Ron Artest Trade Candidates:::



I've pretty much read everything about this trade in all the threads we have about it... I've held back from posting... I've read all the BS about him being a headcase and that some of you wouldn't trade a thong wearing little pansy girl by the name of peja stojakovic for RON ARTEST!!??... But now I'm pretty fed up and need to post something.... We need his toughness... We need his intensity... We need his passion.... But no, some of you would rather have us play a guy with zero passion, zero intensity, and with minimal defense than have ron artest..... Please.... Some of you wouldn't even want allen iverson on this team.... You would rather watch a non star team that plays like a bunch of pansies with zero passion and heart and intensity than guys that bring it everyday(AI, artest).


Hall of Famer
Bodiroga4C said:
Peja Stojakovic - He would definitely help our offense, and Jack and Granger could help make up for him defensively. A Ronnie for Peja trade might work straight up. I think it does work money-wise.
Yeah no news here but the history is that Indy is NOT that in love with the 3 point 3 quarter wunder Kid so don't lay short money on it.

Rashard Lewis - Seattle is going nowhere. A Jeff Foster/Ron Artest for Danny Fortson/Rashard Lewis trade could be a possibility. It would make them a much more balanced team and make us more of a running team. This may be one of the only ways to get a player of close to Ronnie's value.
Again if you really want to see Fortson and Artest on the same team just go to the zoo and throw a side of beef to the jackels... same result.

Steve Francis - Scot Pollard and Ron Artest for him works straight up. Add in Tinsley and Turkoglu and it might make some sense for both teams. Franchise-Freddie-Jack-J.O.-Foster with Sarunas, Grange, Cro, Harrison and A.J. on the bench would be pretty sick. We could run like crazy. Orlando would be better, too. Jamaal-Ronnie-Hill-Howard-Battie with Cato, Stevenson, Pollard, Nelson and Garrity on the bench.
Not going to happen. Owners, coach and fans all love the guy for what ever reason. He is not going anywhere unlessit's for a serious stable sure thing. If the team needs to trade for defense it will NOT come at the expense of the best player on the team and the floor general.

Jason Richardson - Chris Mullin is a New York and St. John's guy, maybe he could relate to him. California would be great for Ron's career. He would get a ton of shots in that offense. Ronnie and Baron played AAU together I believe. I imagine that they have a good relationship. Richardson could be a natural fit for us.
Now you have a more reasonable scenario here. Warriors can spare the loss to offense and could use the help on D, but again Mullin has always been a very level headed guy and so far seems risk avoidant.

Lamar Odom - Ron Artest, Jamal Tinsley and Scot Pollard for Lamar Odom, Andrew Bynum and Devean George works financially, I think. Could make sense for both teams as well. Jack could pick up the scoring slack, and Bynum could be a monster in the long run, especially the way we mold high schoolers. George could play if needed and comes off the books next year. L.A. wouldn't even flinch.
LOL I'd PAY to see Artest and the Kobester try to CO-Exist. If you think Shaq and Kobe had problems! and my god the LAST place Artest needs to be is in a soap oper sceanrio like LA. Could happen but it will probably convince PJ to retire mid-season.
AK-47 - Sending Ron to Utah would be classic. Won't happen.
Funnier still. The sad thing is that if Artest were coachable the guy that could probably bring out the best game in him is Sloan, AND Sloan would embrace Artests unorthadox physical moves, but alass the first time Artest pissed him off Sloan would probably be the first coach ever baned from the NBA for asaulting one of his own players.

Stephon Marbury - Could very well happen. Larry could coach Ronnie and Isiah is like a father to him. NY would love to have him. He's would replace Starbury as NY's favorite son. His bad boy image would be embraced. Plus, he wants to go there. Pollard, Tinsley and Ronnie for Marbury and a #1 could be a potential deal. Marbury-Freddie-Jack-J.O.-Foster would be similar to the Francis squad, a run-n-gun team with inside presence.
I think this is what Ron Wants and who knows things in NY are so far off the skids and beyond reason anything can happen, won't help NY and Marbury might actually be a biger poision in Indy than any of the other teams he left like a fart in a phone booth.

