**PRAYER THREAD** (merged)


Super Moderator Emeritus
I am at a loss for words, chelle. Your post painted a picture that fills my heart with sadness...

...Please, God, give strength to all those like chelle who are doing everything they can to help. Give patience and faith to those still waiting for rescue to come... And give courage and understanding to those who will be soon entering New Orleans and the other stricken areas...

This isn't just another case of major storm damage. This is so much more ... and its impact will not truly be known for weeks, months or even years. America has been dealt a major blow and I pray we can all find something/anything to do to help.
I hate feeling so helpless while I see all of the devastation on TV. I sat in front of the television this morning with tears running down my face...God help us.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I've had the same feeling, hoopsfan.

This is such a tragedy and it's only the beginning... I had to quit watching the news earlier today. I don't know when this lump in my throat is going to go away.
It's the same here. Wall-to-wall coverage on the local stations, it is even the focus of most cable stations (espn included). Everyone I know is volunteering on some level.It has affected every part of daily life down here. You have to take a break from it all. I feel guilty even saying that after working with the victims in the shelters, but even they need a distraction.

I can honestly say that reading the posts on this board tonight has helped me do just that. It has kind of "recharged the batteries." I should tell y'all thanks for that. It's amzing how talking about something as trival (compared to everything that has happened) as sports can make you feel better. I was talking today to some people at the shelter about football and basketball. We were disagreeing about teams/players. For a few minutes things felt "normal." God uses all kinds of things to help!

Because things are so hard and will get worse before they get better, I -and most of those here- appreciate the break to talk about something else, even for a little while.


Super Moderator Emeritus
My prayers continue for chelle and all the people of Baton Rouge. According to the news, their city is now the most-populated in all of Louisiana as they continue to receive refugees from Katrina.
Thanks, we need it. I was trying today to get errnads done. Things that would normally take me a couple hours took up most of the day. This was starting early. There are rows of shelves at stores that are empty. I stood next to a lady in line who was from St. Bernard parish. It was much harder hit than New Orleans. I just listened to and hugged her as she cried and talked. It is heart breaking. In Baton Rouge, we are over crowed. The Mayor has required a dawn to dusk curfew downtown. I expected people to complain, but I have been so happy to hear none. Our people have been opening their homes, hearts, and wallets. They are giving to the point that our shelter had to ask people to take their donations to other shelters. The Human Spirit is amazing.

Please do not look at the looters as a picture of the people here. Most are giving more than is really possible in order to help each other. The crime is more visible, but the goodness is more abundant.

VF, I told head of our computer systems at the shelter about the website you mentioned. He was very appreciative. I know that it will help. Thanks!
chelle: My wife wanted me to pass along from one Baton Rougean to another, something I guess you'll understand........"You makin' us proud chere'"......

May the Lord God continue to bless the people of Lousiana and those all along the Gulf coast who are seeking Him. Ane you're right chelle, God is good.......all the time!
Many thanks to you and your wife, FullAB. You would be so proud of the people from your hometown. Southern Grace and hospitality at its best! Keep praying.


Homer Fan Since 1985
6th said:
I have been watching the news, also. That whole coast from N.O. to Alabama looks pretty bad. So much destruction. My prayers continue for your safety, chelle, and for the safety of all your friends and family. My niece-in-law is from N.O. and her parents still live there. I have not heard where they are, but hopefully they evacuated safely.
I just got a message (finally) from my niece-in-law (Jennifer). Good news! Her father is safe. Thanks for everyone's continued prayers.

Aunt, XXXXX, great to hear from you. Yes! It has been a real ordeal. My father got rescued 4 1/2 days after the storm hit. He was stuck in a nursing home taking care of some patients. He is out now, and trying to figure out what to do from here. I am still feeling a bit upset by everything.

Thank you for thinking of us. I will write soon.

Love and kisses,
6th said:
I just got a message (finally) from my niece-in-law (Jennifer). Good news! Her father is safe. Thanks for everyone's continued prayers.

