**PRAYER THREAD** (merged)


Homer Fan Since 1985
Prayers of Thanksgiving! I got the job at DMV. Things are a little confused because I was originally to start Monday, but a change of procedure requires that I first get an okay back on my fingerprints. So, instead of starting Monday, I go for fingerprinting and wait for the official new start day. I pray that it is no later that Wed or Thu. I would hate to have to wait a week after telling my other part time job not to schedule me.

The good news....it pays a bit more...I will be off my feet...I will get benefits (don't know details yet)...I will be getting full time hours (40).

Thank You, God!!!
My prayers too for Nancy and family.

Thank God 6th!! Hopefully it's just a day or two delay.
(Hmmm..should you be worried about the fingerprint check??) ;)


Homer Fan Since 1985
Prayers that Hurricane Rita (which has just been upgraded to a Category 5 Hurricane with winds of 165 mph) will downgrade and cause very little damage.

Prayers for everyone that could be affected by this very strong storm.
WOW..Congrats 6th! I'm praying that you can start your new job ASAP!! Also in my prayers are the people who's homes and families and friends are in the path of Hurricane Rita right now...Please god keep them safe, and watch over them..


Homer Fan Since 1985
I have been watching CNN and the wind and rain pounding the TX/LA coast. The eye of Hurricane Rita is still 40 miles from shore and the strongest eye wall (with 120 mph winds) will be coming ashore soon.

My prayers are with everyone there.
Well, praise that my cat Gracie seems to be okay after yet another episode of feline stupidity. In the past couple months, she has gotten into the habit of jumping up on the kitchen counter and eating anything that's up there. Food, paper towels, and dish towels. Yes, a dish towel. Came down Wednesday morning and the dish towel was on the ground with a few large, gaping holes in it. Gracie seemed just fine, though. Then Wednesday night she started vomiting like crazy. Almost all night I was up with this sick cat. I felt just like a parent up with a sick child!! Took her to the vet yesterday morning just to make sure that the towel was completely out of her. The vet couldn't believe it and was just laughing her head off. I had to explain to her just how stupid this cat is. I've got two cats-one smart, one stupid. The vet gave her an external exam and said it seemed like she was okay and to just keep an eye on her for the next few days to make sure. Prayers that she is indeed better and that this will not be a major medical situation!
^Poor Gracie, I hope she's ok. My cat's pretty smart, she can get out of a house with no open doors, windows or holes, one day I'll figure out how she does it!:confused:
hoopsfan said:
Prayers for Gracie.
I've got a cat that likes to chew cords...electrical cords. I think he's down to 7 lives now.
My other cat, Isabelle, likes to do that as well. She ruined two of my cordless phones because she chewed through the cord on the base. I solved that problem now by double-wrapping the cord in duct tape. Works like a charm!


Homer Fan Since 1985
LOL.....I hope silly Gracie is fine.

Update on my 2 nephews that I have asked you all to pray for......and please continue, btw.

The one that is in the Navy (Brian) recently contacted his wife that he (and his aircraft carrier....he is a pilot off one of those) was in Rome. I believe he is on the way to the Middle East, but he cannot, of course, tell us that.

My other nephew (Rob) just arrived, yesterday, in Afghanistan. He enjoyed the stop over at Ramstein (in Germany). He moved from one desert to another. He was stationed in Arizona before.

Continued prayers please for their safety.
6th-I will absolutely keep your military family members, my military family member, and ALL our soldiers and sailors in my prayers! It's a tough job, and they need those prayers.


Homer Fan Since 1985
New Prayer Thread

My nephew is getting married this Saturday in Bradenton, FL (on the Gulf Coast just south of Tampa). My mom, aunt, 5 of my 6 brothers and sisters (and their families) are flying or driving down for the wedding. Please, Please, Please keep all of them in your prayers as the latest storm builds and heads for the U.S.

Edit: The Storm (Wilma) is a tropical storm but is expected to build to a hurricane...possibly a major hurricane. The projected path is into the Gulf side of Florida, so to say that I am concerned is an understatement.
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Homer Fan Since 1985
loopymitch said:
Sure thing 6th, you're not going?
I kinda figured when I moved back to CA in May that I might not be able to go if I started a new job. Sure enough, my new job just started a couple of weeks ago, so I would not be able to get off work anyway.

Note: Tropical Storm Wilma is now Hurricane Wilma. :(
Prayers for my mother. She just lost her job today, and is just going through a very hard time all-around in her life. Pray that she turns to God in this difficult time and seeks his direction and guidance in her life, and that she realizes that hitting rock-bottom is really just a wake-up call.
^^ RD, I hope and pray that your mother can find the guidance and inspiration she needs to move forward. It isnt always easy to recognise that out of the ashes of disaster can grow the roses of success.

I keep those mentioned in thi sthread in my thoughts and prayers.
MY prayers for your mom RD.

I would like to thank God that while three of us went in to the hospital on backboards yesterday, that none of us were severely injured. I would like to thank him that we are all alive. :)