbers. But Adelman didn't want to rock the boat. Same thing happened with Bonzi/Kevin Martin. When Bonzi wen down, Kevin took his spot, when Kevin got injured Bonzi took his spot. Musical chairs so no one gets their ego bruised. If Kenny were to have gone down same thing would have happened with Reef.

Yes, the Kings need to rebound better as a team. Shareef needs to rebound better. Oddly enough, the team doesn't rebound better when Kenny's in the game. Maybe he needs to wear skirts too.


Wheeler03 said:
Whatever you say Brick.....You would think some people on this board would appreciate the fact that Reef comes to play every day and does not complain like many other selfish players on the team. Furthermore, Reef is the only skirt I know of willing to play with a broken jaw. Reef is anything but weak and deserves more respect that you give him. Though Reef has rebounded poorly this year, I have no doubts that if given starter minutes again he would pull down 10 boards per game. It is not so long ago that Rahim averaged 20 and 10. And at the age of 29 he still has that potential. Anyways, you can criticize his rebounding this year, but to question his toughness is flat out rude and ignorant on your part. He played with his jaw wired shut and is the only person to ever do such in the NBA.
Thank you!

I have to believe that Shareef gets more grief on this board than any other player - yet he's one of the only one's to come to work regardless of the circumstances.

Do you think there is one player on this roster that would play through a broken jaw? Play hard and not complain while being placed on the bench?

Can you really see Mike Bibby sitting on the bench with his nail file and cheer the team on while getting sporatic minutes ranging from 16-28? Yeah, me either.
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It will take quite a few seasons (if he's here that long) for Shareef to catch up to Bibby and Webber in amont of grief on this board. A LOT more than one season.
Reef definately gets the most grief of anyone on the Kings current roster. I find this fact rather amusing too, seeing as how he is such an admirable human being. While he may not be pulling down 10 rebounds per game, he is nonetheless a GREAT teammate and model citizen. And in an age of premodonna, psychopathic athletes whom our children idolize, these good qualities of Reef should be considered and brought to the forefront. Instead many of us murder him for not pulling down 10 boards. Consider the following examples of Reefs character: While many players did admirable things to help 9/11 victims, Reef donated over 3,000,000 yet we never hear of this act of kindness. Reef has also raised upwards of 10,000,000 (through Reef Fund) for the downtrodden and underpriviledged children of innercity Atlanta. Yet again we never hear of these things. The reason being, he does not publicize his actions. He does them out of pure kindness and a desire to help those less priviledged than himself. This is the kind of person you want representing Sacramento and their sports franchises. And while I would love to see him get more rebounds, before I criticize him too harshly I will consider the other qualities he brings to basketball and life.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Hey, guys - especially those of you who are mixing criticism of SAR the player with the guy you've known since high school...

We're talking about Shareef Abdur-Rahim and his performance on the court. We're not talking about what a great human being he is. We NEED him to get more rebounds. Granted, I might not have phrased things the way Bricklayer does, but he isn't saying anything more "outlandish" or whatever about SAR than he has at times said about Bibby, Miller, Martin, etc.

SAR needs to grab more boards. That's the bottom line.
VF21 said:
Hey, guys - especially those of you who are mixing criticism of SAR the player with the guy you've known since high school...

We're talking about Shareef Abdur-Rahim and his performance on the court. We're not talking about what a great human being he is. We NEED him to get more rebounds. Granted, I might not have phrased things the way Bricklayer does, but he isn't saying anything more "outlandish" or whatever about SAR than he has at times said about Bibby, Miller, Martin, etc.

SAR needs to grab more boards. That's the bottom line.
Kamehameha or Wheeler is playmaker?
VF21 said:
Hey, guys - especially those of you who are mixing criticism of SAR the player with the guy you've known since high school...

We're talking about Shareef Abdur-Rahim and his performance on the court. We're not talking about what a great human being he is. We NEED him to get more rebounds. Granted, I might not have phrased things the way Bricklayer does, but he isn't saying anything more "outlandish" or whatever about SAR than he has at times said about Bibby, Miller, Martin, etc.

SAR needs to grab more boards. That's the bottom line.
But I think Wheeler03 brings up a valid point. It's one thing to criticize someone as a player, it's another thing to question his manhood. I mean, that goes beyond basketball and it insults the person rather than the player.
nbrans said:
But I think Wheeler03 brings up a valid point. It's one thing to criticize someone as a player, it's another thing to question his manhood. I mean, that goes beyond basketball and it insults the person rather than the player.
Only if you're of the opinion that one's manhood is so important to their existence that questioning it becomes such harsh criticism.

My only problem with Brick's comment was that comparing Reef to a woman was a compliment of which he is, quite frankly, not worthy.



Super Moderator Emeritus
nbrans said:
But I think Wheeler03 brings up a valid point. It's one thing to criticize someone as a player, it's another thing to question his manhood. I mean, that goes beyond basketball and it insults the person rather than the player.

You're kidding, right? Question his manhood? Brick has said almost exactly the same thing about Peja in the past, and I didn't see you stepping up and complaining then.

This is silly. If you think Brick is being a bully, you should hear what some of the players say to each other. No wait, you'd better not. It's not always complimentary to their "manhood" or anything else.

SAR is our best shot at power forward. As the PF for the Sacramento Kings, who are hopefully heading into the playoffs, he's gonna have to get down and dirty and grab some bleeping boards. If that's an offense to his manhood, I'm very sorry...
Wheeler: My impression of SAR is that he is a fine, devout, moral and caring person. I think he is a wonderful role model and I would like all athletes to be such good examples. I wouldn't hesitate to point him out as a very upstanding human being.

However, that has absolutely nothing to do with my opinion of him as rebounder. Nor do I think he's the only one lacking in this area on the Kings, but he is playing the PF position. And this team really needs more rebounding.

Personally, if I could have my wish (hey, I can dream too;)) the Kings would improve at two positions in the off-season...PF and backup PG. I think Shareef could be a great 6th man off the bench, altho he might not like that.

Just don't take a criticism of a player as criticism of the person. And Shareef has not even had 100th of the criticism Webber had here and maybe slightly higher percent compared to the criticism Bibby has received here. And most of us love(ed) them both.

EDIT: OMG! Peja's manhood was questioned? ;)
VF21 said:

You're kidding, right? Question his manhood? Brick has said almost exactly the same thing about Peja in the past, and I didn't see you stepping up and complaining then.

This is silly. If you think Brick is being a bully, you should hear what some of the players say to each other. No wait, you'd better not. It's not always complimentary to their "manhood" or anything else.

SAR is our best shot at power forward. As the PF for the Sacramento Kings, who are hopefully heading into the playoffs, he's gonna have to get down and dirty and grab some bleeping boards. If that's an offense to his manhood, I'm very sorry...
You don't have a very long memory when it comes to me defending Kings players from peurile/baseless/idiot assaults if you think this hasn't been an issue in the past. I was there during pinkie-gate, man. I was there.
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