Aunt, XXXXX, great to hear from you. Yes! It has been a real ordeal. My father got rescued 4 1/2 days after the storm hit. He was stuck in a nursing home taking care of some patients. He is out now, and trying to figure out what to do from here. I am still feeling a bit upset by everything.

Thank you for thinking of us. I will write soon.

Love and kisses,
That's great news!!!


Super Moderator Emeritus
My prayers are continuing too - both for those who have lost their homes, etc. AND for those who are trying to help. It can't be easy.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I finally have an interview scheduled for a DMV job on Fri morning. Please pray that I do well and am selected.
I'll be thinking about ya on Friday, 6th..prayers for you.

Also..I've receieved 3 emails this week from friends from high school who are in the Katrina area. One friend lives in MS.and is dealing with house damage and no power for at least 2 more weeks. Another works for American Airlines in Texas and has volunteered for 2 flights, so far, evacuating people..and the other is in the Air Force who has been working on the rescue of survivors all week and will soon have the daunting task of recovery of the dead. He has asked for prayers for him and his crews.


Super Moderator Emeritus
hoopsfan said:
I'll be thinking about ya on Friday, 6th..prayers for you.

Also..I've receieved 3 emails this week from friends from high school who are in the Katrina area. One friend lives in MS.and is dealing with house damage and no power for at least 2 more weeks. Another works for American Airlines in Texas and has volunteered for 2 flights, so far, evacuating people..and the other is in the Air Force who has been working on the rescue of survivors all week and will soon have the daunting task of recovery of the dead. He has asked for prayers for him and his crews.
My heartfelt prayers for all of them, but especially for the Air Force member. The task he is going to take part in will be with him the rest of his life. I pray most fervently that God gives him the strength to be able to get through it physically, mentally and emotionally.
Good luck 6th andf continued prayers for all those dealing with the aftermath of this tragedy. Now comes the worst part, recovering bodies. That has got to be the hardest job in the world especially now when some time has passed. It takes a very strong person to be able to do that and my heart goes out to all those who have this task. Watching the news still brings tears to my eyes.
My prayers to 6th and again for all those affected by H.K.

And now for my job prayer-my boss is coming to visit our office this morning for a day-long visit, and it was thought that it would be just be a general visit to meet us and see what we do. We're now getting the feeling that his visit might have ulterior motives that may not be positive for us in the long run. :eek: Prayers that this is not the case!
I found this at my other online home, and wanted it to be read here.

From a Dr. who was there

Hemant Vankawala, 34, is a doctor with one of the nine Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) medical groups set up at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, treating evacuees from New Orleans. He is an emergency room physician in Dallas, Texas, and joined a Dallas-based DMAT just two months ago -- just in time for the biggest natural disaster in American history.

Here are excerpts from an e-mail he sent to family, friends and colleagues about his experience:

My team was activated 11 days ago. For the past eight days, I have been living and working at the New Orleans airport, delivering medical care to the Katrina hurricane survivors.

Let me start by saying that I am safe, and after a very rough first week am now better-rested and fed. Our team was the first to arrive at theairport and set up our field hospital. We watched our population grow from 30 DMAT personnel taking care of six patients and two security guards [to] around 10,000 people in the first 15 hours.

These people had had no food or water or security for several days and were tired, frustrated, sick, wet, and heartbroken. People were brought in by trucks, buses, ambulances, school buses, cars and helicopters. We received patients from hospitals, schools, homes ... the entire remaining population of New Orleans, funneled through our doors.

Our little civilian team, along with a couple of other DMAT teams, set up and ran the biggest evacuation this country has ever seen. The numbers are absolutely staggering.

In hindsight, it seems silly that a bunch of civilian yahoos came in and took over the airport and had it up and running -- exceeding its normal operating load of passengers -- with an untrained skeleton crew and generator partial power. But we did what we had to do, and I think we did it well.

Our team has been working the flight line, off-loading helos [helicopters]. Overnight, we turned New Orleans' airport into the busiest helicopter base in the entire world. At any given time, there were at least eight to 10 helos off-loading on the tarmac, each filled with 10 to 40 survivors at a time, with 10 circling to land ... It was a non-stop, never-ending, 24-hour-a-day operation.