Richard Jefferson - Artest and Harrison for Jefferson shoud work financially speaking. They both want out, good riddance. We get a damn good 3 in return. They get the stopper that they need next to V.C. and a good center as well.
Perhaps the one sceanrio where Ronie might pull a Jim Jackson and just refuse to show up.

Zach Randolph - Could he come back to his home state? Doubtful. Would Paul Allen really want to take on another trouble maker? Maybe if we took Zach and troublemaker Ruben Patterson (who can still d-up) for Pollard and Ronnie. I really wouldn't mind that deal. We'd be beastly inside, and Jack, Freddie and Granger could fill Ron's shoes together. Actually, Nate would be a good coach for him. He would be the man on that team too. This might actually be a possibility. The Wallace boys wouldn't know what to do.
The man was BORN to play in Portland and lets face it Zach is actually too nice a guy for the team anyway. Not sure how Portland gets much better but the do get different and meaner.

Antawn Jamison - Like other guys on this list his contract might be too big for the Simon's to swallow. We'll see.
Long shot at best. Realistically from Bird's point of view is Antawn an improvement over even a pissed off Arteset who is sort of like the boy who screamed wolf in this soap opera anyway.
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Hall of Famer
I've pretty much read everything about this trade in all the threads we have about it... I've held back from posting... I've read all the BS about him being a headcase and that some of you wouldn't trade a thong wearing little pansy girl by the name of peja stojakovic for RON ARTEST!!??... But now I'm pretty fed up and need to post something.... We need his toughness... We need his intensity... We need his passion.... But no, some of you would rather have us play a guy with zero passion, zero intensity, and with minimal defense than have ron artest..... Please.... Some of you wouldn't even want allen iverson on this team.... You would rather watch a non star team that plays like a bunch of pansies with zero passion and heart and intensity than guys that bring it everyday(AI, artest).
I want a player I can identify with on and of the court. Kings are still a very classy franchise.

I don't want to player that You can't count on

I don't want to player that can go "Ron Artest" at any given night.

I don't want the player who will stab the franchize in the back after supporting him trough whole suspension thing.

I don't want the player that has 0 loyalty towards the team and the coach.

I don;t want the player that can't "spell" a simple word like a "team"

There are other reasons but this is a family site so ...
nbrans said:
Hey Foretaz, would you rather have Al Harrington or Peja? Neither? If the answer is Harrington, what about this deal:

Sac sends Kenny Thomas, 1st Round Pick to Atlanta; Francisco Garcia to Indiana

Indiana sends Ron Artest to Sacramento, Eddie Gill to Atlanta

Atlanta sends Al Harrington to Indiana

New Kings:
Bibby, Artest, Peja, SAR, Miller
Bench: Hart, Bonzi, Martin, Skinner, Corliss
well, honestly....i dont want either...and in some of the other places i dwell ive been pretty vocal about not wanting either one...

i suppose if i had to pick it would be harrington....though there are major problems with this scenario as hes best buds with JO...and it most likely would create some problems down the road...

i also dont like garcia...but i realize if they did a deal with sac it would have to be garcia or a ur scenario id rather have the pick than garcia...but atlanta wouldnt want garcia either, so....

prior to the draft, garcia was liked by ALOT of pacer fans....i wsnt one of them...and ive watched him play quite a bit this season...and he does some things pretty well, but i am absolutely flabbergasted by his shot selection...every game i watch i shake my head in disbelief....i will actually say out loud, "how does he have the balls to shoot that shot"...and i cant believe it continues...which i believe is a small part of the problem in sactown...

when the draft came and sac picked him it was kinda ironic to me....that a team i keep pretty close track of drafted him, therefore i would get a chance to see if i was right or wrong on my wishes that he not go to the pacers....

and btw, i dont think atlanta would take kt's contract, but what do i know....
I've pretty much read everything about this trade in all the threads we have about it... I've held back from posting... I've read all the BS about him being a headcase and that some of you wouldn't trade a thong wearing little pansy girl by the name of peja stojakovic for RON ARTEST!!??... But now I'm pretty fed up and need to post something.... We need his toughness... We need his intensity... We need his passion.... But no, some of you would rather have us play a guy with zero passion, zero intensity, and with minimal defense than have ron artest..... Please.... Some of you wouldn't even want allen iverson on this team.... You would rather watch a non star team that plays like a bunch of pansies with zero passion and heart and intensity than guys that bring it everyday(AI, artest).
Hey who says that people who do not want Artest do not want players who have passion. Oh please :rolleyes: get off your high horse.


