Ricky Rubio WILL be the best passer in the league, sooner then you think too.


Hall of Famer
This is what I took out of it. If you put Rubio on a bad team, he can't make them a good team. But if you put him on a good team, he is the type of player that can put them over the edge.
I hadn't thought of it when I wrote the original note but he is saying that he wouldn't have helped the Kings if we had drafted him.
Ricky Rubio had 6 steals tonight, continuing his amazing, inexplicable defense. Although NBA.com has not updated, Rubio either leads the league in steals outright or is virtually tied with Mike Conley of the Grizz.
I didn't find that article interesting. =\ It's just a brief opinion on various aspects of his play, but those aspects need a lot more depth of exploration. For example, Rubio gives quicker guards a certain amount of space. This isn't just because he can't keep up with them, but because he understands his length. Versus Rose, he get beat or screened a few times, but recovered to the spot of Rose's shot attempt to challenge it. He's not that far off from being better than Nash at defense at this point. (Remember how Bibby abused Nash in the playoffs?) He defends differently that a guy like Conley, who is more able to stick to his man. Reke also uses length against opposing PGs. There's different ways to defend. Some great defenders are great ball deniers, while some are better man-to-man. Christie would do some tricks against opposing guards, but he wasn't strong enough to bully guys like Artest used to. Then you have guys like Bibby and Nash who get beat off the dribble and too easily give up.