The CNN footage does not even begin to do it justice -- the roar of rotor blades, the smell of jet-A [fuel] and the thousands of eyes looking at us for answers, for hope...

Our busiest day, we off-loaded just under 15,000 patients by air and ground. At that time, we had about 30 medical providers and 100 ancillary staff. All we could do was provide the barest amount of comfort care. We watched many, many people die. We practiced medical triage at its most basic -- "black-tagging" the sickest people and culling them from the masses so that they could die in a separate area.

I cannot even begin to describe the transformation in my own sensibilities, from my normal practice of medicine to the reality of the operation here. We were so short on wheelchairs and litters we had to stack patients in airport chairs and lay them on the floor. They remained there for hours, too tired to be frightened, too weak to care about their urine- and stool-soaked clothing, too desperate to even ask what was going to happen next.

Imagine trading single-patient-use latex gloves for a pair of thick leather work gloves that never came off your hands -- then you can begin to imagine what it was like.

We did not practice medicine. There was nothing sexy or glamorous or routine about what we did. We moved hundreds of patients an hour, thousands of patients a day, off the flightline and into the terminal and baggage area. Patients were loaded onto baggage carts and trucked to the baggage area ... like, well, baggage. And there was no time to talk, no time to cry, no time to think, because they kept on coming. Our only salvation was when the bureaucratic Washington machine was able to ramp up and streamline the exodus of patients out of here.

Our team worked a couple of shifts in the medical tent as well. Imagine people so desperate, so sick, so like the five to 10 "true" emergencies you may get on a shift ... only coming through the door non-stop. Now imagine having no beds, no [oxygen], no nothing -- except some nitro, aspirin and all the good intentions in the world.

We did everything from delivering babies to simply providing morphine and a blanket to septic and critical patients, and allowing them to die.

During the days that it took for that exodus to occur, we filled the airport to its bursting point. There was a time when there were 16,000 angry, tired, frustrated people here. There were stabbings, rapes and people on the verge of mobbing. The flightline, lined with two parallel rows of Dauphins, Sea Kings, Hueys, Chinooks and every other kind of helicopter imaginable, was a dangerous place -- but we were much more frightened whenever we entered the sea of displaced humanity that had filled every nook and cranny of the airport.

[It's] only now that the thousands of survivors have been evacuated -- and the floors soaked in bleach, the putrid air allowed to exchange for fresh,the number of soldiers [outnumbering] the patients -- that we feel safe.

I have met so many people while down here -- people who were at Ground Zero at 9-11, people who have done tsunami relief, tours in Iraq -- and every one of them has said this is the worst thing they have ever seen. It's unanimous, and these are some battle-worn veterans of every kind of disaster you can imagine.

For those of you who want to help, the next step is to help [evacuees] who arrive in your local area. The only real medical care these survivors will receive is once they land in a safe, clean area far from here. For the 50,000 people we ran through this airport over the last couple of days -- if they were able to survive and make it somewhere else -- their care will begin only when providers in Dallas and Houston and Chicago and Baton Rouge volunteer at the shelters and provide care.

And yes, there are many, many more on their way. Many of the sickest simply died while here at the airport. Many have been stressed beyond measure and will die shortly, even though they were evacuated. If you are not medical, then go the shelters, hold hands, give hugs and prayers. If nothing else, it will remind you how much you have, and how grateful we all should be.

These people have nothing. Not only have they lost their material possessions and homes, many have lost their children, spouses, parents, arms, legs, vision... everything that is important.

Talk to these survivors, hear their stories and what they have been through. Look into their eyes. You will never think of America the same way. You will never look at your family the same way. You will never look at your home the same way. And I promise, it will forever change the way you practice medicine.

Hemant H. Vankawala, M.D.

When you offer your prayers/good thoughts/well wishes for Katrina's victims, offer another for the rescue workers - they fight the battle against despair.