Hall of Famer
piksi said:
I want a player I can identify with on and of the court. Kings are still a very classy franchise.

I don't want to player that You can't count on

I don't want to player that can go "Ron Artest" at any given night.

I don't want the player who will stab the franchize in the back after supporting him trough whole suspension thing.

I don't want the player that has 0 loyalty towards the team and the coach.

I don;t want the player that can't "spell" a simple word like a "team"

There are other reasons but this is a family site so ...
Does this mean you don't wnat Toney Massenburg back either?


Hall of Famer
HndsmCelt said:
Does this mean you don't wnat Toney Massenburg back either?
Actually, I would make an exception just for one game against Sonics and let him guard DFF for one night. Other than that - who is Tony Massenburg ?
nbrans said:
A guy can dream...
yea i know...i almost hate typing that...because i know it sends shivers up everyones spine here...

trust me...i know exactly the feeling...weve had cro for 5 years of his 7 year deal now...its eerily familiar....

a contract that noone will take, period...up until this season i had the same dreams...finally i can see the light at the end of the tunnel and its not so bad...and hes been playing pretty well that helps....

so i would just tell u guys to buckle in and try to make it to the last two years...then its downhill from there...
i know u despise artest, but lemme take a shot....

I want a player I can identify with on and of the court. Kings are still a very classy franchise.
ron is one of the players fans identify most with...thats why hes been so well liked by most of the fans...and im speaking from an indy fan public hes as down to earth as a player can be...he will talk to u...and if u didnt know, u would never guess he was a million dollar bb player...he is the opposite of the professional basketball player stereotype....ron is most comfortable when hes just mixing in with normal people and is most uncomfortable when hes treated as the special ballplayer

rons family is incredibly important to him...hes more of a family guy than than the vast majority of the population-let alone basketball players..

I don't want to player that You can't count on
hmmmm....theres not a player in the league u can count on to play hard and put forth maximum effort nite in and nite out more than ron artest...he truly has a warrior mentality....he knows only one speed-full speed...noone works out harder off the floor...noone is more concerned about being able to perform so that others appreciate what he has done...

I don't want to player that can go "Ron Artest" at any given night.
actually, thats not what u mean...u mean u dont want a guy who will go in the stands....ron artest will never do anything like that again...u dont understand why? its simple, the thing that ron brings is a mentality...a mentality that once he sets his mind to it, hes gonna make it happen...if he decides ur not scoring, ur not scoring...if he decides hes taking it to the hole, hes taking it to the hole...ron artest has decided hes never doing anything like that again....better late than never? who knows...probably not...but the pacers paid that toll...and others wont have to worry...

pat riley said he would like 5 ron artests...and theres a reason for that...u do want him to go ron artest....because that guy is a force that really has no equal on the basketball court..
I don't want the player who will stab the franchize in the back after supporting him trough whole suspension thing.
trust me, this is hard....but as i said, it wont happen again, so u wont have to worry about that part...has he done it to the pacers? yup...and there are some very extenuating circumstances....donnie walsh said today hes not mad...not at all...he was a bit, but after talking to ron he understands...

ron is a great guy...he makes mistakes...and they are magnified...but his intentions are never malicious....or usually selfish....and believe it or not, this whole thing isnt as selfishly motivated as most would llead u to believe...

I don't want the player that has 0 loyalty towards the team and the coach.
sometimes we all make unpopular decisions...that we feel we have to make...ron is loyal to a fault most of the time...i could try to explain, but u probably wouldnt understand....just know, that in most circumstances, ron will do whatever he is asked for his team to win, no matter what u might think...

