
Bricklayer said:
Better fit? Nene I think. Better skills, but not the impact shotblocker that Swift can be.
and if we do land nene or swift, what would the roatation be? brad back at the 4 or keep him at the 5?

i've heard a lot of fans here talk about these two guys possibly coming, and i'm not sure yet if i'm on board.

nene should get his last name back, and lord help me if i have to see swift do that bird thing with his hands a whole season...


Are people forgetting that him and mike bibby DONT GET ALONG?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? this wouldnt work...i was amazed to see that he's even coming to sac to visit...
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Hmm... I seem to remember hearing this before.

And even if they didn't get along, they were in VANCOUVER.

Edited to add story:

Kings Notes: Bibby, Abdur-Rahim deny Vancouver rift

By Martin McNeal -- Bee Staff Writer
Published 5:30 am PST Wednesday, February 20, 2002

The story has it, one of the reasons the Vancouver Grizzlies struggled in British Columbia, especially later on, was the inability of point guard Mike Bibby and small forward Shareef Abdur-Rahim to get along.

That story has been communicated across many lines, but Abdur-Rahim and Bibby consistently have refuted its accuracy.

Abdur-Rahim said during the All-Star break he has never had a problem with Bibby on or off the court.

"I've heard that before, and I don't know where that came from," said Abdur-Rahim, who like Bibby was traded from the Grizzlies during the offseason before the team moved to Memphis. "Mike and I got along fine. He's one of the few guys from that team that I still communicate with, him and Grant Long.

"I think when a team is losing, people are always going to look for reasons, and sometimes they are going to be wrong. That's the case in this situation. I tried to call Mike just a couple of days ago. Tell him I said hello, when you see him."

Bibby also had heard the reports of troubles between himself and Abdur-Rahim.

"Who said that?" Bibby asked. "Me and 'Reef never had any problems. Did you ask him? What did he say?"

When Bibby was told Abdur-Rahim had agreed with him, the Kings guard nodded. "I don't know why anyone would have said that," Bibby said. "It's true we both are competitors and neither one of us could stand losing. But that's about it."
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nbrans said:
I think I differ in philosophy from Bricklayer and Venom, and dare I say I have a bit more in common philosophically with Petrie. If you look back at past Kings teams, back before Webber's injury, the Kings were the second-best team in basketball, and had a real shot at the title. They were also one of the top defending teams a few years back, and Webber and Divac weren't exactly stalwarts. They didn't accomplsih these things with the traditional structure of having a superstar or two surrounded by role players, they did it by having complete players at every position.

I have to differ a bit with the idea that what the Kings need most is a role player at the 4. It works to have a role players when you're building around a star or two who will dominate the ball, ie, the San Antonio model. But the Kings don't have the luxury of a superstar, and they have to beat teams by being better than the other team at as many positions as possible. They've shown that the model works in the past, it almost won them a championship, and the offense depends on having capable offensive players at every position.

That's not to say that Abdur-Rahim is a complete player by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm not convinced that Stromile Swift is going to make the Kings much better. When you can pick up an All-Star, unless his name is Antoine Walker I think you have to go for it.
To me, the KINGS were the BEST team in basketball, no matter what happened.

As far as rahim goes, it will just be like many are saying, "not a big upgrade at pf". Were better off with nene, swift or hunter. Maybe gadzuric.


Super Moderator Emeritus
chelle said:
Why do people say that they did not get along? Just curious.
Because some fans seem to have a tendency to make very large mountains out of very small molehills.

Most times, with some very notable and obvious exceptions, those huge feuds are nothing more than "heat of the moment" disagreements that soon blow over and are forgotten - by everyone by fans and sports writers. The players themselves don't - for the most part - take that kind of stuff seriously.


Hall of Famer
y2kings said:
Are people forgetting that him and mike bibby DONT GET ALONG?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? this wouldnt work...i was amazed to see that he's even coming to sac to visit...
unless we trade Bibby
I think it's a little unfair to characterize Petrie as only valuing offense and not defense... in the past we've had a fair mix of both. Now, in rebuilding mode, we have most of our offensive pieces in place and we just have to hope Petrie is working on the defensive side of things.

The Christie acquisition was almost exclusively for defense. He became part of our core, despite a distinct scoring disability.

Bobby Jackson has always played great defense, though he's slipping lately.

