**PRAYER THREAD** (merged)

Pray for all of us here on the Gulf Coast. The hurricane is coming in tonight and tomorrow. It looks to be among the worst we have had in a long time. I am not as worried for me, as I am in Baton Rouge. I expect to be without power and slight damage. I am MOST concerned with my friends in New Orleans and the coast. Many are here and on the way. We will be crowded, but they should be safer here.
Pray for their homes to still be there when they return and for the safety of those not able/willing to find safer ground.
Also pray for safety as those evacuting as they travel.
No matter how many of these you go through, they are all scary.
Prayers for everyone in the hurricane's path chelle. I heard that several people were already killed in Florida and many homes and businesses have been lost already.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I saw that the Mayor of New Orleans has issued an evacuation order. My prayers for all, chelle, as well as their property.

Edit: I just saw where the hurricane now has winds of nearly 175 mph. I am leaving for church shortly and will ask that everyone pray for people's safety.
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My father got strong enough to get out of the wheel chair last week and has been walking. He even drove himself to town this week. I think that all of our prayers are being heard by the Lord and he in fact is helping our loved ones. My father still has cancer, but praise the Lord that he is in charge of his life again.

Thank you all. KF's power of prayer is awesome.

P.S. Prayers to all of those in Katrina's path.
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Great news rocco!

I've got some good news too...my friends husband, Charles (kidney cancer), had surgery yesterday. Besides being a larger tumor than first thought, the surgery went well. The doctors got all of the cancer and, of course, removed the one kidney. He needs no chemo or radiation..only has to go back in 6 months for testing.

Thanks to all in this thread for prayers and good thoughts.


Super Moderator Emeritus
There are times when this thread and the people who post in it remind of just how powerful prayer can be...

I'm so glad to hear about your father, Rocco, and your friend's husband, hoopsie!

My ongoing thoughts and prayers for the people in harm's way in the path of the hurricane. I am thankful that our weather predicting has become so advanced that they at least have adequate warning to get out of the way.
Thanks for all the prayers. My immediate loved ones made it through the storm unharmed. However, I have friends in New Orleans who still do not know if their homes are there.
I also ask that you keep the people in this area in your prayers. Many of the people who were unable to leave the area are still in danger. Many that you have seen in the shelters are from the lower income apartments that have been destroyed. Not all family has been accounted for as of now.
Please also pray that the people working to repair the cities are safe. I am blessed. I live near a hospital. My area is one of only two areas that I know of that has power. Temperatures will soar tomorrow. Please keep all of these in your prayers.
We are not able to go out and help as travel is difficult due to downed powerlines and flash flooding. Thanks again.


oh boy chelle, i hope everything is ok with u. watching the news is like watching a movie with all that water. well be safe ok.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I have been watching the news, also. That whole coast from N.O. to Alabama looks pretty bad. So much destruction. My prayers continue for your safety, chelle, and for the safety of all your friends and family. My niece-in-law is from N.O. and her parents still live there. I have not heard where they are, but hopefully they evacuated safely.
the pics i have seen have been very frightening, my prayers are for the safety of all those in the vacinity of Katrina.

I do hope your friends find that they havent lost their homes Chelle.
It's not only the hurricane damage, please pray for civility amongst the survivors. The reports of the crimes that are happening right now are truly frightening. Looting, shootings, rapes, and now I just heard that some people are trying to break into a children's hospital.
Thanks for all of your prayers. I just got in from working at a shelter long enough to feed the dog and take a shower. I am going to sleep for a while and head back out to work another shift at the shelter. Today I only worked in shifts. Tomorrow I will start 8 hr scheduled shifts. I feel so blessed, I cannot put it into words. I am safe. I lost no family or friends or property to the storm. However, many friends have lost everything.

The pictures you are seeing on TV cannot convey the depths of suffering. There are many parishes (counties) that still have no communication in or out. We have no idea of their casualties or destruction. Right now, basic survival is the main thing in many areas.

The city of New Orleans and surrounding areas will never be the same. I cannot put into the words the destruction the refugees have portrayed, the media has reported, and pictures have shown. Our local news stations have been taking emergency calls from people because it is the only number many have been hearing on their battery operated radios. Imagine your entire city destroyed. You have no idea where family members are, your home and job no longer exist, you have little food or water, and the only possesions you have are the ones you could carry with you. that is the situation of countless people.