I don;t want the player that can't "spell" a simple word like a "team"
u would be hardpressed to find a guy who cares more about his team and his teammates....ive said it before...u cant put a lot of credence in what ron says...because he doesnt express himself very well at all....if u spend alot of time listening to him, u figure that out....he can give the wrong impression very easily....hes not comfortable speaking publicly...

There are other reasons but this is a family site so
such bitterness, and yet im the fan of the team that hes leaving and has stuck it to....go figure..


If dennis rodman was around 10 years ago and he was available and we were in the same position we are in right now with one of our biggest wholes being rebounds, I bet some of you STILL wouldn't want him on your team either, right? Cause guys that bring what is needed for championships, although may be headcases, are not wanted on the sacramento kings.... We want nice players that will never take us no where....

I've never ever had my team miss the playoffs and I'm not about to witness them let one of the primier players in the league slipp becuase were afraid of him going "artest" on us....
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I think people think that Artest has good trade value, besides the contract and all. I bet deals won't be rolling in. And if they do, they'll suck for Indiana.

Like I said, I can see Peja as the most likely candidate. Indiana could use the salary dump.
I don't think Ron will go psycho again. Apparently he's a really nice guy in real life, yeah his decision making is kind of bad but oh well. I watched a few interviews with him and he just seems like a regular guy. Maybe he wants off the pacers because he feels guilty he ruined their season? Maybe he feels awkward around his teammates and coach now? I don't know, he doesn't seem to want to talk about it. There are decisions WE ALL make that we don't wanto to talk about, because it's personal for us and/or we don't think other people will understand. This must just be another one of those decisions for Ron. And if he is traded here, I'll welcome him with open arms-if he's not then oh well and too bad.
Artest is the TO of the NBA. Is there anyone else who can bite the hand that feeds him and show so much ingratitude after the Pacers stood by him after all the garbage he put them through in past year?

Send the poison Artest pill to a team to make them fail. I say send him to the Lakers. Seeing that head job go up against the Laker's own head job, Kobe would make sports news for the rest of the season. :)
I may not be the one you quoted but I will reply
I want a player I can identify with on and of the court. Kings are still a very classy franchise.
ron is one of the players fans identify most with...thats why hes been so well liked by most of the fans...and im speaking from an indy fan public hes as down to earth as a player can be...he will talk to u...and if u didnt know, u would never guess he was a million dollar bb player...he is the opposite of the professional basketball player stereotype....ron is most comfortable when hes just mixing in with normal people and is most uncomfortable when hes treated as the special ballplayer

rons family is incredibly important to him...hes more of a family guy than than the vast majority of the population-let alone basketball players..
Some fans might but the majority of around the NBA will give you a different answer. Also if the players have a hard time dealing with his personality then how can the fans. Just ask J.O. what he really thinks of Artest.

I don't want to player that You can't count on
hmmmm....theres not a player in the league u can count on to play hard and put forth maximum effort nite in and nite out more than ron artest...he truly has a warrior mentality....he knows only one speed-full speed...noone works out harder off the floor...noone is more concerned about being able to perform so that others appreciate what he has done...
It sure does not look like he coudl be counted the last two or even three years in Indiana. Look at all of hassle he has brought to the Pacers. Ask yourself why did the Pacers wanted to trade him last year even the before the Brawl at the Palace. It is not because his is lacking any talent. It is his mental state. That is why he can not be counted on.
I don't want to player that can go "Ron Artest" at any given night.
actually, thats not what u mean...u mean u dont want a guy who will go in the stands....ron artest will never do anything like that again...u dont understand why? its simple, the thing that ron brings is a mentality...a mentality that once he sets his mind to it, hes gonna make it happen...if he decides ur not scoring, ur not scoring...if he decides hes taking it to the hole, hes taking it to the hole...ron artest has decided hes never doing anything like that again....better late than never? who knows...probably not...but the pacers paid that toll...and others wont have to worry...

pat riley said he would like 5 ron artests...and theres a reason for that...u do want him to go ron artest....because that guy is a force that really has no equal on the basketball court..
What makes you say that he not will do something that would detramental to the team like he has through out his career. Like I said it is not his talent that is the problem it is himself

