Ricky Rubio WILL be the best passer in the league, sooner then you think too.

What he showed today is simply speciel.

He just put on a passing clinic. i'd say he's an elite NBA passer right off the bat.

I watched him in Europe aswell and knew what he can do - but i'm still suprised.. you just can't teach his vision/playmaking.

Minni got a real baller on thier hands.


Super Moderator Emeritus
What he showed today is simply speciel.

He just put on a passing clinic. i'd say he's an elite NBA passer right off the bat.

I watched him in Europe aswell and knew what he can do - but i'm still suprised.. you just can't teach his vision/playmaking.

Minni got a real baller on thier hands.
I'm not ready to hand him the Rookie of the Year title quite yet. Let's see how he stands up against some of the tough defenders in the league first, shall we? I don't think he's tough enough to go the distance.
No one talked about Rookie of the Year, i'm talking about his passing/playmaking ability.

His statline today btw was : 6 points, 6 reb, 7 assists, 2 steals and 1 turnover in 24 minutes.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Dude, no offense but you positively gushed about him. I guess I flashed back to the Rubio frenzy from before. It wasn't pretty. It was a lot like being the only grown-up at a Justin Bieber concert.
None taken man. He has his flaws no doubt about it.

But his passing - this kid right there is simply speciel, theres no other way around it... one of the best passing prospect in a long time - and i'm not a Ricky homer or anything, I didn't want us to pick him up back in the day aswell.

If Adelman is smart though he'll let this kid more and more controll of the team. consistensy is a major issue ofcourse - but he has "it" running a team, he just made everything click when he was on the floor in a way you don't see many players let alone rookies do.


Super Moderator Emeritus
None taken man. He has his flaws no doubt about it.

But his passing - this kid right there is simply speciel, theres no other way around it... one of the best passing prospect in a long time - and i'm not a Ricky homer or anything, I didn't want us to pick him up back in the day aswell.

If Adelman is smart though he'll let this kid more and more controll of the team. consistensy is a major issue ofcourse - but he has "it" running a team, he just made everything click when he was on the floor in a way you don't see many players let alone rookies do.
I won't argue his talent. I loved watching him in the Olympics. I'm just not sure how well he'll transition into the NBA. And, unfortunately, as much as I respect Rick Adelman, I'm not sure he'll be the right coach to get the most out of Rubio. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I wish them well.
Inclined to agree with the OP. Ricky might not ever be a great player, but his passing and vision are excellent. The Wolves are going to be a good team this year, very exciting to watch. He makes sure everyone gets involved and there's no doubt he'll help their on-court chemistry. I thought his first game was impressive, showed he has no problems contributing.

There's a middleground to be found. No one wants to go back to the old days of man-love for him, but I don't see how anyone can dislike him. Despite his physical stature, he's pretty tough. Plays the passing lanes well too. He's not going to set the league alight yet, but I expect a pretty solid rookie season for him. Although this seems like it should be in a general NBA thread!

PS. It's great to see you back posting VF!
Oh yeah his court vision is terrific and he is an elite passer; but he can get bogged down in a static offense. If the wolves keep their men moving they'll see the best of Rubio; if not he'll appear to be a dud.
Twolves should be fun to watch. I always will root for an Adelman coached team to do well. I saw the highlights also and Rubio looked pretty darn good. Saw him do a tasty behind the back pass for an assist, nice:)

I won't argue his talent. I loved watching him in the Olympics. I'm just not sure how well he'll transition into the NBA. And, unfortunately, as much as I respect Rick Adelman, I'm not sure he'll be the right coach to get the most out of Rubio. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I wish them well.
If he has a problem transitioning to the NBA, it has to do with facing better defenders, it'll have nothing to do with the rules or style of play.
If he has a problem transitioning to the NBA, it has to do with facing better defenders, it'll have nothing to do with the rules or style of play.

Better athletes is what you really mean. Nor should it make too much of a difference because he's not a scorer. Besides, hand checking is allowed in Europe which isn't the case in the NBA, where there also happens to be more space.
He seemed to be active both sides though, I mean defensively he looked like he can take care of himself.

He way over gambeled on the passing lanes for steals, but i'm sure he'll cut that out soon and learn to adjust - but he just in general is very active and in the game both sides of the floor.

Don't think he's gonna struggle defensively - think he'll be a pretty good NBA PG defender - and offensively it's just a question of him making shots, as in penetrating he is alright and very crafty.
Let's not talk about their rookie, let's talk about ours - Fredette, also Thomas. I like what I see but I haven't seen much at all, not even one NBA game. It will be an interesting season.
He wasn't spectacular in his first game last night, but had a solid game and made some very pretty passes:

Apologies in advance for the silly title and man-crush type editing.
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Let's not talk about their rookie, let's talk about ours - Fredette, also Thomas. I like what I see but I haven't seen much at all, not even one NBA game. It will be an interesting season.
Uh, this is the NBA section of the forums not the Kings.

Small note, if Rubio does get rookie of the year it will be the 3rd in a row from the 2009 draft class !!

Adleman is the perfect coach for Rubio. Lots of motion in the offense for him to find the open man.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Yeah, you can't teach what he has there. The vision and innate knowledge of when and how to throw a pass to get it home. But that has been the part that we knew about. The rest of the stuff will determine how he does in the league, and I obviously have to see more.
Against the Bucks, they had Ridnour and Rubio together, but with Ridnour handling. It was really strange. I am not sure what the Wolves are going to do with Ridnour, but he's just sort of in the way. It turned into Ridnour and Love looking for their shots, which lead to a bunch of turnovers and Rubio standing in the corner three spot like he was Michael Redd.
Keep saying that to yourself when Rubio is doing passes off of his elbows and missing open jumpers.
Maybe you should watch him first. He isn't all the flash tof JWill. Rubio won't be doing off his elbow or pull up 3 pointers on the break. He will bounce pass and zip them around or by people while their heads are turned. He runs an offense right now. He's not a great shooter but his form is good. He takes open looks not crazy bad shots. He can rebound and he can defend.
Yeah, the Williams comparison is very lazy. Only used because both are spectacular passers and both are white. It's predictible, and not very accurate or informed.

Not saying he'll ever be great, but Rubio's IQ is much higher than J-Will's. I have much more faith in him running a team than Williams. Furthermore, he's a much better passer.

Unfortunately, when it comes to discussing Rubio, the reasoned view of him is usually overshadowed by two other groups: The annoyed Americans, who irrationally dislike him and want him to fail, and thus declare him a bust; and the overzealous Europeans, who think he'll be a superstar, which obviously is no more accurate than the first group.

That's obviously a blanket statement and won't apply to everyone, but it's a shame that many seem to have lost all objectivity when it comes to him.
Rubio just had 12 points, 12 assists, 6 rebounds and a steal against the Heat, in 30 minutes. Made both of his 3 point attempts.

Without a doubt one of the more exciting players to watch, which is impressive as it is not due to athleticism. He makes people better, and be brings excitement. Very happy I got to watch him prior to the NBA, and I'm glad I fought in his corner when people were declaring him a bust before he was even drafted. Obviously it's still early, but it's pretty obvious he's got a lot of talent.
Wolves almost got the Heat too. Wade saved them for the second game in the row, with one bad tire too (wasn't sure if he could play this game). Without him the last two games the Heat could have been 2-2 for the season.
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