The crime is out of control. At first, I understood it. People were desperate for survival. Then, it went beyond that. Guns were stolen and people are being shot. Yes, it is true (I am confirming this from a reliable source) that looters tried to break into a children's hospital. 1,500 people that were being used in search and rescue have been recalled from that assignment to go in and control the crime. Rescuers had to stop and wait for officers to go with them because they were being assaulted. Again, I cannot describe to you the desperate state this area is in right now.

However, for every act of lawlessness, there has been acts of heroism. I have never seen more evidence of God's hand of protection and provision. Strangers are filling up each other's car with gas. People are opening their homes to friends and strangers alike to give them a bed to sleep in and food to eat. People are walking around giving away food, clothes, bathroom supplies, etc by the car full. Sometimes, it is just a kind word, but everyone is doing something to help.

I am a teacher. My school is now a temporary shelter. When I went to help today, I was so proud to see my students (present and former) there already helping. They were playing with kids, holding the hands of the elderly, making supply bags, calling to find shelter when we were full, serving food, and even picking up trash. I was more proud of that than I will ever be of any grade they make.

Emotions run the gamut from pride in mankind, to disgust in the same, from gratefulness to guilt that I have a cool house, food to eat, and a bed to sleep in tonight. We were blessed in Baton Rouge. We have no more room in any hotel, shelter, gym, etc but we still have a city. There is literally no more room and thousands are still trying to find shelter. Please keep them in your prayers.

I did not intend to ramble on so much, but I want as many people as possible to do what they can to help, esp to pray. Please, we need that more than anything and we are in desperate need of much.

Keep praying.

Also: Keep the energy repair workers in your thoughts and pryaers. Their work is very dangerous.
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Wow Chelle, that's pretty incredible, thanks for the report. Sad as the whole situation is, it's nice to know that people are reaching out to one another and helping in this time of crisis. Continued prayers for all the people affected by this devestation.
chelle said:
Thanks for all of your prayers. I just got in from working at a shelter long enough to feed the dog and take a shower. I am going to sleep for a while and head back out to work another shift at the shelter. Today I only worked in 4 hour shifts. Tomorrow I will start 8 hr scheduled shifts. I feel so blessed, I cannot put it into words. I am safe. I lost no family or friends or property to the storm. However, many friends have lost everything.

The pictures you are seeing on TV cannot convey the depths of suffering. There are many parishes (counties) that still have no communication in or out. We have no idea of their casualties or destruction. Right now, basic survival is the main thing in many areas.

The city of New Orleans and surrounding areas will never be the same. I cannot put into the words the destruction the refugees have portrayed, the media has reported, and pictures have shown. My roommate is a TV news reporter. She has slept maybe 4 hours since the storm. Our local news stations have been taking emergency calls from people because it is the only number many have been hearing on their battery operated radios. Imagine your entire city destroyed. You have no idea where family members are, your home and job no longer exist, you have little food or water, and the only possesions you have are the ones you could carry with you. that is the situation of countless people.

The crime is out of control. At first, I understood it. People were desperate for survival. Then, it went beyond that. Guns were stolen and people are being shot. Yes, it is true (I am confirming this from a reliable source) that looters tried to break into a children's hospital. 1,500 people that were being used in search and rescue have been recalled from that assignment to go in and control the crime. Rescuers had to stop and wait for officers to go with them because they were being assaulted. Again, I cannot describe to you the desperate state this area is in right now.

However, for every act of lawlessness, there has been acts of heroism. I have never seen more evidence of God's hand of protection and provision. Strangers are filling up each other's car with gas. People are opening their homes to friends and strangers alike to give them a bed to sleep in and food to eat. People are walking around giving away food, clothes, bathroom supplies, etc by the car full. Sometimes, it is just a kind word, but everyone is doing something to help.

I am a teacher. My school is now a temporary shelter. When I went to help today, I was so proud to see my students (present and former) there already helping. They were playing with kids, holding the hands of the elderly, making supply bags, calling to find shelter when we were full, serving food, and even picking up trash. I was more proud of that than I will ever be of any grade they make.

Emotions run the gamut from pride in mankind, to disgust in the same, from gratefulness to guilt that I have a cool house, food to eat, and a bed to sleep in tonight. We were blessed in Baton Rouge. We have no more room in any hotel, shelter, gym, etc but we still have a city. There is literally no more room and thousands are still trying to find shelter. Please keep them in your prayers.