I don't want the player who will stab the franchize in the back after supporting him trough whole suspension thing.
trust me, this is hard....but as i said, it wont happen again, so u wont have to worry about that part...has he done it to the pacers? yup...and there are some very extenuating circumstances....donnie walsh said today hes not mad...not at all...he was a bit, but after talking to ron he understands...

ron is a great guy...he makes mistakes...and they are magnified...but his intentions are never malicious....or usually selfish....and believe it or not, this whole thing isnt as selfishly motivated as most would llead u to believe...
What else is Donnie going to say. Of course he is trying to put a positive spin on this situation because this mess is effecting the teams trading position. How is Ron selfish when he is says he want to quit the team to promote his truewarriors label. What is that if not selfish.

I don't want the player that has 0 loyalty towards the team and the coach.
sometimes we all make unpopular decisions...that we feel we have to make...ron is loyal to a fault most of the time...i could try to explain, but u probably wouldnt understand....just know, that in most circumstances, ron will do whatever he is asked for his team to win, no matter what u might think...
Everyone of Ron's mistakes have costed the Pacer's franchise and players. His actions to date have not shown his loyality to the team. Would a loyal person undermind the team and franchice that he is loyal too.
Bodiroga4C said:
Peja Stojakovic - He would definitely help our offense, and Jack and Granger could help make up for him defensively. A Ronnie for Peja trade might work straight up. I think it does work money-wise.
Only if it's the best deal on the table, and if the Pacers feel they'd probably like to resign him.

Bodiroga4C said:
Rashard Lewis - Seattle is going nowhere. A Jeff Foster/Ron Artest for Danny Fortson/Rashard Lewis trade could be a possibility. It would make them a much more balanced team and make us more of a running team. This may be one of the only ways to get a player of close to Ronnie's value.
I can't see Howard Schultz pulling the trigger on this. Plus, Ray Allen is one of the most finicky superstars in the league. I don't think you want to rock his boat. I know that's an indictment of Ray Allen's toughness, but they've hitched the franchise to him.

Bodiroga4C said:
Steve Francis - Scot Pollard and Ron Artest for him works straight up. Add in Tinsley and Turkoglu and it might make some sense for both teams. Franchise-Freddie-Jack-J.O.-Foster with Sarunas, Grange, Cro, Harrison and A.J. on the bench would be pretty sick. We could run like crazy. Orlando would be better, too. Jamaal-Ronnie-Hill-Howard-Battie with Cato, Stevenson, Pollard, Nelson and Garrity on the bench.
Good trade for the Pacers. I mostly agree with the analysis above. However, no way does Orlando let a guy like Ron anywhere near a VERY young Dwight Howard. Howard is the next great big man, and they're not going to allow his development to be derailed for anything.

Bodiroga4C said:
Jason Richardson - Chris Mullin is a New York and St. John's guy, maybe he could relate to him. California would be great for Ron's career. He would get a ton of shots in that offense. Ronnie and Baron played AAU together I believe. I imagine that they have a good relationship. Richardson could be a natural fit for us.
Eh, I gotta go with the "if it ain't broke" cliche here. Good young nucleus of talent. Why start shipping out pieces now? If the Warriors bow out of the first round a couple years in a row, OK, get some fresh faces. But Mullin is too crafty to tinker right now.

Bodiroga4C said:
Lamar Odom - Ron Artest, Jamal Tinsley and Scot Pollard for Lamar Odom, Andrew Bynum and Devean George works financially, I think. Could make sense for both teams as well. Jack could pick up the scoring slack, and Bynum could be a monster in the long run, especially the way we mold high schoolers. George could play if needed and comes off the books next year. L.A. wouldn't even flinch.
NO WAY. The Lakers will NOT be including Bynum in this deal, or any deal really. They're very high on the kid. The Odom thing makes some sense, and Ron could be the Pippen to Kobe's MJ, but the deal as stated above will never happen.

Bodiroga4C said:
AK-47 - Sending Ron to Utah would be classic. Won't happen.
Larry Miller will not be acquiring a player with Ron's past. Then again, I'm still a little surprised he was on the recieving end of the Boozer fiasco, so there's that.