In 2001, Williams-for-Bibby was considered a defensive upgrade, though it's hard to believe now.

Keon Clark in 2002 was primarily a shotblocker.

Webber could hang with any of the top PFs before the injuries started piling up. Holding Brand to 3 points, frustrating Duncan, blocking consecutive Garnett gamewinners. And Malone was vastly overmatched in the playoffs.

Vlade defended Shaq better than anyone in the league, which was all that mattered at the time.

If you consider that either Garcia or Evans can become a very good defender, all we really need is a tough big man (not Rahim, unless he's playing SF or coming off the bench), and we'll have a fairly balanced team.


Hall of Famer
Shareef may not be the idea of what I want out of the summer but....

you also have to have TALENT to win. Shareef is a talented player, without stating his flaws or strengths, he is simply a talented basketball player. If he was in a Kings uniform, which may or may not happen, I wouldn't bag the next decade.

Mike, Brad, Peja, and whoever else is on this team next year needs to work harder and play more as a team on defense. Bringing in one guy with the intention of solving our defensive woes would be sending the wrong message. In reality whoever becomes a King this offseason isn't going to bring us any closer to a championship unless the core is leading the way. Sure I would rather put some defensive minded "role" players with the core but the reality is that without greater effort from the Kings "new leaders" the situation is hopeless. What ever success this team has or is going to have begins and ends with these three individuals.
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Hall of Famer
Yoda said:
Then we know Petire has really lost it, and the lean years of this organization will be ushered back in..
Depends what we would get for him. There are better players than him out there
Hey he is at the top of the PF free agents list so if he signed with the Kings that would be great, and hey he did have his best seasons when he played with bibby. About the whole defense issue one guy isn't going to make us a great defensive team everybody on that Kings roster once training camp rolls around has to come in with the mindset that they are going to play better defense thats the only way I see them getting any better at it.
Yoda said:
Bottom line, Bibby will not (and should not) be traded.
If I am wrong I will gladly "eat crow".
Don't be so sure...I wouldn't be surprised a bit. The idea that the core of Bibby, Peja, and Miller is untouchable is just not realistic. I don't think anyone is safe.
D-Mass said:
Don't be so sure...I wouldn't be surprised a bit. The idea that the core of Bibby, Peja, and Miller is untouchable is just not realistic. I don't think anyone is safe.
I do not share the idea that those three are untouchable, I do however feel strongly as though Mike is and I am ready to take the hit if I am wrong.
D-Mass said:
Don't be so sure...I wouldn't be surprised a bit. The idea that the core of Bibby, Peja, and Miller is untouchable is just not realistic. I don't think anyone is safe.
well if we do get Shareef, i can see Stojakovic going to Chicago. Otherwise it's just way too much offense. I still want Hunter though, and Nocioni too.
for what it is worth. Monty on 1140 is saying he talked to Shareefs agent Goodwin and he told him the Kings are in serious talks to get Shareef. Most likely a sign and trade.
zeke04 said:
for what it is worth. Monty on 1140 is saying he talked to Shareefs agent Goodwin and he told him the Kings are in serious talks to get Shareef. Most likely a sign and trade.
Wow...IF that's true, I'll be pretty surprised. Not the direction I saw us going in. I trust, however, that this is all part of a master plan that we are only seeing a tiny fraction of.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
zeke04 said:
for what it is worth. Monty on 1140 is saying he talked to Shareefs agent Goodwin and he told him the Kings are in serious talks to get Shareef. Most likely a sign and trade.
Gotta love it! :rolleyes:

At the point I can predict all of our offseason moves just on the softy/shooter GM/owner profile I have been developing, is there any need to be paying Geoff big $$ anymore? Peja for the max anyone?

Now let's assume it happens. Depends a little on who/what got sent in the sign and trade, but that frontcourt is going to be AWFULLY crowded.
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Bricklayer said:
Gotta love it! :rolleyes:

At the point I can predict all of our offseason moves just on the softy/shooter GM/owner profile I have been developing, is there any need to be paying Geoff big $$ anymore? Peja for the max anyone?

Now let's assume it happens. Depends a little on who/what got sent in the sign and trade, but that frontcourt is going to be AWFULLY crowded.
While I doo not like Rahim in a long contract situation, trading Williamson would be ok for us. Trading Thomas means we are severely overpaying.