I did not intend to ramble on so much, but I want as many people as possible to do what they can to help, esp to pray. Please, we need that more than anything and we are in desperate need of much.

Keep praying.
My wife is from Baton Rouge and her entire family still resides there. We too have been blessed that no one has suffered directly from this tragedy. I pray in the blessed name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ that in the wake of this heartbreaking event, God's powerful love, comfort and protection will find the hearts of those who desperately need him now. May God bless you in your efforts chelle.
Thanks FullAB. I am thankful that your wife's family are unharmed. It is amazing to see the good in so many people. The response across our nation has been wonderful to see. The tireless efforts of the men and women working across the Gulf States is phenominal. "Life is hard, but God is Good!"


Super Moderator Emeritus
chelle - Thank you for taking the time to post your comments. I think your comments, even more than everything I've seen on the news, has brought the true magnitude of this disaster home...

My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and everyone in the area right now. My prayers especially for all of those so desperate that they are doing things they normally would never think of doing.

In the days and weeks to come, I hope you'll be able to find the time to keep us posted on how you're doing. Not only because it's a way for us to make sure you're safe, but because I think it might help you to get some of those emotions out. I've done a LITTLE work with refugees, but nothing on this scale. It's hard to be strong all the time for people who literally have nothing left.

Please, take care and be safe. Know that your friends here at Kingsfans.com are praying for you and all those in need right now in the Gulf Coast.

God Bless you.
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Thank you and God Bless you Chelle for sharing that update with us. To have a first-hand account from someone there is so much better than the endless news reports. My yoga instructor's family is all in N.O., and her daughter is a nurse. She has not been able to evacuate and leave the hospital she works at because of looters. They have been breaking into the hospital and trying to steal the drugs. My teacher said that with the high rate of crime that already exists in that city, the criminal element has now really taken over. It's unbelievable how awful some people can become in this kind of situation. But we've got to just focus on the good that others have done, so thanks for that briefing, Chelle.

Continued prayers to everyone, all of God's creatures, throughout this terrible ordeal. And please, everyone, check out the donate threads that are on here.
Continued prayers for those affected. I don't think it hit me how bad this was till I heard on the news that the rescuers are tying the dead bodies to trees so they don't float away because they're too busy trying to find survivors right now to deal with the bodies. That really got to me and I hope the countless volunteers that have gone to the worst areas can find those still on rooftops and save them in time as well as getting those bodies and giving them a proper burial.
The devastation that many are facing is overwhelming. The people we are seeing here in BR have stories that are surreal. The crime is uncontrollable. Some of it you can understand due to the frustration and desparation, but much of it is simply void of explaination. The work that lies ahead for all of the Gulf Coast is bordering on insurmountable. I, personally, do not want to even speculate on lives lost. It is more than we can handle just dealing with the living. I cannot even imagine what it is like in New Orleans. A friend of mine has a brother-in-law in the National Guard. He is "stationed" in the Superdome. The one message that he was able to get out is that it is just a difficult for him in there as it was in Iraq. Basically, the horror stories that you have seen reported on TV are true and worse.

Our shelter is temporary, so today was spent trying to find permanent placement for these people. We will be open until Monday night. We need to reopen for school on Tuesday. We are also trying to find schools for all of the displaced children. My school is trying to set up a "parallel" school. Our public school system is already over populated. Baton Rouge has grown by over 100,000 people since Monday. This is the official count, so the actual count is higher. We need more books, supplies, and room space to serve the children in school. It is a huge challenge, but I know that we will overcome the obstacles.

I believe that tragedies bring out both the best and worst in the character of mankind. While the bad may be louder, the good is stronger. If it were not for the high volume of people helping one another, I could think the situation was helpless. I am so happy to say that I have seen many more acts of kindness than ugliness. God's hand is mighty. Please keep praying that families are reunited, homes (cities) rebuilt, and hope is restored. I also ask that you pray for the safety of the relief and rescue workers. It gets more dangerous by the day.

Thanks for all of your prayers. The people from New Orleans need that more than anything at this point. I also ask that, if possible, you please contact the Red Cross and see how you can best help in a physical manner. Thanks again.