Bodiroga4C said:
Stephon Marbury - Could very well happen. Larry could coach Ronnie and Isiah is like a father to him. NY would love to have him. He's would replace Starbury as NY's favorite son. His bad boy image would be embraced. Plus, he wants to go there. Pollard, Tinsley and Ronnie for Marbury and a #1 could be a potential deal. Marbury-Freddie-Jack-J.O.-Foster would be similar to the Francis squad, a run-n-gun team with inside presence.
I can't see Indiana doing this. Why bail out a rival? Why intentionally ruin your team? Has trading for Marbury ever worked out for anybody?

Bodiroga4C said:
Richard Jefferson - Artest and Harrison for Jefferson shoud work financially speaking. They both want out, good riddance. We get a damn good 3 in return. They get the stopper that they need next to V.C. and a good center as well.
This makes the most sense. While Jefferson is nowhere near as intense, he brings alot of the same things to the table as Ron; rebounding, defense, ability to score. The Nets could use some of that intensity, especially to counteract all that BS posturing Carter does throughout a game. Then again, this move could send Carter into the tank. Carter is a guy who likes to think he's the alpha dog, despite the fact that he's clearly not, and reacts immaturely when faced with evidence to the contrary. Is there any ceiling to what Ron's reaction could be when Carter falls on the floor and starts crying again?

Bodiroga4C said:
Zach Randolph - Could he come back to his home state? Doubtful. Would Paul Allen really want to take on another trouble maker? Maybe if we took Zach and troublemaker Ruben Patterson (who can still d-up) for Pollard and Ronnie. I really wouldn't mind that deal. We'd be beastly inside, and Jack, Freddie and Granger could fill Ron's shoes together. Actually, Nate would be a good coach for him. He would be the man on that team too. This might actually be a possibility. The Wallace boys wouldn't know what to do.
This is just silly.

Bodiroga4C said:
Antawn Jamison - Like other guys on this list his contract might be too big for the Simon's to swallow. We'll see.
Why would the Wizards do this? They just got popular again after about a decade, so they ship out their star for a guy with the worst repuation in the league?

All in all, I think it's between Jefferson, Odom, and Peja, in that order. If Thorn gets cold feet, or Walsh plays hardball with LA and ticks them off, I think we could luck out and get Ron.


Hall of Famer
foretaz said:
i know u despise artest, but lemme take a shot....

ron is one of the players fans identify most with...thats why hes been so well liked by most of the fans...and im speaking from an indy fan public hes as down to earth as a player can be...he will talk to u...and if u didnt know, u would never guess he was a million dollar bb player...he is the opposite of the professional basketball player stereotype....ron is most comfortable when hes just mixing in with normal people and is most uncomfortable when hes treated as the special ballplayer

rons family is incredibly important to him...hes more of a family guy than than the vast majority of the population-let alone basketball players..

hmmmm....theres not a player in the league u can count on to play hard and put forth maximum effort nite in and nite out more than ron artest...he truly has a warrior mentality....he knows only one speed-full speed...noone works out harder off the floor...noone is more concerned about being able to perform so that others appreciate what he has done...

actually, thats not what u mean...u mean u dont want a guy who will go in the stands....ron artest will never do anything like that again...u dont understand why? its simple, the thing that ron brings is a mentality...a mentality that once he sets his mind to it, hes gonna make it happen...if he decides ur not scoring, ur not scoring...if he decides hes taking it to the hole, hes taking it to the hole...ron artest has decided hes never doing anything like that again....better late than never? who knows...probably not...but the pacers paid that toll...and others wont have to worry...

pat riley said he would like 5 ron artests...and theres a reason for that...u do want him to go ron artest....because that guy is a force that really has no equal on the basketball court..

trust me, this is hard....but as i said, it wont happen again, so u wont have to worry about that part...has he done it to the pacers? yup...and there are some very extenuating circumstances....donnie walsh said today hes not mad...not at all...he was a bit, but after talking to ron he understands...

ron is a great guy...he makes mistakes...and they are magnified...but his intentions are never malicious....or usually selfish....and believe it or not, this whole thing isnt as selfishly motivated as most would llead u to believe...

sometimes we all make unpopular decisions...that we feel we have to make...ron is loyal to a fault most of the time...i could try to explain, but u probably wouldnt understand....just know, that in most circumstances, ron will do whatever he is asked for his team to win, no matter what u might think...

u would be hardpressed to find a guy who cares more about his team and his teammates....ive said it before...u cant put a lot of credence in what ron says...because he doesnt express himself very well at all....if u spend alot of time listening to him, u figure that out....he can give the wrong impression very easily....hes not comfortable speaking publicly...

such bitterness, and yet im the fan of the team that hes leaving and has stuck it to....go figure..
Well, why don't You just keep him ?

Your whole post sounds just like a "used car dealer" story. Or a polititian talk. Again - just keep him since he is all that You describe him to be. Just forgive him everything, kiss and make up and move on.
Kings have way too many problems. Becoming "the pacers" is not another one that we need.
piksi said:
Well, why don't You just keep him ?

Your whole post sounds just like a "used car dealer" story. Or a polititian talk. Again - just keep him since he is all that You describe him to be. Just forgive him everything, kiss and make up and move on.
Kings have way too many problems. Becoming "the pacers" is not another one that we need.
lol...u dont get it...

if i had my way we would....
piksi said:
Well, why don't You just keep him ?
Bingo! There is no question about Artest's talent. So obviously the downside is huge, if it outweighs having someone that talented on your team. Fans may love him, but its clear the Pacers organization, the coach and a good number of his teammates do not want this guy around anymore.
kennadog said:
Bingo! There is no question about Artest's talent. So obviously the downside is huge, if it outweighs having someone that talented on your team. Fans may love him, but its clear the Pacers organization, the coach and a good number of his teammates do not want this guy around anymore.

u been in a cave?....

artest wants to leave...the pacers are trading him because he has said he simply cant stay...

if the pacers had their druthers, he wouldve been a pacer for a very long time...

he even said, the reason he didnt go to walsh before going public is because he knew donnie would try to talk him out of it...


Hall of Famer
foretaz said:
.the pacers are trading him because he has said he simply cant stay...
say what ?

he simply could not stay. very professional. Maybe if You guys bought more of his CDs or some of the new clothes - he would have stayed.

Maybe his mom put him on a curfew and so he simply can't stay:rolleyes:.

What happens if he simply can't stay in Sacramento ? Oh yeah - that wouldn't be Your problem anymore - would it now ?
foretaz said:

u been in a cave?....
Uh, no. I know exactly what's going on. But just because a player says he wants to go, doesn't mean a team has to say "Uh, okay, no problem." In fact, plenty of teams would say, "so what."
kennadog said:
Uh, no. I know exactly what's going on. But just because a player says he wants to go, doesn't mean a team has to say "Uh, okay, no problem." In fact, plenty of teams would say, "so what."
u obviously havent seen some of the interviews hes done....
piksi said:
say what ?

he simply could not stay. very professional. Maybe if You guys bought more of his CDs or some of the new clothes - he would have stayed.

Maybe his mom put him on a curfew and so he simply can't stay:rolleyes:.

What happens if he simply can't stay in Sacramento ? Oh yeah - that wouldn't be Your problem anymore - would it now ?
lol...dude...what is ur problem....
I can't see the Pacers trading Artest to the Nets for RJ. Nets being one of their biggest rivals over the last 3 years, and in the same conference of course. Also RJ's huge contract until 010-011 spanning 10-15 million.
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foretaz said:
u obviously havent seen some of the interviews hes done....
Oh, I've seen some and I've certainly read some. And it has a lot to do with why I don't want him on our team. You are more than welcome to keep him. Try and convince the Pacers how valuable he is and why they shouldn't give him up.
kennadog said:
Oh, I've seen some and I've certainly read some. And it has a lot to do with why I don't want him on our team. You are more than welcome to keep him. Try and convince the Pacers how valuable he is and why they shouldn't give him up.
wish i could....i wouldve fired rick and traded jack before trading artest...but alas, when he did what he did he made all of that impossible...

he took it past the point of no return....even i realize that...not sure how a couple of u cant...

and i really dont understand ur apparent beef with me...